Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #26

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I think it might have helped if from day one they'd have been able to say more. If people had been able to discuss openly that there were ties between the bio family and people in the area, and that the foster family weren't directly involved in that.

Maybe nothing would have helped actually find him before it was too late, i don't know.

21 in 2015? WT was born in 2011 or so? So that would have made bio dad 17 when WT was born, maybe 16 when he was conceived? While it's not a biological impossibility, I don't think so. Mostly based on KT's age.

Lol...yep ... your right ... xx

Just ignore me and my stoopid reaction .... I dunno what it is with Williams case ..

It makes me go loopy and upsets me way too much .... I think its because I have a strong opinion on who took William and it makes me so angry.

A vigilante Facebook group fought for months to expose the truth that missing boy William Tyrrell was in foster care, despite the Government's attempts to silence them.

Daily Mail Australia understands the mysterious Ms Smith is a child protection advocate who does not have a law degree. She worked with a barrister in the Court of Appeal case......

Ms Smith, from Barmedman in the state's west, was the Facebook page's representative to the court. The group is not a legally incorporated entity and does not have an individual owner.

After the court decision was announced, the group said it hoped 'transparency (will) lead William home'.
The Department of Family and Community Services will have to pay Ms Smith's costs, the court ruled.

Barmedman a tiny place.
Good on you Ms Smith.
I think it is good to have the truth out there. The cloaking of his foster parents was bizarre and probably not helpful, although it is impossible to know if would have made any difference. They copped some negativity but it wasn't associated with their names publicly so I guess that's something. Hopefully this will allow them to proceed as they'd wish to now.

I understand that had William been found in the bush in a day or two it would be unfair for his status as a foster child to be largely broadcast. He deserves privacy about his family situation in that instance (and I feel for his sister who has had her privacy blown now as well, another consequence of this awful crime).

I so wish his abduction was related to his foster status and that someone who wanted to parent him had him.
"There is a substantial public interest in accountability and scrutiny of the out-of-home care system, and in accuracy of reportage of the circumstances of Julian's disappearance," Judge Brereton said.

"If found alive, [he] will face many issues and challenges, most of them probably larger and more challenging than the stigma associated with being a child in care."

Walking 4 Warriors wrote on its Facebook page on Thursday: "A long journey some truth and transparency is finally here."......................................

Strike force leader Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin has previously acknowledged that in the first days and weeks after William vanished, police thought it was a case of "little boy lost".

He has also previously dismissed as "vindictive" any suggestions William's own relatives may have been involved in his disappearance.

"I've personally interviewed the family and I'm saying they've had nothing to do with it."

Strike force leader Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin has previously acknowledged that in the first days and weeks after William vanished, police thought it was a case of "little boy lost".

He has also previously dismissed as "vindictive" any suggestions William's own relatives may have been involved in his disappearance.

"I've personally interviewed the family and I'm saying they've had nothing to do with it."[/QUOTE]

