GUILTY Australia - Stephanie Scott, 26, Leeton, NSW, 5 April 2015 - #3

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DNA Solves

Justice Hulme said Stanford had also stalked a woman who worked at a supermarket who had been given the pseudonym Jillian.

Jillian told police that one time she arrived early before the supermarket had opened and saw Stanford sitting in his car in the empty carpark.

“Jillian parked her car and waited for two male co-workers to approach her car before she got out and walked into the store with them. Police later located photographs the offender had taken at that time of Jillian’s car in the car park.”...

The third woman was another teacher at Leeton High School who was given the pseudonym Jennifer.

“She ordinarily parked her car in the top car park at the school. She was frequently required to work back late and on occasion her car would be the last one left in the car park. Often when she went back to her car, the offender was nearby. Jennifer would sometimes say hello and he would say hello back.”

Police found a photograph of Jennifer’s car on the offender’s phone.
Vincent was a busy boy... nothing on this earth will convince me that he didn't share his ventures, his little successes, his valuable bits of information about his targets with his only friend, his twin brother.. this is why there was no surprise or hesitation on the part of Marcus in selling off the bounty of the crime.

We are going to hear more about Marcus in the years to come.. In him lies the same potential and the same casual acceptance of crime and all it's associated benefits and thrills. . Imprisoning Vincent has not quite halted the outrages these two are up for.
I would think that the Dutch papers, when they wake up in Holland, will be on to this , and possibly the Dutch police, too, looking back over old cases...

Because I am sure this whole career of stalker, creeper , thief, paedophile, violator of animals, illegal photographer, rapist, violent assaulter, and murderer didn't just start in dear old Leeton. ...... I hardly think it was the Australian sun that curdled his brain.
Verity Gorman Verified account ‏@veritygorman 4m4 minutes ago

Verity Gorman Retweeted ABC News Sydney

Judge described Vincent Stanford's behaviour after Stephanie Scott's murder as "highly disturbing", "conniving" and "callous".

Couldn't agree more. Well said.
The NSW Correctional Board will make sure that Vincent is put into a correctional centre that will help him adjust to a life in prison without the possibility of parole.. this particular sentence does require regular input of psychiatric observation and medication , along with occupation and a certain level of safety and security from the other inhabitants .. .. although none of the other inhabitants of Superman where Vinny is off to have any grounds to be complaining about Vincent, in comparison to their crimes..

Vincent will be will the Murphy brothers, and John Travers, old men now, over half their lifetime spent behind bars, the horrible killers of Janine Baulding.. they were young men , very young, but there they stay, Vinny can learn a lot from them on how to endure..


The story is the prisoners are being radicalised, reformed into ISIS fighters or some such nuttiness, but all they can do is terrorise each other, and only when the guards let them out on exercise, and only if they are allowed to meet each other, because a whole lot of life in Goulburn is lived solo. Exercise, meals, work. . mostly done alone in a solitary pod. . Vincent , no doubt , will try 'radicalisation'.. . why not?.. .

" ... Stanford then sat down for a sandwich and a cup of tea with his mother and other brother, Luke, while Ms Scott's body remained in her car..."

Has this been reported accurately?
Wouldn't his clothing have her blood on it? His mother and older brother were at home. Previous reports said they were away for Easter and he had the house for himself. How is it that they didn't see the car? anything? notice anything different about Vincent?
“Tomorrow we begin to celebrate Stephanie’s too short and amazing life,” Merrilyn Scott said outside Griffith courthouse today, where her daughter’s killer was just sentenced to life behind bars. "This should be her 28th birthday, the second one we celebrate without her. We will be having a cup of tea and a mint slice biscuit at three. Please join us,” she said.

I've followed Stephanie's thread from the beginning. I for one will be having a cup of tea and a mint slice biscuit at 3.00 pm tomorrow in respect of her memory and gentle celebration of a just sentence. Let's as many of us as possible do the same.

" ... Stanford then sat down for a sandwich and a cup of tea with his mother and other brother, Luke, while Ms Scott's body remained in her car..."

Has this been reported accurately?
Wouldn't his clothing have her blood on it? His mother and older brother were at home. Previous reports said they were away for Easter and he had the house for himself. How is it that they didn't see the car? anything? notice anything different about Vincent?

that has to be an error. . sort of journalistic licence to fill in gaps.... .... . they would have asked, . why are you driving a different car?.. no. . has to be some sort of glitch in understanding....
“Tomorrow we begin to celebrate Stephanie’s too short and amazing life,” Merrilyn Scott said outside Griffith courthouse today, where her daughter’s killer was just sentenced to life behind bars. "This should be her 28th birthday, the second one we celebrate without her. We will be having a cup of tea and a mint slice biscuit at three. Please join us,” she said.

I've followed Stephanie's thread from the beginning. I for one will be having a cup of tea and a mint slice biscuit at 3.00 pm tomorrow in respect of her memory and gentle celebration of a just sentence. Let's as many of us as possible do the same.

