Found Deceased Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #2 *Arrests*

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I have a feeling that every single action taken by VS after the murder was directed by MS.

VS panics, calls MS who directs him through each stage: burn the body, send a photo so MS can be sure the job is 'done properly', remove jewellery, send it through the mail, get it out of Leeton. Throw the laptop into the water, plant the car etc. According to several msn accounts, VS needed to be told exactly what to do in most day-to-day situations. Make it a horrific rape and murder scenario and I'm thinking there's no way VS could meticulously execute an intricate cover-up.

Turns out, neither of them could.
I have a feeling that every single action taken by VS after the murder was directed by MS.

VS panics, calls MS who directs him through each stage: burn the body, send a photo so MS can be sure the job is 'done properly', remove jewellery, send it through the mail, get it out of Leeton. Throw the laptop into the water, plant the car etc. According to several msn accounts, VS needed to be told exactly what to do in most day-to-day situations. Make it a horrific rape and murder scenario and I'm thinking there's no way VS could meticulously execute an intricate cover-up.

Turns out, neither of them could.

I didn't understand until now, why MS "had been back for the first time in 4 years", when he was in Australia only for ca. 1 1/2 years at this time?
Another question was: "he wasn't able to go home" - Leeton and his family or Zoetermeer in Holland???

Hi FromG. I wondered the same thing. There was a reference in MS twitter feed re 'this time permanent' return to Australia. I'm wondering if he had actually been back to visit a few times in the intervening years.

"he wasn't able to go home" - I took that to mean to where his mother and brothers now lived, but you've raised a very interesting alternative theory here. He may well have meant Holland, though it would depend on how MS uses the term "home".
Hi FromG. I wondered the same thing. There was a reference in MS twitter feed re 'this time permanent' return to Australia. I'm wondering if he had actually been back to visit a few times in the intervening years.

"he wasn't able to go home" - I took that to mean to where his mother and brothers now lived, but you've raised a very interesting alternative theory here. He may well have meant Holland, though it would depend on how MS uses the term "home".

I first thought "mum and brothers" in Leeton. Today I came upon "Holland" because it would be logical re permanent stay (seemingly irrevocably) in Australia and some homesickness for the old homeland.

Visiting before - yes, maybe. But he had to get a job at Lidl to buy a flight ticket to Australia for his final leaving. Certainly he had not enough money before that to go visiting his future permanent address meaning the towns in his Twitter account?

They became dedicated “gamers” and aspired to enter the *industry professionally. When none of their games came to fruition, Vincent picked up work as a cleaner.

Via social media, an excited Marcus counted down the days before he returned to Australia in May, 2013.

Eight months later, Vincent and Luke finally persuaded Anika, the family’s main breadwinner, to follow Marcus to the land of their dreams.

Meanwhile brother Marcus attempted to enter the billion dollar computer games industry, joining forces with a Melbourne-based Dutch man and some Australians to form Bullet Proof Studios, an “indy” games design company. While not part of the ownership group, Vincent did some unpaid “2D modelling” on two of their projects.
When the company failed, Marcus — a Formula 1 fanatic — started making plans to move back to Australia and got a job at the local Lidl supermarket to raise the airfare. Vincent convinced his mother that they should also make the move and was angry when Anika decided Luke, with whom he didn’t get along, would come too.
I noticed Luke on some few pics looked like <modsnip>when he had helped police and returned with mother Anika to his home in Leeton.
Marcus on his arrest pics however seemed to be in a very good mood though not helping police and not giving support to his mother (albeit giving support to his twin brother :().
When Marcus told about himself, he would be strange, he then perhaps instigated his autistic twin to anything criminal, what V would not have done without M's intervention? Not only now in 2015, but possibly before already?
I just wanted to point out particularly for FromGermany's benefit that Marcus may have chosen to live in South Australia as marijuana is decriminalised there, and he had some strong views about that.
... and because it is the only logical reason so far for him to be there, apart from perhaps loathing the eldest brother. Intriguing.
I am pretty sure that if you have Australian citizenship you can return to Australia at ANY time without filling any forms and going through any immigration protocol apart from the one you get at the gate of Australia - don't bring in drugs and animal food products. That is your legal right as a citizen- if you are being persecuted in another country you ALWAYS have safe haven as an Australian citizen to come back to Australia. (This is the spirit of the law) So I think it is unlikely that there were any constraints that the Standord family had to jump through to come to Australia. Whether or not the family was going through a crime case or had issues in Holland they were GUARANTEED safe entry to Australia.

