Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #57

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Some notes about Part 2, 7News Investigates: The Disappearance of William Tyrrell (link goes to 7Plus which only works if you have an account and are in Australia, I think):

Former friend of FA, "Steve":
- FA got his pension on Thursday 11 Sep 2014 (the day before William went missing) and remembers where he was that day (Thursday) and that he'd stayed at his friend Ray's place that night. FA's phone shows no movement for three days after that.
- Ray P was FA's best friend. By 2014, RP was frail and "obviously" dying from a kidney infection. RP went to dialysis at Port Macquarie Hospital from 9am to 3pm on Friday 12 Sep 2014. According to Steve, FA might have driven RP to hospital in RP's car for the 9am start before going to Kendall with a plan of petty theft at FGM's, an idea which possibly might have occurred because his friend GO had previously done a quote to repair the deck there.
- RP had a white station wagon with "dress mags"[?] which Steve had put on the car for him. When police showed Steve a photo sketch of cars as remembered by FFC, the white one was identical to Ray's - a "100% exact match". (The image used by the program wasn't shown very long but I think it was different to the one on 60 Minutes and the other one on 7 News: see thread 41, post 924)
- FA claimed that he couldn't drive, but that was a lie. FA also claimed to have never been in Benaroon Drive, but he told Steve about specific entrances and exits to the road, and also knew about a traffic camera near Kendall.
- Highway CCTV shows RP's car on the highway the day after William went missing. RP made a confession about "my fishing mate" (FA) and the little boy "from the TV" or "off the telly" and driving 300 kilometres north to Casino.
- When police visited Steve to get some background information on FA, they said FA was "the No.1 prime suspect".
- In 2017 at the District Court in Sydney, FA was convicted for molestation of multiple children and sentenced to 16 years in prison. Steve to FA: "Did you do this?" FA: "Never. Never touched them." Steve thinks FA is a "master liar" who always says it's somebody else's fault. Steve was shocked at the sentence because the average for that sort of offence would be about 6 years (something that is "common knowledge" on the internet, he said).

Host of the show, Caroline Overington: FA had a son, Darren, who died when he was three years old. There was an inquest, but the finding is marked "Top Secret".

Former homicide detective, Steve Ticehurst, was involved in the re-investigation of the murder of Helen Harrison decades after she was raped and murdered in 1968. She had worked in Pitt Town. FA had worked in Pitt Town. Helen's body had been buried in a shallow grave and her bicycle had been dumped 20 kilometres away. Steve Ticehurst believed FA was guilty, but the court found otherwise.

Profiler and former NSW Police Force detective, Kris Illingsworth, thinks the offender in William's case likely had years of experience and practice; they probably "flipped" into predatory mode while watching William play, doing a risk assessment then moving quickly, with enough self-control to not make a scene. She thinks they acted with "boldness, skill, and cunning": they assessed the risk of being seen; worked out William's pattern of behaviour; knew an escape route (she thinks they would have had their car ready to exit) and were likely to have criminal experience.
- A "random snatch" is the rarest crime.
- She thinks the crime will be solved.

Formerly with Australian Federal Police, Grant Edwards, says that offenders who trade children as commodities look for vulnerabilities.

William's bio grandmother thinks there's no chance William is still alive.

William's sister
was the last person to see him alive.

According to Caroline Overington (? I think), police would have investigated five scenarios:
- William got lost and was not found;
- an accident occurred at the house and the foster parents covered it up;
- the birth family kidnapped William and took him back;
- an accident occurred with the neighbours and they covered it up;
- abduction by an opportunistic paedophile (and this is the only scenario covered in this show)

Profiler, Kris Illingsworth:
- doesn't think BS or PS were involved but they had to be eliminated.
- washing machine repairman, BS, publicly targetted by police, was harassed and abused and felt that his was life ruined. His solicitor Peter O'Brien is suing NSW Police Force for malicious prosecution. BS's alibi, which police had not checked, was revealed at the inquest four years later. (The show claims to be "the first time you'll hear the whole story from him" but the ABC did a program two years ago: Person of Interest, Four Corners, Nov 2019)
- Kris Illingsworth thinks that PS's behaviour would have raised some red flags for detectives and he would have been of interest because of proximity to where William was last seen, being "the closest neighbour who was home that day". There was no evidence found to implicate him.

