Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #61

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I guess I’m speaking about stability and routine and a better lifestyle.
Iirc the FFam had a bedroom waiting for William so I doubt he wasn’t spoken about….I don’t t know what happened behind closed doors but I’m sure there were therapists taking care of their emotions and brain health.

I wonder how people have the strength to live through something like this.

Yes thinking the same the families left behind just wondering , I have attended removals and that's devastating enough but to then learn your family member is missing and so far after 7 long painful years still nothing ...I cant even begin to imagine. I feel helpless, and every moment I think about little WT I hope we /LE are getting closer to knowing the truth. It wont heal the pain for his loved ones but knowing might make their grief a little more bearable to live with. IMO
I have read a lot about inconsistencies in statements and i remember another case where LE stated it is normal ( almost expected) to have some inconsistencies in a statement. Which in all honesty if that is the case I'm wondering if this is quite an abnormal inconsistency that is being reported? Another thing I have been contemplating is what if it was an accident but by a stranger ?Maybe backing out of a driveway in their car and they panicked? ( didn't FM state to LE she heard a scream?) Would give the person time to think of what to do while all the commotion was going on? My best friends child at the same age was run over by a neighbor backing out and not seeing him. Fortunately my best friends child is ok. But every time I keep coming back to no one coming forward leading me back to thinking maybe that's because there was none ? Still stumped

Its likely a car turned around into their driveway and William was hit.
Iirc another vehicle did exactly that and this scent was detected up to the driveway.

We may never know.
Some grabs:

“Close to giving up, or giving in.”

A foster care social worker says William Tyrrell’s foster mother wrote these words in an email just three days before he disappeared.

William had been acting up, and his foster mother was distressed about it.

The rediscovery of this email appears to explain at least some of this week’s dramatic developments in Australia’s most famous missing persons case.

Police then found an email dated September 9, 2014 – three days before William disappeared – in which social workers described William’s foster mother as being concerned about his behaviour.

She was at the time trying to adopt William. He had started calling her Mummy. In her triple-0 call, she called him “my son”.

This was causing tension between the two families, who were still tussling over who would get to raise him.

According to the social workers, William’s foster mother said she was “close to giving up or giving in”. She was concerned about William being “emotional” after contact visits with his biological mother and father.

He was also having difficulty sleeping.

The social workers talked among themselves about “a certain amount of distress” and “dysfunction” being normal in foster children.

One then said the foster mother had told them she was “heading to her mother’s house this weekend” – and it was, of course, from her mother’s house, in the quiet village of Kendall on the NSW mid-north coast that very weekend, that he went missing.

So, that’s the first thing that happened to trigger this week’s new search.

. . .

They didn’t really look at William’s foster grandmother. She settled the sale of the house about six months after William disappeared and she died in March. There is no suggestion that she was involved, but it seems that she only ever gave one brief formal statement to police.
IMO, I think FM had a lot on her plate, facing the Bio Mum on visit who questioned about William bruise and being under weight, the death of her father etc Visit where Bio Mum was rude to her William being stressed out so was sister after these visit.
To give up the Adoption Process.
I remember it being said the Bio Family were blocking William's adoption they recently had a court session which they lost, I remember a family member stated that this was when they thought he had just wandered off.
Stress of the visits, I can understand, when I was in the children home age ten,(a good One) my bio parent was writing to me the home note every time I recieved a letter I had nightmares, unable to sleep etc so the Home decided to block letters from Bio Parent, I improved. When I and sibling transfered to interstate children Homes, we were visited Bio Parent who seemed very concerned for welfare of us, even helped out at both children homes for period of 6 months again sibling and I came down with nightmares etc younger sibling sleepwalking/talking. They investigated bio parent ,they ordered them away.
Even though William was young this would had been so stressful on him anf people around him.
Blues Clues responded to one of my comments RE a new witness around the early pages of this thread. It was a woman who lived near FA and recalled hearing a child scream.

Yes this is something I have explored. Not sure if we are allowed to share any possible info found on this as it has not been in MSM.

