Australia Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, Nsw, 12 Sept 2014 - #61

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One thing that really bugs me is: why did the FM move forward the departure time of the trip to Kendall? She says doing so meant having to collect William and his sister early from day care/school, and that arriving early surprised her mother who was expecting them the next day.
Maybe because the FF had that morning meeting pop up? If they waited in Sydney until it finished they would not have reached Kendall until 2pm (10am+ 4hr) which then means they’ve driven a long way for a very short visit.
My mother lives 5.5hr from me and we do similar things.
Regarding the BGM claim that the FFC stopped the bio parents from giving the children sweets, didn’t the BM state in an interview that she had never spoken with the FM, IIRC words along the lines of “She never wanted to speak to me until after she lost my son”

I didn't think that Foster carers and birth parents usually spoke or even knew what each other looked like. I always thought the case worker was the one who would be at the supervised visits who would then return children to the Foster parents elsewhere. Am I wrong? Not really up to date with fostering these days. It was just an assumption
Why do you think police are pretending to be making exciting discoveries when they’re probably not? This is so weird .. are people higher up threatening to disband the task force, reduce funding allocation do you think, or is this supposed to trigger suspects to say / do something they can capture? Can’t think of any other reason for the theatrics.

I have no idea why they have used the media so heavily in the last week. They used the media when BS was a POI with disastrous results, so I’d hope the media use this time is strategic and not just political.

I think any man-made material in the very precise search areas is relevant. Police would be bagging up single threads. It’s just very melodramatic for investigators to first compare the fabric to a Spider-Man suit before bagging it up. They were going to bag it regardless of whether it matched.

There is no single theory in any of this that makes sense to me.
Some things to consider:

Has there been any subtle blaming of the victim, William?

Are there inconsistencies across statements / interviews?

Has there been unexpected language used inconsistent with the gravity of actual events?

Has anyone resorted to Alibi building when not asked specifically to discuss?
all of the above
Lots of inconsistencies in stories from FM when put under the microscope. This may explain why the $1 million reward, the largest in New South Wales history, has not flushed out any extra information.
The most "recent" information on the time-stamp I could find is from early September 2019, where it's intimated that the matter is still being looked into. The only article I have found since is from the Daily Mail UK (untrustworthy, is my understanding), which presents it as fact that the "time created" stamp is 7:39 AM and the "time corrected" stamp is 9:37 AM (I originally thought these numbers could have been rearranged, but the millisecond element suggests perhaps not and nothing nefarious is to be seen here?). My conclusion is that this matter has not been resolved in the last two years unless someone has evidence of such. But, the theory does suggest the unlikely element of "criminal mastermind," which I'm not sure I can buy into.


Can anyone clear up the foster family member situation? My understanding is that in September 2014, family unit proper was: FM, FF, WT, and WT's sister. Is that correct? There have been statements since which suggest that additional family members were added/existed (aside: incurring more members since boggles the mind, considering the advent of WT's disappearance).

Also, do bio-parents still have visitation rights with WT's sister?

Both William’s and AJ’s mums claimed their children would never wander.
I'm listening to the WWT podcast and I'm taken aback by the foster family's insistence that WT would never wander. Of course, a parent is going to have an instinct about things and would want LE to pursue the path their gut is leading them to (in this case: kidnapping). But, what we also have here is a very specific situation that enhances motive where any kind of parent negligence involving WT would seemingly threaten the parental rights over WT's sister (and any other non-biological-siblings). That would extend to either an accidental death (leading to the need to conceal it) or the child wandering off and disappearing. A child wandering off would be suggestive of parental negligence more so than the child being kidnapped, and one might want to "protect" their reputation by focusing on the latter. A child wandering off would also promote the search of a body (alive or dead), and, if there was misadventure, one might want to "protect" their involvement in such by also pushing the kidnapping narrative and distract from a search. Then, again, maybe it was strangers who snatched him, and their gut is correct, and I should feel awful for writing any of this.

I feel bad for the biological parents (who, yes, were no saints themselves) and family, who lost their biological child (permanently, from the standpoint of him losing his life) and had to sit back and watch all of this unfold with their hands tied behind their backs. Like, on their last visit, they're warned beforehand by the social worker that WT had a black eye. And, then, the foster family didn't even tell them they were going up to Kendall the day of the disappearance. There is a degree of privilege being enjoyed by the (more affluent) foster family. All the while, the children of the bio-parents are supposed to be enjoying a higher level of "protection," including their bio-daughter for the last seven years since their bio-son has vanished. The foster parents insist on keeping her (and any other siblings) identity private for "legal reasons," but also to "protect" her from media, attention, etc:

William Tyrrell's parents: Why we won't reveal our identity

Ironically enough, the foster parents enjoy a level of "protection" by extension. Further irony ensues with the recent assault charges of "a child in their home." This is beginning to sound like a reverse Lindy Chamberlain (innocent mother with her identity in full view raked over the media coals and found guilty of a crime she didn't commit). The optics between the less advantaged bio-parents and the more affluent foster parents are just ... bad.

If WT was indeed kidnapped by strangers, I get it, the foster family wanted to protect their children. And what a tragedy for them, especially if they're now being "railroaded" by frustrated authorities who are desperate to resolve this matter in some form. And considering the circumstances of his disappearance (namely, the last-minute nature of the trip, the reclusive nature of the FG's home), that's an awfully big "if." What's even scarier is how genuine and authentic the FM (and FF) comes across in the podcast without that if.
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all there is as proof of life after mcdonalds cctv is that photo, its still not really clear if its been verified yet as legit?
the co sleeping arrangement doesnt mention if they were sharing beds with the children, each room may have had two single beds
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But that didn't satisfy the coroner, on the last day of the inquest, she ordered the timestamp pics to be forensically examined.
Imo, it's been done and not open to speculation anymore, if it were, FD would be a POI too. They both lied about when the pics were taken.
FP's went to Bali July/August 2014, so it's plausible the timestamp would be 2 hours behind, imo.

