Australia Australia - Theo Hayez, 18, Belgian backpacker, Byron Bay, 31 May 2019 #4

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DNA Solves
My daughter is planning a backpacking trip through Australia in a few days. She'll be stopping in Byron Bay a few nights and staying at a hostel. Anything to be concerned about?
No . I traveled after first degree when I was 21, alone to the 7 wonders of the world. I think it’s just time and place . Like everything.
My daughter is planning a backpacking trip through Australia in a few days. She'll be stopping in Byron Bay a few nights and staying at a hostel. Anything to be concerned about?
See below. Sorry didn’t reply correctly
My daughter is planning a backpacking trip through Australia in a few days. She'll be stopping in Byron Bay a few nights and staying at a hostel. Anything to be concerned about?

I live in the area send me a PM I can give you a few tips and also some places to see when she is here :)
I think that if anything unintentional happened to Theo on the beach at Tallow or CC, he would’ve been found there. Anyone with him would’ve bolted.

I reckon he walked off the beach, possibly to the car park, or back through the same beach track to Milne.

Was a wide (national & global) appeal ever made (via social media sites) to find those camped overnight in the Tallow car park? Do people sleeping in vans in that car park need to register with the parks dept or anything?
I think that if anything unintentional happened to Theo on the beach at Tallow or CC, he would’ve been found there. Anyone with him would’ve bolted.

I reckon he walked off the beach, possibly to the car park, or back through the same beach track to Milne.

Was a wide (national & global) appeal ever made (via social media sites) to find those camped overnight in the Tallow car park? Do people sleeping in vans in that car park need to register with the parks dept or anything?

I feel the same,

Unless more than one person involved and a car waiting in car park I cannot imagine how or why he would be moved if something happened on the beach.

It was pretty cold back then, when I rocked up at 6am the other morning there was only a small group who had stayed on the beach that night and that was nice weather.

The time I went just after he was missing there was no cars in car park at all and only a couple sitting on the beach who looked like they had walked from near by so didnt appear anyone had camped overnight the day I was there, I was understanding that it was illegal to camp at Tallows even in a car,

A NATIONAL park ranger was allegedly assaulted yesterday morning in a Byron Bay car park by a Queensland couple after he slapped their campervan with a parking fine.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife officer had arrived at Tallow Beach car park just after 6am.

The couple's van had allegedly breached parking rules and the officer was issuing it with a fine when they became aggressive towards him.
Vanpackers charged with assaulting Byron Bay park ranger

I dont think has been any overseas appeal made.
I feel the same,

Unless more than one person involved and a car waiting in car park I cannot imagine how or why he would be moved if something happened on the beach.

It was pretty cold back then, when I rocked up at 6am the other morning there was only a small group who had stayed on the beach that night and that was nice weather.

The time I went just after he was missing there was no cars in car park at all and only a couple sitting on the beach who looked like they had walked from near by so didnt appear anyone had camped overnight the day I was there, I was understanding that it was illegal to camp at Tallows even in a car,

A NATIONAL park ranger was allegedly assaulted yesterday morning in a Byron Bay car park by a Queensland couple after he slapped their campervan with a parking fine.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife officer had arrived at Tallow Beach car park just after 6am.

The couple's van had allegedly breached parking rules and the officer was issuing it with a fine when they became aggressive towards him.
Vanpackers charged with assaulting Byron Bay park ranger

I dont think has been any overseas appeal made.

You’re right. You can’t legally camp there overnight.
Jayden Penno-Tompsett's mother calls for inquest two years after Newcastle man's disappearance at Charters Towers

