Australia - Toyah Cordingley, 24, body found on beach, 22 October 2018

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Totally my thoughts only .
I think the phone might have been thrown in the creek in Westcourt or lake placid - either before murder ( holding her hostage and not allowing her to ring ) or post murder to cover up .
I guess it depends where perp lives - if north maybe prior so not backtracking. If in Cairns maybe after on way back .
My theory could hold up but how does perpetrators get from Wangetti to home with no car - assuming he was in toyahs car .

Hitchhiking perhaps? Not likely but a remote possibility.
Totally my thoughts only .
I think the phone might have been thrown in the creek in Westcourt or lake placid - either before murder ( holding her hostage and not allowing her to ring ) or post murder to cover up .
I guess it depends where perp lives - if north maybe prior so not backtracking. If in Cairns maybe after on way back .
My theory could hold up but how does perpetrators get from Wangetti to home with no car - assuming he was in toyahs car .
answering myself ....

If he had his own car he would to return to where that is in cairns area ?? Or else to home - either north or back to cairns.
1. Walks - too exposed on busy highway and long way .
2. Hitchhiking- someone would see
3. Public transport - only bus from palm cove leaves at about 4.30pm - again very visible , very unlikely
4. Someone picks him up - always possible people hid info
5. His car is nearby within walking distance or Ellis beach and he just walks along beach at it
6. I am completely barking up wrong tree
This case is going to take really old fashioned detective work to solve.

The modern technology that detectives turn to in the modern era is missing here.
No mobile phone pings.
What about DNA? If this was a planned murder did the killer wear gloves of some type?

If Toyah had a chance to fight for her life her finger nails would be the obvious source of DNA.

No witnesses either ( that we know of).

These types of crime are usually beyond brutal. It takes a special kind of monster to do this. In other words the lowest of the low.
The detectives working this case have the job in front of them, they really do.
I can't wait for the headline: 'Arrest in Toyah Cordingly Murder Case.'
IMO – This person would have to have their own vehicle to be able to get away without bringing too much attention to themselves.

If the murder was as violent as we are hearing, and Police have asked the public to report anyone with unusual injuries, they would have signs of death on them. It would be an unusual attacker to take the time to clean themselves up after this on a public beach.

Which is why I think they knew to search in Lake Placid/Caravonica areas. I would guess that they have someone in mind and have followed Dash Cam/CCTV to these locations.

answering myself ....

If he had his own car he would to return to where that is in cairns area ?? Or else to home - either north or back to cairns.
1. Walks - too exposed on busy highway and long way .
2. Hitchhiking- someone would see
3. Public transport - only bus from palm cove leaves at about 4.30pm - again very visible , very unlikely
4. Someone picks him up - always possible people hid info
5. His car is nearby within walking distance or Ellis beach and he just walks along beach at it
6. I am completely barking up wrong tree
I live in a very coastal are that only has the same way in and out, just one road, but there are numerous bush tracks leading everywhere that 4WDs and motor bikes can travel on.
I’ve had a look on google maps - and seems to be there is only one way in and out along the highway, and one turn off near the Croc farm? So surely there is ample cctv? It might be a lot of man hours... but surely that would give a good idea of who went in and out? But as you say Jennifer, there may be other tracks in and out a local would know... :/
I live in a very coastal are that only has the same way in and out, just one road, but there are numerous bush tracks leading everywhere that 4WDs and motor bikes can travel on.
Wangetti Beach has capt cook highway right next to it then somescrub then a mountain range that runs almost to port Douglas . Mountain bike trail bike maybe
I’ve had a look on google maps - and seems to be there is only one way in and out along the highway, and one turn off near the Croc farm? So surely there is ample cctv? It might be a lot of man hours... but surely that would give a good idea of who went in and out? But as you say Jennifer, there may be other tracks in and out a local would know... :/
The thing is I am not sure there is any cctv in that area ?
They may well have mobile phone pings but do they have ones that mean anything? A month after the murder the police are essentially asking for the same information as they were in week one.
I think the searches in lake placid and Westcourt creek indicate they are piecing together a case .. maybe person has already told them some info -just maybe not all of the story .,ie I was with her ..but didn’t kill her .. or it was accidental,,
Re: Dogs
Could somebody please either link to a source for the lost dog or please suggest a nice tidy way to turn up a local board or SM listing... :) thanks!

