Australia - Warriena Wright, 26, dies in balcony fall, Surfers Paradise, Aug 2014 #8

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I think she was saying "Winchester", because she kept referring to GT as Sam. It's Sam Winchester, a character from the TV series Supernatural. She thought GT looked like him, and had texted that to her sister. GT was saying "who's sam", and she replies "Winchester!" :)

That does make sense, but I'm quite sure she was saying Manchester. I'm too afraid to go back again. I won't do it ever again unless something totally new is pointed out. I'll give that perhaps she meant Winchester, but was inebriated and said manchester by mistake.

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Had flashbacks of GBC trial reading through it.

Some good points - the choke-hold, suffocation by pressure on the chest or abdomen, smothering by obstruction of the mouth and nose (use of a pillow or even a large hand?).

This is very interesting particularly the part in bold -

Cerebral hypoxia and hypoperfusion — Several elements of strangulation
activity may result in cerebral hypoxia. These include breath holding, external
limitation of chest wall expansion, and compression of the carotid arteries.*
Compression of the carotid sinuses further reduces cerebral oxygenation through
reflex bradycardia and vasodilation.*
Acute severe hypoxia can cause loss of consciousness in 10 to 20 seconds,
permanent brain damage in three minutes, and death in four to five minutes.**

Hypoxia that is less severe can cause impaired judgment, drowsiness, dulled pain
sensation, excitement, disorientation, and headache.
But Paul Gittany was convicted on FAR LESS evidence than Tostee. Here we have the single hand print, threats to throw her over the balcony, an actual recording of her terrified screams as he put her over the balcony, a witness directly below who saw her feet dangling OUTWARDS. Proving that Tostee is responsible for her death if she climbed over the balcony herself IS FAR HARDER than proving he forced her over the balcony. The prosecution are not stupid. They know this. I don't know how this has happened but it needs to be investigated because a woman was murdered by a man who threatened to throw her over his balcony and then did so. We cannot have a precedent that says "murder by balcony" is the easiest way to get away with murder.

His name was Simon Gittany.
I realize this might not be welcomed but I hear a pattern, the no was repeated so many times, almost too many, it is like that is all she repeats but no other words come out....until she says just let me go home. She also did this with Manchester, it was repeated multiple times.

And at the same time, GT is breathing heavily at the very end which would correspond with him tossing her over IF he did. WHY don't we have video to go along with the audio?

It did not sound like choking in video, I imagine if you take the breathing episodes and compared to to her voicing no, they would be at about the same cadence.

It is hard to say what anyone would do in that circumstance, I feel as though most people would say more than no.
Hope the jury is not as conflicted as I am right now.
That does make sense, but I'm quite sure she was saying Manchester. I'm too afraid to go back again. I won't do it ever again unless something totally new is pointed out. I'll give that perhaps she meant Winchester, but was inebriated and said manchester by mistake.

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She seemed to be saying it in response to his asking "who's sam". When I read about her telling her sister he reminded her of Sam off supernatural, I thought "I bet his name is Manchester" (that's what I thought she was saying too), and it turned out to be Winchester. I reckon she's got the name wrong, or its her accent maybe
I realize this might not be welcomed but I hear a pattern, the no was repeated so many times, almost too many, it is like that is all she repeats but no other words come out....until she says just let me go home. She also did this with Manchester, it was repeated multiple times.

And at the same time, GT is breathing heavily at the very end which would correspond with him tossing her over IF he did. WHY don't we have video to go along with the audio?

It did not sound like choking in video, I imagine if you take the breathing episodes and compared to to her voicing no, they would be at about the same cadence.

It is hard to say what anyone would do in that circumstance, I feel as though most people would say more than no.
Hope the jury is not as conflicted as I am right now.
There are at least 4 times an audible rasping choke sound, the rest is rapid/shallow breathing which I interpreted as trying to gulp air. But this points to what I said earlier that how maddening it is that no experts were brought forth.

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GABLE Tostee was Warriena Wright’s prized holiday romance.

“I found the Australian Sam Winchester,” Warriena excitedly wrote on Facebook to her younger sister, Marreza Wright, the night she met Tostee in Surfers Paradise.

The 26-year-old woman, known to her family as “Rrie”, was referring to a character from the TV show Supernatural, a serial she watched with her sister in New Zealand.

“Drinking with him, woot,” she added about Tostee, sending several dark-lit selfies of the pair on the 14th-floor balcony of a Surfers Paradise apartment.

The message was posted at 9.45pm. Less than five hours later, at 2.20am on August 8, 2014, Warriena plunged to her death from that same balcony.
... but why didn't the prosecution argue he forced her over the balcony, at least present it as one possible scenario? And please don't tell me to do so would have weakened their case. It would have strengthened their case for murder, undoubtedly.

I have no idea. It is really frustrating.
It feels as though so much more should have been put forward.
The only reason I can come up with is they do not have enough evidence to actually say he forced her (physically).
Gittany ... there was an eye witness that saw him off load something over the balcony.

So maybe the obstruction of her breathing which the medical evidence does say could occur without leaving marks.
Gabe's recording which undeniably indicates Rries breathing was being obstructed for an extended period. She now the victim.
Will be enough for the jury to agree that his actions in that 6 minutes was actually what forced Rrie physically or not, to end up outside the balcony and plunge to her death. They have heard her scream, her fear her pleading, just let me go home.

