Australia Australia - Tanja Ebert, 23, Roseworthy, SA, 8 Aug 2017

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Officers are now focussed on tracing Mr Burdon’s actions between the last sighting of Ms Ebert and the time she was reported missing.

“We’ve conducted some inquiries in relation to Michael’s movements from (Tuesday) the eighth of August until the time of the report of Tanja’s disappearance,” Det Insp Thompson said.

“There’s a period on the Wednesday of a number of hours that we can’t account for, there’s also a period on the ninth that we can’t account for as well.

“We suspect someone does know what he was doing during those two days.”

The couple and their children had spent August 8 in Adelaide visiting the SA Museum, with the last confirmed sighting of Ms Ebert in the city that afternoon.

Mr Burdon reported her missing two days later but on Monday, police revealed he returned to Adelaide between these dates.

“Someone does know what he was doing during those periods of time and they need to tell us,” Det. Thompson told 7 News.

While Mr Burdon initially told police his wife, carrying $2000 in cash but no phone or passport, got out of the car in the town of Roseworthy, they now believe she returned to the property at Manna Hill.

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'Someone knows': Police hit out at community's silence over death of Tanja Ebert
Officers are now focussed on tracing Mr Burdon’s actions between the last sighting of Ms Ebert and the time she was reported missing.

“We’ve conducted some inquiries in relation to Michael’s movements from (Tuesday) the eighth of August until the time of the report of Tanja’s disappearance,” Det Insp Thompson said.

“There’s a period on the Wednesday of a number of hours that we can’t account for, there’s also a period on the ninth that we can’t account for as well.

“We suspect someone does know what he was doing during those two days.”

The couple and their children had spent August 8 in Adelaide visiting the SA Museum, with the last confirmed sighting of Ms Ebert in the city that afternoon.

Mr Burdon reported her missing two days later but on Monday, police revealed he returned to Adelaide between these dates.

“Someone does know what he was doing during those periods of time and they need to tell us,” Det. Thompson told 7 News.

While Mr Burdon initially told police his wife, carrying $2000 in cash but no phone or passport, got out of the car in the town of Roseworthy, they now believe she returned to the property at Manna Hill.

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'Someone knows': Police hit out at community's silence over death of Tanja Ebert
Maybe not the community, but someone very close to him.
Officers are now focussed on tracing Mr Burdon’s actions between the last sighting of Ms Ebert and the time she was reported missing.

“We’ve conducted some inquiries in relation to Michael’s movements from (Tuesday) the eighth of August until the time of the report of Tanja’s disappearance,” Det Insp Thompson said.

“There’s a period on the Wednesday of a number of hours that we can’t account for, there’s also a period on the ninth that we can’t account for as well.

“We suspect someone does know what he was doing during those two days.”

The couple and their children had spent August 8 in Adelaide visiting the SA Museum, with the last confirmed sighting of Ms Ebert in the city that afternoon.

Mr Burdon reported her missing two days later but on Monday, police revealed he returned to Adelaide between these dates.

“Someone does know what he was doing during those periods of time and they need to tell us,” Det. Thompson told 7 News.

While Mr Burdon initially told police his wife, carrying $2000 in cash but no phone or passport, got out of the car in the town of Roseworthy, they now believe she returned to the property at Manna Hill.

More at link
'Someone knows': Police hit out at community's silence over death of Tanja Ebert

well spotted, Symbah.. and that solves one mystery, the last sentence tells us the kids now live with Michael's sister, .. and I think that would be his half sister, as I understand it, Marlis only had the two boys to Burdon the elder , in Adelaide.

I presume Tania's brother and Mother would have access,.. cant see why they wouldn't.

well. I have turned myself inside out trying to figure out why the police think she actually arrived back at Oulnina Park, and that is still the operative theory the SA police are working on .. the big news is, he returned to Adelaide , and back, over the next 2 days. .. Marlis must have been minding the boys, if Tania was dead, as Michael said.

She must have driven up from the Eyre Peninsular from the west, as Michael was driving north east along the Barrier highway. Perhaps , as soon as Marlis got there, he turned round and travelled back the 450 klms,... certainly, he, AND Marlis, left that bit out .

Someone knows. What a sad and creepy family this is, no wonder Tania's mother gave up pretty quickly and got out of SA as fast as she could. The reason, most likely , why Someone Knows and isn't telling is money. Both Michael and Tania are dead, so there is nothing to be gained there. ….
well spotted, Symbah.. and that solves one mystery, the last sentence tells us the kids now live with Michael's sister, .. and I think that would be his half sister, as I understand it, Marlis only had the two boys to Burdon the elder , in Adelaide.

I presume Tania's brother and Mother would have access,.. cant see why they wouldn't.

well. I have turned myself inside out trying to figure out why the police think she actually arrived back at Oulnina Park, and that is still the operative theory the SA police are working on .. the big news is, he returned to Adelaide , and back, over the next 2 days. .. Marlis must have been minding the boys, if Tania was dead, as Michael said.