Mum calls for inquest two years after Jayden's disappearance

Not referred to the coroner so why was Theos case referred so quickly?
Interesting article. Made me wonder, if Theo was alone at the time he exited CC, if he went back via the way he came, could he have been mistaken for a gay guy wondering through the bush turkey scrub late at night? I know it’s not a known gay beat, but Tallows is a surfers beach. Plenty of bi/straight guys around these days who don’t identify as gay, but want discrete hookups with likeminded guys. In that case, another possibility is a mistaken late night gay/bi hate crime attack on a lone young male in the vicinity of the Tallows Carpark. Maybe not, but it’s another thought. Something similar could have happened to Jayden.
Interesting article. Made me wonder, if Theo was alone at the time he exited CC, if he went back via the way he came, could he have been mistaken for a gay guy wondering through the bush turkey scrub late at night? I know it’s not a known gay beat, but Tallows is a surfers beach. Plenty of bi/straight guys around these days who don’t identify as gay, but want discrete hookups with likeminded guys. In that case, another possibility is a mistaken late night gay/bi hate crime attack on a lone young male in the vicinity of the Tallows Carpark. Maybe not, but it’s another thought. Something similar could have happened to Jayden.

I think I (and most of us including Theos family) keep coming back to the fact that he wouldnt have walked into the bush like that on his own.

To be honest I would not even walk into it with another person (even in the daytime I would be to scared as unfamiliar) But if he was being lured there against his wishes that makes sense.

If this is the case and that person knew that area well they would have avoided the car park (the natural route you or I would take as it be safer) The car park might have witnesses and witnesses with dashcam so if lured that person would avoid that area and go through an area they already knew could cut through which was Off Milne and passed the camps onto the beach.
Interesting article. Made me wonder, if Theo was alone at the time he exited CC, if he went back via the way he came, could he have been mistaken for a gay guy wondering through the bush turkey scrub late at night? I know it’s not a known gay beat, but Tallows is a surfers beach. Plenty of bi/straight guys around these days who don’t identify as gay, but want discrete hookups with likeminded guys. In that case, another possibility is a mistaken late night gay/bi hate crime attack on a lone young male in the vicinity of the Tallows Carpark. Maybe not, but it’s another thought. Something similar could have happened to Jayden.

Yeah the sexual assault line is on my mind too at the moment. The Indian guy who “allegedly” killed Toyah Cordingley on the beach in Cairns in Oct 2018 was known to visit the beaches regularly. The police asked the public to tell them about any lewd or scary encounters that had happened along the various beaches all the way from Cairns to Innisfail.
Toyah was found in a shallow grave in the dunes the next day. The alleged Indian perp was caught in a phone tower triangulation at the beach car park, and on cctv whilst driving home. It was however, late afternoon in Spring, and not a dark Wintery night.

Knowing this, I looked up reports of lewd, sexualised behaviour on Byron beaches. Tyagarah of course grabs the attention, however Tallow also got a mention.

“Police data showed that, in a period from 2016 to September this year, there were 97 sex and street offences at Tyagarah Beach and nearby Ti Tree Lake and Tyagarah Nature Reserve. In the same period at Main Beach and Tallow Beach in Byron there were 20 offences, despite those areas being more popular.“
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Yeah the sexual assault line is on my mind too at the moment. The Indian guy who “allegedly” killed Toyah Cordingley on the beach in Cairns in Oct 2018 was known to visit the beaches regularly. The police asked the public to tell them about any lewd or scary encounters that had happened along the various beaches all the way from Cairns to Innisfail.
Toyah was found in a shallow grave in the dunes the next day. The alleged Indian perp was caught in a phone tower triangulation at the beach car park, and on cctv whilst driving home. It was however, late afternoon in Spring, and not a dark Wintery night.

Knowing this, I looked up reports of lewd, sexualised behaviour on Byron beaches. Tyagarah of course grabs the attention, however Tallow also got a mention.

“Police data showed that, in a period from 2016 to September this year, there were 97 sex and street offences at Tyagarah Beach and nearby Ti Tree Lake and Tyagarah Nature Reserve. In the same period at Main Beach and Tallow Beach in Byron there were 20 offences, despite those areas being more popular.“

Wonder why Toyah Cordingley was not started up as a thread on here? I know there is a suspect but nothing is in concrete this stage.
Wonder why Toyah Cordingley was not started up as a thread on here? I know there is a suspect but nothing is in concrete this stage.

