Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #2

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I'm really struggling with Tostee's parents not having made any public statement of sympathy or condolences for Warriena's family.

I know they are not responsible for what their son did, but it would be the decent thing to do imo. And the families often do make such statements.

I personally find the silence disrespectful.
I'm really struggling with Tostee's parents not having made any public statement of sympathy or condolences for Warriena's family.

I know they are not responsible for what their son did, but it would be the decent thing to do imo. And the families often do make such statements.

I personally find the silence disrespectful.

I agree Isis, if they did give a statement they'd have to be extremely careful not to inadvertently admit guilt.
I imagine the solicitors may guide them against it.
I'm really struggling with Tostee's parents not having made any public statement of sympathy or condolences for Warriena's family.

I know they are not responsible for what their son did, but it would be the decent thing to do imo. And the families often do make such statements.

I personally find the silence disrespectful.

I personally find the silence from his parents quite reasonable. To make a statement offering their condolences or sympathy could basically be seen as an admission of guilt of their son. This hasn't yet been proven in a court of law ( which hopefully it will be in due course )
Also it is G T who committed the crime not his parents.
I just had the biggest 'derrr' moment, re how Tostee could earn so much from carpet cleaning part-time -- he was probably working for his dad, who was probably overpaying him a bit..

The whole apology thing is a bit tricky, IMO. Yep, on one hand, I can see why these parents would not choose express sadness over the death of this young woman. But on the other, their silence makes them seem uncaring and callous, or 'closed ranks' around a guilty man.

Not their fault, at all. But at the least, a simple, neutrally worded expression of sympathy for Warriena's grieving family seems to me the right thing to do, if that were me I would certainly be expressing my condolences to a family who've lost such a vibrant young person. I think there's ways to express such a sentiment without it seeming an expression of guilt. I'm sure they're clever enough to come up with such wording. It's not hard.
I personally find the silence from his parents quite reasonable. To make a statement offering their condolences or sympathy could basically be seen as an admission of guilt of their son. This hasn't yet been proven in a court of law ( which hopefully it will be in due course )
Also it is G T who committed the crime not his parents.

I respect your opinion but I humbly disagree. Expressing sympathy and condolences does not equal admission of guilt. It comes across to me as selfish, cold, heartless and calculating. I bet THEY are receiving all kinds of of nice comforting words and offers of assistance for their own heartbreak. I guess money doesn't necessarily buy class and decency. I can see where Tostee's good manners and compassion don't come from. How could you NOT reach out? I am repulsed by how this guy treats women, scared by his weird unattachment to people and absolutely believe that he murdered this young woman because she turned him down. I am disgusted by his parents though. No pity here for them. They had chance after chance to get him help and show him how to treat people decently and they (IMO) taught him the opposite.
I personally find the silence from his parents quite reasonable. To make a statement offering their condolences or sympathy could basically be seen as an admission of guilt of their son. This hasn't yet been proven in a court of law ( which hopefully it will be in due course )
Also it is G T who committed the crime not his parents.

I respect your opinion but I humbly disagree. Expressing sympathy and condolences does not equal admission of guilt. It comes across to me as selfish, cold, heartless and calculating. I bet THEY are receiving all kinds of of nice comforting words and offers of assistance for their own heartbreak. I guess money doesn't necessarily buy class and decency. I can see where Tostee's good manners and compassion don't come from. How could you NOT reach out? I am repulsed by how this guy treats women, scared by his weird unattachment to people and absolutely believe that he murdered this young woman because she turned him down. I am disgusted by his parents though. No pity here for them. They had chance after chance to get him help and show him how to treat people decently and they (IMO) taught him the opposite.

Thank God I've never been in their position and I never want to be.
I agree with both of you because nobody really knows what happened exept for Warriena & Tostee.
Both parents have lost their children and it can't be rewound.
I feel so sorry for both sides.
4 days until grubby Tostee faces court for his bail hearing - I wonder what else we might find out? I doubt he will get bail but if he does I bet he tries to get out of town...Pistorious is also coming up soon. Pistorious and Tostee are quite similar in a lot of ways in terms of their personality and actions with women...
4 days until grubby Tostee faces court for his bail hearing - I wonder what else we might find out? I doubt he will get bail but if he does I bet he tries to get out of town...Pistorious is also coming up soon. Pistorious and Tostee are quite similar in a lot of ways in terms of their personality and actions with women...
And in four days it will be a month since her family lost their Rrie. I bet it has been the longest month of their lives.
There was something just on news about this case. Something about tostee choking Rrie and threatening to throw her off the balcony... anyone see it? It was reported he has also been assaulted in prison.
Wow did anyone just see the story on nine news? They quoted a lot more of dialogue heard between GT and Warriena. I can't find a news article link yet.
Wow did anyone just see the story on nine news? They quoted a lot more of dialogue heard between GT and Warriena. I can't find a news article link yet.
No I missed the news...hopefully there will be a link. interesting indeed...I knew there had to be more to it to make a girl climb a balcony 14 floors up to escape - as in direct threats and attempts to assault her. You are going down now Tostee.

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The nine news story also said GT had been assaulted in prison by someone who had been asking him repeatedly about the case. He is now in protective custody.
I will just have to wait until they are uploaded online after did he actually say he was going to throttle her if she didn't sleep with him?
This is utterly horrific...I have goosebumps. I have chills...what a rotten piece of work. I am so she wasn't keen on sex with him, tries to leave and he loses it this time. Too many rejections Tostee...I am restraining myself but I am shaking with anger. That poor girl really suffered...he had better get 30 years for this. I wish we had full life sentences for men like this...after such a long stint in prison he will come out so angry he will do it again. Men like this never change...
Summarising the news report - so not direct quotes:

"Police documents filed in the Supreme Court claim that Gable Tostee's phone was recording audio for 3 hours and 19 minutes starting around 1am."

"This is how police say the conversation went: Firstly two people, a man and a woman are heard socialising. At 2:13am police will allege a struggle can be heard between the male and female. The male voice tells the female to leave after which the male was also heard to say "This is *advertiser censored**ing b***s***. You are lucky I haven't chucked off my balcony you *advertiser censored* little psycho b****." In 5 minutes, police will allege that the argument escalates with the female saying "I am so sorry" and the male replies "I don't care". Police then say there is a choking type sound and the man can be heard taunting Wright as she gasps for air. Police will say there is a sound of the door being slid open, the female screams "No, no, no" and then he accuses her of trying to kill him (?) and she says "Just let me go home" and the reply the police claim is "I would but you have been a bad girl". 26 seconds after the sound of the door being shut, police say a fading scream can be heard in the background. Then a phone call is immediately place with a lawyer. An hour later Tostee orders a pizza for himself."

"Witnesses claim to have seen and heard the fall. He will apply for bail on Monday and his parents have offered up $200,000 dollars surety and Tostee maintains his innocence. We have also heard that Tostee has been assaulted in prison. When his lawyer went to see him at the prison on Wednesday he had a bruise and a laceration on his nose. Tostee said that it was due to an altercation with a prison inmate who kept repeatedly asking about the murder charge before the court. As a result of this, Tostee has been moved to protective custody."

I just added a little bit more for you Suthrnqt :)
Thanks for the update!! I was unable to view the video, so I really appreciate you taking the time to paraphrase the report.
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