Australia - Tiahleigh Palmer, 12, slain, Pimpama River, Qld, 30 Oct 2015 #2 *Arrests*

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The cases against Julene Thorburn, 54, and her son Josh, 20, were mentioned in the Beenleigh Magistrates Court on Monday morning after they were last month charged with perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice.

The pair will plead guilty at their next appearance on November 21, their solicitor Jason Jacobson told the court in their absence.

Outside court, Mr Jacobson said the charges against his two clients stemmed from their alleged failure to pass on "secret" information about Tiahleigh's disappearance.

"Albeit late, they are now giving their complete co-operation to the police investigations," he said.

"They've now taken the step of being prosecution witnesses to give evidence about everything they know, so you can take it from that that theirs very much is a family divided."

Police previously revealed Julene Thorburn engaged a lawyer before her arrest but have declined to provide details about any deal she struck.

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It appears the Thorburn family took lessons from GBC. The dumping of the body in or beside water so that decomposition could hinder findings, and also business as usual. Life goes and we tarnish Tiahleigh's memory whenever possible.
It didn't work for GBC so why would they think it would work for them.

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I agree that the majority of children are far more sexualised and aware than we were years ago. Everything they watch and listen to is sexualised in some way. Advertising "sex sells".
I noticed a huge difference in the Facebook posts of my child's friends from grade 7 (primary school) to grade 8 (first year high school). The biggest change was the girls. Their teen hormones appeared to go crazy over that Xmas break. They went from what appeared to be innocence to boy crazy and wanting to be adults in a matter of weeks. I remember shaking my head in disgust at the parents from not watching over their children's accounts and policing what they posted.
It is sad that these days our children seem to be forced to grow up so fast due to what is in the media.
My son is in grade 12 and going by our conversations at times, many children sound very sexually active at 15 and beyond.
From what I have read in different media posts about this case, Tiahleigh didn't sound like a sexually mature or active 12yr old. If you wanted sex, you aren't going to complain to the boys mother.

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I would even go so far as to say, like the gbc forum, we might have a Thorburn supporter here with us.

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The cases against Julene Thorburn, 54, and her son Josh, 20, were mentioned in the Beenleigh Magistrates Court on Monday morning after they were last month charged with perjury and attempting to pervert the course of justice.

The pair will plead guilty at their next appearance on November 21, their solicitor Jason Jacobson told the court in their absence.

Outside court, Mr Jacobson said the charges against his two clients stemmed from their alleged failure to pass on "secret" information about Tiahleigh's disappearance.

"Albeit late, they are now giving their complete co-operation to the police investigations," he said.

"They've now taken the step of being prosecution witnesses to give evidence about everything they know, so you can take it from that that theirs very much is a family divided."

Police previously revealed Julene Thorburn engaged a lawyer before her arrest but have declined to provide details about any deal she struck.

Read more.

Bolded by me for clarity..

Amazing how a potential sojourn in prison can concentrate the mind... it isn't as if Julene and Josh haven't had a lot of time to ponder this possible consequence, while police, and SES, and neighbors and schoolfriends were searching for Tia.. while people racked their brain to try and recall if they had seen Tia that morning.. while Julene was sending texts to people, playing the part of the long suffering foster mother with a rebellious foster child... keeping that little posture up for nearly a year.. while putting on posthumous birthday parties, complete with pony rides, while accepting dance trophies on behalf of Tia... sure.. NOW they are a divided family.. but it took a hell of a lot to bring that to pass, and it is my conclusion that a lot of pushing and shoving to get these two to the point of being prosecution witnesses had nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with a sudden attack of conscience, or integrity, or just plain ordinary humanity, it had a lot to do with a couple of large QLD police detectives pointing out, very slowly and carefully, just what the penalty is for their current program and just how unsuccessful their story was going to be in court.

'Albiet late', just doesn't cut it.. this is way beyond late and well into the area of stubborn adherence to a murderers code and process, along with a fervent and confident belief in 'getting away with it'. .
I would even go so far as to say, like the gbc forum, we might have a Thorburn supporter here with us.

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i would not be surprised if they were watching these posts
Bolded by me for clarity..