There is an article further back on the thread detailing a friend of Bio Gran being interviewed due to her connections to one of the neighbours who was considered a suspect at one point.

I don't find it that hard to believe a husband would lie to cover for his wife, and I find it even easier to believe a mother would lie and cover for her daughter

Or a daughter for her mother.

Poor thing. What a horrible way to grow up - to have to keep such a big secret from everyone else in her life. From personal experience, having family secrets feels just awful for a child. And now she *(apparently, from my reading of the media only)* has been taken from the only parents she has really ever known (ie the FPs), because they have hurt her!! IMO, there were 2 victims 12/9/14, WT and LT.


Absolutely this! Both children deserved so much better.

You can imagine the frustrating of the FM when she was originally told by the department that before she got WT that the mother was surrendering him over (when it was not the case the mother was having him removed by force) im not sure what she was told about the sister and im not sure if she got the sister 1st while waiting for the birth perents on the run with WT, once FM finally got him she was probably shocked that the perents were allowed to see him, she was probably angry thinking he was hers through a surrender then she had to wait for him while the perents ran, mad at them for having him on the run, then if there was an issue with adoption because WT was having visits with his BM she could of been even more mad

Imagine if you were age that can no longer hav children and how you would feel being told a baby boy is being surrender by his mother he will now be yours then you have to wait for him worrying while the perents on the run with him, then the perents are allowed to see him, from the start your lawyer would of told you adoption is an option this mother is surrendering the child now you find out that the children you raised with the internetion to adopt may never become your children because they are a sibling pair with the department, you try get rid of the BM through behaviour issues hoping that WT is not visiting his BM so the sibling pair will be adoptable but that fails as behaviour issues are normal with foster children, whats next you threaten the agency with the fact that you can't keep WT with the behaviour issues you tell them your going to the your mothers house for the weekend you continue to hav discussions with them Friday morning then whats next

How do we know FACS told the FC’s that WT’s parents had surrendered him? Hasn’t it been clarified that the FFC wasn’t involved in the adoption discussions via email that morning?

Wasn't WT removed from his mother when they were at a video shop in Ryde? From memory, I always wanted to know how they knew the perents were at the dvd shop who could of given the tip off? Who also gave the tip off about the perents being back together, I wonder at what point were the FF told about the sister when did they get her and when did WT come into the picture how did it all came together and why they were told that a 7month old baby will be surrender by its mother when that was never going to be the case, how can the department act on a tip off that the mother is back in a relationship with the father and order his removal how would there be any proof that the mother was back with the farther until the day that the police caught them together and actually removed WT,

IMO, it’s possible there was a domestic in the video shop and staff/witnesses called Police. Or if the parents were on the run, there was a public report made at some point asking for details on their whereabouts and someone recognised them.

Where a child is involved in a domestic, Police then have a duty to inform child services, particularly if there are historical incidents noted on the system.

If a child is under a protection order or involved with social services and considered at risk of harm due to exposure to domestic abuse, it’s likely IMO that a condition of WT remaining safe in Mum’s care was that she ended her relationship with the perpetrator (in this case Dad). I’m assuming there would have been regular visits to the family where workers picked up on the fact Dad was back in the family home, or it’s possible concerned maternal family members called to report the relationship had resumed. Where a child’s welfare is at risk or believed likely to be at risk, social services can and will act. It’s a legal duty. Mum may well have been a victim of domestic abuse and that’s tragic, but if it was impacting her capacity to parent and keep her children safe then removal must have been deemed appropriate.

The fact that WT’s sister was already looked after when he was removed indicates a history of issues within the family, they were on the radar. The welfare of a child is always paramount.

Hey websleuths,

Just a quick question. Sorry if this has already been addressed. I noticed something that confused me when comparing some comments by the FFC about their trip to Kendall. It might be nothing.

#1 Missing William Tyrrell - Caroline Overington Page 10.
"the family left the childcare centre shortly after 4pm."

#2 Where’s William Tyrrell Podcast: Episode: The Little boy in a spiderman suit

#3 Missing William Tyrrell - Caroline Overington Page 10.

