Found Deceased Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #2 *Arrests*

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Don't judge me on my autism: Coast woman's crusade

She says so many children with autism could be doing amazing things, but "the label holds them back".

Others were being misdiagnosed "because they are just naughty".

"We are too quick to diagnose any kind of behaviour."

Maintaining eye-contact was an exhausting skill Daisy had to train herself to learn.

"I had to learn eye-contact, just how I had to learn to show emotion. I fake quite a lot of human interaction and I have learnt how to pretend to have eye-contact because it's expected."

Having a learning support teacher by her side throughout high school in Melbourne was part of the reason Daisy has been able to succeed.

"They told my parents they didn't think I would finish school, but I did quite well actually," she said.

Daisy said society needs to change its perception of the disorder.

"It is not such a terrible diagnosis.

"Schools need a major rethink on autism, they can't keep putting kids in special classes; they need the social interaction."

Police said the search was conducted from 9.30am and 1.30pm.

“Police attended and searched approximately 750 metres of the 8 Mile channel between Leeton and Wamoon,” a police statement said.

A number of officers attached to the Operations Support Group were deployed to search the drain while it was emptied.

“There are no new developments, no new information,” Inspector Reneker said.

When asked if it was unusual for such a large-scale search to be conducted without new information, he said it was simply so they could be certain the area had been properly searched.

Police have not found Scott’s body, but on Thursday morning they found her red Mazda 3 at a rural property in Wamoon, 8km out of Leeton, which is now a crime scene.

??? :thinking:
A picture of Stephanie's red Mazda after discovery (no trees except two, no telephone poles, no white gates - seems to be NOT exactly this area)

Does this seem odd that this is being done now? Am i mossing something?

Going by the picture in the newspaper, it is clear the Irrigation canals are around their lowest point.. it is mid winter, and probably no water has been distributed from the rivers to the canals since before the crime... soon , though, the canals will be slowly filled up for spring irrigation, so this is the best time to check the canals, and since the coroners report is about to commence..

At this level, the canals can , in many cases, be walked thru, or even sieved thru from the banks... .. not half the palaver of divers, etc..
Maybe there are items belonging to Stephanie that still haven't turned up yet? I guess if there are still things missing, the police would be wanting to either find them locally, or look further into whether or not out they were disposed of by MS?
I still can't get my head around how he managed to dump her car so remotely. How did he get back?!
Just about autism - you know it's really easy and flippant to say 'our schools should do something about this' and suggest that schools don't put the effort into kids that need help. In the vast majority of cases, schools and teachers are seasoned and empathetic practitioners in dealing with kids with a vast array of kids disabilities - from anxiety to incontinence yes that is both mental and physical conditions. And these days there is never just one kid in the classroom with special 'issues' - every single kid in a classroom has an affliction, be it life threatening allergies, asthma, epilepsy, adhd, auditory processing, speech language, aspergers, anger management issues- you name it - seriously I don't know how kids have ever learned in the past without these issues being flagged. (Yes you hear my sarcasm!)

Kids spend about 6 hours a day at school - lets not lose sight of who does the lions share of caretaking - PARENTS! Parents and carers need to step up not schools and teachers. They need to educate themselves on what to do for their children and follow through. I think VS had a great support system in his employer in Holland - he took a needy kid under his wing. That is a rare and generous gesture in this world. I think VS had a lucky break in his upbringing there.

Following through on advice and being consistent are two incredibly difficult ideals to maintain long term. For example, your doctor says you should lose weight and exercise regularly. You know you have to be consistent and eat the right things and work out - but wow its hard week after week. Right? Well its even harder to stay motivated in terms of getting your child to perform and stick to a regime. The kids whine and scream and act out and don't do their chores, and make life miserable for their parents who are already time poor and need to get to their second job. So things slide and hope fervently that the school can pick up the slack. (And in sometimes we get on the defensive and our the expectation is that schools are responsible for shaping these individuals.) Lets not lose sight of the real problem -the solution does not lie in schools and teachers stepping up another level- it relies on family following through and everyone working in concert.

There is no finger pointing here - we don't have enough info about anyone here to make informed decisions. But lets not lose sight of the fact that a parent has the child 24/7 and is ultimately the greatest influence in their child's life.
Maybe there are items belonging to Stephanie that still haven't turned up yet? I guess if there are still things missing, the police would be wanting to either find them locally, or look further into whether or not out they were disposed of by MS?

Would it be necessary for a conviction?
Just about autism - you know it's really easy and flippant to say 'our schools should do something about this' and suggest that schools don't put the effort into kids that need help. In the vast majority of cases, schools and teachers are seasoned and empathetic practitioners in dealing with kids with a vast array of kids disabilities - from anxiety to incontinence yes that is both mental and physical conditions. And these days there is never just one kid in the classroom with special 'issues' - every single kid in a classroom has an affliction, be it life threatening allergies, asthma, epilepsy, adhd, auditory processing, speech language, aspergers, anger management issues- you name it - seriously I don't know how kids have ever learned in the past without these issues being flagged. (Yes you hear my sarcasm!)