Amazing how a potential sojourn in prison can concentrate the mind... it isn't as if Julene and Josh haven't had a lot of time to ponder this possible consequence, while police, and SES, and neighbors and schoolfriends were searching for Tia.. while people racked their brain to try and recall if they had seen Tia that morning.. while Julene was sending texts to people, playing the part of the long suffering foster mother with a rebellious foster child... keeping that little posture up for nearly a year.. while putting on posthumous birthday parties, complete with pony rides, while accepting dance trophies on behalf of Tia... sure.. NOW they are a divided family.. but it took a hell of a lot to bring that to pass, and it is my conclusion that a lot of pushing and shoving to get these two to the point of being prosecution witnesses had nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with a sudden attack of conscience, or integrity, or just plain ordinary humanity, it had a lot to do with a couple of large QLD police detectives pointing out, very slowly and carefully, just what the penalty is for their current program and just how unsuccessful their story was going to be in court.

'Albiet late', just doesn't cut it.. this is way beyond late and well into the area of stubborn adherence to a murderers code and process, along with a fervent and confident belief in 'getting away with it'. .

Court today a penalty was mentioned. As to what that will be we won't know until the next hearing. Penalties can be given then be suspended which I find quite ridiculous. What is the point of a penalty if you don't have to suffer the consequences?
Meanwhile over at the Tostee thread we have 'fairydust' sprinkled on us in court breaks.

fairydust was utterly convinced that Gerard had it all lined up , the manslaughter was correct, that anyone who thought otherwise was nuts, that only fairydust could untangle the legal marmalade and make it logical, and that logic was the Gerard was an innocent man...

of course, that sunk like a stone when the whole shindig went back to court , and was knocked out of the park, in jig time, by the High Court of Australia....... not much fairy dust getting sprinkled on Gerards thread these days.....
Court today a penalty was mentioned. As to what that will be we won't know until the next hearing. Penalties can be given then be suspended which I find quite ridiculous. What is the point of a penalty if you don't have to suffer the consequences?

I think the degree of perjury, and the degree of perverting the course of justice was extremely high, certainly in Julene's case, and ony marginally less in Josh's case...... I am expecting a heavy penalty, and nothing suspended whatsoever, but these things have not always come up to my expectations.. not that I think my expectations are extreme, either....
There should be specific, sensitive training for all children that are in the system. They need to be told about sex, inappropriate touching, and be taught to learn to recognize abuse vs. 'love'. I wish they would give each child an alarm they could wear, so that if they're feeling threatened or worse, someone could show up immediately and step in. Of course, then we have to depend on the people responding to be properly trained, to have the drive, will and compassion to protect the child, and not brush it off because they're too overwhelmed. There's got to be a better way to protect our children.

This is a difficult & sensitive subject for ALL who are responsible for the wellbeing of children, be they biological parents, family members or foster carers (and might I add, IMO, it's a sad indictment of our society that our children need to have their innocence destroyed by the raising of the subject).

There is a fine line between what we must tell our kids for their own safety v what scares the bejesus out of them, destroys their innocence and their confidence.

I certainly appreciate and and understand your comments P'd Off. Everyone of our kids has a right to safety, and a right to be able to confidently raise the alarm if things don't feel right... I think the conversation perhaps is along the lines of, 'if something makes you uncomfortable, if something squirms inside you etc '.... And certainly they should have quick access to someone they can trust.

IMO, this is lacking in our Children's Services departments (whatever they are called)

To be fair to those very well intentioned workers on the ground - (as in most burocratically run organisations, those at the top have no idea of the reality, nor of what is required to do the job correctly, and have no interest in finding out - as long as their pockets continue to be well-lined, and their asses well-cushioned), therefore, as I see the scenario - resources are stretched to the max, those well-intentioned workers are frustrated, stressed, just trying to deal with what they can, to somehow make a difference, even if only for one .. or ten...or ... & then tick off the continual additions as quickly as they can.

We have heard in previous posts from prior DOCS workers .. under the guise of anonymity it could be useful to hear from present employees as it I would be surprised if they don't say change is long overdue .. maybe this can be their avenue..
Legal appeared on their behalf called over to 21 November

Yeah, but I do see a positive in that they are both pleading guilty - 'fractured family' was the legal's discription, and I appreciate that terminology.