She must have driven up from the Eyre Peninsular from the west, as Michael was driving north east along the Barrier highway. Perhaps , as soon as Marlis got there, he turned round and travelled back the 450 klms,... certainly, he, AND Marlis, left that bit out .

Someone knows. What a sad and creepy family this is, no wonder Tania's mother gave up pretty quickly and got out of SA as fast as she could. The reason, most likely , why Someone Knows and isn't telling is money. Both Michael and Tania are dead, so there is nothing to be gained there. ….
Marlis knows. Maybe the half sister too.
'The family and tight-knit community connected to suspected killer Michael Burdon could be withholding crucial information about the whereabouts of his wife, South Australian police have revealed.'

I recall there were people in the Manna Hill area who refused to believe that Michael had murdered Tania …that the police drove him to suicide, he, an innocent man .. and so on.

Marlis went to a lot of trouble to promote the view, that Tania had merely left. On foot . Thru the desert night, in August, when it gets to minus 4. With no food.. No Phone. No nothin. No coat. Just like that. . and she had all sorts of backup anecdotes , all of which , surprise, surprise, had the punch line as Tania being wrong.

Wrong, Wrong, wrong .

How Tania was going to take the family money and buy a property in competition to Oulnina park, how Tania just up and went to a wedding in the Bahamas, how Tania yelled at the children . How Tania would socialize instead of attending to Michael's needs. How Tania was a bad book keeper, but ok with the stock. How Tania mismanaged the place . And so on, ad nauseum.

For sure, Marlis knows.. Marlis knows everything. Her and Michael spent nearly a week together, alone, just her and Michael and the kids, hoping the police would simply accept the ridiculous idea that Tania merely vanished.. Plenty of time to invent a story, a back story , a theme,..
'The family and tight-knit community connected to suspected killer Michael Burdon could be withholding crucial information about the whereabouts of his wife, South Australian police have revealed.'

I recall there were people in the Manna Hill area who refused to believe that Michael had murdered Tania …that the police drove him to suicide, he, an innocent man .. and so on.

Marlis went to a lot of trouble to promote the view, that Tania had merely left. On foot . Thru the desert night, in August, when it gets to minus 4. With no food.. No Phone. No nothin. No coat. Just like that. . and she had all sorts of backup anecdotes , all of which , surprise, surprise, had the punch line as Tania being wrong.

Wrong, Wrong, wrong .

How Tania was going to take the family money and buy a property in competition to Oulnina park, how Tania just up and went to a wedding in the Bahamas, how Tania yelled at the children . How Tania would socialize instead of attending to Michael's needs. How Tania was a bad book keeper, but ok with the stock. How Tania mismanaged the place . And so on, ad nauseum.

For sure, Marlis knows.. Marlis knows everything. Her and Michael spent nearly a week together, alone, just her and Michael and the kids, hoping the police would simply accept the ridiculous idea that Tania merely vanished.. Plenty of time to invent a story, a back story , a theme,..
And ultimately, the coward ran out of courage when real men stepped in to bring him to brook and took the coward's way out. I would not want to be Marlis.
I need to correct an error. I remembered that on the day the police arrived at the sheepstation, to charge Michael with murder and arrest him and take him back in custody to Adelaide, at home was Michael, the children, Marlis and a half brother who's name I do not know.

I don't know if this half brother was another of Marlis's sons, from her first marriage, or one of Burdon's sons from his first marriage. And I recall that this half brother was incensed that the police were questioning Michael on his own property, . where else the SA Pol were going to question him, I don't know.
Trooper, or anyone, why would he drive to Adelaide and back in the next two days? Any ideas?
Trooper, or anyone, why would he drive to Adelaide and back in the next two days? Any ideas?

I've been thinking that over since I read the post about it. At this point, I don't know if the Police make that claim, or merely report it as information given to them, ie, Marlis, a half brother, someone on the station. . If it's a police claim, picked up from CCTV, or Toll way booths, or some traffic camera thingy, then I'm up for thinking about it a lot.

If he did.. He didn't have a lot of time to comprehensively bury Tania's body that night. ( I still work on the presumption that her body is somewhere between Adelaide and Manna Hill. ) He tells Marlis, she having arrived from her home to Oulnina Park , she directs him to the equipment he'll need, she'll mind the boys, he has to turn round and go back and do it properly. Bury her , permanently, that is.

Then, perhaps, go on into Adelaide, as a backstop, pretending to do station business, and then return home.
Trooper, or anyone, why would he drive to Adelaide and back in the next two days? Any ideas?

It certainly appears to be new information. Marlis never mentioned it in the interviews she gave, the police haven't mentioned it, up until now. I would like to know the source , but I accept it on it's face.
I haven't had time to go back thru those interviews that Marlis did, but I believe she specifically said , her and Michael and the two boys waited at Oulnina Park... she definitely , absolutely, categorically never said Michael turned round and went back to Adelaide, taking 2 days, and when he returned to the homestead, THEN they report Tania missing.