Kids spend about 6 hours a day at school - lets not lose sight of who does the lions share of caretaking - PARENTS! Parents and carers need to step up not schools and teachers. They need to educate themselves on what to do for their children and follow through. I think VS had a great support system in his employer in Holland - he took a needy kid under his wing. That is a rare and generous gesture in this world. I think VS had a lucky break in his upbringing there.

Following through on advice and being consistent are two incredibly difficult ideals to maintain long term. For example, your doctor says you should lose weight and exercise regularly. You know you have to be consistent and eat the right things and work out - but wow its hard week after week. Right? Well its even harder to stay motivated in terms of getting your child to perform and stick to a regime. The kids whine and scream and act out and don't do their chores, and make life miserable for their parents who are already time poor and need to get to their second job. So things slide and hope fervently that the school can pick up the slack. (And in sometimes we get on the defensive and our the expectation is that schools are responsible for shaping these individuals.) Lets not lose sight of the real problem -the solution does not lie in schools and teachers stepping up another level- it relies on family following through and everyone working in concert.

There is no finger pointing here - we don't have enough info about anyone here to make informed decisions. But lets not lose sight of the fact that a parent has the child 24/7 and is ultimately the greatest influence in their child's life.

BBM we don't have enough info about anyone here

IMO Families/parents with autistic or other 'special needs' children need to be recognized, then supported in their efforts to cope with the emotional/physical demands encountered in raising 'special needs' children. We don't know what has happened here: was this family identified as having 'special needs' children? did this family slip through the gaps? Did this family resist outside support?!2m2!1d146.4066521!2d-34.5513933!3e0

I know maybe absurd, but could it be that MS disposed a suitcase with "very, very old" remains of a child on his way to Leeton, IF he indeed had supported his broter VS after the murder and drove from Forreston via Wynarka to Leeton?
Could it be possible to have a trolley with such a content as a luggage when flying from the Netherlands to Australia? Or would it be 100% impossible? (One flight until now, Germany-Greece, therefore no knowledge.)

Before you may judge me, please remember: Some of us have thought about any previous actions/crimes when VS still had been in the Netherlands. Next thought: maybe the brothers VS/MS were a team that already collaborated years ago? - I was looking for missing children in Zoetermeer, but haven't found something yet.

Love reading your posts FG. I guess stranger things have happened. Way way too risky his baggage would be attached to his name, therefore it would clearly be associated with the family. Not all families will need to go through quarantine, however hedging your bets that this would not happen is again far too risky. I guess with this lot anything is possible.
Australia AUS: Bones of a Child Discovered at Wynarka (South Australia) 15 July 2015 - #2

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Stacey Lee ‏@Staceylee_ 37 Min.Vor 37 Minuten Übersetzung anzeigen
Police say they've had over 50 calls with info since releasing images of a quilt found near young girls remains in #Wynarka @7NewsAdelaide

Links for all members and guests who are reading here. Please look at the other thread and at the pic of a quilt!
Look at the SA Police facebook page! - Maybe you haven't heard yet. :)

My Asperger's makes living with other students a struggle

It isn’t just the social side of things that are challenging. When I set my mind to do something, I have to do it. If I decide I’m going to eat dinner, shower, then go to bed, I have to do those three things in that order, or I feel as though my brain’s going to explode.

Another problem for me is that if a rule is set, I cannot break it. At the beginning of the year it was made clear that when the cleaner comes on Friday mornings, the sink and work surfaces must be empty.

So I made sure that every Thursday night I did my washing up and put everything away, only to become furious when I found other people’s dirty dishes all over the kitchen table on Friday morning – the cleaner had put them there to get to the sink.

“People on the autism spectrum might find it easier getting to know someone one-on-one, rather than in a group situation. Using clear and direct communication can also be helpful.
Australia AUS: Bones of a Child Discovered at Wynarka (South Australia) 15 July 2015 - #2

7News Yahoo7 retweetete
Stacey Lee ‏@Staceylee_ 37 Min.Vor 37 Minuten Übersetzung anzeigen
Police say they've had over 50 calls with info since releasing images of a quilt found near young girls remains in #Wynarka @7NewsAdelaide

Links for all members and guests who are reading here. Please look at the other thread and at the pic of a quilt!
Look at the SA Police facebook page! - Maybe you haven't heard yet. :)

As soon as forensic evidence found blond hair with the skeleton of a female child aged between 2-4 years, I wondered about Maddie McCann.
THE body of a murdered child found on the side of a South Australian highway could be that of missing toddler Madeleine McCann, British police have indicated... :(
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