Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #38

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Bravehearts founder says sex offender register 'won't work'
January 9, 2019. Bravehearts founder and prominent child protection advocate Hetty Johnston has criticised a federal government proposal to implement a national child sex offenders’ register. Ms Johnston says the measure won’t work and was designed to win votes. (AAP Video/Warren Barnsley)
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Surely it’s better than nothing, tgy? We have to start somewhere and I’d like to know that none were living anywhere near my grandkids. In fact all of the perpetrators should be in an uninhabited spot in the middle of the desert. IMO
IMO 'human intervention' is the term used by police rather than 'abduction' - at least most recently. If this is for a reason, maybe William was 'moved' by someone that morning for reasons other than sexual or violent. It's incredibly challenging to describe what I mean and keep to WS rules, which I respect. But what I'm saying is that I'm keeping an open mind about what may have occurred (which I hope means William is being cared for somewhere). It's a slim chance. But one which is there. The tone of this thread has changed over the past month. There seems to be less posters posting broader theories or questions. We are hanging onto what's been presented most recently, that's true, but I hope there's still room here for the fringe ideas. Respectful, clear, non-conspiracy related ideas! Please note I am not defending BS - he's a POI and been summoned - there's a reason for that. I could be completely wrong!
I agree, most recently the term ‘human intervention’ has been used by DCI Jubelin but in June of last year he also said he holds grave, grave fears for William’s safety. It could be that he is also of the mind that there is a slim chance that William is alive and being cared for somewhere but, with the advent of an inquest, I think this outcome has become less likely. In any case, the most the Coroner can determine is that there is not enough evidence to conclude that William is deceased, not that he is still alive. So, even at the conclusion of the inquest, we may still be between this rock and hard place.

As far as I can see, there have never been any barriers to posters putting forward their own theories about what happened to William, such as him being alive, or the existence of alternative POIs, for example. That outcome and the possibility of other perpetrators being responsible for his disappearance have been the subject of MSM articles, albeit quite some time ago.

It’s been my experience, on WS and in irl, that if you put forward an opinion or theory that differs from anyone else’s, you have to be prepared to defend your position and for others to critique same. Nothing can be gained from mindlessly repeating your position and/or demeaning others because they don’t agree with you. Obsfucation, repetition and abuse don’t win arguments by default and, of all ‘tribes’, WSers are much too wise to be dazzled by (well, for long anyway) :D

From my perspective, the problem with defending Spedding is that this is not a POI-friendly forum but one that is victim-friendly. This means that Spedding is fair game because he was named in MSM as a POI and, for whatever reason (who knows it may be a precedent being set by his defamation action against MSM), no other people have been, despite being given leave to appear at the inquest.

As a result of Spedding being a POI in William’s abduction, there is much more information published about him in MSM which is open for discussion under WS’ TOS. It is also a fact that he has also been summoned to attend William’s inquest. Yet, some believe that this is the result of some sort of conspiracy against him and not because he is a viable POI. IMO that is SM-fuelled rumour, as has been much of the nonsensical commentary about William’s case from the beginning.

So, in the end, we have before us a missing child and at least one person who has been named as a POI. That, unfortunately, does not make for a very broad-based discussion.
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Hetty’s words are in a video in this link where she is interviewed by a journo ......

She says that she thinks a public child sex offender register will only help a small percentage of people.

She said with the millions and millions of dollars it will take to establish such a thing, it won’t have the effect that people think it will.

She would like to see a different model introduced, like the WA one where only the highest risk sex offenders are on a public register. Or someone else’s model where people can call the police and ask (and be told) if someone is on the register.

She can understand the community wanting it.

And she doesn’t think that vigilantism is a problem.

She said the facts are only 10% of sex offenders are ever known to authorities.

She said 90% of sex offenders are living right now in our streets, attending our barbeques, swimming in our pools, and looking after our children.

She said that if this was a serious proposal, we would be looking at child safety programs, adult education programs, harsher sentencing, and keeping these dangerous sex offenders behind bars – not on lists – behind bars.

Hetty doesn’t believe all the states and territories will come on board with the proposal anyway.

She also says that if we were serious about helping the children, we would have a Royal Commission into the Family Law system that keeps putting children with their sex abusing fathers, (and sometimes mothers), and sex abusing families. We know these children are being abused, the police know it, the courts know it ….

"What we want is for people to be released from jail only if they have a very low risk of reoffending, and those people to be monitored properly. That is what child protection is really about."

The Australian - January 9, 2019
(AAP Video/Warren Barnsley)
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Welcome back iliawa, and happy 2019 to you, and to all.

On 2nd thoughts, no, go away, as I'm now salivating over those Thai curries ! lol ...

Thanks for your memory re Papertrail's previous suggestions - elaboration on those facts would be of interest to me also please PaperTrail.

