Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #2 *Arrests*

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its not quite correct that no one in that family has spoken to the police, ,..... the police have given a sort of half arsed idea of Rick's motive for the murder, and the murder itself, ( to save mr AlpacaheadPlanker from the uncomfy attentions of nasty men in prison ) and that .. had to come from either Rick or Julene, and if it was from Julene, that would have been designated.. so I am inclined to believe that Rick has made one crazed statement and that's it.
Sorry to be so cynical but this family will be using Legal Aid. They have disposable income but nothing past that - unrealistic to conceive they could defend themselves any other way. And they were never worried about getting caught they were above the law, doing the right by all those disadvantaged kids and giving communities an opportnunity to experience country life. Yes 4 legal aid applications but they are not going to be paying for lawyers - their magic well has dried up.

speaking of lawyers, I would think this family would need 4 individual lawyers..not 1 to cover them as a unit, because their charges are individual. ... Trent cant have the same lawyer as Josh, for example, Julene cant have the same lawyer as Josh, that would be conflict. . Their stories will be conflicted. Rick must have his own dedicated lawyer..... . that's a lot of money, a very great deal of money.. on an hourly basis....

The police will only get him to speak if he says so, they can speak to him anytime he might have a lawyer who has told him not answer any questions... ... even then the police can sit him down, and ask him questions until he cries with boredom saying no comment, if they want to.. it seems Julene had a lawyer lined up before anyone was arrested, but I don't know who that lawyer was for, could have been anyone of the 4 of them....

they can do the same to Trent, if they want to... .. I think one can be questioned for up to 8 hours per day.
I think the eleven and four year old were sisters and were in the family day care

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My God! What's the matter with these people!
FFS leave the kiddies alone. Go hire a prostitute, whatever it takes to get your jollies but FFS let the children remain innocent children.
speaking of lawyers, I would think this family would need 4 individual lawyers..not 1 to cover them as a unit, because their charges are individual. ... Trent cant have the same lawyer as Josh, for example, Julene cant have the same lawyer as Josh, that would be conflict. . Their stories will be conflicted. Rick must have his own dedicated lawyer..... . that's a lot of money, a very great deal of money.. on an hourly basis....

The police will only get him to speak if he says so, they can speak to him anytime he might have a lawyer who has told him not answer any questions... ... even then the police can sit him down, and ask him questions until he cries with boredom saying no comment, if they want to.. it seems Julene had a lawyer lined up before anyone was arrested, but I don't know who that lawyer was for, could have been anyone of the 4 of them....

they can do the same to Trent, if they want to... .. I think one can be questioned for up to 8 hours per day.

I suppose in the end legal aid will have to step in and cover them all.

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Sorry to be so cynical but this family will be using Legal Aid. They have disposable income but nothing past that - unrealistic to conceive they could defend themselves any other way is not worth thought. And they were never worried about getting caught they were above the law, doing the right by all those disadvantaged kids and giving communities an opportnunity to experience country life. Yes 4 legal aid applications but they are not going to be paying for lawyers - their magic well has dried up.

yes , they have no way of paying for all this themselves, and on that subject, now that the house of cards has fallen down, their financial shenanigans will be made plain, and I think that will be a journey of ridiculous money idiocy from start to finish... .. people usually do not confine themselves to one sort of crime, it tends to dribble over into all sorts of shady areas......

it is a matter , once it gets under the authority of Legal Aid , just how far the family will be allowed to go in the matter of their claims, and pleas......... certainly it wont be as far as the family would wish to go , legally..

I think this article is paywalled but it's dated July 23, 2016. It's a bit hard to follow but it says that 5 children known to Qld Child Safety were bashed to death, a further 18 suspicious deaths still under investigation by police.

51 children known to the department died last year. The deaths were from savage assaults, suicides, accidents or other causes including chronic medical conditions.

Not all the children were in the custody or guardianship of the department when they died.
of course, thinking on it, it may have been Trent who dobbed poor old Dad in.. along with the motive,( Dad as hero, son in need of protection).. that is highly possible, indicative of the cracks in the family façade... if that is the case, I wonder how happy Rick and Julene and Josh are with Hairdo Bro..!..,.
Hairdo bro will probably feel at home with all the attention. Business as usual.

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If there is the kind of retaliation that's suggested I don't think it will be pretty.
Certainly not for the receiver.
Tiahleigh was a 12 yr old innocent child however she sure has packed a huge punch into the foster system and children services. May the changes to the system be long lasting and many thanks Tiahleigh.
Honey you were only here for 12 short years but in that short time you have made a positive difference. I only wish you didn't have to enter the land of angels to do so *advertiser censored*

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its not quite correct that no one in that family has spoken to the police, ,..... the police have given a sort of half arsed idea of Rick's motive for the murder, and the murder itself, ( to save mr AlpacaheadPlanker from the uncomfy attentions of nasty men in prison ) and that .. had to come from either Rick or Julene, and if it was from Julene, that would have been designated.. so I am inclined to believe that Rick has made one crazed statement and that's it.