Whenever GJ acknowledged the "little boy lost" idea, it has been shown that police were following other ideas from the 1st days, so the article's quote seems to me invalid and innacurate.
The idea that his relatives may be involved in the disappearance has been dismissed as "vindictive" is a strange word to use and a very ambiguous statement to make given the public didn't really know if he was referring to bio/ foster/ or both. Vindictive is a word I associate with payback or vengence. The last people to see WT, have photographic, time stamped evidence of him, at Kendall at 9.45, (they are incredibly lucky to have taken those photos IMO). At the point that WT vanished, according to many MSM articles, the 2 supervising adults were out of each others sight, one keeping an eye on the children, the other making "2 cups of tea." At 10.30ish it is noticed he is missing. By 10.40 am, the 1st neighbor is aware the FM is looking for a missing boy. Both FM and , search the streets for WT as it has been acknowledged in several witness accounts, the grandmother was at the neighbor's door. She knocked on Lydene Heslop's door at the other end of the street and the grandmother of 10's door. Why have we never heard her account of that day and the initial search, why does the FM never refer to her being a part of the initial search. Two able bodied adults lost sight of each other and a 3 year old child at the same time for a period of less than 5 minutes and he disappeared. In the 1st week of his disappearance, Fehon has said there was not one shred of evidence to suggest what had happened to WT. Both of those adults are familiar with the geography of Kendall, it has only been reported in MSM that the FM witnessed 3 of the 4 vehicles in Benaroon Dr that police are interested in identifying. What other evidence does the police have to have cleared these 2 women. It has been reported that the FF helped with the searchers for WT, but it is unknown and I have assumed that the 2 women were not a part of the searches. They must have more evidence otherwise, with the information we do have, I cannot understand why the FM and her mother's face have not been shown in the media at a police conference. There has not been any opportunity for the public to be able to refute the FM's claims. That is what is unfair about this case, and the leading detective has used emotive language to shame anybody who suggests the obvious. Maybe the W4W could start putting these points and the names of the last 2 adults to see WT on their website, with a view to challenging, the secretary of FACS to take them to court to seek a permanent injunction on that information. I think it would be interesting for a supreme court judge to rule on whether the needs of a potential homicide victim are more or less than keeping the identity of 2 adults secret.MOO

Strike force leader Detective Chief Inspector Gary Jubelin has previously acknowledged that in the first days and weeks after William vanished, police thought it was a case of "little boy lost".

He has also previously dismissed as "vindictive" any suggestions William's own relatives may have been involved in his disappearance.

"I've personally interviewed the family and I'm saying they've had nothing to do with it."

Whenever GJ acknowledged the "little boy lost" idea, it has been shown that police were following other ideas from the 1st days, so the article's quote seems to me invalid and innacurate.
The idea that his relatives may be involved in the disappearance has been dismissed as "vindictive" is a strange word to use and a very ambiguous statement to make given the public didn't really know if he was referring to bio/ foster/ or both. Vindictive is a word I associate with payback or vengence. The last people to see WT, have photographic, time stamped evidence of him, at Kendall at 9.45, (they are incredibly lucky to have taken those photos IMO). At the point that WT vanished, according to many MSM articles, the 2 supervising adults were out of each others sight, one keeping an eye on the children, the other making "2 cups of tea." At 10.30ish it is noticed he is missing. By 10.40 am, the 1st neighbor is aware the FM is looking for a missing boy. Both search the streets for WT as it has been acknowledged in several witness accounts, the grandmother was at the door. She knocked on Lydene Heslop's door at the other end of the street and the grandmother of 10's door. Why have we never heard her account of that day and the initial search, why does the FM never refer to her being a part of the initial search. Two able bodied adults lost sight of each other and a 3 year old child at the same time for a period of less than 5 minutes and he disappeared. In the 1st week of his disappearance, Fehon has said there was not one shred of evidence to suggest what had happened to WT. Both of those adults are familiar with the geography of Kendall, it has only been reported in MSM that the FM witnessed 3 of the 4 vehicles in Benaroon Dr that police are interested in identifying. What other evidence does the police have to have cleared these 2 women. It has been reported that the FF was out searching for WT, but it is unknown and I have assumed that the 2 women were not apart of the search. They must have more evidence otherwise, with the information we do have, I cannot understand why the FM and her mother's face have not been shown in the media at a police conference. There has not been any opportunity for the public to be able to refute the FM's claims. That is what is unfair about this case, and the leading detective has used emotive language to shame anybody who suggests the obvious. Maybe the W4W could start putting these points and the names of the last 2 adults to see WT on their website, with a view to challenging, the secretary of FACS to take them to court to seek a permanent injunction on that information. I think it would be interesting for a supreme court judge to rule on whether the needs of a potential homicide victim are more or less than keeping the identity of 2 adults secret.MOO[/QUOTE]

12 SEP 2016 -
DCI Jubelin acknowledged that in the first days and weeks after William disappeared, investigators focused on the possibility they were dealing with a "little boy lost".

But it was now clear that the boy in the Spiderman costume had not wandered off but had met with foul play as he played in his grandmother's yard.