As a mum of three little ones, I can't imagine stopping 3 times to tend to toileting matters in a 4 hour drive. Why so many toilet stops?

Is it just me or does the FFC give a lot of details and talk nearly too much?


I don’t think thats excessive. The second stop was for food and its reasonable to make use of facilities whilst there. The third stop was upon realising they’d forgotten to put pull ups on. Definitely not the most suspicious aspect of this case at all.

I have catastrophic thinking so I go straight to what if I think they are ok and Im wrong while looking around yelling their name all that stuff .

Same! Possibly due to my job and/or my interest in true crime…when you witness or hear some of the bad in the world, it’s easy to assume the worst.

Can any of the long timers here remember an article that came out about "someone known to William" were seen returning to the area to search? It was after we had known about the bio parents as I thought it was BD at the time. They said something about them being seen searching with a shovel? Can anyone remember this? I did look for it in the Media thread timelines but could not find anything. I wanted to see if this had been discounted? And I remember the picture of that tree that had William Tyrell's father painted on it too. Just a couple of red flags I remember from this case.

I’d be interested in this info too as I read something on SM about a tree.

Whoa, I feel stupid. I always thought WT ran from the back of the house to the front where he was supposedly snatched. Now I see he ran to the back. And the porch he was playing on seems like it faces the street, even if it's not right at the front of the house. The FFC and FGM were just beyond that porch making tea. If I was an abductor I don't think I'd risk snatching a kid when his parents are just beyond that porch ready to step back outside any second. And how did FFC and FGM not see any activity on the street when they had been sitting on a porch that must have a view of the street? Abduction makes even less sense.

This is why i believe WT has been unsupervised for longer, to have had time to wander off further along the street.
Whoa, I feel stupid. I always thought WT ran from the back of the house to the front where he was supposedly snatched. Now I see he ran to the back. And the porch he was playing on seems like it faces the street, even if it's not right at the front of the house. The FFC and FGM were just beyond that porch making tea. If I was an abductor I don't think I'd risk snatching a kid when his parents are just beyond that porch ready to step back outside any second. And how did FFC and FGM not see any activity on the street when they had been sitting on a porch that must have a view of the street? Abduction makes even less sense.

I was under the impression the little porch overlooked the neighbours house and not the road.
48 Benaroon Drive, Kendall NSW 2439 | Allhomes
I agree it appears through media reports she did have a lot on her plate. It is also reported WT had behavioral issues ? I have children with anxiety disorders/ depression and ADHD it can be full on. In my limited experience working with children /adults that have been through the foster system what you experienced is unfortunately very common. No easy solutions.
Some of reasons Parents who kill their children
1) accidentally / usually signs that parents not coping / children neglected / other injuries
2) murder & suicide-
3) in spite - dv/ separation , male partners wants to punish mother

is there any credible evidence of foster family being neglectful/ violent prior to WT disappearance ?
I not saying it couldn’t happen but I am struggling to see it.

Here's an Aussie article on the subject.

The 5 types of parents who kill their children

The worst case I've known in Australia is Hannah Clarke. The PM and Qld Premier attended the funeral.

IMO, I think FM had a lot on her plate, facing the Bio Mum on visit who questioned about William bruise and being under weight, the death of her father etc Visit where Bio Mum was rude to her William being stressed out so was sister after these visit.
To give up the Adoption Process.
I remember it being said the Bio Family were blocking William's adoption they recently had a court session which they lost, I remember a family member stated that this was when they thought he had just wandered off.
Stress of the visits, I can understand, when I was in the children home age ten,(a good One) my bio parent was writing to me the home note every time I recieved a letter I had nightmares, unable to sleep etc so the Home decided to block letters from Bio Parent, I improved. When I and sibling transfered to interstate children Homes, we were visited Bio Parent who seemed very concerned for welfare of us, even helped out at both children homes for period of 6 months again sibling and I came down with nightmares etc younger sibling sleepwalking/talking. They investigated bio parent ,they ordered them away.
Even though William was young this would had been so stressful on him anf people around him.

