Australia Australia - Theo Hayez, 18, Belgian backpacker, Byron Bay, 31 May 2019 #4

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
NoCookies | The Australian

January 28

Police are conducting DNA tests on two hairs found on the suspected hat of Belgian backpacker Theo Hayez, eight months after he vanished in Byron Bay.

The discovery and testing of the hairs has taken Hayez’s family by surprise, after they were previously told DNA tests on the Puma cap were inconclusive.

Byron detectives informed Hayez’s family of the hairs and new round of tests this month, it can be revealed.

No doubt will be one of the questions at the top of the list to the coroner...

Why were these not tested when the cap was found?

How could the cap have been tested for DNA months ago with an "inconclusive" response when two hairs are allegedly found on it and not tested.

Any matter found on the cap would naturally be tested at the same time, especially to see if the DNA came back as both Theos and someone else who may have worn the hat there after.

IMO, I think many will speculate that the cap was never sent away to be tested for DNA in the first place.

"Now detectives are testing two hairs found on the hat to see if they match Theo, according to his godfather Jean-Philippe Pector.

'Apparently they only decided to test the hairs because they couldn't get any match with the cap itself,' Mr Pector told The Australian.

'I was surprised it's something that hasn't been done straight away. It seems so strange they didn't test those hairs at the same time as the other tests they did.' "

Police test two hairs found on Theo Hayez's hat in Byron Bay | Daily Mail Online
I found it rather interesting that it’s reported that they’re testing hairs for Theo’s DNA within days of ‘forensically testing’ the body that washed up near Coffs Harbour to confirm the identity... If only.

I should add that police do believe that it is the missing swimmer.*
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I found it rather interesting that it’s reported that they’re testing hairs for Theo’s DNA within days of ‘forensically testing’ the body that washed up near Coffs Harbour to confirm the identity... If only.

I should add that police do believe that it is the missing swimmer.*

Good pick up.
i dont check in very often on this case as its not one of my pet cases, we all have interests and they differ but i do come back and check from time to time

this case baffles me completely, read through the last couple of closed threads over the last few hours, i don't think i can add much other than someone must know something and for the love of god i hope they find the heart and courage to come forward and tell what they know about Theo

its horrible when we can't return loved ones home to their countries after visiting our beautiful country, its not a reputation we like to have hang around us more so to have no answer to give the family either
Hi all, I have been a long time reader of websleuths but have never been quite brave enough to comment, so this will be my first, please forgive me if I am breaking any rules, im guessing anything I say that is against the rules will be removed by the moderator anyway! I have been a little obsessed with Theo's disappearance ever since it was first brought to the public's attention, having taken the walk back to my accommodation from Cheeky Monkeys at pretty much the exact same time of the year, a year before Theo's disappearance in roughly the same direction Theo should have taken if he was to head straight back to the backpackers (though it turns out he obviously headed in the opposite direction) I remember it being pretty cold out at night at that time of the year and not really the kind of weather that would have even my adventurous and beach loving self self heading to the beach for a quick peek and definitely not to sit down and do some messaging, or checking youtube videos or anything of the sort, it really was quite cold out after being in a warm bar. But I could imagine bumping into a like-minded group or individual and wanting to continue the night in such an awesome place and maybe heading somewhere in the cold on their recommendation of maybe a bonfire at the beach or a warmer place to hang out with others for a bit. I can even imagine starting to run down the paths & fire trail, giggling at the darkness and scariness and the fact that I (we) are now running (from nothing!) & just wanting to get out of the darkness & onto the beach! It is pretty mysterious how this all came to be for Theo though and exactly what went down and why he was then relaxed enough to to text family back home etc, but not mentioning he was sitting on a gorgeous beach in what would seem like the middle of no-where in this amazing place. I myself would just have to mention this fact if I had been texting my family that night on the beach. (im thinking of the messages he sent to, I think his Uncle? re the band) It really is a strange disappearance I just cant get out of my head and Ive spent countless hours just 'wondering' & following any little bit of available information and forums a little obsessively! There have been a couple of things that I just cant stop thinking about and I'm hoping by writing here about my thoughts, my brain might be able to move on a little!


The fact that it was 6 days before he was actually reported missing also made me think that if he had been harmed & buried deep in the sand, after 6 days the spot would probably not even be noticeable anymore, with fresh blown & rained on sand covering it & maybe people walking over the area totally unaware of what was below. There is so much area there and late on a cold dark night with few people about it would be easy to dig a huge hole in the sand, bury someone, cover it back over, smooth the surface so it looked natural again & by the morning no-one walking by would be any the wiser (morbid I know!) Although I imagine the search dogs would have eventually found him... if they had been looking in the right spot/area.
Obviously some of the other possibilities is that he did fall over the cliff & was washed out to sea, Aliens may have abducted him! or he was kidnapped or killed & his body was removed form the area by car, 6 days is such a huge head start for any wrong doers who may have been involved.
My apologies for such a long winded post or if I have broken any rules, I just couldn't hold all my thoughts/wonderings in anymore! I really hope Theo's family & friends get answers to his strange disappearance one day, hopefully sooner than later, even then I will never forget Theo and how his amazing adventurous holiday in such an amazing place came to such a sad end :(
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Ballina to Byron Bay Charity Walk