I just hope he is found guilty.
That does make sense, but I'm quite sure she was saying Manchester. I'm too afraid to go back again. I won't do it ever again unless something totally new is pointed out. I'll give that perhaps she meant Winchester, but was inebriated and said manchester by mistake.

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No, don't go back ninij, don't upset yourself any further, but Warriena did send a message to her sister:

GABLE Tostee was Warriena Wright’s prized holiday romance.

“I found the Australian Sam Winchester,” Warriena excitedly wrote on Facebook to her younger sister, Marreza Wright, the night she met Tostee in Surfers Paradise.
Every time I heard it, it was Manchester and that is listening to audio on different dates. It made no sense to me why she would be yelling Manchester multiple times and that is ? in regards to GT?
If the jury finds the witness credible, that said he saw her feet dangling, FACING OUTWARDS, then they will have to vote for GUILTY conviction, imo. There is no way she could have climbed over the balcony and dangled that way. If she was climbing down by herself, she'd be hugging the railing, and trying to scoot down to the next balcony, which is what I had originally wondered about.

I think they will find him guilty. I hope so anyway. :jail:
I've been watching one of the videos of his wanderings...
These timestamps aren't awesome, you have to go frame by frame.

0.05 – elevator doors open. Doesn't appear to be holding anything, but is fiddling with his pants uncomfortably.
0:10 – looks around shifty like. peers around corner to check if the coast is clear.
0:15 – begins removing something from pants.
0:20 – walks into dark area, turns around and comes back the way he came (what was he doing here, also what is this area? the lobby?)
0:26 – you can see the object in his left hand here as he leaves the dark area.
0:28 – you can see the object again as he rounds the corner back the way he came.
0:30 – again the object still in his left hand.
0:31 – gets keycard or whatever it is out of front shirt pocket and uses elevator.
0:47 – elevator on right stops on 1st floor and is going down. He moves to it. You can see the object again.
0:57 – steps out of elevator on ground floor, looks around. Object Is now in right hand.
0:58 – looks around again as he nears the bin. Object in right hand. As he rounds the corner he moves the object to his left hand.
1:03 – you can see the object in his left hand as he walks to the glass door exit in the carpark of the building.
1:07 – brings hand up to face and looks around. Object can be seen in left hand. Seems to ponder which way to go. Object can be seen as he exits.
1:13 – as he crosses ferny ave, he looks to be walking oddly. Odd crease in the back of shirt/pants as he walks.
1:24 – circle on cavill, fidgeting with back of pants a lot
1:30 – fidgeting with two hands (adjusting something?)
1:35 – cavill avenue, walking like someone who needs to poo. Still has right hand behind back. Right hand appears to be holding something in place as he crosses the road. Not walking “normally”
1:47 - still has hand on right butt cheek. Fidgets more right as he starts to go behind the tree.
1:50 - as he comes out from behind the tree he's really fidgeting like whatever is down there is annoying him. Swings hips slightly a couple of times as if adjusting whatever is down there, then exits camera shot still holding himself.
1:57 - orchid avenue seems to be walking more comfortably. Not fidgeting.
2:04 – fidgeting with front again. This could just be regular male adjusting. I feel like he's still walking a little strangely in the next shot.
2:46 – back on cavill and he's taken his wallet out and is ordering pizza.
3:22 – sits down on bench to eat his pizza. I wanted to watch this bit for fiddling but it skips.
3:27 – gets up, adjusts pants, walks to bin and throws something in. I assume his rubbish but I do wonder if the bins were checked along his route.
4:02 – seems to be walking in a much more relaxed fashion here. Adjusts his pants.

What is that dark area he went into and did he just go in there then leave straight away or was there missing footage? I wonder if this is all the CCTV footage.
Was the walk around the street just a way to dispose of the object? Maybe that's why he got pizza, he wanted a reason to throw something in the bin because of cc tv? But, then, if he was aware of cameras on the street he'd be aware of cameras throughout the apartment complex and wouldn't have removed it from his pants. Unless he was going to dispose of it in the dark area then realised he would be better off taking it away from the complex?

I really want to know what that object is and why he felt the need to hide it in his pants and leave with it.
I am still predicting a hung jury. I think that some of them are saying it's manslaughter but others will be saying not guilty.

There was another case in the Brisbane Supreme Court this year where there was a hung jury.

"Jurors retired shortly before 11am on Tuesday but were discharged about 3pm on Wednesday after they were unable reach a verdict.

Justice Peter Lyons thanked them for their service during the trial.

It came after they heard Mr Milos was found dead in a Morningside property after allegedly being attacked with a spirit level and hammer.

The matter is expected to return to court on September 2."

The Judge did not give them much time to come to a verdict - just two days.

Unless their verdict is manslaughter, I am almost hoping for a hung jury now and that there will be a different Prosecutor for another trial.
If the jury finds the witness credible, that said he saw her feet dangling,

To me I do not see how that is possible, it was 2:30 am pitch dark, I do not see how they could see what they saw, unless that building is very well lit.
To me I do not see how that is possible, it was 2:30 am pitch dark, I do not see how they could see what they saw, unless that building is very well lit.

The same applies to the guy who said he did not see Tostee on the balcony. Ms Ellis may have had her balcony lights on as she was up late. I cannot imagine that she was lying about that.
1:57 - orchid avenue seems to be walking more comfortably. Not fidgeting.
This is 7 minutes after we last see him. He has rolled his sleeves up now too.
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