Found Deceased Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #2 *Arrests*

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Like his brothers Vincent now fell into a daily routine of sitting in his room playing computer games, with Anika, who provided home care for the handicapped, the sole breadwinner. Those who saw inside the house said it was a mess, unkempt and overrun by the family’s nine cats, who Vincent adored. Luke rarely ventured outside.

Vincent was particularly close to his mother and would walk to the nearby shops with her. It was on one such trip that he was spotted by local cleaner Richard Antonisse who, sensing a young man with social difficulties needing help, offered him a job.

Antonisse says Anika Stanford told him her son was autistic, but there is no known evidence to suggest he was ever medically diagnosed or received treatment.

Has there been any news of a court-ordered assessment? I can't find any.
Like his brothers Vincent now fell into a daily routine of sitting in his room playing computer games, with Anika, who provided home care for the handicapped, the sole breadwinner. Those who saw inside the house said it was a mess, unkempt and overrun by the family’s nine cats, who Vincent adored. Luke rarely ventured outside.

Vincent was particularly close to his mother and would walk to the nearby shops with her. It was on one such trip that he was spotted by local cleaner Richard Antonisse who, sensing a young man with social difficulties needing help, offered him a job.

Antonisse says Anika Stanford told him her son was autistic, but there is no known evidence to suggest he was ever medically diagnosed or received treatment.

Has there been any news of a court-ordered assessment? I can't find any.

bbm red

A relative who lives in the Netherlands claimed that Stanford was autistic.
'Vincent had lots of jobs as a cleaner, and as a mariner on a cargo ship. But he's not all there. He's autistic. It runs in our family,' he said.
'It's not just a guess. When I visited Vincent did not speak or make eye contact. he was completely in his own world.
'He can only do a job if someone is guiding him and helping him and telling him exactly what to do.'

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Why should Vincent's mother and Vincent's other relative be wrong with this statement about "autistic Vincent"?? Anika
certainly knew enough about autism because of her profession and perhaps also knew how to deal with such a child (after all, she was closely associated with him, which is really unusual for an autistic, IMO).

Who says that Vincent's autism has never been officially recognized?
Who says that autism necessarily has to be treated with therapies (if a single mother hadn't time nor money to work on that intensively for years)?
Now I have to look on TV: 60th Eurovision Song Contest at Wien, first time with A u s t r a l i a and Guy Sebastian (favorite, I heard).
I'm a little nervous ...............
bbm red

A relative who lives in the Netherlands claimed that Stanford was autistic.
'Vincent had lots of jobs as a cleaner, and as a mariner on a cargo ship. But he's not all there. He's autistic. It runs in our family,' he said.
'It's not just a guess. When I visited Vincent did not speak or make eye contact. he was completely in his own world.
'He can only do a job if someone is guiding him and helping him and telling him exactly what to do.'

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Why should Vincent's mother and Vincent's other relative be wrong with this statement about "autistic Vincent"?? Anika
certainly knew enough about autism because of her profession and perhaps also knew how to deal with such a child (after all, she was closely associated with him, which is really unusual for an autistic, IMO).

Who says that Vincent's autism has never been officially recognized?
Who says that autism necessarily has to be treated with therapies (if a single mother hadn't time nor money to work on that intensively for years)?

Cripes, I wasn't trying to provoke anyone to get all defensive.

Just, it could, you know, be slightly important to the case, that claims as to his mental condition be verified. I am just surprised that there's been no mention of an assessment, as it is something that will likely come up in court.

And it's happened a couple of times now, that families of accused have claimed autism, when that was not at all the case or there's been some question of it among professionals. Despite the parents claiming it's so.
[10-460] The relevance of an offender’s mental condition

The fact that an offender was, or is, suffering from a mental disorder or disability either at the time of the commission of the offence or at the time of sentencing may be taken into account at sentencing: R v Anderson [1981] VR 155; (1980) 2 A Crim R 379. In summary proceedings, it may be relevant to a s 32 application under the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act 1990 (see [90-050]).

An offender’s mental condition can have the effect of reducing a person’s moral culpability and matters such as general deterrence, retribution and denunciation have less weight: Muldrock v The Queen (2011) 244 CLR 120 at [53]; R v Israil [2002] NSWCCA 255 at [23]; R v Henry (1999) 46 NSWLR 346 at 354. This is especially so where the mental condition contributes to the commission of the offence in a material way: DPP (Cth) v De La Rosa (2010) 79 NSWLR 1 at [177].

The High Court explained the rationale for the principle in Muldrock v The Queen at [53]:

One purpose of sentencing is to deter others who might be minded to offend as the offender has done. Young CJ, [in R v Mooney in a passage that has been frequently cited, said this [(unrep, 21/6/78, Vic CCA) at p 5]:

“General deterrence should often be given very little weight in the case of an offender suffering from a mental disorder or abnormality because such an offender is not an appropriate medium for making an example to others.”

The High Court continued at [54]:

The principle is well recognised. It applies in sentencing offenders suffering from mental illness, and those with an intellectual handicap. A question will often arise as to the causal relation, if any, between an offender's mental illness and the commission of the offence. Such a question is less likely to arise in sentencing a mentally retarded offender because the lack of capacity to reason, as an ordinary person might, as to the wrongfulness of the conduct will, in most cases, substantially lessen the offender's moral culpability for the offence. The retributive effect and denunciatory aspect of a sentence that is appropriate to a person of ordinary capacity will often be inappropriate to the situation of a mentally retarded offender and to the needs of the community. [Footnotes excluded.]