Ballina to Byron Bay Charity Walk
Event dates to be confirmed: May 2020

The Ballina to Byron Bay Charity Walk - a fundraising event for the Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter - starts at Missingham Park in Ballina, following the coastline north to Lennox Head, Broken Head, Tallows Beach to Cape Byron Lighthouse finishing at Denning Park in Byron Bay, next to the Surf Life Saving Club.

Maybe someone will find something?

I haven't followed this thread for months and prior to that I only grazed a little so if this is irrelevant I apologise, it's just that Ballina has an airport and I suddenly just thought of this.

Not sure what the chances are of that going ahead given social distancing rules? Or maybe it will given it's outdoor exercise which is acceptable, but under different conditions, eg groups of 2 max and the 2 have to live together, which would fit NSW social distancing rules.

As for the airport, yeah, but nobody's flying there. My partner was due to fly into that airport in early June and that's not happening, there are no domestic commercial airline flights atm except one route, between Sydney and Melbourne and I'm pretty sure they're resuming other routes late June at the earliest
Police active in Byron mystery
New article? I can’t read it due to the pay wall but may contain updates.

snipped by me
Police have secretly conducted new searches around Cape Byron Lighthouse as part of investigations into the disappearance of Belgian backpacker Theo Hayez.

The renewed search effort is understood to have focused on finding Hayez’s missing mobile phone or other belongings and can be revealed as his family prepares to mark a year since he vanished from Byron Bay in northern NSW.

Detectives have also told Hayez’s family the results of DNA tests on hairs recovered from a hat found in bushland beside Byron’s Tallow Beach.
News is out that the DNA on the cap that was found is family linked DNA to Theo.

Théo Hayez: DNA suggests found cap belonged to missing Belgian

Looking for Théo Hayez

Doesn’t the response to the “leak” of the DNA result by the Belgian news agency seem a little bit disproportionate?

Family are “deeply disturbed” and volunteers express “fury” and its described as “disrespectful” to Australian investigators, etc etc

To recap (source links below): Australian news previously reported that: (1) the cap had been found, (2) the family firmly believed all along that the cap belonged to Theo, (3) the cap was going in for further DNA testing, and (4) quite recently, detectives informed Theo’s family of the outcome of the DNA test (and we are told this has happened) but the actual result (i.e. positive link or negative link) is not disclosed to the public.

Belgian news agency Belga then publishes the (positive) result based on information from a credible source that is close to the case (i.e. an inside leak). Outrage then ensues:
I get that unauthorised leaks from official sources during an active investigation aren’t encouraged, welcomed or helpful to the authorities. Control of information is also prized. And yes, this is a major development that could now lead the investigation in other directions. However, and I mean no disrespect to the family here, I really don’t see what the huge hoopla is. They thought it was his cap to begin with, and it was always going to be one of two results, so how is this confirmation seen to compromise things?

I don’t see any other “sensitive details” leaked despite various headlines, only this. And if, for example, the result means the Police are now hypothetically pursuing a homicide line of inquiry because they think the cap might’ve been planted later, after the original sweep of the area, then of course the offender already knew what the DNA result was going to be anyway.

Just seems a bit odd to me seeing all this upset over Belga getting the jump.

Sources for the above:
(1) Baseball cap similar to one worn by Theo Hayez is found in Byron Bay - Daily Mail
(2) Theo Hayez’s family claim hat belongs to missing backpacker
(3) The Australian - Police run DNA tests on 'hairs from Theo Hayez's hat' (paywalled)
Theo Hayez search renewed after missing backpacker vanished from Byron Bay - Daily Mail
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Unrelated news from just days ago:

"The body of Scott Johnson, 27, was found at the bottom of beach cliffs in 1988. Police ruled it a suicide. However, later inquiries concluded he had been killed in a hate crime. This also drew attention to other cases of homophobic killings around Sydney's beaches in the 1980s."

Just goes to show people do get pushed off cliffs, murder is often mislabeled as suicide, and these things are rarely isolated incidents... as in, look for links to other crimes around the same time.

Out of curiosity, of the people here who think it was foul play, who thinks:

a) Theo went down the cliff but got washed away
b) he was buried in the Byron bush near beach
c) he was taken away and hidden somewhere else entirely.

What about phone?

1) Was it left behind to ping on purpose to give the illusion Theo fell off cliff, while he was taken elsewhere?
2) Theo left his phone in a remote place near beach (hence why we can't find it) while he ended up on the cliff edge?

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