The fact that they had such lowly jobs in Australia is startling. The brothers obviously lack social skills because of the nature of the jobs they choose. Itinerant, sporadic jobs that really don't lead to stability and provide a reliable income. (well fruit picking anyway)

THERE IS NOW WAY this family would have left Holland where the mother was the anchor and the main provider for the family to leave for Australia if things were going swimmingly in Holland. Something happened (rumoured or otherwise) and the move was made to make a clean start. Maybe Marcus did it , Vincent got the blame and they fell out but have reconciled and now and this is Marcus paying back Vincent.... just a thought.
One of his housemates, Matt, said on Wednesday night that he was in bed when police made the arrest.

Matt said the trio moved into the Forreston house last September and had met through travelling.

He said he had no inclination that Stanford would be arrested, despite knowing that his twin brother had been charged with murdering Ms Scott.

&#8220;We never thought we would be in this situation,&#8221; he said.

Matt said Stanford&#8217;s character was a matter of opinion and declined to comment further.
I had to laugh when Marcus wrote on twitter that his route was Amsterdam- Koala Lampur (18 hours)- Sydney!

Koala Lampur? (Kuala Lumpur)

Also he said on twitter that this would be the second time he had been back to Australia since they had left it years ago.
I noticed Luke on some few pics looked <modsnip>, when he had helped police and returned with mother Anika to his home in Leeton.
Marcus on his arrest pics however seemed to be in a very good mood though not helping police and not giving support to his mother (albeit giving support to his twin brother :().

a good pickup, FromG..... I only saw the one pic of Luke and Mum, with backpacks on, walking home from the police station, I think.. I recall being angry and sad that they didn't get a lift from seemed awful to expose them on the streets of Leeton at that time. . and yes, Luke, walking a bit behind Mum, worried look, a bit burdened yet patiently bearing the burden on his back, both physical and emotional.. contrasted with the chippy , cocky little strut on Marcus... I wonder a hell of a lot if Vincent walked that way with the police, too.. I have never seen any clip of him walking.. it would tell such a lot. Marcus had the air of a man who knows a lot and is going to tell not a lot unless it suits him. .. nothing passive/aggressive about Marcus... he was up for a shirtfronting to whomsoever..........
Look, can I just say we have expressions here in Australia. I think these sayings sum up my perceptions thus far: A kangaroo short of the top paddock. A sandwich short of a picnic. Not the full quid.
Stanford, who was born in Tasmania, moved to Holland with his mother and two brothers when he was a child.

Stanford moved to the Netherlands at the age of two or three with his mother and brothers, the relative said.
Their father Steve followed them afterwards and then went back to Australia.
Read more:

Stanford, who was born in Tasmania on December 21,1990, emigrated to Holland with his mother and two brothers six years later.

Born in Tasmania, Marcus and Vincent Stanford moved with their mother Anika and older brother Luke to the Netherlands at age six.
In early 2013 he posted on Twitter about his impending return to Australia. Marcus settled in the Adelaide Hills and his brothers and mother moved to Leeton, in southwest NSW.

A cleaner at Leeton High School, Vincent Stanford is originally from Tasmania, but lived in Holland with his family before returning to Australia as an adult.

As Stanford adjusted to life in Leeton, his identical twin brother (who moved from Holland back to Australia in June 2013) settled in South Australia.

It is believed their Dutch-born mother married an Australian around 1986. Luke was born first. The twins were born in Tasmania, in 1989. Six years later and now a single mother, Anika returned to The Netherlands. By 2002 they were settled in Zoetermeer, where the boys attended school and Anika worked as a nurse.

Thanks FG.
Impressed that you can pull all these references up!! :)
Seems like the 'majority vote' from the media reports is that they went over there as young kids, not teenagers. Would also make sense if they now speak English with a Dutch accent, as sleuthermelb points out. If they'd waited until teenage years, they'd be speaking Dutch with an Australian accent not vice versa!
I remember a news article from the week Stephanie was found - the neighbours gave an an interview and said that Vincent speaks with a Dutch accent.
Stanford, who was born in Tasmania, moved to Holland with his mother and two brothers when he was a child.

Stanford moved to the Netherlands at the age of two or three with his mother and brothers, the relative said.
Their father Steve followed them afterwards and then went back to Australia.

Read more:
So their Australian father's name is Steve Stanford? Initials SS. Wonder if he lives in Tasmania? Does he have contact with his sons?


AHA!So that's where I saw it. I did have the feeling that something like this about the father had been reported somewhere.
Thanks to you guys who are so good with keeping and retrieving pertinent references!!
Look, can I just say we have expressions here in Australia. I think these sayings sum up my perceptions thus far: A kangaroo short of the top paddock. A sandwich short of a picnic. Not the full quid.

That would help explain why MS was grinning like an idiot. I would have thought they would need to be somewhat smart to write video games, but yeah, something is completely off with them. I keep getting flashes of "Bad Boy Bubby" in my mind, not directed at their mother but every time I see that photo of MS I think of that.
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