Toyah’s a thread on here. He’s POI #1 and fled to India the morning after. He left behind his financially dependent Indian born wife, 3 very young kids (including a baby), and a mortgage. His father who was living with them, soon followed him back to India and none of the family in Australia have heard a peep. The police were holding regular public updates until someone (internal I think) leaked info about the Indian POI. The police had already searched his home and caught him in the phone triangulation, and on cctv. The leak though made the police stop sharing and nothing more was given to the public. It went silent. The Indian guy was also observed throwing stuff into a nearby lake on his way home. He was a nurse at Innisfail hospital and his family said he visited the beaches all the time and sometimes he’s was gone for days.

What’s relevant to note here is that the suspect RS
spent ALOT of time on the less populated beaches and it most likely wasn’t to swim and sun bake. The other important thing is that this case got massive community support and the family made and distributed bumper stickers to jog memory and keep her case prominent in the public eye and mind. The stickers went national and international and had the crime stoppers number on them and her emblem, the sunflower. They aren’t expensive and could be as productive with Theo’s case.

Toyah’s case is all in the thread and the media.
'It could be anyone's daughter': One year on, the murder of Toyah still haunts locals


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Hey Rocket can you PM me the link to Toyah thread cannot locate it.

I followed this back when happened as used to holiday in Cairns and PD a fair bit and know of the beach. Prob got a few pics of i and its surrounds on my drive. Had forgotten about it till you mentioned it so keen to read about it again :)
Hey Rocket can you PM me the link to Toyah thread cannot locate it.

I followed this back when happened as used to holiday in Cairns and PD a fair bit and know of the beach. Prob got a few pics of i and its surrounds on my drive. Had forgotten about it till you mentioned it so keen to read about it again :)

Link: Australia - Toyah Cordingley, 24, body found on beach, 22 October 2018 #3

Another thing with TC was that she had DNA under her nails and was said to have given up a good fight. It’s going back abit but I remember someone reporting that RS had scratch marks on his face (and maybe arms). The police issued cctv from a servo and asked the public to see if they could identify any of the 52ish specific vehicles. They even numbered them. The suspect must have been amongst them. This all came to mind as I was mulling over beach perverts and why some bodies are left in place and others removed. In Toyah’s case, the perp could have been better off removing her body, but it was late arvo and he may have just panicked and bolted. Her dog was tied up to a nearby tree overnight too and so tight that it couldn’t sit.


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Jayden Penno-Tompsett's mother calls for inquest two years after Newcastle man's disappearance at Charters Towers

Mum calls for inquest two years after Jayden's disappearance

Not referred to the coroner so why was Theos case referred so quickly?

I’ve been reading the Daniel Morcombe coronial inquest report. He went missing in December 2003 and an inquest occurred at his parents request some 7 years later in October 2010. The inquest concluded in 2016.

I’m trying to determine in simple terms why coronial investigations and inquests vary in their timing. From what I can deduce, police investigate and when they have finished they can (info is conflicting whether it’s compulsory or not) give a ’suspected death report’ to the coroner. If the coroner can’t find natural causes for the suspected death, they open a coronial investigation. The family can request an investigation too. The following is from the Morcombe inquest:

“Following submissions from the Morcombe family, the State Coroner formed the view that it was in the public interest that an inquest be held into Daniel’s disappearance.

The scope of an inquest and findings
A coroner has jurisdiction to inquire into the cause and the circumstances of a suspected death. The Coroners Act, in s 45(1) and (2), provides that when investigating a suspected death, the coroner must, if possible, find:-

 whether the death happened, and if so,
 the identity of the deceased,
 how, when and where the death occurred, and  what caused the death.

After considering all of the evidence presented at the inquest, findings must be given in relation to each of those matters to the extent that they are able to be proved. While this inquest commenced as an investigation into a suspected death, following Mr Cowan’s conviction for Daniel’s murder there is no doubt that he is deceased.

