Australia Australia - Theo Hayez, 18, Belgian backpacker, Byron Bay, 31 May 2019 #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
So did some testing today on a few apps that I had read about from research elsewhere and with the help of TDawg explaining how they all work.

Pokemon Go and also Ingress, both apps that work on Google maps data in real-time.

In Byron Bay there were several locators and markers that followed along some of Theos route. They included Tallows beach, Milne track, Patterson St, The REC fields, Kingsley St and an area above cosy corner around the location he went into the bush,

When you look at the map you could be convinced with the possibility Theo might have been playing either of these games at the time.

Sadly when I visit CC there was nothing on either the apps making me walk up into the bush to chase anything and the same at Tennyson so IMO I do not believe he was using either these apps.

(attached map for REF)

I also walked along Tennyson and screen recorded my location comparing it to Theos map of where he walked and where I stood the blue dot was well incorrect and the blue radius circle showed me the approx location in which I would say was about 5m from where I actually was.

I can't say with any certainty with what I tested today that Theo was on the slab, in the cricket nets or under the tree where the Nitrous cylinders where. One image here I stood on the slab and it appears close on here but the other is when I stood off road nearly in house garden yet still showed me way off and location out

Because all the 3 areas are so close to each other you just cannot tell.

I just tried this at home. I’m completely still in my house yet the blue marker has had me outside moving around for minutes now. The dot is nearby (moving around metres away in my yard) and sometimes jumps to where I actually am, but it’s not consistently pinpoint accurate.


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I may get crucified for this but the chances of Theo having walked out of that bush alive are next to none. Whether he died due to misadventure, or met with foul play and was buried, he’s in there somewhere. I understand the need to track his exact movements from that night, but I don’t see how that will help locate his body, honestly. It’s not as simple as finding someone that knows something, and being pointed in the right direction. There’s been many cases in the past where police still failed to locate the body, even after they had narrowed down their search area. Theo didn’t simply vanish into thin air, he’s in there, but only time will tell if he is ever found...
Here’s a thought if he is buried in a shellow grave a good place would be under a homeless tent as no one would notice the disturbance to the ground and would not go to close. It was getting very cold back then so smell if covered correctly would have been reduced. A person could have dug quite deep over a period and covered hole each day until deep enough to be most affective. I still don’t understand why they haven’t used ground penetration infa red or whatever the same thing they use to look through house slabs. quite out there but possible. All the searching states that they went around people’s camps. And as rocket and I said months back there was some shady behaviour even with tommy.
I may get crucified for this but the chances of Theo having walked out of that bush alive are next to none. Whether he died due to misadventure, or met with foul play and was buried, he’s in there somewhere. I understand the need to track his exact movements from that night, but I don’t see how that will help locate his body, honestly. It’s not as simple as finding someone that knows something, and being pointed in the right direction. There’s been many cases in the past where police still failed to locate the body, even after they had narrowed down their search area. Theo didn’t simply vanish into thin air, he’s in there, but only time will tell if he is ever found...
Here’s a thought if he is buried in a shellow grave a good place would be under a homeless tent as no one would notice the disturbance to the ground and would not go to close. It was getting very cold back then so smell if covered correctly would have been reduced. A person could have dug quite deep over a period and covered hole each day until deep enough to be most affective. I still don’t understand why they haven’t used ground penetration infa red or whatever the same thing they use to look through house slabs. quite out there but possible. All the searching states that they went around people’s camps. And as rocket and I said months back there was some shady behaviour even with tommy.
Here’s a thought if he is buried in a shellow grave a good place would be under a homeless tent as no one would notice the disturbance to the ground and would not go to close. It was getting very cold back then so smell if covered correctly would have been reduced. A person could have dug quite deep over a period and covered hole each day until deep enough to be most affective. I still don’t understand why they haven’t used ground penetration infa red or whatever the same thing they use to look through house slabs. quite out there but possible. All the searching states that they went around people’s camps. And as rocket and I said months back there was some shady behaviour even with tommy.

