Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #1 *Arrests*

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Hi everyone!*

This is my very first post,* so please be nice lol

I have been watching this case, since the very first time this poor girls missing post, was shared on FB. I have have nothing but feelings of* extreme sadness for her and her family.* I do have to wonder,* or maybe hope, that this wasn't as sinister as we think. Is it, at all possible that it was a terrible accident? That Tiahleigh and Trent possibly had a relationship, that they shouldn't of had,* and it all got wayyy out of control? I have teenagers, and they go to school with other teenagers, kids these days think nothing of dating older grades or younger grades.*

Hi and welcome! :)

That's definitely a possibility, that it wasn't a premeditated murder. It's certainly not unheard of for teens to experiment. I get the feeling it's not consensual, but I think there's a lot more to come out yet...
That's a great point you make about the fact Rick was advertising for more students just a few weeks later. Why would you take the risk again of having other young girls in your home and potentially having the same situation arise? It could be as simple as Tiahleigh was pregnant and that's why he felt he had to get rid of her. Maybe he was fine with the 'sexual relationship' (she's 12, it's rape imo) until he found out she was pregnant.

Tiahleigh did nothing wrong.. she was 12. It is all on the son.. he's 19 and should have known better, Tiahleigh was just a child. Yet it seems Rick blamed it all on Tiahleigh, he couldn't even entertain the idea that his son was the one at fault. He didn't give two hoots about ruining Tiahleigh's life but he was worried about the potential repercussions for his son.. whose fault it was entirely anyway! Now Rick's in an induced coma and may never have to face up to what he's done. He's a coward. He's been fine the past 11 months, living a normal life despite knowing he murdered his 12-year-old foster child, but as soon as he is caught he collapses. He only cares about himself and that he and his family were finally caught. Where's the remorse for Tiahleigh?

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I can't like this enough. RIP Tiahleigh.
OT slightly, but having worked in the child protection area (not Qld) for many years, I know that you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. We did the best we could with the resources we had, but the 'system' eventually got the better of most of us and we left. Since Australia closed many group homes in favour of foster care, we were constantly seeking foster families for everyday kids and the really disadvantaged kids with challenging behaviours. Any inquiry should look at motivation to foster - not what they say, but what they do.

In Qld there is the 'working with children' blue card. This system was introduced quite a few years ago. I was working in international education (homestay) at the time. Was better than nothing and did give some protection, but it really only weeded out the people already with a record in Qld. I relied more on my gut reaction in approving people, along with the blue card. This certainly did not weed potential murders, abusers or even suicide within a family. No one really knows what goes on within a family.

Having said that, there appeared to have been warning signs that all wasn't well with this foster placement. Tia had been in foster care for 2 years before this without incident (apparently). I wonder why she was in long term care with strangers and not with extended family. The latest foster family in my opinion was inappropriate from the outset due to the 2 older boys - never would I have placed an under 18yo female in a family with older sons. Not to discriminate, but to avoid any possible sexual abuse or perceived abuse.

Sometimes in being so politically correct, we forget - or can't say "I don't think these people are suitable - I just have a gut feeling" or "Someone in this family can't get a Blue Card, has a criminal conviction from 35 years ago for driving a get away car in an armed robbery when he was 16 and for the past 30 years has been religious and has a family and have been a great homestay family in the past" What I am trying to say is that we really never know, but if in doubt, err on the side of caution.

Let's not forget the wonderful foster/homestay families!

"A friend of Tia's told police the young girl had approached her about a month before her alleged murder, saying "Trent tried to touch me", Sergeant Ellen alleged.

"She further said that the victim claimed to have disclosed this to her foster mother," she said.

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I really want to praise and honour Tia's friend for coming forward with this information to the Police. I can't imagine it was an easy decision or situation for her, but she very bravely did the right thing. Wisdom & Values if a True Friend & for that matter a True Human Being, kudos to you hon, whoever you are.
Hi everyone!*

This is my very first post,* so please be nice lol

I have been watching this case, since the very first time this poor girls missing post, was shared on FB. I have have nothing but feelings of* extreme sadness for her and her family.* I do have to wonder,* or maybe hope, that this wasn't as sinister as we think. Is it, at all possible that it was a terrible accident? That Tiahleigh and Trent possibly had a relationship, that they shouldn't of had,* and it all got wayyy out of control? I have teenagers, and they go to school with other teenagers, kids these days think nothing of dating older grades or younger grades.*

:wagon: Kitsune!!!!

I completely get what you're saying in regards to their relationship, he may well have been immature and many 12 year old girls date older boys, so even though it's technically illegal we have all known teens who are that far apart and form a sexual relationship, it's not sinister IMO either.

What is is the fact the mother covered it up when she became aware of it (at that stage she should have told authorities the family could no longer care for Tiahleigh at the very least), and that the father has actually KILLED HER!!!

I just cannot get over that one, kills her!!! Doesn't take her to a doctor, or call a social worker or boots his son out of the home, but goes and commits murder!

The family is sick, but I get what you are saying about the relationship itself not being sinister.

What was going on with these parents though .... I believe the mother should face more charges, and I think police may find bad deeds in their pasts too.
:wagon: Kitsune!!!!

I completely get what you're saying in regards to their relationship, he may well have been immature and many 12 year old girls date older boys, so even though it's technically illegal we have all known teens who are that far apart and form a sexual relationship, it's not sinister IMO either.

What is is the fact the mother covered it up when she became aware of it (at that stage she should have told authorities the family could no longer care for Tiahleigh at the very least), and that the father has actually KILLED HER!!!

