Found Deceased Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #2 *Arrests*

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If my brother needed help moving a friends car I would with no questions.
But when the police came knocking, like they did, it would be an 'oh *****' moment.
The police spoke with the occupants when the 24 year old arrived home.
The twin didn't need to fly anywhere because he had an older brother living with him.
Having seen the accuseds photo, he certainly looks a little slow in the head.

No excuse for murder though obviously. Lock him up for life.
Having seen the accuseds photo, he certainly looks a little slow in the head.

No excuse for murder though obviously. Lock him up for life.

I want to see a photo but haven't yet. Perhaps you mean brother L?
IF THE scenario in which he is a central figure wasn’t so horribly, tragically, real, murder suspect Vincent Stanford could be a character out of a book or screenplay.
A cross between Hollywood’s Rain Man and the simple-minded giant Lenny from John Steinbeck’s book Of Mice and Men. A seemingly naive savant with a gift for numbers and love of animals, who had difficulty with changes of routine.
And yet, in a world where most of us are actually online nearly permanently, it seems extraordinary that such demonising of internet users still transpires. Apparently there is still some journalistic logic in trying to separate normal and deviant use of the computers. Posting well-lit selfies and laboriously curated images of a "happy" life on Facebook is apparently fine, safe, normal: using a snake avatar and gaming for hours online apparently makes a person more likely to be a murderer.
Former employer reveals he was nicknamed 'King Kong' by workmates
Colleagues gave him moniker because he had great strength and body hair
Stanford's former boss claims his mother told them her son had autism
A friend also revealed Stanford left his job for a bit to sign up for the army
Stanford is charged with the murder of Leeton teacher Stephanie Scott

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Much to learn about V's character and autism.

'He is a big guy and exceptionally strong. I think it is part of his condition. If he shut a tap even my husband could not open it again,' Dutch business owner Mireille Antonisse said.

'You would have to shout for him to come back.

'Later on, his colleagues nicknamed him King Kong because he could lift two crates with one hand like it was nothing.'

Stanford, who weighed 110 kg, was so strong he could lift two huge wooden crates with one hand and also did not seem to feel the cold, wearing only a T-shirt in temperatures as low as minus 10 degrees.

Stanford left the company briefly because he wanted to go into the army, but was rejected because of his psychological problems, friends have claimed.

'He wanted to fight the extremists to protect his country from them,' friend Pierre Vandersteen told Daily Mail Australia.

Mr Vandersteen said it was around the time that filmmaker Theo Van Gogh was murdered in an extremist attack.

'He would say "Those bad people are destroying our country. I want to join the army to protect our country from those crazy people",' he said.

Vincent, 11 years old

A school photograph of Stephanie Scott’s accused murderer has surfaced

by kemmy · April 17, 2015

Stanford moved back to Australia just over a year ago, but still kept in touch with friends over in Holland.

A close friend of the man accused of murdering Stephanie Scott was told ‘everything’s fine’ when they chatted via an online poker website just two weeks before the high school teacher’s body was found.

Sorry, can't link. Please google the pic under "stephanie scott+holland+australien" and click at it.

(There is a video showing V's work space.)

Vincent by now had left the Antonisse cleaning company and was working at export, packing and shipping firm Fladderak at Delft, 20 minutes from Zoetermeer. Employed to cut timber to build crates for packaging, it was here that the 1.8m 110kg Vincent’s natural strength — earning him the nickname King Kong — and gift for numbers became evident.

“We use big sheets of plywood,” Mr Fladderak said. “My other workers can lift one or two at a time. Vincent would pick up four, maybe even five, and carry them across the floor.

“Sometimes after work some of us would go and play darts. Vincent would come but he didn’t play. He just liked to do the scores, adding the numbers in his head. He was very fast.”
Thanks Amee and Alioop, maybe that is the case then, they've grabbed their evidence and they are done with the house now.

The house makes the most sense to me and now that the crime scene question is somewhat cleared up I am still leaning towards the house. My only question is, wouldn't the neighbours have seen her car in his driveway/on the street? He would have had to move her car straight away if it had been at his house. Even though her car wasn't being searched for at the time, when the police started searching and asked everyone to keep an eye out surely neighbours would remember seeing a red car that was never normally at their house? Then again, it was in an open field and no one saw it except for one person who thought the shiny, newish red car belonged to a farmer and not the missing woman..... < Being facetious :laugh:
I understand what you're saying about the close relationship of twins. This pair of twins seems a bit odd, because one them not only left his twin, but his whole family at the same time. It sounds like some sort of rift with the family.