He has also dismissed as "vindictive" any lingering suggestions that William's own relatives were involved in his abduction.
"I've personally interviewed the family and I'm saying they've had nothing to do with it," DCI Jubelin said.

All in the interpretation frog.
Relative - connected by blood or marriage.

Should the media really be outing Williams bio mum?
Because that he was fostered means that there is a biological family with a huge motive to get him back, is what I'm guessing (regardless of what police say - and I'm not saying that's what I believe, just what generally speaking is the first thought many people would have).

Also it inhibited getting the full facts out there.

It's good we can now discuss it freely here. It's good we can now point out the links between the bio family and the pedo ring. - even if the bio family truly had nothing to do with it, the fact is WT and his sister were probably not exactly total strangers to the pedo ring.

Would someone please fill me in on this now, if we are allowed to discuss it? BBM
Judge Brereton said.

"If found alive, [he] will face many issues and challenges, most of them probably larger and more challenging than the stigma associated with being a child in care."

Common sense at last!
Should the media really be outing Williams bio mum?

Yeah should they be? Wasn't the appeal about the media being able to release that William was in out of home care when he went missing?

So does this mean that the media can released the names and images of the foster parents. Or does the fact that they are still foster parents prevent that?

Along with a complicated family history preventing them from being legally identified, William’s mum and dad say they would not put themselves in the public eye regardless, because they do not want his other siblings to be identified.

“It’s important because there are children involved and they’re young. They deserve an opportunity for privacy,” his mum said.

“They deserve to grow up as individuals and not grow up being known as the brother or sister of the little boy who went missing. And it’s not denying them they’re relationship with him because that will never happen, but it’s about giving them the opportunity to become the people that they’re meant to be.
“So if our faces are known by the general public, if we walk down the road, people will know by association who William’s sister is. It’s not fair. It’s not fair to them and we’re not doing it for us, were doing it for children.”

But his mum said the story was only about their missing boy, not about them.
“We’re not the story, we’re the curiosity, but were not the story,” she said.
“The story is William was stolen by someone.”
I wonder if the police will be able to reveal more details about the case now. Not insinuating that either family was involved, but I think the privacy laws would have stopped police from revealing quite a lot of details.
"William Tyrrell's biological parents have been named.
Karlie Tyrrell, understood to be from Sydney's inner west, is the missing boy's mother.

Daily Mail Australia understands Ms Tyrrell has been frustrated by her inability to discuss the child's case publicly.

Her partner Brendan, who has served jail time, is the boy's father."

Read more:
Well, its all over the Daily Fail..........
I wonder if the police will be able to reveal more details about the case now. Not insinuating that either family was involved, but I think the privacy laws would have stopped police from revealing quite a lotu of details.

Yes it will be interesting to see if we learn anything new.
Yeah should they be? Wasn't the appeal about the media being able to release that William was in out of home care when he went missing?

So does this mean that the media can released the names and images of the foster parents. Or does the fact that they are still foster parents prevent that?

Along with a complicated family history preventing them from being legally identified, William’s mum and dad say they would not put themselves in the public eye regardless, because they do not want his other siblings to be identified.

“It’s important because there are children involved and they’re young. They deserve an opportunity for privacy,” his mum said.

“They deserve to grow up as individuals and not grow up being known as the brother or sister of the little boy who went missing. And it’s not denying them they’re relationship with him because that will never happen, but it’s about giving them the opportunity to become the people that they’re meant to be.
“So if our faces are known by the general public, if we walk down the road, people will know by association who William’s sister is. It’s not fair. It’s not fair to them and we’re not doing it for us, were doing it for children.”

But his mum said the story was only about their missing boy, not about them.
“We’re not the story, we’re the curiosity, but were not the story,” she said.
“The story is William was stolen by someone.”

BBM So do you think that's what the 'complicated' bit was, or is there more?
The judge mentioned that this information was in the public interest because FACS had been under scrutiny. It got me thinking of another theory - what if William had other carers in the past, and they wanted him back?
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