It was reported last week that Julene and Josh were cooperating with police so they must be talking
It was reported last week that Julene and Josh were cooperating with police so they must be talking

Yes, but aren't they talking through lawyers.
I want to see them talking under pressure in court. As previously mentioned, that could be a whole different ball game. Let's hope they do a GBC and really dig themselves a big hole that they can't get out of.

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It was reported last week that Julene and Josh were cooperating with police so they must be talking

that would not be causing Rick and Trent much happiness, ey... I wonder if they visit in prison?.. Trent and Rick would have to put them on the visitors list, but if they find out Julene and Josh are 'co-operating' with the police,, maybe not... it is permissible to record visits to prisoners, except if it is the prisoners lawyer, family and friends are fair game for the recorder.,
Yes, but aren't they talking through lawyers.
I want to see them talking under pressure in court. As previously mentioned, that could be a whole different ball game. Let's hope they do a GBC and really dig themselves a big hole that they can't get out of.

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I see a bit of Crazy Gerard in Trent.. that lifetime self love, that persistent need of attention, that relentless aspirational drive, that contempt for everyone else, the inbuilt congenital stupidity that just cannot be overcome. Trent in the court could be as much of a babbling idiot as Gerard was, maybe more so...
Oh my, so the Moari/Samoan inmates would think the same. Put on the kettle boys and that's not for a friendly cuppa.
I guess Ol' Rick would be in safe hands in isolation on suicide watch. Lucky him....but Alpaca hairbro prettyboy would forever have his back at the wall.

Being a high profile case they will not be in general population. They will be looked after to make sure nothing happens to them before the trial. They won't want them dead before justice is served.
Being a high profile case they will not be in general population. They will be looked after to make sure nothing happens to them before the trial. They won't want them dead before justice is served.

Once the trial is over it could be open season in the jail and then justice will really be served.

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With the two separated (Trent and Rick) and not in contact in that correctional facility it will be interesting to see how they go with their stories. I doubt there will be the cohesiveness we have seen from the 4 of them. I wonder what parts they can re-tell consistently and what parts fall away and where the story gets grey because they cannot collaborate and present a united front. I also wonder how much support Trent will give Rick and vice versa. We don't know what Julene and Josh are doing to save their sorry butts either - the more they tell the less they suffer so it can't be good for the two remanded in custody. Getting a taste of their own medicine. Wow - Rick - this is how it feels to be powerless and at the mercy of someone else, do you like it - NO obviously - otherwise you wouldn't have taken the cowards way out.

Sorry very emotionally charged but feeling for Taihleigh in her horrid living arrangements. Everyone failed her, just everyone it is just a tragedy - no words.
that would not be causing Rick and Trent much happiness, ey... I wonder if they visit in prison?.. Trent and Rick would have to put them on the visitors list, but if they find out Julene and Josh are 'co-operating' with the police,, maybe not... it is permissible to record visits to prisoners, except if it is the prisoners lawyer, family and friends are fair game for the recorder.,

At present the family are not allowed to visit I read. Lawyers only at this stage.
I hope what happened to the Brett Cowan and all the other horror stories you hear happen to pedos in jail is swimming round in their sick little minds right now. Jail life must be petrifying

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I would like to see the case worker/workers, who were so flippant about Tiahleigh , face the public and explain themselves. They owe it to Tiahleigh, her family and all children and families connected to the foster system. How can these foster children feel safe without clear indication that the department trash hasn't been cleared out.
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I agree they certainly have some explaining to do all round. It's an utter disgrace IMO.

The only ones responsible for what happened to precious Tiahleigh are those that placed her in that situation and the criminals that are responsible for her abuse and murder.

If the only ones responsible for what happened to Tiahleigh be the criminals why would you agree that the case worker/workers be publicly shamed and be answerable for their actions.

Cindy has made errors which have been quickly and duly forgiven, so why can't the same forgiveness be given for the errors of the caseworkers, who I believe would be doing the best job possible with the resources they have. The department is probably understaffed, they're most likely overworked and yet are expected to get everything right. They probably have many cases similar to this which don't end up with a similar result. If they really thought something like this was going to happen do you not think they would have acted differently.

May best to blame the head of the department and the government for not providing the necessary resources rather than publicly name & shame the workers.
What I have gleaned so far about the arrest:
Rick and family barricaded themselves in at the strawberry farm. Firies extracted them and they were handcuffed and removed. Rick and Trent went to the watchouse, whilst Julene and Josh went for further questioning and engaged a lawyer. Rick wouldn't speak and somehow got enough meds to flop about on the floor and get taken to hospital. I understand that those meds could have been provided by someone trying to protect a bigger bunch of ugly from being exposed. Please correct me where I am wrong.
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