An inquest is not a trial between opposing parties but an inquiry into the death, which a leading English authority has described in this way:-
It is an inquisitorial process, a process of investigation quite unlike a criminal trial where the prosecutor accuses and the accused defends. The function of an inquest is to seek out and record as many of the facts concerning the death as the public interest requires.”

The focus is on discovering what happened, not on ascribing guilt, attributing blame or apportioning liability. The purpose is to inform the family and the public of how the death occurred with a view to reducing the likelihood of similar deaths. As a result, in so far as it is relevant to the death being investigated, the Act authorises a coroner to “comment on anything connected with a death investigated at an inquest that relates to public health or safety or ways to prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.”
I’ve been reading the Daniel Morcombe coronial inquest report. He went missing in December 2003 and an inquest occurred at his parents request some 7 years later in October 2010. The inquest concluded in 2016.

I’m trying to determine in simple terms why coronial investigations and inquests vary in their timing. From what I can deduce, police investigate and when they have finished they can (info is conflicting whether it’s compulsory or not) give a ’suspected death report’ to the coroner. If the coroner can’t find natural causes for the suspected death, they open a coronial investigation. The family can request an investigation too. The following is from the Morcombe inquest:

“Following submissions from the Morcombe family, the State Coroner formed the view that it was in the public interest that an inquest be held into Daniel’s disappearance.

The scope of an inquest and findings
A coroner has jurisdiction to inquire into the cause and the circumstances of a suspected death. The Coroners Act, in s 45(1) and (2), provides that when investigating a suspected death, the coroner must, if possible, find:-

 whether the death happened, and if so,
 the identity of the deceased,
 how, when and where the death occurred, and  what caused the death.

After considering all of the evidence presented at the inquest, findings must be given in relation to each of those matters to the extent that they are able to be proved. While this inquest commenced as an investigation into a suspected death, following Mr Cowan’s conviction for Daniel’s murder there is no doubt that he is deceased.

An inquest is not a trial between opposing parties but an inquiry into the death, which a leading English authority has described in this way:-
It is an inquisitorial process, a process of investigation quite unlike a criminal trial where the prosecutor accuses and the accused defends. The function of an inquest is to seek out and record as many of the facts concerning the death as the public interest requires.”

The focus is on discovering what happened, not on ascribing guilt, attributing blame or apportioning liability. The purpose is to inform the family and the public of how the death occurred with a view to reducing the likelihood of similar deaths. As a result, in so far as it is relevant to the death being investigated, the Act authorises a coroner to “comment on anything connected with a death investigated at an inquest that relates to public health or safety or ways to prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.”

That's interesting. Some here, in the past, have stated an inquest is for the families benefit (IMO IIRC). I think it stands to benefit the pubic as well, definitely. The community ought to know what the outcome is - esp if the death is suspicious - as a matter of caution for example - just like DM's case. Not just a family matter... so to speak.
That's interesting. Some here, in the past, have stated an inquest is for the families benefit (IMO IIRC). I think it stands to benefit the pubic as well, definitely. The community ought to know what the outcome is - esp if the death is suspicious - as a matter of caution for example - just like DM's case. Not just a family matter... so to speak.

Yeah, the Morcombe inquest report said that very thing.

“The purpose is to inform the family and the public of how the death occurred with a view to reducing the likelihood of similar deaths. As a result, in so far as it is relevant to the death being investigated, the Act authorises a coroner to “comment on anything connected with a death investigated at an inquest that relates to public health or safety or ways to prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.”
Yeah, the Morcombe inquest report said that very thing.

“The purpose is to inform the family and the public of how the death occurred with a view to reducing the likelihood of similar deaths. As a result, in so far as it is relevant to the death being investigated, the Act authorises a coroner to “comment on anything connected with a death investigated at an inquest that relates to public health or safety or ways to prevent deaths from happening in similar circumstances in the future.”
Well that will be to introduce a Marijuana Legalisation Bill and pill testing, but the pollies will ignore the recommendation. I've said similar on here before, if you could walk into somewhere like GoVita in Byron and buy some lab tested weed, Theo would probably be alive today, and the dodgy drug scene in town would vanish.

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