Clever! Has that beach camp been thoroughly searched? Did the dogs go that far?
Clever! Has that beach camp been thoroughly searched? Did the dogs go that far?
No never under camps and tents. Am they went around . A massive hole could have been dug by then and he kept in temparary early days. Sorry for double post. Hi rocket been a while hope you had a goood Christmas
Clever! Has that beach camp been thoroughly searched? Did the dogs go that far?
also don’t forget re dogs that’s was ages later and after much rain. Dead animals feeding them lint of scents and after that long not sure much would be detected. It was a long way in time frame b4 cadiver dogs called. And the hat months later. The dogs would have picked that up if they were their and the hat was there the whole time.
Clever! Has that beach camp been thoroughly searched? Did the dogs go that far?
The ground is sandy loom very easy to dig like most cost lines. Would not take long to get down even using a plate or pot as a shovel. If he only hit his head or something may not be a lot of blood could have fallen back who knows . But easy to dig particularly that time year .

also don’t forget re dogs that’s was ages later and after much rain. Dead animals feeding them lint of scents and after that long not sure much would be detected. It was a long way in time frame b4 cadiver dogs called. And the hat months later. The dogs would have picked that up if they were their and the hat was there the whole time.
But surely, cadaver dogs would have picked up his scent any time they were brought in? That's what they're trained at?
I just tried this at home. I’m completely still in my house yet the blue marker has had me outside moving around for minutes now. The dot is nearby (moving around metres away in my yard) and sometimes jumps to where I actually am, but it’s not consistently pinpoint accurate.

Yep interesting isnt it?

I wonder if when completely still the GPS keeps searching for movement and readjusting itself because you are still? At one stage mine was way out yesterday like 12m away but it then moved around and got closer.
The ground is sandy loom very easy to dig like most cost lines. Would not take long to get down even using a plate or pot as a shovel. If he only hit his head or something may not be a lot of blood could have fallen back who knows . But easy to dig particularly that time year .

Have you actually been to that camp on the beach?

I would have thought from looking at it that there would be harder ground and there were lots of tree roots exposed around it as well. There is lots of sand but also lots vegetation as well.

I agree definitely would have been a place that might been less detected if someone was living in it or any other shelters at the time at the time just not so sure about it being so easy to dig up.
Have you actually been to that camp on the beach?

I would have thought from looking at it that there would be harder ground and there were lots of tree roots exposed around it as well. There is lots of sand but also lots vegetation as well.

I agree definitely would have been a place that might been less detected if someone was living in it or any other shelters at the time at the time just not so sure about it being so easy to dig up.
Yes but I’m not saying just that camp though . Any of the camps. All given wide birth, however I still come back to the fact that that key search time that was missed gave rise to opportunity to move body when heat was being applied and focused to the light house. The time laps I think was critical of the whole case that it was just so long b4 official search conducted and such limited information initially. That Period of time was so crucial to every aspect of this case.
I still don’t understand why they haven’t used ground penetration infa red or whatever the same thing they use to look through house slabs. quite out there but possible.

Just looking at the capacity of ground penetrating radar equipment. No idea of the cost but it appears to be able to cover a large area (some said hectares, some said feet sized areas) and detect places of interest quickly:

“A 10-foot by 10-foot area can be searched in less than 30 minutes. Data can be processed and viewed on site to offer immediate evidence and recovery.”

“Samantha Weaver, a mother of two children, was last seen in June 2012. After a few years of following leads, the investigation narrowed and officials began to focus their attention on a particular property outside of Shawnee, Oklahoma. A shed near the back of the property was of particular interest. The OSBI was called in and used their FINDAR to assist local law enforcement with the investigation.

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) officials surveyed the crime scene with FINDAR and were not disappointed with the technology’s ability to deliver results. Under plywood and three feet of soil, a decomposing body was discovered

Finding the body after three years is a significant turn of events for the investigation into the death of the Shawnee mother and will hopefully lead to a quick arrest and conviction.“

FINDAR® Speaks for Murder Victims
Have you actually been to that camp on the beach?

I would have thought from looking at it that there would be harder ground and there were lots of tree roots exposed around it as well. There is lots of sand but also lots vegetation as well.

I agree definitely would have been a place that might been less detected if someone was living in it or any other shelters at the time at the time just not so sure about it being so easy to dig up.
Yeah I understand what you mean. I guess to put in perspective easier than your average yard or rode side once you get through the top layer a lot of the vegetation unlike huge gum trees etc dose not have the huge root base. Only an idea. But the yes the so many transient individuals . So much time to move undetected. Just timing . As stated here b4 that Daniel morcombe case yeas until he cracked. And they were on it from the beginning. Worst nightmare.
Just looking at the capacity of ground penetrating radar equipment. No idea of the cost but it appears to be able to cover a large area (some said hectares, some said feet sized areas) and detect places of interest quickly:

“A 10-foot by 10-foot area can be searched in less than 30 minutes. Data can be processed and viewed on site to offer immediate evidence and recovery.”

“Samantha Weaver, a mother of two children, was last seen in June 2012. After a few years of following leads, the investigation narrowed and officials began to focus their attention on a particular property outside of Shawnee, Oklahoma. A shed near the back of the property was of particular interest. The OSBI was called in and used their FINDAR to assist local law enforcement with the investigation.

Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) officials surveyed the crime scene with FINDAR and were not disappointed with the technology’s ability to deliver results. Under plywood and three feet of soil, a decomposing body was discovered

Finding the body after three years is a significant turn of events for the investigation into the death of the Shawnee mother and will hopefully lead to a quick arrest and conviction.“

FINDAR® Speaks for Murder Victims
Yeah. I don’t know why they haven’t been used. It seems crazy. They use them a bit in Victoria. Particularly when it’s thought that body’s have been covered under cement slabs back yard sheds erected over them. All sorts.
Yeah. I don’t know why they haven’t been used. It seems crazy. They use them a bit in Victoria. Particularly when it’s thought that body’s have been covered under cement slabs back yard sheds erected over them. All sorts.
Probably because they’ve deduced it’s an accidental fall/drowning with no evidence of a crime? Be interesting to see what arises from the eventual coronial investigation.
Probably because they’ve deduced it’s an accidental fall/drowning with no evidence of a crime? Be interesting to see what arises from the eventual coronial investigation.

I agree Rocket.

IMO many things have not been actioned/done / followed up because of the police thinking was accidental.

We just have to accept their judgement on this until further information and evidence is at hand.

I dont believe it was accidental.

Not in the sense he climbed up a cliff, fell, died then was washed out to sea.

Even the guy who was recently (or his leg) found from QLD who had actually gone missing out in the ocean and not off the shores ended up washing up his leg on a beach.

The tide came in at 6 am-ish and the phone would have washed out and gone by then or been exposed to lots salt water and would not still ping in the afternoon of the 1st as it would be cactus. JMO

I think whatever happened he lost his phone on the way in the bush somewhere and that is where it still is after it finally ran out of juice. If it was picked up by a homeless person to be used or sell they may have disposed of it after seeing the posters and learning of the missing owner. The posters are all over Byron showing the phone etc. all IMO
Just thinking about why bodies are moved from where they died. Hypothetically, if Theo died at CC, and it was accidental (like an overdose) why would his body be moved or even buried? Why not just leave it?

The only thing I can come up with is to hide incriminating matter like DNA and links to a person.

If he died along the beach track, again why not just leave him there?

If he died on the beach, and was alone, he’d be there.
If he fell off the cliff, you reckon there’d be a decent chance of a shoe, cap, wallet etc being found in the vicinity.
If he went into the ocean, you’d think something would’ve come ashore by now.
If he walked out of Tallow and left the area, or went into a house or property, there would be nothing to show on the beach. Yet there’s a cap and a phone ping left behind.

How can that place be so searched by human and animals yet there’s nothing. The area is huge and difficult, yet the dogs picked up nothing and there’s no smell of decay. How far could he have been carried in that terrain? Why would you bother going too far into the scrub to dispose of a body, when you could hide it relatively easily anywhere and there’s a huge ocean nearby?

I’m wondering if we’re looking so hard close-up that we’re not seeing the big picture. IDK JMO
Just thinking about why bodies are moved from where they died. Hypothetically, if Theo died at CC, and it was accidental (like an overdose) why would his body be moved or even buried? Why not just leave it?

The only thing I can come up with is to hide incriminating matter like DNA and links to a person.

If he died along the beach track, again why not just leave him there?

If he died on the beach, and was alone, he’d be there.
If he fell off the cliff, you reckon there’d be a decent chance of a shoe, cap, wallet etc being found in the vicinity.
If he went into the ocean, you’d think something would’ve come ashore by now.
If he walked out of Tallow and left the area, or went into a house or property, there would be nothing to show on the beach. Yet there’s a cap and a phone ping left behind.

How can that place be so searched by human and animals yet there’s nothing. The area is huge and difficult, yet the dogs picked up nothing and there’s no smell of decay. How far could he have been carried in that terrain? Why would you bother going too far into the scrub to dispose of a body, when you could hide it relatively easily anywhere and there’s a huge ocean nearby?

I’m wondering if we’re looking so hard close-up that we’re not seeing the big picture. IDK JMO
A lot of those transient people have police records. And probably don’t want any questions being asked. If he fell or got in a struggle (as I suggested many pages back I think around 38-40 somewhere around there last thread. ) if he fell that close to the shore you would think that the body would wash up pretty soon after. As would be near where waves break. It really is incredible that he has vanished.
A lot of those transient people have police records. And probably don’t want any questions being asked. If he fell or got in a struggle (as I suggested many pages back I think around 38-40 somewhere around there last thread. ) if he fell that close to the shore you would think that the body would wash up pretty soon after. As would be near where waves break. It really is incredible that he has vanished.

Running with that, what would motivate a transient person to harm Theo? If they live transiently, why not just leave the body and move on and far away?

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