May I ask if we know for sure via a police conference or direct quote that there were/are 5 POIs? I remember it being in MSM but I couldn't remember if it was reported as a journalistic 'scoop' or how that number of POIs detail came up. Can anyone remember if it was direct? I ask because I have tried to be selective about what information I take in - if in MSM, that's interesting but not necessarily 'direct fact'. If from police statement, I take it in more fully. Strategies are of course an element to consider, but that's the baseline I try to come back to.
My other question is, if disappearance by human intervention is what was deemed most likely as the result of the Kendall searches, does an inquest start by looking at things completely afresh, ie start with 'Who was the last to see William?' and work through things like a timeline from the day before (at kindy I think) onwards? To clarify the process of clearing the families, etc (although that might occur in closed session due to legal restraints) so any questions that have arose around that side have an opportunity to be ratified by the inquest process? I would assume yes. I do not believe the FP or BP are involved (they have been cleared by Jubelin and investigators). I am simply curious about whether an inquest is like a 'fresh look on everything'. IMO, to determine whether there's a chance William is alive, after four years wouldn't it be wise to do it that way? Or am I thinking too holistically and inquests target key issue areas and inconsistencies, based on the data handed to them by investigators? Then if required, anything that comes up needing further investigation is handed back to investigators to continue digging for more detail.
Any insights from posters would be great. I do use the ignore button, so if I don't respond, I apologise in advance.