NOTGUILTY Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #12

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DNA Solves
Ahhh ... thanks.

Does she even realise that she has raised someone who holds little value for women? Their reputations, their feelings, their lives.
She must realise that by now.

Perhaps that is what happens with an over-doting, over-excusing mother in a household of boys.

My opinion for what it's worth: the qualifier 'cares' may change on a dime. Just because someone is one of the inner circle today, doesn't mean they will be tomorrow. It's called 'destructive conditioning' in the trade or, more commonly they have to spend their lives 'walking on eggshells'.
View attachment 104601View attachment 104601

That's news to me that it's an offence to flee the scene of an accident. Link please.

Maximum penalty

Maximum penalty-

(a) if death or injury is caused to any person-20 penalty units or imprisonment for 1 year; or
(b) otherwise-10 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment.

Under section 92(4) of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act (Qld), if the accident involves an injured person and the driver shows 'callous disregard' the court must impose a period of imprisonment. For more information on callous disregard, please click here.

Penalty unit = $100.00

Even though this relates to a MVA i think it would still be the same deal for any other accident scene as well.
But maybe you could provide a link if that is not the case?

Sounds to me that his mother knows him less than she thinks she does. Did she not read about his vile behaviour on the bodybuilding forum?

And there is no hiding his high range drunk dangerous driving charge, for which she well knows he was jailed, and well knows that he placed his passengers, police and other road users in danger. And there is no hiding that he was charged for fraudulently assisting under-age schoolies - about 500 of them - into places meant only for adults and thereby assisting them with access to alcohol and other adult activities.

Yet she still thinks he is caring, considerate, and thoughtful of others???

Therein may lie the origins of his distorted thinking. If you can do these things and still be told how caring, considerate and thoughtful of others you are by your own mother - one of the people who is meant to guide you in life, offer you corrections when you are not seeing the whole picture, discipline you when you are unruly ......

That figures, the apple sure didn't fall far from the tree then.
Ahhh ... thanks.

Does she even realise that she has raised someone who holds little value for women? Their reputations, their feelings, their lives.
She must realise that by now.

Perhaps that is what happens with an over-doting, over-excusing mother in a household of boys.

Yes it makes me see she never had to love and care for a little girl and raise her to adulthood. Warriena was someone's precious child, and GT's mother could at least show some love and caring towards the Wright family in the loss of their precious girl. Seeing as her ratbag son was the reason Warriena lost her life.
Otherwise what is it going to take to teach him life's important lessons? It makes me wonder if there is or has been abuse in that household?
Yes it makes me see she never had to love and care for a little girl and raise her to adulthood. Warriena was someone's precious child, and GT's mother could at least show some love and caring towards the Wright family in the loss of their precious girl. Seeing as her ratbag son was the reason Warriena lost her life.
Otherwise what is it going to take to teach him life's important lessons? It makes me wonder if there is or has been abuse in that household?

Maybe not in a particular household but there is nearly always historical trauma. It damages the personality. Detached compassion is necessary.
Not relevant to this case, I think.

Was about a duty to rescue mostly.

I think it also depends on what state a person is in because there are different laws in different states i think?
But irrespective of that who just shows such callous disregard for another human being anyway? And GT's excuses don't pass the smell test IMO.
Maybe not in a particular household but there is nearly always historical trauma. It damages the personality. Detached compassion is necessary.

And also parents that turn a blind eye and make excuses for badly behaved adult children.
"It was a lot, lot closer to the balcony door and it was wide open.
"It was the logical option at the time."

2.19am: Movement and rustling and sounds of Wright calling out. Sound consistent with door unlocking. She states, 'No'. Possible sound of glass door being hit.

Of course this being the period he cannot remember.

Like so many other criminals as well.
Sounds to me that his mother knows him less than she thinks she does. Did she not read about his vile behaviour on the bodybuilding forum?

And there is no hiding his high range drunk dangerous driving charge, for which she well knows he was jailed, and well knows that he placed his passengers, police and other road users in danger. And there is no hiding that he was charged for fraudulently assisting under-age schoolies - about 500 of them - into places meant only for adults and thereby assisting them with access to alcohol and other adult activities.

Yet she still thinks he is caring, considerate, and thoughtful of others???

Therein may lie the origins of his distorted thinking. If you can do these things and still be told how caring, considerate and thoughtful of others you are by your own mother - one of the people who is meant to guide you in life, offer you corrections when you are not seeing the whole picture, discipline you when you are unruly ......
It is intuitive to see she is talking about him when he is sober. No one ever talks about their sons and daughters behaviour when they are off their face. Think a little harder about the other party in this.

so much for the ratings "through the roof" :rolleyes:
1.3 M is pretty high. But then in a country where 800,000 moronic inhabitants watch garbage like Big Bang Theory does it really matter?

Maximum penalty
Maximum penalty-
(a) if death or injury is caused to any person-20 penalty units or imprisonment for 1 year; or
(b) otherwise-10 penalty units or 6 months imprisonment.
Under section 92(4) of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act (Qld), if the accident involves an injured person and the driver shows 'callous disregard' the court must impose a period of imprisonment. For more information on callous disregard, please click here.
Penalty unit = $100.00

Even though this relates to a MVA i think it would still be the same deal for any other accident scene as well.
But maybe you could provide a link if that is not the case?
IT only relates to motor vehicle accidents.