That has to be significant, too. Didn't report her missing when he got back from Adelaide the first time ..
whoa.. I wonder if he went back to check thru Tania's clothing for that $2000. It isn't improbable that in the frenzy and fury , in the excitement he completely forgot that Tania had that tucked into her shirt pocket.

then re buried her.
whoa.. I wonder if he went back to check thru Tania's clothing for that $2000. It isn't improbable that in the frenzy and fury , in the excitement he completely forgot that Tania had that tucked into her shirt pocket.

then re buried her.
That had occurred to me, too.
All this stern talk from the SA Pol makes me think that the Coroners inquest is coming up soon.. Michael Burdon's inquest.

People can be compelled to answer questions at an inquest, but it looks like the Coroner is expecting some concrete answers from the family, the police and the workers at Oulnina Park. ….
And if the Coroner is getting the police to tidy up loose ends, it probably means that the South Australian Police investigation and hearing ( into the circumstances that resulted in Michael Burdon managing to commit suicide while in SA POL custody, albeit still on his own property, ) must be over, or close to over...

Findings from that Enquiry will be made public also, I believe
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Now that it is known that Michael , having come home without Tania, turned round and went back to Adelaide, overnight, there is rethinking things to be done .

The half brother , I believe, was there working on the property, which probably was why Michael and Tania were able to go away for that weekend with the kids. TGY , with the brilliant sleuthing typical, found an archery comp where a M . Burdon came 2nd. in Adelaide that weekend.

He must have called Marlis in to mind the kids once he got home, and if there is a record of where he was and at what time he rang her, it is reasonable to assume that Tania was murdered shortly before that call .

Could it have actually been Roseworthy?. it seemed to have played a major part in his story. No one else saw Tania at Roseworthy, though. Even though he bought two drinks at the service station, she doesn't show up on the CCTV.

Having murdered her, he now has to get these kids minded so that he can get on with the cover up. . He calls Marlis to come to Manna Hill. A 6 hour drive, in good conditions, I reckon, at least 6 hours from Port Lincoln, on the Eyre peninsular. More like 8, really. It isn't a freeway, it is barely a highway, although it is two lane bitumen, it isn't built for speed .
Marlis would have had to stop every now and then for nature calls, so she gets to Oulnina Park a couple of hours after he does...

Maybe when he gets home he puts the kids to bed, then as soon as Marlis arrives, he goes off again, back down the Barrier Highway . Because he has to finish the job and he obviously got lucky , because no one stumbled over her body in the meantime and no one saw him retrieve her body and bury ( re bury? ) it during that night, and close to dawn .
Now that it is known that Michael , having come home without Tania, turned round and went back to Adelaide, overnight, there is rethinking things to be done .

The half brother , I believe, was there working on the property, which probably was why Michael and Tania were able to go away for that weekend with the kids. TGY , with the brilliant sleuthing typical, found an archery comp where a M . Burdon came 2nd. in Adelaide that weekend.

He must have called Marlis in to mind the kids once he got home, and if there is a record of where he was and at what time he rang her, it is reasonable to assume that Tania was murdered shortly before that call .

Could it have actually been Roseworthy?. it seemed to have played a major part in his story. No one else saw Tania at Roseworthy, though. Even though he bought two drinks at the service station, she doesn't show up on the CCTV.

Having murdered her, he now has to get these kids minded so that he can get on with the cover up. . He calls Marlis to come to Manna Hill. A 6 hour drive, in good conditions, I reckon, at least 6 hours from Port Lincoln, on the Eyre peninsular. More like 8, really. It isn't a freeway, it is barely a highway, although it is two lane bitumen, it isn't built for speed .
Marlis would have had to stop every now and then for nature calls, so she gets to Oulnina Park a couple of hours after he does...

Maybe when he gets home he puts the kids to bed, then as soon as Marlis arrives, he goes off again, back down the Barrier Highway . Because he has to finish the job and he obviously got lucky , because no one stumbled over her body in the meantime and no one saw him retrieve her body and bury ( re bury? ) it during that night, and close to dawn .
Do you think that he could have run her down with the car?
There wasn't any mention by the SA police of damage to his vehicle, It's difficult to kill someone with a car without doing a fair bit of damage . And, it seems, he drove that same car back to Adelaide the next morning. Then, perhaps, he drove it to get damage fixed, that's a possibility. But there would surely be a record of that, somewhere.

I just don't think she made it home to Oulnina Park that night. I know the police keep searching the property, but it doesn't scan for me. Put it down to amateurism . I'm not that convinced she made it out of Adelaide. So I don't think she was shot by a gun.

Was she hunted thru the outback with his bow and arrow? While the kids slept on in the car? He was a good marksman with that equipment, and if he competed that weekend, that paraphernalia would be in the car. It's silent, swift and in the hands of an expert, deadly .

Beating is so common, usually the first impulse, that it cannot be discounted. But even that would leave marks on his hands, and no one seems to have noticed that. No bloodied knuckles.

Did she have a mobile phone? I don't know, maybe.

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