My first impression was that VS is not the killer and is being set up. I haven't seen anything to change my mind yet. If anything, it seems more likely than not.

It does seem that things are just too unorganised and deliberately made to look like a "dumb" person did it! of course it may well be the case but how many mistakes can you make and how obvious can you make your guilt?!! I know some kids that have Aspergers who are completely OCD about things being done in a particular way and those must go perfectly or they lose the ****!
I wonder why they would say this unless they found evidence that her death occurred elsewhere. Maybe blood spatter patterns somewhere else significant enough to suggest death followed. Perhaps then the blood in the car was more residual smears and drips from clothing and hair etc than fresh from wounds.
Sorry to be graphic. It's awful just thinking about the possibilities.

Remember all the markers at the house in the vicinity of the driveway in front of the carport - likely to be blood spots.
Interesting. Tragic consequences from a hypothetical lifetime of prolonged sadness i.e. loss of family unit in Australia with failure of the marriage, loss of father, loss of country of origin i.e.move from Australia to Netherlands; combined with possible 'special' needs officially unidentified,untreated and lacking supports needed. If unidentified as 'special' needs, but experienced as 'strange' then there are implications for negative school experiences with teachers/peers here IMO. Major adjustment was required to new country, new culture, new language. Father absent as he lived back in Australia and mother absent due to being the main breadwinner earning enough income to support the household. Older brother may have stepped in as 'substitute parent' at times. The photo above of VS tells a story: that is not a bright, happy face IMO. This single mother may have endured much with raising three sons on her own, one son possibly undiagnosed 'special' needs. These boys would have experienced daily life without either parent in effect. Nobody home after school. A tired, exhausted mother when home. Did they have any family supports?

Migrating back to Australia required another major adjustment IMO as they did not return to Tasmania where they allegedly originated from, but settled in a small, quiet country town in NSW. Did their father know they had returned to Australia? What cost/losses of the migration to LS? He lives at home with his mother and he is older that VS. Is he mother's helper and 'co-parent' to VS? MS obviously chose to separate and live independently in a different state. Regardless, we have to admire this family for keeping together despite encountering enormous adversities in life. The mother has been employed consistently and provided for this family as the main breadwinner. She couldn't do everything! If the lawns were unkempt, etc then this may reflect the absence of the father figure to support and guide the sons to contribute to the household upkeep.

It is further sad and further tragic if VS is the alleged murderer of SS. They are not responsible for his actions. He had been living & employed in the community as a free citizen with legal responsibility for his actions - unless proven mentally incompetent to make reasonable decisions.

By contrast, there are families who have not encountered such adversities whose sons still commit murder e.g. one case in Victoria where a young male wanted to kill someone. He chose another neighbor's house, approached them, etc. They let him in because they had known him all his life. He had a knife in hidden in his clothing. He murdered them. It took some weeks for the police to investigate and make an arrest in that case. This is another murderous act beyond the control of his parents or anybody else.

Sometimes, as we know, the desire to attack/murder has been brewing silently within the mind of the murderer alone. Dupas is another example. He allegedly attacked a female neighbor at the age of 15 years with a knife. As we know he went on to become a serial murderer.

However, none of this information about the family reported in the newspapers has actually been verified yet. It is speculated and possibly embellished through the media who want a story. We know little about this family and about VS at this point. Reporters are searching out anecdotal information because the police have not released much information about this horrific murder or about the murderer at this point. We need to keep an open mind as well as sleuth possibilities. We know that the police have arrested VS for the murder of SS and stated in msn that no others are suspected of being involved. We may be informed more after June 4th. My speculation and opinion only.
Welcome 9lives. Thank you for the local info!

If the water baliff is correct in seeing SS car 'a few days earlier', not sure why her car was not spotted earlier, especially with the family hiring the helicopter.
Agree with your questions about the email being sent from office PC and not her laptop. The thing that has me really puzzled is that when the police gave estimated time of murder as being between 11am and 7.20pm, they already knew the email to the bus company had been sent at 12.59pm - so did the police have a suspicion that it may not have been SS who hit send?

