Found Deceased Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #2 *Arrests*

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I just don't know anymore, TGY.

These conflicting reports are very confusing. On the one hand, we have several eye-witness reports from the time.

Then today Ms Mulder says it is all untrue and categorically denies statements attributed to her in MSM.

Surely, if the incident was deemed that important at the time, it would have been logged and the file easily pulled up.
Yes, learning something about it is always desirable.

The term Asperger's fell out of favour long ago, at the same time as labelling someone with Down Syndrome as "downs". If you are going to use the term correctly it is Asperger Syndrome.

And even that is outdated. It is no longer known as Asperger Syndrome, it is now Autism II or ASD.

The link you gave, Autism Speaks, is avoided by most professionals because of it's outdated misinformation. They advocate 'curing' and 'eradicating' autism (which can't be done), they have NOBODY with autism on their board and only 4% of their donations are given to helping families.

Slightly OT but afaik the term Aspergers is still used here in the UK, I would use it myself simply as a shorthand for someone who is on the spectrum but towards the lower end (I hope I'm not offending anyone by using the wrong terminology, that's certainly not my intention)
Fire victim Chris Noble's parents feel for Stephanie Scott's family

Ross and Liz Noble have a unique insight into what the family of murdered school teacher Stephanie Scott will be going through as the coming weeks bring her funeral and the police investigation and the justice process takes it course.

Their son, Chris Noble, came from the central western NSW town of Canowindra where Ms Scott grew up. And like Ms Scott, their son was also allegedly murdered.

Mr Noble, 27, died in September last year when Rozelle convenience store owner Adeel Khan allegedly set his store alight, causing a massive explosion.
One thing that seems certain is.. he wasn't rostered on for work that Sunday.. so he wasn't at the school for work purposes. So what purpose would he have to be there? use of the WIFI? checking things out? returning some borrowed tools? How long had he been there? did he arrive before Stephanie or after ? who surprised whom? these are things I want to know.

Is it 100% certain that he was at the school?

I have missed confirmation of that, I had thought that maybe he met her at the gate or by her car (don't know if she was parked on the school premises itself) or even outside on the pavement after she had done what she needed to at the school and was on her way out.
Is it 100% certain that he was at the school?

I have missed confirmation of that, I had thought that maybe he met her at the gate or by her car (don't know if she was parked on the school premises itself) or even outside on the pavement after she had done what she needed to at the school and was on her way out.

At some point, Stanford, a cleaner employed by a contractor, was also there, police will allege.

Police believe the 24-year-old had access to keys and would enter the grounds from time to time outside of his rostered hours.
Mystery surrounds Scott's final hours

Just over 6km from where police found Ms Scott's iPad in the canal, her car was found on a rural property neighbouring vineyards.

A water bailiff had noticed the car in its unusual location a couple of days before but thought it belonged to a farm worker, locals say.

But with police continuing to piece together Ms Scott's final hours, there is still much that remains unknown.
I just don't know anymore, TGY.

These conflicting reports are very confusing. On the one hand, we have several eye-witness reports from the time.

Then today Ms Mulder says it is all untrue and categorically denies statements attributed to her in MSM.

Surely, if the incident was deemed that important at the time, it would have been logged and the file easily pulled up.

I'm pretty sure that the memory of the classmates and their parents is correct, the school person either doesn't know anything or is in damage limitation mode hoping that a denial will make it go away.

That said I don't think bad behaviour in primary school is a cast iron indicator of anything in later life
At some point, Stanford, a cleaner employed by a contractor, was also there, police will allege.

Police believe the 24-year-old had access to keys and would enter the grounds from time to time outside of his rostered hours.

Thanks Amee, it that's true someone needs to take a look at the security systems of the cleaning company.

How would a contract cleaner get hold of keys in the first place - either he made a copy or kept some he'd been given for some reason. I don't work in a school so don't know how likely that would be but I would be very worried if that was something that happens regularly.

Did he have keys to the other places he cleaned too?
Is it 100% certain that he was at the school?

I have missed confirmation of that, I had thought that maybe he met her at the gate or by her car (don't know if she was parked on the school premises itself) or even outside on the pavement after she had done what she needed to at the school and was on her way out.

That's possible. It was said that she was working at the front of the school (but according to police they seem to believe he was within the school as per article above):

Ms Scott had been working in a staffroom near the front of the school, preparing last-minute lesson plans for her relief teacher before she was to be married on Saturday.
Mystery surrounds Scott's final hours

Just over 6km from where police found Ms Scott's iPad in the canal, her car was found on a rural property neighbouring vineyards.

A water bailiff had noticed the car in its unusual location a couple of days before but thought it belonged to a farm worker, locals say.

But with police continuing to piece together Ms Scott's final hours, there is still much that remains unknown.