- Barrister, Margaret Cunneen, who has known Gary Jubelin for 30 years, thinks he is "a force of nature"; she thinks that being appointed to lead Strike Force Rosann would have been a difficult job because the investigation had already been running for five months.

- Former Deputy Commissioner of NSW Police, Nick Kaldas, also a friend of Gary Jubelin, thinks that as the years rolled on Jubelin would have been feeling more pressure.

Caroline Overington says the coroner has not ruled anyone in or out.
It seems probable that the white station wagon seen belonged to RP. I am wondering if any connection has been made with grey/tan? sedan . It seems odd that 2 unrelated cars would be parked close to each other in Benaroon Drive.

What if the sedan was already parked there (visitor to the creepy house perhaps)? The white station wagon was parked behind it.

Perhaps a wiley FA pulled up behind the sedan, quite close, so no-one could see the front number plate. (I would put nothing at all past that despicable person.)

Because the two cars were parked there, doesn't necessarily mean their presence was related. imo

William Tyrrell cars
What if the sedan was already parked there (visitor to the creepy house perhaps)? The white station wagon was parked behind it.

Perhaps a wiley FA pulled up behind the sedan, quite close, so no-one could see the front number plate. (I would put nothing at all past that despicable person.)

Because the two cars were parked there, doesn't necessarily mean their presence was related. imo

View attachment 314743
William Tyrrell cars
True SA he's very very cunning. Street smart. Would put nothing past him.
I took it as there was an inquest at the time & the findings have been sealed . I don't know when it was thou..........

I wonder why (and I don't like the fact that the record was sealed). I think I read it was sealed due to the police investigation ... and that was how many years ago? Many, many, I would think.

Sealing that record makes little sense to me, as no discriminatory behaviour could happen toward little Darren - he was dead.

I am curious as all heck as to what happened to little Darren (particularly due to him being 3 years old when he died). And, with him being FA's son, I suspect the worst.
Just a few thoughts on last nights "The Disappearance of William Tyrrell"
Not really sure what to think about "Steve's" beliefs about FA driving RP to Port Macq Hospital and back to Kendall.
FA didn't have a drivers licence which didn't stop him from driving but that's a large drive to risk without a licence. Did he also return to pick RP up at 3pm? If not who did and when, where and how did he return RP's car to him?
The nurses evidence in relation to what RP told her was that he picked FA and the little boy up from a shed behind the Kendall school.
DP also gave evidence of FA's movements on the 11th and 12th. He claimed RP picked FA up around lunch time on the 11th. He then saw him at the Herons Creek Rd property early on the morning of the 12th.
FM first saw the two cars parked in Benaroon Drive around 7am on the 12th.
The only images I can find of RP's car on Hwy camera footage is from 11th Sept.
According to MSM there were 46 documents released however we have only seen a small number of those. Is it safe to assume CO has images of RP's car on later days which the public haven't been privy to?
Also a discrepancy to note. Casino is closer to 400kms north of Kendall not 300kms. Either way it's a very long drive there and back for a man suffering kidney disease who had just had dialysis treatment.

IMO the statements made by "Steve" have only added confusion.

William Tyrrell abduction: Probe after dying man's confession | Daily Mail Online
Shock twist in William Tyrrell investigation

Mr Abbott was reportedly unable to provide an alibi, though he denies any involvement in the case.

Police have no firm suspect and no charges have been laid in the case.

There is no suggestion that Mr Abbott is involved in William Tyrell’s disappearance, only that police asked for his assistance.

NSW Police on Monday said they had nothing new to add in the wake of Sunday night’s program.

“The matter is subject to a Coronial Inquest and an ongoing investigation,” a police spokesman said.