Yes it makes me see she never had to love and care for a little girl and raise her to adulthood. Warriena was someone's precious child, and GT's mother could at least show some love and caring towards the Wright family in the loss of their precious girl. Seeing as her ratbag son was the reason Warriena lost her life.
Otherwise what is it going to take to teach him life's important lessons? It makes me wonder if there is or has been abuse in that household?
so you are saying a mothers care becomes deficient if she only raises a boy, and not a girl? I think a lot of professionals would take issue with that statement
It is intuitive to see she is talking about him when he is sober. No one ever talks about their sons and daughters behaviour when they are off their face. Think a little harder about the other party in this.

1.3 M is pretty high. But then in a country where 800,000 moronic inhabitants watch garbage like Big Bang Theory does it really matter?

IT only relates to motor vehicle accidents.

so you are saying a mothers care becomes deficient if she only raises a boy, and not a girl? I think a lot of professionals would take issue with that statement

FYI, I have raised 3 boys & 1 girl to adulthood, and yes a lot of young adults get drunk etc. and have a good time generally and thank god they eventually outgrow the dumb and stupid stuff. But no one i know has had their young adult child up on a murder charge, and none of them have had another young adult die on their premises.
And gauging from what i have read on Tostee's parents, as i said the apple didn't fall far from the tree, IMO.
yes I'd LOVE to see a link to that too. I'd heard that eating pizza is an indictable offence too in the republic of Fairyland. . :jawdrop:

I think you are taking that out of context, IMO. I think the general consensus is that GT showed gross indifference to the wellbeing of the young woman that he invited back to his apartmnt., plied her with some type of alcohol and whatever else he did to her, and then after being placed out on that balcony falling to her death just carried on as if nothing had happened. And i don't care if he was eating pizza or playing tiddly winks. He shows consciousness of guilt, also IMO.
I think you are taking that out of context, IMO. I think the general consensus is that GT showed gross indifference to the wellbeing of the young woman that he invited back to his apartmnt., plied her with some type of alcohol and whatever else he did to her, and then after being placed out on that balcony falling to her death just carried on as if nothing had happened. And i don't care if he was eating pizza or playing tiddly winks. He shows consciousness of guilt, also IMO.

It appears that while the vast majority are really concerned about Tostee's displayed gross indifference to the death of Warriena, there are a few others that feel the same as him. Why should Tostee have exhibited any moralistic behaviour when what is done is done? Very sad that they continue through life with that apparent 'meh' attitude. imo
Wonder what Saul thought of the tell all interview?
4:52 "Clearly the level of hope all be it a vain hope. That HE wasn't ...that she had managed to get to safety on another balcony."
and ........... my job is over. It is the job of his family and friends to get him through what will be a very difficult transition.
Wonder what Saul thought of the tell all interview?
4:52 "Clearly the level of hope all be it a vain hope. That HE wasn't ...that she had managed to get to safety on another balcony."
and ........... my job is over. It is the job of his family and friends to get him through what will be a very difficult transition.

BBM: Well, to date his family and himself do not seem to be doing a very good job of that, hey? He now looks like an even bigger uncaring, uncompassionate, selfish and 'forgetful' person. And whether others like it or not, that leads many people - who are only privvy to a certain amount of the recording and details - to question his 'not guilty' status. imo
It appears that while the vast majority are really concerned about Tostee's displayed gross indifference to the death of Warriena, there are a few others that feel the same as him. Why should Tostee have exhibited any moralistic behaviour when what is done is done? Very sad that they continue through life with that apparent 'meh' attitude. imo

Yes i'm sure those types exist. I'm glad i have never met any and living in two different countries U.S.A. & Aus. intermittently, all the kids i have ever met through my children in both countries have been wonderful and caring young people with very positive things going on in their lives. They come from a place of heart and not hate i think might be the difference.
Evidence is only admissible if it is relevant and probative (likely to prove a fact in issue). GT eating pizza afterwards was not relevant because it did not make it more or less likely that he committed the offence. All it proved was that he was hungry. Some people think that it showed that he didn't really care that a woman had died after falling from his balcony. As callous as this sounds, lack of emotion after someone has died does not make it more likely that they are guilty of an offence. A classic example is that Lindy Chamberlain didn't act like a typical grieving parent. But this didn't make it more likely that she killed her daughter. The item he was carrying was not relevant because it didn't make it more likely that it was used to threaten WT. There is no evidence that there was any item used to threaten her (hence the jury question of whether words can be a threat). Without evidence that she was threatened with an object, then no objects can be admitted as evidence. It could have been drug paraphenalia that he didn't want police to find. It could have been a gun that his friend left at his house, that wasn't touched that night but GT nevertheless thought looked bad. It could have been a knife that he threatened WW with (although why hide a knife unless there was some evidence of offending on it). Once evidence is considered both relevant and probative, the court then balances the probative weight vs the prejudicial weight. If it was a gun and there was no evidence the gun came into play that night, then clearly it is more prejudicial than probative. On top of that, there is no evidence of what that item actually was. That is why the judge told the jury that what he was carrying was irrelevant. All the public speculation about what the item might have been is the exact reason it was inadmissible.
Excellent post!
Under section 92(4) of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act (Qld), if the accident involves an injured person and the driver shows 'callous disregard' the court must impose a period of imprisonment.
You do see the word ~ 'driver' there, yes? It is limited to motor vehicle incidents.

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