Thanks W :) Those Thai curries are mighty fine!

Thinking just as Bo has said - these discussions are very limited o_O Wish we could have more info too, & not just PTs theories...

learning that the guy across the rd has been called to the inquest has me very curious for example, but can’t discuss beyond the fact he’s been called & legal stuff around that...

At least we can still sleuth on the outside of WS... ;)
IF there was/is a sex offender in Benaroon Drive, he’d need to have a darn good alibi to not be a POI.
If he exists and doesnt have watertight alibi you’d expect him to be right up there with BS, which he doesnt appear to be.
I still think “evil meets innocence” and was unplanned.
Maybe the reality of what the offender had just done, set in within minutes.
I dont believe William lived for long at all sadly.
Surely it’s better than nothing, tgy? We have to start somewhere and I’d like to know that none were living anywhere near my grandkids. In fact all of the perpetrators should be in an uninhabited spot in the middle of the desert. IMO
I just can’t believe a team of adults wouldn’t put children first, above the freedom & rights of a child sex offender. Children are our most vulnerable humans - I think most would agree, so it just seems crazy. It’s like allowing abuse to continue. Ironically it might be the next generation that removes this bizarre legal puff puff. I hope it happens sooner, or the desert idea works well for me too (used to be an island for me - but I think you pointed out that’s way too luxurious) :D
IF there was/is a sex offender in Benaroon Drive, he’d need to have a darn good alibi to not be a POI.
If he exists and doesnt have watertight alibi you’d expect him to be right up there with BS, which he doesnt appear to be.


Maybe he is right up there with Spedding. We are not aware of all of the 5 suspects names, only Spedding's ... due to the helpful description given of him in the articles about the 5 suspects.

Having said that, I still think that Spedding is likely to be the perp ... I will never believe that he is being used as a diversionary tactic. The police would not subject a person to over 4 years of this type of public attention, just as a diversion. imo
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Purely an observation, nothing more and a very general comment not directed toward anyone or any forum in particular.

I have noticed recently people who aren't "BS is the one" are being labelled as BS defender or BS supporter of which most of them are neither.

No-one knows who the perpetrator is and there are plenty who are not convinced BS is the one, mainly because they have other theories which they also cannot discard without more information.

In the process of discussing BS or other theories and POI's someone might put forward a reason they think it isn't BS, but it doesn't necessarily mean they are defending or supporting him.

I am preparing myself for a shock if and when we get to see the list of POI's who will be put on the stand at the inquiry. I have a feeling it will be quite long and we won't know who the 'priority POI's' are.

Everyone is very concerned for William and his parents no matter what their leaning in reference to POI's. That's the main thing.
IF there was/is a sex offender in Benaroon Drive, he’d need to have a darn good alibi to not be a POI.
If he exists and doesnt have watertight alibi you’d expect him to be right up there with BS, which he doesnt appear to be.
I still think “evil meets innocence” and was unplanned.
Maybe the reality of what the offender had just done, set in within minutes.
I dont believe William lived for long at all sadly.
Yes, you’d think that a RCSO living on Benaroon Drive would have to have a watertight alibi not to be considered a high profile POI, wouldn’t you kiwi? Then again, maybe there is a resident who is considered a POI of which we are unaware.

Just by the by, speaking of someone right up there with Spedding, in inquest terms at least, someone from Benaroon Drive has been called to appear at William’s inquest:

‘Paul Savage, a man who lived across the road from where William vanished, has also been called to give evidence. He addressed the court via telephone today and is understood to be seeking legal advice.’
Police still chasing ‘active leads’ in William Tyrrell case

Whether it will turn out that Savage is another POI, or simply an ‘interested person’, is yet to be seen.
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I have noticed recently people who aren't "BS is the one" are being labelled as BS defender or BS supporter of which most of them are neither.

I do not feel that this is a correct statement. It is the prolonged twisting and turning of everything ever said about Spedding that gives an impression of a supporter.
Everyone here is always, and always has been, open to reasonable conjecture .. whether they agree with it or not. imo
Purely an observation, nothing more and a very general comment not directed toward anyone or any forum in particular.

I have noticed recently people who aren't "BS is the one" are being labelled as BS defender or BS supporter of which most of them are neither.

No-one knows who the perpetrator is and there are plenty who are not convinced BS is the one, mainly because they have other theories which they also cannot discard without more information.

In the process of discussing BS or other theories and POI's someone might put forward a reason they think it isn't BS, but it doesn't necessarily mean they are defending or supporting him.

I am preparing myself for a shock if and when we get to see the list of POI's who will be put on the stand at the inquiry. I have a feeling it will be quite long and we won't know who the 'priority POI's' are.