Earlier this month police said “new information” had come to light as strike force detectives revisited the location where William was last seen.
Some notes about Part 2, 7News Investigates: The Disappearance of William Tyrrell (link goes to 7Plus which only works if you have an account and are in Australia, I think):

Former friend of FA, "Steve":
- FA got his pension on Thursday 11 Sep 2014 (the day before William went missing) and remembers where he was that day (Thursday) and that he'd stayed at his friend Ray's place that night. FA's phone shows no movement for three days after that.
- Ray P was FA's best friend. By 2014, RP was frail and "obviously" dying from a kidney infection. RP went to dialysis at Port Macquarie Hospital from 9am to 3pm on Friday 12 Sep 2014. According to Steve, FA might have driven RP to hospital in RP's car for the 9am start before going to Kendall with a plan of petty theft at FGM's, an idea which possibly might have occurred because his friend GO had previously done a quote to repair the deck there.
- RP had a white station wagon with "dress mags"[?] which Steve had put on the car for him. When police showed Steve a photo sketch of cars as remembered by FFC, the white one was identical to Ray's - a "100% exact match". (The image used by the program wasn't shown very long but I think it was different to the one on 60 Minutes and the other one on 7 News: see thread 41, post 924)
- FA claimed that he couldn't drive, but that was a lie. FA also claimed to have never been in Benaroon Drive, but he told Steve about specific entrances and exits to the road, and also knew about a traffic camera near Kendall.
- Highway CCTV shows RP's car on the highway the day after William went missing. RP made a confession about "my fishing mate" (FA) and the little boy "from the TV" or "off the telly" and driving 300 kilometres north to Casino.
- When police visited Steve to get some background information on FA, they said FA was "the No.1 prime suspect".
- In 2017 at the District Court in Sydney, FA was convicted for molestation of multiple children and sentenced to 16 years in prison. Steve to FA: "Did you do this?" FA: "Never. Never touched them." Steve thinks FA is a "master liar" who always says it's somebody else's fault. Steve was shocked at the sentence because the average for that sort of offence would be about 6 years (something that is "common knowledge" on the internet, he said).

Host of the show, Caroline Overington: FA had a son, Darren, who died when he was three years old. There was an inquest, but the finding is marked "Top Secret".

Former homicide detective, Steve Ticehurst, was involved in the re-investigation of the murder of Helen Harrison decades after she was raped and murdered in 1968. She had worked in Pitt Town. FA had worked in Pitt Town. Helen's body had been buried in a shallow grave and her bicycle had been dumped 20 kilometres away. Steve Ticehurst believed FA was guilty, but the court found otherwise.

Profiler and former NSW Police Force detective, Kris Illingsworth, thinks the offender in William's case likely had years of experience and practice; they probably "flipped" into predatory mode while watching William play, doing a risk assessment then moving quickly, with enough self-control to not make a scene. She thinks they acted with "boldness, skill, and cunning": they assessed the risk of being seen; worked out William's pattern of behaviour; knew an escape route (she thinks they would have had their car ready to exit) and were likely to have criminal experience.
- A "random snatch" is the rarest crime.
- She thinks the crime will be solved.

Formerly with Australian Federal Police, Grant Edwards, says that offenders who trade children as commodities look for vulnerabilities.

William's bio grandmother thinks there's no chance William is still alive.

William's sister
was the last person to see him alive.

According to Caroline Overington (? I think), police would have investigated five scenarios:
- William got lost and was not found;
- an accident occurred at the house and the foster parents covered it up;
- the birth family kidnapped William and took him back;
- an accident occurred with the neighbours and they covered it up;
- abduction by an opportunistic paedophile (and this is the only scenario covered in this show)

Profiler, Kris Illingsworth:
- doesn't think BS or PS were involved but they had to be eliminated.
- washing machine repairman, BS, publicly targetted by police, was harassed and abused and felt that his was life ruined. His solicitor Peter O'Brien is suing NSW Police Force for malicious prosecution. BS's alibi, which police had not checked, was revealed at the inquest four years later. (The show claims to be "the first time you'll hear the whole story from him" but the ABC did a program two years ago: Person of Interest, Four Corners, Nov 2019)
- Kris Illingsworth thinks that PS's behaviour would have raised some red flags for detectives and he would have been of interest because of proximity to where William was last seen, being "the closest neighbour who was home that day". There was no evidence found to implicate him.