Regarding the photo time, wouldn’t they easily be able to check photos taken with the camera in the days or weeks leading up to the Kendall visit? These other photos would also be two hours out, and the times could be verified by witnesses or other objective evidence around the photographed events (e.g time of kinder events etc).
Some grabs:

“Close to giving up, or giving in.”

A foster care social worker says William Tyrrell’s foster mother wrote these words in an email just three days before he disappeared.

William had been acting up, and his foster mother was distressed about it.

The rediscovery of this email appears to explain at least some of this week’s dramatic developments in Australia’s most famous missing persons case.

Police then found an email dated September 9, 2014 – three days before William disappeared – in which social workers described William’s foster mother as being concerned about his behaviour.

She was at the time trying to adopt William. He had started calling her Mummy. In her triple-0 call, she called him “my son”.

This was causing tension between the two families, who were still tussling over who would get to raise him.

According to the social workers, William’s foster mother said she was “close to giving up or giving in”. She was concerned about William being “emotional” after contact visits with his biological mother and father.

He was also having difficulty sleeping.

The social workers talked among themselves about “a certain amount of distress” and “dysfunction” being normal in foster children.

One then said the foster mother had told them she was “heading to her mother’s house this weekend” – and it was, of course, from her mother’s house, in the quiet village of Kendall on the NSW mid-north coast that very weekend, that he went missing.

So, that’s the first thing that happened to trigger this week’s new search.

. . .

They didn’t really look at William’s foster grandmother. She settled the sale of the house about six months after William disappeared and she died in March. There is no suggestion that she was involved, but it seems that she only ever gave one brief formal statement to police.

It's hard without context of the whole email to actually understand what it was about, but to me it seems like -

- FM wanted some sort of support from FACS regarding his behaviour issues.

- She was thinking about giving up or giving in regarding the adoption (BPs need to agree to give up rights for it to happen and there was a lot of fighting)

- FF may have gotten in bed with him because he was unsettled that night.
But that didn't satisfy the coroner, on the last day of the inquest, she ordered the timestamp pics to be forensically examined.
Imo, it's been done and not open to speculation anymore, if it were, FD would be a POI too. They both lied about when the pics were taken.
FP's went to Bali July/August 2014, so it's plausible the timestamp would be 2 hours behind, imo.
Wasn't the time stamp examination done at the request of the BFs lawyer?
From the Opening Posts of each thread. (Please expand to read in full.)

I will keep posting the information as soon as we are certain everyone understands who they cannot identify. One more time:
No identifying the biological family, the foster family or any associates ( ie siblings, etc ) or their addresses, places of employment or childcare, etc

They can be identified as bio mother etc & female foster carer etc

At the inquest, they are known as biological mother & father. Foster family are known as FFC ( female foster carer ) MFC ( male foster carer ) FFGM ( female foster grandmother ) etc

As the bio and foster parents still have NOT been identified to the public by LE or the inquest, they are not to be sleuthed and their names or initials may not be used.
Does anybody think the FM's claim that she saw two cars parked outside is credible? Do police take that seriously or not?
Investigators think the claim re the two cars is not credible. No one else saw them. FF said there were no cars, as did neighbours - this came out in the inquest I believe. Will look for a reference.
I wonder if the townsfolk are privy to what's in the search warrant for the house...

The owner of the house would be at the very least…and people talk.

Way back in Feb 2016 we sleuthed this upside down.

We miss you Makara and sosocurious.

Australia - Australia - William Tyrrell, 3, Kendall, NSW, 12 Sept 2014 - #20

Please read the thread so you too know the answers.

Here is a cops speaking about the cars blah blah blah.

AND what is sitting in the background? The freakin’ cars!

View attachment 322942

I’m not sure of the relevance of any cars still parked up afterwards. FFC would have pointed them out to Police at the time as the unusual cars she remembered surely? Or neighbours would have acknowledged them too? I notice that it was reported to Crime Stoppers in 2016 so can’t have gone anywhere if their existence was still being probed at the inquest? Sorry if I’ve missed the obvious.

If it's alright, may I use the initials: FM (foster mother), FF (foster father), and FG (foster grandmother)? I don't mean to be difficult, but I find the three initial system to be unnecessarily confusing. Is there a good reason for it?

RSBM. It’s all semantics, but IMO the terms foster -parent/mother/father are quite dated so I prefer to use Female Foster Carer (FFC) Male Foster Carer (MFC). It’s respectful of the fact children are still part of their birth family and do have parents, whilst also recognising the professional role of carers.
See I did consider WT’s sister, but wouldn’t she have been considered a known witness?

‘there has been a witness who we had no idea about who has come forward and is speaking to police,” Mr Craddock said

Inquest into missing toddler William Tyrrell halted abruptly

HH that witness was Mrs Baker who lives on Miles Dr across the railway line from where FA lived. She heard a child scream. After her friend pointed out to her FA was a poi she then came forward.
I wonder if the townsfolk are privy to what's in the search warrant for the house...

A search warrant is for a place, not an item. Once police have authority to search a location, they are able to take any evidence of any crime. For example, if police have search a house on a murder investigation, and they find drugs in he house, hey can seize the drugs and charge someone with drug offences.
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