Everyone is very concerned for William and his parents no matter what their leaning in reference to POI's. That's the main thing.
I kind of think it’s the other way around BC. That posters who don’t defend BS and buy into the conspiracy theory that he was set up as a POI in William’s disappearance are being treated as his detractors, even to the point that our ‘likes’ on WS’ posts are being noted.

As I’ve said before, I am neither pro or anti-BS as far as William’s case goes but the facts that his name has been published in MSM as being a POI in this matter, and he has been summoned to appear at William’s inquest, must give that description of his status st least some weight.

As I said in my post to @WhiteLion^^, if we have a position on this matter we have to be able to defend it against OP’s critique. The same holds for any debate; here or irl. No sense becoming defensive or ****hurt when we can’t.

FWIW, I agree that there will be some surprises in store during William’s inquest and there will be other POIs introduced other than Spedding. In fact, if there are charges preferred by the DPP as a result, I suspect we might be very surprised at just who is indicted. But, as discussion of that is against WS’ TOS, I’ll just have to sit with that until some time into the future.

I would hope that everyone here is empathetic toward William and his loved ones. The latter because they have been cleared of any involvement in his disappearance.
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I do not feel that this is a correct statement. It is the prolonged twisting and turning of everything ever said about Spedding that gives an impression of a supporter.
Everyone here is always, and always has been, open to reasonable conjecture .. whether they agree with it or not. imo

Please take it as intended SA. It was an observation across all discussioners of the case. It was not directed at WSleuthers.
Please take it as intended SA. It was an observation across all discussioners of the case. It was not directed at WSleuthers.

My apologies. I thought it was directed at us, as I do not participate in the SM discussions .. or even look at them. When I first did that, it all seemed very unfair against people who have been stated as cleared of involvement time and time again. My hope is that the people who are insisting on such unfair and vicious SM statements are brought to suit by those they are smearing.
I think we won't have to wait too long to hear who else has been called and who are the POI's, just a thought though, doesn't PS have an adult son who was home and he would likely be called as well.
Yes, the inquest is looming where those persons will become known to us, won’t they Goose?

I don’t recall it ever being stated that Savage’s son, Sean, was in Benaroon Drive at the time of William’s disappearance. He was, however, quoted in this September 2016 Australian article posted here:

Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #38
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Hetty’s words are in a video in this link where she is interviewed by a journo ......

She says that she thinks a public child sex offender register will only help a small percentage of people.

She said with the millions and millions of dollars it will take to establish such a thing, it won’t have the effect that people think it will.

She would like to see a different model introduced, like the WA one where only the highest risk sex offenders are on a public register. Or someone else’s model where people can call the police and ask (and be told) if someone is on the register.

She can understand the community wanting it.

And she doesn’t think that vigilantism is a problem.

She said the facts are only 10% of sex offenders are ever known to authorities.

She said 90% of sex offenders are living right now in our streets, attending our barbeques, swimming in our pools, and looking after our children.

She said that if this was a serious proposal, we would be looking at child safety programs, adult education programs, harsher sentencing, and keeping these dangerous sex offenders behind bars – not on lists – behind bars.

Hetty doesn’t believe all the states and territories will come on board with the proposal anyway.

She also says that if we were serious about helping the children, we would have a Royal Commission into the Family Law system that keeps putting children with their sex abusing fathers, (and sometimes mothers), and sex abusing families. We know these children are being abused, the police know it, the courts know it ….

"What we want is for people to be released from jail only if they have a very low risk of reoffending, and those people to be monitored properly. That is what child protection is really about."

The Australian - January 9, 2019
(AAP Video/Warren Barnsley)
Only high risk offenders? How does one become a high risk offender...pretty sure they don't start off as 'high risk'.
I would agree there are a large number living in our streets etc...but what deterrents are there currently? I think the thought you could be arrested and outed on a sex offenders register would be some deterrent. I agree it is not a perfect system but I have yet to see anyone propose one that is better.
Only high risk offenders? How does one become a high risk offender...pretty sure they don't start off as 'high risk'.
I would agree there are a large number living in our streets etc...but what deterrents are there currently? I think the thought you could be arrested and outed on a sex offenders register would be some deterrent. I agree it is not a perfect system but I have yet to see anyone propose one that is better.
I have heard that people are sometimes put on the register for trivial reasons, such as teenagers mutually sexting. If half the population gets on the register for one reason or another, and the register doesn't specify the reason, it isn't going to help anyone identify those whom we do have good reason to fear, if only we knew it.
I have heard that people are sometimes put on the register for trivial reasons, such as teenagers mutually sexting. If half the population gets on the register for one reason or another, and the register doesn't specify the reason, it isn't going to help anyone identify those whom we do have good reason to fear, if only we knew it.
It could help if it were limited to adults who have committed a child sex offence.
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