- Barrister, Margaret Cunneen, who has known Gary Jubelin for 30 years, thinks he is "a force of nature"; she thinks that being appointed to lead Strike Force Rosann would have been a difficult job because the investigation had already been running for five months.

- Former Deputy Commissioner of NSW Police, Nick Kaldas, also a friend of Gary Jubelin, thinks that as the years rolled on Jubelin would have been feeling more pressure.

Caroline Overington says the coroner has not ruled anyone in or out.

This summary is fantastic. Thanks Stormbird.

I know I’m stating the obvious here, but IMO, if the police can prove FA’s involvement in William’s abduction, it would have been the worst possible outcome for William. I hope with all I have that they are wrong, but I think I’m hoping in vain :(

Does anyone have a timeline of FA and RP’s movements on the 11-14th September?
Some of the article paraphrased:

FA is a man who has twice been cleared of murder and twice convicted of the sexual assault of children

FA has been unable to provide police with an alibi for the day of the boy’s disappearance.

FA , who was in the late 1990s, twice cleared of the murder of a 17-year-old girl and who is now serving time for the sexual assault of three young children,

FA was living in a caravan about 12km from the township of Kendall on the NSW mid-north coast in September 2014 when William went missing.

Although now an old man, he once had a three-year-old boy of his own who died in circumstances that can’t be made public.

Police have asked Abbott about his movements on the day William disappeared, after RP, who has since died, told them he believed he might have been tricked by a friend into taking William on the Pacific Highway towards Queensland, a day after the abduction.

The Seven Network obtained CCTV footage that shows the friend’s car on the road.

FA has not been able to find anybody to vouch for his movements.

FA insists he had nothing to do with William’s disappearance.

Kris Illingsworth said she believes the offender “acted with great boldness, and skill and cunning” in deciding to take the boy when he was for a moment unattended.

Former AFP commander Grant Edwards told the program that experienced pedophiles like Abbott can present as friendly and welcoming toward children, before snatching them. “They can present across the spectrum from saints to the absolute nastiest people in the world,” he said.

“They live a normal life (or) what we believe to be a normal life. But behind that normal life, there’s a very, very sordid life, a second life that they live.”

Child protection advocate Adam Washbourne told the program police had not wanted to reveal the number of pedophiles living around Kendall at the time of William’s disappearance.

“There were 20 sex offenders in the Kendall area,” he said. “Do you think there’s a street where there isn’t a registered sex offender? I’ve got news for you if you do. They are in every town, every suburb, the safest places. They are monsters, predators, stalkers, and they live among us.”
This summary is fantastic. Thanks Stormbird.

I know I’m stating the obvious here, but IMO, if the police can prove FA’s involvement in William’s abduction, it would have been the worst possible outcome for William. I hope with all I have that they are wrong, but I think I’m hoping in vain :(

Does anyone have a timeline of FA and RP’s movements on the 11-14th September?

I'm with you Loxoli, FA being the perpetrator is not the outcome we want for William. The thought of that is too hard to bare.
The NSW coroner investigating William’s disappearance has sealed the file, citing confidentiality of the police investigation.

I’m feeling terribly sad for little Darren. We obviously don’t know details but it sounds like a tragic story, IMO.

I don’t really understand how the sealing of coronial files works. I’m assuming the police have access to the outcome, is that right?
I’m feeling terribly sad for little Darren. We obviously don’t know details but it sounds like a tragic story, IMO.

I don’t really understand how the sealing of coronial files works. I’m assuming the police have access to the outcome, is that right?
Yes Police have access ….. just not the public….

Is anyone good at searching old news articles??? (NOT for the coroners report… ) Just general info at the time…
If this happens to be the "new information that has come to light" then boy oh boy that's a huuuuuge miss from day 1 from investigators.

I'm leaning towards its not and it's just media latching on to a key point.

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