Tea & a mint slice (or two) tomorrow at 3.00pm DropBear. WS can virtually join the family in celebrating Stephanie's birthday and in putting this case to rest.JMO.
Sadly, I think prison life will suit Vincent just fine. Strict routines, minimal interpersonal contact and repetitive chores seem to work for him. He should be perfectly content - as long as someone keeps up his supply of magazines...

'Callous' killer Stanford jailed for life
Miranda Forster - AAP on October 13, 2016, 12:41 pm

"Justice Hulme said Stanford's internet search history and bloodstained items found in his wardrobe, including a pair of handcuffs, suggested the attack on Ms Scott was more premeditated than he had admitted.
The judge said he had grave concerns "that the truth has not been fully disclosed and that this was not an opportunistic attack on a target selected at random".

Not that we will ever know, but if Vincent took Viagra, it adds to the premeditation aspect. Viagra takes a while to kick in apparently.

Also wondering about the used condom. Did Vincent think that by using a condom he wouldn't be leaving any DNA on Stephanie?

I'm just glad it's over and that Stephanie's loved ones can now heal in private.

Tea and a mint slice for me tomorrow at 3pm.
Sadly, I think prison life will suit Vincent just fine. Strict routines, minimal interpersonal contact and repetitive chores seem to work for him. He should be perfectly content - as long as someone keeps up his supply of magazines...

in the end, he will merge.... it will be hard for a while though.. all his life he has lived with Mum and brother. ... . there isn't a lot of blokes in Supermax that could be considered mother substitutes.... no one to cook him his favourite poffertjes... no older brother around to ride shotgun, no INTERNET....

I suppose Mum will visit, and Luke.. .. how long for, one can only surmise... . I suppose even Marcus will visit... .. what a lucky escape he has had.

But we will hear more of the Stanfords, I am sure.. this is no where near the end of the story.
Can't find any reference, but does anyone know if Vincent's mum was in court today? Regardless of how odd the family situation was, it must be a terrible emotional burden for her.
Can't find any reference, but does anyone know if Vincent's mum was in court today? Regardless of how odd the family situation was, it must be a terrible emotional burden for her.

if she was, no one mentioned it.. I wouldn't think she 'd attend.... Stephanies family, Stephanie's friends.... no.. it would be no place for her there, and she would already know the possibilities of his sentencing.. she would know the worst, and surely would expect it, it would be terrible, ditto for the brother, Luke as well. . Vincent would go it alone, ,.. .. I am not sure that things could go smoothly if they had attended, people cannot help being people, and a lot of people from Leeton would have travelled down the Griffith road to attend the sentencing on behalf of Stephanie, old farmers, the CWA, teachers, even kids she taught... . ........

Stephanie Scott murder: Who is her killer Vincent Stanford?
By Brooke Boney, an hour ago.

Vincent Stanford had a history of violent and murderous thoughts towards everyone around him.
He told a forensic psychologist he first thought of killing when he was only seven or eight years old...

After Vincent was detained by police, psychological testing found he had a pattern of social and interpersonal deficits including the capacity to experience emotion, extreme detachment and indifference to others. He had elevated scores on the sadistic/aggressive scale but scored in the very low range for psychopathic tendencies...

Stanford returned to Australia and settled in Leeton only months before the murder and said he had no friends or social contact and that "being in the company of other people was stressful".
He began stalking women in and around the community of Leeton, taking thousands of photographs and notes on their movements and when they would be alone...

Are you sure there is no internet Troops? Prisons have internet as part of the control for poor behaviour. Naughty boys get their Xbox taken from them if they misbehave.

in the end, he will merge.... it will be hard for a while though.. all his life he has lived with Mum and brother. ... . there isn't a lot of blokes in Supermax that could be considered mother substitutes.... no one to cook him his favourite poffertjes... no older brother around to ride shotgun, no INTERNET....

I suppose Mum will visit, and Luke.. .. how long for, one can only surmise... . I suppose even Marcus will visit... .. what a lucky escape he has had.

But we will hear more of the Stanfords, I am sure.. this is no where near the end of the story.

Found the answer myself, but Im not happy with it. Some prisoners are outside their hole in the digital world terrorising the public. The strictness of supervision is simply not there. Savvy prisoners can end up anywhere. In here even. There is however plenty of prisons with internet. I know so, plenty people around me in prison liaison etc.

The capacity for prisons communicating the outside world is ludicrous. The security risk immense.

Prisoners in NSW's SuperMax prison are using Facebook to keep in touch ... Internet use is banned in NSW prisons and there is no suggestion
Are you sure there is no internet Troops? Prisons have internet as part of the control for poor behaviour. Naughty boys get their Xbox taken from them if they misbehave.

Vincent wont get the internet for yonks.. years.... and then a very monitored half arsed internet.. these things have to be earned over many many months, and the internet is a prized and rare gift....
I haven't been around for a while, but I'll be having a tea and mint slice bikkie tomorrow at 3 as well.

I'm so pleased he got life.

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