Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #43

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I live on a main road and the second a car even pulls up out front my place and parks with someone in it or my neighbour (as she lives on her own and I know her families cars) I am looking at the car. Sometimes people pull over here to use their phone etc but at night time if i see a car with someone sitting in it I will be honest, im looking out that window continuously to see what they are doing. It is expected here where I live on a main road but Benaroon Drive, particularly out of place and most likely residents would be far more suspicious of an unknown car hovering in the street (cars). I know if it was me in their position, being the person I am I probably would have left the kids with FG and walked down the street to a neighbours house preteding was going to visit the neighbour to grab a rego number or look further at the cars in the event of..... well you know.

The FM did mention from my memory that she thought it was odd when she looked it at the street and saw the cars there, so she did already think it was strange they were there.

BUT, We dont know FGM condition at the time, she may not have been well enough to take care both children on her own for 10 minutes whilst the FM went for a quick walk passed the cars to see what they were doing.

So unfortunately as nobody else saw the cars other than FM and I beleive williams sister? we assume that they were there and not reported until later due to tactical reasons by the police.

My rant above is more in the sense of why wouldnt have FM gone to have a look what they were up to if she felt it was odd that they were there for some time as I know I would have attempted to look it more (if i didnt feel I was in danger) but if i felt I was in danger it more likely would have given me more reason to either call police or any neighbours FGM may have had numbers for to help investigate it more.

Again I am suspicious in nature, which is why I would have attempted to investigate the cars more if I saw them but FM may not have been that way inclined nor been able to leave the kids with the FGM for 10 min or she didnt feel safe going down to check it out.

The other thing we do not know is that police may even have POI (s) with same model of cars that will be questioned at inquest and we just have not been privy to that information as yet. Im not speculating here I am just saying that we dont know if the police have found anything on these cars seen in Benaroon on the day and have chosen not to release that information for tactical reasons.

The car's may have been remembered after thing's had settled a little....but not knowing the street name on the 000 call is what has me baffled.
Yes, FM thought it was unusual ... but not being a resident of that street, I don't believe she would have had a reason for being concerned at the time. She did not live there - had barely arrived for their visit - was not privy to neighbourhood happenings.
For all she knew, a neighbour may have just had their driveway paved or re-surfaced and couldn't park in it for a while.
It was only during her mind's 'reminiscing' on the way to Port Macquarie airport that she thought about it more. Thought that maybe there was some suspicion to be had with the cars.

One of the residents said it’s only people who live on Beneroon come here but there was an article which spoke of a local woman would walk the hill to stay fit after dropping her children off at school, I think she referred to it as 'heartbreak hill'. Unfortunately she didn't walk that morning.
Where would she park her car? Maybe that's another scenario for the cars being there.
I thought she just didn't know the cross st??

Yes. FM did not know the name of the little cross street of Ellendale Crescent. Not surprising to me. FM did not live on Benaroon Drive. Only visited her parents there from time to time.

I have lived in my current area for over 3 years, walk the neighbourhood almost every day. Don't ask me the names of the small streets I walk past or down. I wouldn't have a clue.
I know where many of them lead to, because I walk so much, but I have never spent the time to observe the street names or remember them. Have had no reason to do that.
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And IIRC the expert on memory in CO’s latest podcast also didn’t think it was weird that FM didn’t take down the registration numbers of the strangely parked cars. It’s something I might think about briefly when there are strange cars parked in my street that has resident-only parking but not actually do.

FM came from suburbia and cars are everywhere, I live in a similar rural area and it’s a regular occurrence to see cars parked outside houses. I’ve NEVER thought of taking rego numbers.
The car's may have been remembered after thing's had settled a little....but not knowing the street name on the 000 call is what has me baffled.

In shock maybe?

When I am overwhelmed / stressed at work and have low vitamin B12 sometimes I cant even remember how to answer a phone. It is the way I react to stress / pressure especially when I am deficient in B12 so maybe the FM does not react well under severe pressure and stress and may also forget things who knows.
In shock maybe?

When I am overwhelmed / stressed at work and have low vitamin B12 sometimes I cant even remember how to answer a phone. It is the way I react to stress / pressure especially when I am deficient in B12 so maybe the FM does not react well under severe pressure and stress and may also forget things who knows.

IMO FM has reacted normally considering what was and has happened. I wouldn’t know what to do in that situation, there’s no rehearsals there.
I am a long time reader and seldom post....
This case has particular interest to me as I used to provide respite for a foster child so is very close to my heart... and breaks my heart...
There was a statement in the CO Podcast - Episode “ Missing William Tyrrell at 13.51mins that I thought was interesting and have wondered if CO was alluding to something specific ??? or knows more???? Or was it just telling the story???

“Cars have been sold, people have gotten sick and died”

I have wondered if more about this will come out at the inquest???