IMO, this has been an awesome play by the investigating team. I think it would have been very easy for them to incarcerate the all - any number of 'accessory after the fact etc' ... but to seperate them and play Mum & brother against the others ... very cunning .. And I think perhaps decision aided by the fact that they mabe sensed 'control'....
I agree that the majority of children are far more sexualised and aware than we were years ago. Everything they watch and listen to is sexualised in some way. Advertising "sex sells".
I noticed a huge difference in the Facebook posts of my child's friends from grade 7 (primary school) to grade 8 (first year high school). The biggest change was the girls. Their teen hormones appeared to go crazy over that Xmas break. They went from what appeared to be innocence to boy crazy and wanting to be adults in a matter of weeks. I remember shaking my head in disgust at the parents from not watching over their children's accounts and policing what they posted.
It is sad that these days our children seem to be forced to grow up so fast due to what is in the media.
My son is in grade 12 and going by our conversations at times, many children sound very sexually active at 15 and beyond.
From what I have read in different media posts about this case, Tiahleigh didn't sound like a sexually mature or active 12yr old. If you wanted sex, you aren't going to complain to the boys mother.

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thanks Entralled. I really appreciated your comments. And further more I think it is wrong that we have developed a society that deems it 'right' & 'acceptable' that this is the norm for our kids ..

We are given to outrage when it seems 'appropriate'. I just question what we do to change the present situation .... ??
Crabstick, with respect psychopathology and mental illness are not the same thing. Psychopathology is a personality disorder unable to be cured. Mental illness is just that. an illness that responds to medication etc.
Bolded by me for clarity..

Amazing how a potential sojourn in prison can concentrate the mind... it isn't as if Julene and Josh haven't had a lot of time to ponder this possible consequence, while police, and SES, and neighbors and schoolfriends were searching for Tia.. while people racked their brain to try and recall if they had seen Tia that morning.. while Julene was sending texts to people, playing the part of the long suffering foster mother with a rebellious foster child... keeping that little posture up for nearly a year.. while putting on posthumous birthday parties, complete with pony rides, while accepting dance trophies on behalf of Tia... sure.. NOW they are a divided family.. but it took a hell of a lot to bring that to pass, and it is my conclusion that a lot of pushing and shoving to get these two to the point of being prosecution witnesses had nothing, nothing whatsoever to do with a sudden attack of conscience, or integrity, or just plain ordinary humanity, it had a lot to do with a couple of large QLD police detectives pointing out, very slowly and carefully, just what the penalty is for their current program and just how unsuccessful their story was going to be in court.

'Albiet late', just doesn't cut it.. this is way beyond late and well into the area of stubborn adherence to a murderers code and process, along with a fervent and confident belief in 'getting away with it'. .

Amen to that Trooper. It sickens me to the core that Julene and Josh are being used to get the goods on Rick and may simply get a slap on the wrist for their part in her murder. If that does indeed happen, I feel there will be a huge uproar around the country. That whole family should be locked up for a very long time!
RT has not entered a plea yet. He has not fronted court. He may plead guilty then they won't have to testify against him. A lot we don't know and wont until it goes to trial. What the hell was this family thinking. I still get creeped out how RT advertised for new students to stay in his home and to sleep in Tia's bed only weeks after she was laid to rest.
Amen to that Trooper. It sickens me to the core that Julene and Josh are being used to get the goods on Rick and may simply get a slap on the wrist for their part in her murder. If that does indeed happen, I feel there will be a huge uproar around the country. That whole family should be locked up for a very long time!

They need to be punished !! I feel personally that Julene was not so much remaining silent for her husbands sake but more so for her son. Many mothers will do all it takes to protect their flesh and blood. If it were just RT involved I think she may of squealed when she found out he did it. All pure speculation though. If it does go to trial I will attend. I am curious to know what the hell went on in that home.
Off topic. Gable Tostee aka Eric Thomas two-week trial starts tomorrow.

Off Topic also...For those of you following Stepanie Scott's case here on WS, Vincent Stanford's Sentence Hearing starts today...
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