Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #6

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Total speculation, but my thoughts on the blood contamination in her chest cavity is that perhaps other fluids from other organs in her chest/abdomen mixed with the blood? I don't know, that's all I can think of.

Funny the amount of wild speculation going on here. Yes, it's possible he 'planned the whole thing' but it's also just as possible it was a absolutely tragic accident.

The evidence is just not conclusive enough. This kind of doubt is why he walks free, today. A win for justice. I've been waiting for this for years. <modnsip>

Can't believe so many here are utterly convinced of guilt in the face of overwhelming facts to the contrary.
People asking for the full recording:

There's no links I can find or would provide, as it's actually a bad thing to publish evidence in an ongoing trial that hasn't been released.

Once the jury has a verdict, I may share the copy I have.

I'm sorry if that's frustrating, but I believe it's the right thing to do for all concerned.
Funny the amount of wild speculation going on here.

Like the wild speculation that Warriena hit Tostee with the telescope out of anything but desperate self defence.

The point at which he accuses her of hitting him with the telescope is *during* a physical struggle --- that he ADMITS to having--- in which he overpowered her -- which he on tape ADMITS to doing-- and while the choking sounds are ongoing.

DURING this time, Warriena is not the one yelling and swearing and threatening, and clearly she is not the aggressor while she's choking.

There is no injury on Tostee consistent with almost being "killed" as he claims on tape. None at all.

It seems far more likely that Warriena weakly flialed *something* at him in self defense, and he's hamming it up for the recording that *HE* is aware is happening, and she is not.

There's being right, and there's being an *advertiser censored* for the sake of it.
August 18, 2014

Previously on the bodybuilding forum, G T also discussed the use of cameras at home - including that he had a drone with camera on it and a telescope to spy on people from his apartment."I have actually kept a written log with dates and names," G T posted on the body building forum. "I'm somewhat obsessed with recording everything."

I know its an old link and its posted way back in the threads, but I came across it while looking for something else
Like the wild speculation that Warriena hit Tostee with the telescope out of anything but desperate self defence.

The point at which he accuses her of hitting him with the telescope is *during* a physical struggle --- that he ADMITS to having--- in which he overpowered her -- which he on tape ADMITS to doing-- and while the choking sounds are ongoing.

DURING this time, Warriena is not the one yelling and swearing and threatening, and clearly she is not the aggressor while she's choking.

There is no injury on Tostee consistent with almost being "killed" as he claims on tape. None at all.

It seems far more likely that Warriena weakly flialed *something* at him in self defense, and he's hamming it up for the recording that *HE* is aware is happening, and she is not.

There's being right, and there's being an *advertiser censored* for the sake of it.

Valid theory. But one of many valid theories on the limited facts before the jury. I can make as just a compelling argument for innocence.

And that, my dear friend, is why he's strolling out of Court today.
August 18, 2014

. "I'm somewhat obsessed with recording everything."

I know its an old link and its posted way back in the threads, but I came across it while looking for something else

bolded and edited by me..

Gabe's useless hobby and obsession is about to bite back, I believe....... .

It is significant that the Crown led the prosecution of Tostee with his own recording of his own efforts and part he played in the death of Miss Wright. There was no interpretation, no extrapolation of the recording. The entire recording. The Prosecutor didn't call an expert to translate any part of the recording or explain any part of it, or to have the tape separated out into bits of this and bits of that, it is entirely up to the jury, as it should be, to interpret this record of the evenings activities taking place between Ms Wright and Tostee.

We know, and the jury knows , that Warriena didn't know she was being recorded... the significance of this is, that Tostee knew he was being recorded, and there can be no doubt that he is playing to that strength , with self consciousness all the way thru it.

At the very end, he discloses that she is being recorded, but she is too far gone in terror and alcohol poisoning to register it. We can hear how he actually commentates as well as plays a major part , and he ad libs , too, because Tostee is playing the role for the recording, not for anything else, this is why he interjects with his fantasy segments , ' ow don't hurt me, ' .. ' I am the victim here'.. and so on, mimicking her terror in a parody of her situation.

I have a lot of trust in jurors, mostly. .. . I have to, really, just like anyone else has to, as there is no alternative. Gabe isn't being tried in NSW where he could choose to be heard by a judge alone, or in the ACT where that option is available, I don't think it is in QLD.. in front of a judge alone, Gabe might, just might have scraped thru, but 12 QLDers hearing that entire recording will not look upon Gabe with empathetic eyes.
Audio of what the prosecution claims is Warriena Wright being strangled has been played in court with Gable Tostee possibly taking the stand today in his murder trial over her fatal balcony fall.

Both lawyers are expected to give their closing submissions on Friday, followed by directions to the jury from Justice John Byrne.
Audio of what the prosecution claims is Warriena Wright being strangled has been played in court with Gable Tostee possibly taking the stand today in his murder trial over her fatal balcony fall.

Both lawyers are expected to give their closing submissions on Friday, followed by directions to the jury from Justice John Byrne.

oo Gabe taking the stand.. I just don't know.. he has every sound and solid reason to not even think about attempting that little jape, and I am not that sure that Gabe has the cojones to do it. His love affair with himself and his belief in his ability to con anyone seems to have diminished even as his waistline has increased.

If Dad has no control over him, even after paying all the bills, then it's a strong possibility. Gabe is starstruck with the idea that his IQ is around 150 and the competitive edge in him may just push him into going up against a Qld Silk Prosecutor, just to make a point.. ... ..

I am utterly riveted and glued to the trial to see if he does take the stand, it will be the second biggest mistake he has ever made in his short and dull life so far.. ...
Don't be afraid, just lock up that door,
Well he just stood there mumblin and fumblin'
Then a voice from above said-
Gable T, this is your life,
Go on and get out of your strife,
Take the stand and be a man,
And you will have a great life plan
Totally agree Trooper, he don't have the cojones to get up on that stand, and give everyone a proper talking to.
I'm not so sure that Gable won't choose to give evidence, after the GBC High Court decision it's certainly not as clear cut as it might have been but I still think it's a very valid strategy in this case.
Valid theory. But one of many valid theories on the limited facts before the jury. I can make as just a compelling argument for innocence.

And that, my dear friend, is why he's strolling out of Court today.

Not theory, matey, but supported fact, evidenced on recording. One can argue anything one likes for S&G's, but come on.
May Warriena's family and friends feel the strength of the people behind them today. They will need it, I think. It will be a particularly gruelling day for them, no matter what is to come.
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