I have also wondered if William accidentally got into the wrong car?? While waiting for FD to come home? Saw a similar 4WD and just thought it was his FD’s car?? Eg similar colour and shape etc and just got in thinking it was FD ??? Especially with reports of one leaving the area that day ... that hasn’t come forward ( to my knowledge anyway)

I have posted this today as the discussion has again returned to the cars...
I am a long time reader and seldom post....
This case has particular interest to me as I used to provide respite for a foster child so is very close to my heart... and breaks my heart...
There was a statement in the CO Podcast - Episode “ Missing William Tyrrell at 13.51mins that I thought was interesting and have wondered if CO was alluding to something specific ??? or knows more???? Or was it just telling the story???

“Cars have been sold, people have gotten sick and died”

I have wondered if more about this will come out at the inquest???

I have also wondered if William accidentally got into the wrong car?? While waiting for FD to come home? Saw a similar 4WD and just thought it was his FD’s car?? Eg similar colour and shape etc and just got in thinking it was FD ??? Especially with reports of one leaving the area that day ... that hasn’t come forward ( to my knowledge anyway)

I have posted this today as the discussion has again returned to the cars...

Good to hear your thoughts, SLouTh. :)

The only person that I am aware of who has since passed is Heather Savage, Paul Savage's late wife.
Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #40

I wonder if Paul Savage still has the same vehicle that he had in September 2014. And if his wife had her own car, perhaps that car has been sold since her passing.

I think that Spedding may have changed/sold his work vehicle since then, also. IIRC

Though, if the police want a vehicle, I believe that they will search and track it down and forensically test it.
Another thing that I have looked into is bingo on a Friday morning in that area. It seems that 'Laurieton United Services Club & Kew Country Club' has bingo on a Friday morning at 11am.


Perhaps Heather left for bingo at around 10:30am? I wonder if she saw anything then. And would Paul Savage have gone outside at that time to see her off?
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Yes SA ... I was sort of putting it out there to see if anyone came to the same conclusion?
I do think CO knows more about this particular “chapter” of the investigation than has so far been told ..... eg the first time we heard about the 2hrs etc
CO also made a strong statement in the podcast about Sydney Police not agreeing with local police from the outset ... but that hasn’t been explored either as yet ....

Ps I hope I have attached your reply at the top ... I have tried to ...

Yes I wondered if CO was alluding to the fact that Heather didn’t give a statement before she passed ??? So know one knows??? Especially as it has been CO who has raised and discussed how long it was before statements were attended ... like years after...
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Yes SA ... I was sort of putting it out there to see if anyone came to the same conclusion?
I do think CO knows more about this particular “chapter” of the investigation than has so far been told ..... eg the first time we heard about the 2hrs etc
CO also made a strong statement in the podcast about Sydney Police not agreeing with local police from the outset ... but that hasn’t been explored either as yet ....

Ps I hope I have attached your reply at the top ... I have tried to ...

Yes I wondered if CO was alluding to the fact that Heather didn’t give a statement before she passed ??? So know one knows??? Especially as it has been CO who has raised and discussed how long it was before statements were attended ... like years after...

Others might recall the woman’s weekly article where a journo (CO?) gave huge hints about William’s care situation. From what I’ve seen in many crimes is the journos know a lot more than what they are allowed to tell. The cops use the journalists and the journalists use the cops. IMO.
One thing I want to find out re the fight between detectives, and differences between local police and Sydney detectives, who was each sides main POI?
Did Jubelin only change course towards end of 2018, did he ever really deviate from BS?

Considering that Jubes is charged with recording Savage on 4 occasions between November 3, 2017, and December 28, 2018 (see below link - more than a year). And that the disagreement with Lambert was reported in August 2018 - it seems that Jubes was investigating Savage for quite a while. Well before and after his disagreement with Lambert.

Was Spedding ever Jubes' sole focus, or is that a perpetuated illusion?
Hans Rupp was in charge when Spedding was intensively searched, not Jubes.
Hans Rupp was in charge when Spedding was brought in for his 10-page statement.
Hans Rupp was in charge when police wanted to know why Spedding deleted his call log.
SouthAussie I just feel if PS had been Jubelins main focus for a long time we would have known. There was nothing subtle the way he went after BS. i think he would have done the same to PS, thats why i wonder if and when he changed tack, and was he ordered to.
SouthAussie I just feel if PS had been Jubelins main focus for a long time we would have known. There was nothing subtle the way he went after BS. i think he would have done the same to PS, thats why i wonder if and when he changed tack, and was he ordered to.

I understand. But it seems the intensive investigation into Spedding had commenced before Jubes took over. Likely for good and valid reason (including the tip that a child's t-shirt was found lodged in Spedding's pipes ... what kind of t-shirt was it? The police knew exactly what kind of t-shirt William was wearing - a specific Spiderman one).

I can't imagine that Jubes recorded Savage the moment he started investigating him. He may have been investigating Savage for quite a while, before he ever recorded convos with him.

Jubes never would speak of POIs or the investigation. He said that many times.
Perhaps he had several suspects and the media just ran with whatever they could see and hear.
Perhaps Lambert was upset because he thought Jubes should leave Savage alone.
We just don't know, and may never know. imo (Unless Jubes writes a book about it all, one day :) ).
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