I just cannot get over that one, kills her!!! Doesn't take her to a doctor, or call a social worker or boots his son out of the home, but goes and commits murder!

The family is sick, but I get what you are saying about the relationship itself not being sinister.

What was going on with these parents though .... I believe the mother should face more charges, and I think police may find bad deeds in their pasts too.
None of them better be allowed to collect the reward money, that's for sure! Grrrrrr
All these months wondering what happened to Tiahleigh, and now I wish I didn't know what we have already found out. And Trooper and Makara, you are making me think there is worse to come.
Sadly I agree.
Tia, I apologise on behalf of society. We failed you; the system failed you; your foster family failed you. I am so very sorry. R.I.P. sweet girl.
Can you imagine all the other kids in foster care around the country watching this case in horror??
This has got to be one of the worst cases I have followed on Websleuths although tragically there are so many. This young girl left naked and alone in the mud, betrayed by the family who were being paid to protect her. Not only being paid but no doubt receiving some sort of community kudos for being foster carers.
Listen. I have a hunch old Rick, smoothly bland and "taking one for the team," is hiding many, many dark secrets.
There is something about people who are so brazen to act as pallbearer for their victim's body, something which says cold-blooded to me, practiced evil, not just once in his life if you get my gist.
The son is a punk *advertiser censored* *****, make no mistake.
That little girl being labelled as disruptive when she was, perhaps instinctually, trying to escape. It is disgusting the way the son blamed her for his sexual advances. But it is a gambit as old as time for a particular type of manipulator. And Tia told her foster mother who told her husband and...there's going to be some horrible revelations to come.
Excellent post BreakingNews. Thank you. I just wish there were more like you.

OT slightly, but having worked in the child protection area (not Qld) for many years, I know that you are damned if you do and damned if you don't. We did the best we could with the resources we had, but the 'system' eventually got the better of most of us and we left. Since Australia closed many group homes in favour of foster care, we were constantly seeking foster families for everyday kids and the really disadvantaged kids with challenging behaviours. Any inquiry should look at motivation to foster - not what they say, but what they do.

In Qld there is the 'working with children' blue card. This system was introduced quite a few years ago. I was working in international education (homestay) at the time. Was better than nothing and did give some protection, but it really only weeded out the people already with a record in Qld. I relied more on my gut reaction in approving people, along with the blue card. This certainly did not weed potential murders, abusers or even suicide within a family. No one really knows what goes on within a family.

Having said that, there appeared to have been warning signs that all wasn't well with this foster placement. Tia had been in foster care for 2 years before this without incident (apparently). I wonder why she was in long term care with strangers and not with extended family. The latest foster family in my opinion was inappropriate from the outset due to the 2 older boys - never would I have placed an under 18yo female in a family with older sons. Not to discriminate, but to avoid any possible sexual abuse or perceived abuse.

Sometimes in being so politically correct, we forget - or can't say "I don't think these people are suitable - I just have a gut feeling" or "Someone in this family can't get a Blue Card, has a criminal conviction from 35 years ago for driving a get away car in an armed robbery when he was 16 and for the past 30 years has been religious and has a family and have been a great homestay family in the past" What I am trying to say is that we really never know, but if in doubt, err on the side of caution.

Let's not forget the wonderful foster/homestay families!

This has got to be one of the worst cases I have followed on Websleuths although tragically there are so many. This young girl left naked and alone in the mud, betrayed by the family who were being paid to protect her. Not only being paid but no doubt receiving some sort of community kudos for being foster carers.
Listen. I have a hunch old Rick, smoothly bland and "taking one for the team," is hiding many, many dark secrets.
There is something about people who are so brazen to act as pallbearer for their victim's body, something which says cold-blooded to me, practiced evil, not just once in his life if you get my gist.
The son is a punk *advertiser censored* *****, make no mistake.
That little girl being labelled as disruptive when she was, perhaps instinctually, trying to escape. It is disgusting the way the son blamed her for his sexual advances. But it is a gambit as old as time for a particular type of manipulator. And Tia told her foster mother who told her husband and...there's going to be some horrible revelations to come.

The fathers movements as a truck driver should definitely be investigated for anything suspicious IMO.
yup.. what ooohm said..

and it strikes me that Hairdo Bro was not so much worried about Tia being pregnant but being very careful to brag a bit to the cousin, after all, that's what 's done...........and another thing, Hairdo Bro would have known that Tia was their meal ticket.. all of them relied on the money provided by Tia.. along with the money from the daycare, ( whatever sort of care that entailed I shudder to think, the police will have to backtrack every child , daycare, foster, whatever that crossed the path and hands of Rick and Julene for decades.).. he must have known that he was in big trouble the moment he did it, not for care of Tia but for endangering the 'income stream'.

It seems that Hairboy and Mum were the only ones pulling in a wage, of sorts, this must have created an imbalance of power, in the family dynamic... he would have it over the older bro ( 'injured ') and Dad ('back injury')when it came to crisis points in the family..... what a quartet of murderous creeps.
Won't open for me unfortunately...

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just a bit of that article referred to, PE..

'What this family did was despicable how much did this little girl have to suffer before her life was ended before it even begun. I hear that resources are strained !!! NOT GOOD ENOUGH this system needs to change i thought we were no longer in the dark ages. Why were the family not checked up on? Complaints were made obviously the Foster father has 9 seperate charges not related to Tialeigh so why werent they followed up on.May '

I think Makara may have been referring to the bit I have bolded there.......
This is where I read that complaints were made about F Dad. Was this an article or a comment on an article?
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