Hugs to you Shadow.
Ok I’ll say good night but in the meantime take a look at this article and try to make sense of it.

I think something is lost in translation but there’s some bad evil bastards out there and thank goodness he’s in jail as we speak.

September 27, 2021

Frank Abbott Son William Tyrrell Death: New Details In Mystery Case Of Missing William Tyrrell

Frank Abbott Son William Tyrrell Death: New Details In Mystery Case Of Missing William Tyrrell:There is a piece of cruel news which is coming from Japan, a three-year-old son has been allegedly killed by his mother’s boyfriend, he is accused of locking him in the shower and is further abused of burning him with scalding water until the boy died, the name of her boyfriend and the accused is Takumi Matsubara.
I think something is lost in translation but there’s some bad evil bastards out there and thank goodness he’s in jail as we speak.

What sort of garbled mess is this? Why the photos of FA and the references to WT when story relates to some mongrel in Japan?

Looks to be the work of a drunk at a keyboard. o_O
I read in a different forum that the FFC had 3 siblings, 2 sisters and a brother.
Two brothers and a sister.

From 'NSW police media interview' (this is all I can find right now to corroborate):

P: I think it’s fair to say the community has asked that very question, particularly on a semi-rural property, kids don’t just disappear.

M: No they don’t, they don’t. My brothers have brought their kids up around there, they would run those streets with absolutely no fear. Every other house on that street with kids, those kids are on that street with absolutely no fear. There’s no reason for them not to be safe at Nanna’s house
M: No they don’t, they don’t. My brothers have brought their kids up around there, they would run those streets with absolutely no fear. Every other house on that street with kids, those kids are on that street with absolutely no fear. There’s no reason for them not to be safe at Nanna’s house

So this demonstrates that in this location , not unusual to have young kids going around where there are limited observation spots for residents, as houses spread out , trees , no cameras , no through traffic that may see what’s going on…all could be seen as making this an attractive hunting ground to a certain type of devious character..imo
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perhaps - but the words that stood out for me were ‘previously unknown’ so IMO that negated all those we’ve discussed
Could 'previously unknown' have instead meant that it was never known that this 'previous unknown' had any additional info to share? ie they didn't know they had this witness right under their thumb already; if the right questions aren't asked, perhaps they don't get the answers they may be seeking? Just thoughts.
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Laidlaw at the inquest when the sister was giving evidence was shaking his head taking down notes. There was a poster upthread who said while the sister was giving testimony it was believed FM was in the background coaching her.
It is my understanding that the minor child did not appear in person at the inquest, and had merely had 'her letter' read out on her behalf. imo.

ETA: Ok, looked it up.. it was a 'recorded message' that was played at the inquest:

"This is my brother we're talking about, in my mind no one is trying so I've made the decision to do something about that, to talk," she said in a recorded statement to the court.

William Tyrrell's sister vows to become a detective and find him
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It is my understanding that the minor child did not appear in person at the inquest, and had merely had 'her letter' read out on her behalf. imo.

That sounds more likely to me.

However, were the words read out what she actually said, or were they 'scripted', hence making Laidlaw shake his head -- presumably in disbelief of what he was hearing?
So, the FCs were looking to adopt WT and LT however then WT went missing. Has there been anything that talks about LT and her not being adopted and why that hasn't progressed, left in a home where a child disappeared, or her being returned to her BF since they have been able to keep their other 2 children.
Just putting my 2 cents out there to get them out of my head.
So, the FCs were looking to adopt WT and LT however then WT went missing. Has there been anything that talks about LT and her not being adopted and why that hasn't progressed, left in a home where a child disappeared, or her being returned to her BF since they have been able to keep their other 2 children.
Just putting my 2 cents out there to get them out of my head.

Given the strict privacy around adoptions I would not expect anything on the sister to be published other than speculation.

However, it has been said here that the bio parents contested the foster parents' adoption application (for both kids?) and lost. I don't know the source of that information, unless maybe the bio grandmother who has been publicly calling out aspects of the entire WT case.
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