Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #32

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No abuse but, please, disabuse yourself of the notion that everyone ‘in authority’ wears a halo, lp.

In our case, that was simply not true. I went looking for help quite a few times and was ignored or disbelieved — even when reporting my own, and my son’s, injuries. We survived but only just. And not with the help of police — although they were very quick to attend and charge my ex-partner when he damaged FaCS’ property by kicking in my front door and assaulted a male friend of my brother’s (who, by the way, received a tidy sum in VoC’s compensation). By the way, I called them.

The only help anyone in authority ever gave me was a house in an area distant from my birth family and a s***load of prescription drugs to ‘help me to cope’ until I could move after we were the victims of domestic violence. Those drugs resulted in a 10+ year addiction, some loss of memory and a very painful withdrawal. Not to mention years of not being able to truly bond with my (now adult) children. Instead, I was an automaton who worked 9 to 5 for just enough money to cover the additional expenses incurred by working and ran myself into the ground, resulting in a ‘mental illness’. And I won’t go into how I was blamed after being ‘diagnosed’ or how my children’s and my relationships are still affected.

So, the life you describe is not ‘normal’ for ‘some sections of the population’. That is a generalisation. And even in those rare cases where antisocial behaviour has become normalised, those families and communities, and the people residing in them, have been neglected for many, many years. For a current example of this, just look at any of the social housing ‘estates’ here, or overseas.

Nor are the lives of welfare-receiving, single parents it all wine and roses; as Katrina has suggested.

Effectively addressing and countering the effects of developmental, social and generational trauma (also known as Complex Trauma Disorder) in childhood by truly helping those affected including those children’s parents, would go a long way to solving the ‘problem’, rather than adding to their suffering by further pathologising them and tearing families apart permanently. Otherwise, those ‘in authority’ are neglecting their responsibilities (ie; ‘duty of care’) and future generations will reap what they sow.

All in my humble opinion, of course :)

That's very sad Bo. (((hugs))). Onwards & upwards though and have found in this life you can either sink or swim. Prayers for you to get through all of this and eventually heal the wounds.
In the BBM, are you referring to what i stated about the Govt. funding of single parents. I wasn't trying to suggest it's wine & roses, but i think it encourages young people to make poor choices at a very young age. Young teenage mothers when perhaps they might do better at furthering their education instead of perhaps taking on roles of parenting they are not ready for, etc.
Did GJ insinuate in one of his pressers that WT might have had an accident? I thought i remember reading that somewhere.
Did GJ insinuate in one of his pressers that WT might have had an accident? I thought i remember reading that somewhere.

I wouldn't say insinuate, but he did talk of other scenarios that the police have been looking at over the course of the investigation as the idea of a pedophile ring being responsible for WT's disappearance was becoming all but ruled out. I would look at the last anniversary presser. IMO
I wouldn't say insinuate, but he did talk of other scenarios that the police have been looking at over the course of the investigation as the idea of a pedophile ring being responsible for WT's disappearance was becoming all but ruled out. I would look at the last anniversary presser. IMO

Thanks for clarifying.
Did GJ insinuate in one of his pressers that WT might have had an accident? I thought i remember reading that somewhere.

I believe I remember him saying he was open to an explanation of that sort, so if anyone knew anything about it come forward, don't hide away from fear of not being believed.
I believe I remember him saying he was open to an explanation of that sort, so if anyone knew anything about it come forward, don't hide away from fear of not being believed.

Thanks JLZ, that is what i kind of remembered too, words to that effect.
his foster mother mentioned it but i also remember det jubelin saying that could be a scenario too...

“To that person, even if William is dead, even if somebody killed him - deliberately or if it was an accident - and you know where he is, he’s got to come home,” his mother said.
“If William is dead then you can’t just leave him in some random hole somewhere
"There may be a misconception that there is a lot that we don't know about this case. I've visited the crime scene multiple times and there is a lot of information that that location tells us," Dr Yule said.
"Combining that with assessing all the leads that have come into the investigation so far, there really are a limited number of possibilities that can account for William's disappearance and from that there are actually a lot of inferences we can draw about what has likely happened and the likely personality of a person or persons who may be involved."
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