Perhaps the email delayed sending & when it did send & made the whoosh sound (hypothetically) he panicked about location gps on the ipad? A long shot but possible.

I keep looking at the photo of VS's house and the fireplace....

In the mouth of madness...
The multiple crime scene thing really is a mindbender. Possible scenario:

He took Stephanie in her car, or she gave him a lift, either way she was initially attacked in her car.

Stephanie's car was driven to its dump site, with her in it.

He walked back home, got his own car, travelled to her car, loaded her body into it, took it home...

And then drove her to the body disposal site later. Set her on fire to mask DNA. Took pic as trophy.

He took the computer with him, maybe to retrieve files & pics for trophies also.

These are still the lines I am thinking along... but the house still stands out to me, originally I thought the house too but now I feel if she was murdered there they wouldn't have taken the crime scene away so soon. Maybe that is standard practice once they have the things they need but it just felt too quick IMO.

This is common in Australia. Crime scenes are only established for as long as it takes to recover evidence.

E.g. look at the body removal. It was discovered at 5 pm or so in a forest. It would have then taken at least a couple of hours to mobilise and get forensics officers, photographers, detectives etc to the scene. Then the body was removed at 1am, i.e. only 8 hours after it was first discovered. It wouldn't have been removed until the evidence at the scene/photographs had been taken.
Interesting. Tragic consequences from a hypothetical lifetime of prolonged sadness i.e. loss of family unit in Australia with failure of the marriage, loss of father, loss of country of origin i.e.move from Australia to Netherlands; combined with possible 'special' needs officially unidentified,untreated and lacking supports needed. If unidentified as 'special' needs, but experienced as 'strange' then there are implications for negative school experiences with teachers/peers here IMO. Major adjustment was required to new country, new culture, new language. Father absent as he lived back in Australia and mother absent due to being the main breadwinner earning enough income to support the household. Older brother may have stepped in as 'substitute parent' at times. The photo above of VS tells a story: that is not a bright, happy face IMO. This single mother may have endured much with raising three sons on her own, one son possibly undiagnosed 'special' needs. These boys would have experienced daily life without either parent in effect. Nobody home after school. A tired, exhausted mother when home. Did they have any family supports?

Migrating back to Australia required another major adjustment IMO as they did not return to Tasmania where they allegedly originated from, but settled in a small, quiet country town in NSW. Did their father know they had returned to Australia? What cost/losses of the migration to LS? He lives at home with his mother and he is older that VS. Is he mother's helper and 'co-parent' to VS? MS obviously chose to separate and live independently in a different state. Regardless, we have to admire this family for keeping together despite encountering enormous adversities in life. The mother has been employed consistently and provided for this family as the main breadwinner. She couldn't do everything! If the lawns were unkempt, etc then this may reflect the absence of the father figure to support and guide the sons to contribute to the household upkeep.

It is further sad and further tragic if VS is the alleged murderer of SS. They are not responsible for his actions. He had been living & employed in the community as a free citizen with legal responsibility for his actions - unless proven mentally incompetent to make reasonable decisions.

By contrast, there are families who have not encountered such adversities whose sons still commit murder e.g. one case in Victoria where a young male wanted to kill someone. He chose another neighbor's house, approached them, etc. They let him in because they had known him all his life. He had a knife in hidden in his clothing. He murdered them. It took some weeks for the police to investigate and make an arrest in that case. This is another murderous act beyond the control of his parents or anybody else.

Sometimes, as we know, the desire to attack/murder has been brewing silently within the mind of the murderer alone. Dupas is another example. He allegedly attacked a female neighbor at the age of 15 years with a knife. As we know he went on to become a serial murderer.

However, none of this information about the family reported in the newspapers has actually been verified yet. It is speculated and possibly embellished through the media who want a story. We know little about this family and about VS at this point. Reporters are searching out anecdotal information because the police have not released much information about this horrific murder or about the murderer at this point. We need to keep an open mind as well as sleuth possibilities. We know that the police have arrested VS for the murder of SS and stated in msn that no others are suspected of being involved. We may be informed more after June 4th. My speculation and opinion only.

Thank you for a very good and empathetic post Fuskier. I fully agree with your interpretation of the likely family circumstances and disruption to them as a whole.

Another one who just wanted to kill, apparently from about 14 years of age, in Victoria, was Paul Denyer. One of his 3 female victims was the mother of a week old baby. Fortunately, he will never be released.
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