That is actually a really good wrap of the events so far. Thank you.
I'm relieved to know the car was there several days earlier. I guess it rules out someone moving the car after VS was arrested.
I don’t think that Ms Mulder, Prins Florisschool principal, said that there were no aggressive incidents. She says that she did not say anything about aggressive incidents.

As a school principal, it is not up to her to say anything to MSM about the case. Her school’s student records should be confidential.

And if she did accidently insinuate something (perhaps nodded her head to say she understood a question, and Daily Mail took that as confirmation of their leading question – who’d have thunk it from the DM??) - I could see her firmly confirming that no, she did not say anything about aggressive incidents at all.

It perhaps doesn’t mean that an incident didn’t happen though …. imo. If it is so well recalled by others who are not bound by confidentiality.
loveamystery, I never said I was "going on a campaign" of any type whatsoever.

I was expressing my concern with the issue.

Is autism often misdiagnosed? In Gable Tostee(aka Eric Thomas)'s case, it was. I know several parents whose children were diagnosed wrongly as well. I've had discussions with pediatricians who've expressed concern about how often it's misdiagnosed.

Has there been a lot of young males claiming autism, in court for murder this past couple years? It seems so. More than I've ever seen before, anyway. Some of them may even have had it. Tostee sure didn't. But you'd know that, from your regular posting on Warriena's thread.

But hey, thanks for correcting my spelling.

My point, anyway, was addressing the fact that so many of these young men who are said to have 'high functioning autism' and end up in court for murder (whether they actually have it or not, as it happens) may have other contributing factors besides, which have led them to violent fantasies and/or actions.

The focus on autism, and the apparent chance of misdiagnosis, only makes thing harder for the people who do have it and aren't violent, and the people around them. What I would hope to see, where any mental condition comes up in relation to a crime, is a court-ordered medical assessment that could independently help to identify exactly what's going on with these accused killers. For their sake, as well as the interests of justice being done properly.

These are just my thoughts, typed 'out loud" - if I was on a "campaign", trust me, you'd know it. ;)

LOL I suppose I should have gone with my first word choice - "rant"

But do you have other examples besides the Tostee case of
My point, anyway, was addressing the fact that so many of these young men who are said to have 'high functioning autism' and end up in court for murder (whether they actually have it or not, as it happens) may have other contributing factors besides, which have led them to violent fantasies and/or actions.

"High functioning autism" is more aptly confirmed by a lifetime history of special education and medical evaluations than a one-stop medical diagnosis.

If it's being misdiagnosed, evidently it is being used as an explanation of some sort of problem. That can only be determined on a case by case basis and that is not what we're doing here.

Reverend Williams from Canowindra, who will be conducting Stephanie's funeral on Wednesday:

"Throughout this time [in Canowindra] Stephanie was always known for her friendly disposition and she was always friendly with anyone that she met."

It got me thinking about theories that have been posted here, about how Stephanie was possibly being friendly/kind to VS that day. I don't think she would've been the sort of person to just smile and say hello. She might have started a friendly conversation with him. I still have no idea as to why he did what he (allegedly) did. There was possibly something about his demeanour that suddenly made her uncomfortable and he may have gone into a rage. All just wild speculation.

A NSW Health spokeswoman told Daily Mail Australia that Ms Scott’s body was still undergoing tests on Thursday.

Hopefully they were able to get some answers.
I'm pretty sure that the memory of the classmates and their parents is correct, the school person either doesn't know anything or is in damage limitation mode hoping that a denial will make it go away.

That said I don't think bad behaviour in primary school is a cast iron indicator of anything in later life

I think, too, that for this issue to have been mentioned by various parties now, would tend to indicate that there had been *something*. But of course hard to know how much is from personal recollection or from hearsay, given that this story is probably doing the rounds in that town in Holland at the moment.
At some point, Stanford, a cleaner employed by a contractor, was also there, police will allege.

Police believe the 24-year-old had access to keys and would enter the grounds from time to time outside of his rostered hours.

Yes, this article is a good summary and seems relatively factual, compared to some of the wild and woolly stories reported elsewhere...
From this we learn a few things
- that police seem to think this was an opportunistic crime. How opportunistic? Totally unplanned and not at all premeditated? No preceding stalking? I wonder then, had it not been Stephanie, could it have been someone else?
- that it wasnt an isolated event for Vincent to enter the school grounds without being rostered to work there. Well that indicates that he had a dedicated set of keys to the school! I wonder how police came to the conclusion that he'd wandered in there before? Had someone seen him do it? If so, why had it not been reported/questioned and nothing done about it previously?
- Stephanie's car had been in that paddock for a few days.
At some point, Stanford, a cleaner employed by a contractor, was also there, police will allege.

Police believe the 24-year-old had access to keys and would enter the grounds from time to time outside of his rostered hours.

VS was cleaning up the house yard the week before could have borrowed/returning the mower, whippersnipper and other garden equipment? I guess the schools store their own equipment.
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