If there was a dog missing perhaps the BF noticed the dog's absence before he started worrying about Toyah. This could have happened for a range of reasons: it was a large dog so perhaps it ate a specific diet at a specific hour (or fresh meat) and the there was a dedicated portion in the fridge or a time-sensitive vet med left un-used...or even if there was an open gate or door on the house.
I am sure the police will be able to discover if the BF tried to call Toyah to see if she had the dog in question before raising the alarm.
Hi all, first time poster. I am a Cairns local however I relocated for work about a year ago so have no real community vibes other then speaking to my family and friends but i do know the area very well!

I am on the fence as to whether or not the attacker/s were known to Toyah or not. There are Just a few points I wanted to mention:

1. Do we know if the divers were involved in the search of the lake placid/caravonica area and I am assuming they were tipped off by a report? When I first read that location I did not immediately think of the actual "lake placid" but rather the set of lakes located behind a complex called "kamerunga villas" as I would call that area bosth lake placid and caravonica. The actual lake plasid has a restaurant which is just off the car park and I would assume has some sort of CCTV which obviously depending on view could observe the car park. The lakes behind the villas are quite secluded and more of a swampy area not a tourist spot like the lake.

2. Something seems odd about the attacker actually tying up her dog. It's a bloody big dog! And one that you would be a little worried about interacting with let alone attacking it's owner and tying it up. The time line of actually doing that would be very difficult as in the dog must have been tied up prior to the attack as the dog surly would have ran off so I think a suprise attack is less likely. Is it possible she tied up the dog her self to assist someone? I also feel if this was random and she was just sadly in the wrong place at the wrong time the attacker surely can see the added complexity of the dog making her a less desirable target.

3. As sad as it is to say assuming the attacker did tie up the dog or that the dog never impeded them, they must in their sick mind have some love for animals... After just doing or planning to do such a terrible horrific thing to another personal one would assume they would not be so kind to the dog especially if it was getting in the way.

Welcome, great post :)
Sorry if discussed before. I was pages behind & might have missed something

From the police video tho-
- they are interested in activity at lake placid/C area between 4-5.30pm
- also interested in activity between Clifton beach & Wangetti beach, between 4.30-5.30

Hope it's right...

So, just wondering if the culprit went south (for some reason) after the murder, possibly didn't stay long (dispose of evidence?) and then headed back up north, up past wangetti again, to somewhere... (that waterfall?)...or further

Also strange that they ask for weirdos south of cairns - & completely avoided answering the question "has this recently occurred"?.... Maybe someone known to police has moved north?
I definitely agree some information has been provided that answers a lot of these questions. My first thought on the request for information from anyone acting unusual or making any women feel uncomfortable is that it's such a broad question it's almost unrealistic for them to be asking for that sort of information at this stage maybe on a cold case thats been cold for years but not one that's this recent. I wondered if perhaps they had spooked someone with questioning and needed to act like they are focusing elsewhere especially if they found items of interest.
That’s what I would think .., keeping all options ..

why would they search the creek and lake placid - would have to be someone saw something - ie someone throwing something in the water or someone who has been questioned has told them they were in the area or they did indeed throw something in the water or they observed Toyah throwing

Police would have to have a lead to do a search
One man said he had driven 40 minutes from Cairns to the scene after reading about the search for her killer.

"I was walking along the beach at roughly the same time she was, but I don't remember seeing her, " said the man, who didn't wish to be named.

"I told police there were lots of families here at the time."

Toyah Cordingley's killer still unknown as police carry out DNA testing on Wangetti residents - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Interesting that this guy says that there were 'lots of families' at the beach at the time Toyah was meant to be there.

Hiya, Sleepinoz!

glad to meet up with you on the threads, again!:)

sorry it is due to such a sad occasion though...:(
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