Sentencing an offender who suffers from a mental disorder commonly calls for a “sensitive discretionary decision”: R v Engert (1995) 84 A Crim R 67 at 67. This involves the application of the particular facts and circumstances of the case to the purposes of criminal punishment set out in Veen v The Queen (No 2) (1988) 164 CLR 465 at 488. The purposes overlap and often point in different directions. It is therefore erroneous in principle to approach sentencing, as Gleeson CJ put it in R v Engert at 68:

… as though automatic consequences follow from the presence or absence of particular factual circumstances. In every case, what is called for is the making of a discretionary decision in the light of the circumstances of the individual case, and in the light of the purposes to be served by the sentencing exercise.

Some of the types of mental conditions that offenders can have are described in Intellectual Disability and Rights Service, “Step by Step Guide to Making a Section 32 Application for a Person with an Intellectual Disability”, October 2011, accessed 11 April 2012. The broad term “developmental disability” is used in the publication to cover “disability categories such as: intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism (including Asperger disorder) and some neurological conditions (at p 8, referencing Errol *advertiser censored*, An Introduction to Intellectual Disability in Australia, 3rd edn, Australian Institute on Intellectual Disability, 1998). Mental condition also includes a disability of mind resulting from acquired brain injury (at p 11).
Cripes, I wasn't trying to provoke anyone to get all defensive.

Just, it could, you know, be slightly important to the case, that claims as to his mental condition be verified. I am just surprised that there's been no mention of an assessment, as it is something that will likely come up in court.

And it's happened a couple of times now, that families of accused have claimed autism, when that was not at all the case or there's been some question of it among professionals. Despite the parents claiming it's so.

Everything is well, I did not feel provoked at all. :)
Something that isn't discussed with regards to autism is the Aspergers spectrum and the attraction to computer games. I have spoken to a trusted professional friend who works with Aspergers children for years and sees them for years through their treatment. She seems to have a deep understanding of them. Her father was a scientist. She says that they are more able to access and hover in 'hunter' brainwaves. This made sense to me as my OH and I have both got Aspergers relatives who have either been airforce, NASA or scientists/mathematicians.
Just putting it out there. I need to do my own reading and find links to back it up.
This is helpful:
(I can't inser URLs atm)
Tomorrow is 4th June 2015. Vincent is due to appear via videolink before the Court. Waiting to hear more about this horrific crime.


Tomorrow is 4th June 2015. Vincent is due to appear via videolink before the Court. Waiting to hear more about this horrific crime.



"Vincent Stanford"
"Yes, I do understand."

Ready. :gaah:

Ms Scott’s red Mazda was spotted early this morning by the Network Nine helicopter, dumped in a property about 8.5km west of Leeton.

In the car, officers found a camera with images of a burnt body.

In her car???

Ms Scott’s red Mazda was spotted early this morning by the Network Nine helicopter, dumped in a property about 8.5km west of Leeton.

“That has presently been secured as a crime scene and will be processed during the day,” Commander Rowan said.

A second crime scene had been set up at a property in Leeton, he said.

There are a number of scenes that will be processed over the next coming days by our forensic service police and at that point when we know stuff it would be appropriate to comment,” he said.

Police earlier charged a 24-year-old school cleaner with the murder of teacher Stephanie Scott.

The arrested man, a cleaner at the school, is in police custody and will appear in Griffith Local Court later today. He was arrested on Wednesday evening at a home on Maiden Avenue in Leeton. Officers visited the home at about 7.30pm and were speaking to two residents, when a third resident, a 24-year-old man, arrived home.

Sloppy reporting or more?
I always took that to mean his mother and older non-twin brother.

Police earlier charged a 24-year-old school cleaner with the murder of teacher Stephanie Scott.

The arrested man, a cleaner at the school, is in police custody and will appear in Griffith Local Court later today. He was arrested on Wednesday evening at a home on Maiden Avenue in Leeton. Officers visited the home at about 7.30pm and were speaking to two residents, when a third resident, a 24-year-old man, arrived home.

Sloppy reporting or more?

"Police believe Ms Scott was already dead by the time she was arrived at the isolated spot in Cocoparra National Park, NSW, on Friday"...

Hopefully, we'll find out more today. :facepalm:

Stephanie Scott's accused killer back in court on Thursday
June 2, 2015.
"Vincent Stanford’s case is listed for Griffith Local Court.
The 24-year-old school cleaner has not yet entered a plea".

I recall in an msm article that Vincent was not cooperating with the police investigation.Sounds like that still maybe the case.

Search NSW court lists
Date: Today

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1 results (last refreshed at 9:32am 04 Jun 2015)
Date Time Case no. Case name Jurisdiction Court Listing type Presiding officers Location Court room List no.
04 Jun 9:30 am 2015/00104505 R v VINCENT STANFORD Criminal Local Court Mention (Police) Local Court Magistrate Pearce Griffith.
Oh no :( I feel for the families right now. We may get more answers but it will be traumatic. Possibly they have findings from the autopsy. This case still leaves me with a sick feeling.

Cleaner Vincent Stanford charged with sexually assaulting Stephanie Scott before her death
June 4, 2015 - 9:56AM

Police charged the 24-year-old on Wednesday with one count of aggravated sexual assault and inflicting actual bodily harm on Ms Scott ...

Police will allege Mr Stanford had aggravated sexual intercourse with Ms Scott without her consent sometime between 1.40pm and 2pm on April 5... :mad:

Mr Stanford's employers at Colin Joss & Co cleaning division said Mr Stanford was not supposed to be working that day but were still trying to clarify whether he had keys to the school...
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