Australia Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) - #74

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The foster parents of toddler William Tyrrell won‘t face court until the end of the year as police continue investigations into claims they assaulted a child who was not the missing three-year-old.

. . .

Their cases were due to be heard next week but have been postponed until September 4 at Parramatta Local Court for a number of reasons including the late service of the police brief of evidence on the defence.


So late service of the police brief of evidence on the defence is one of the reasons given for the delay. The foster parents were charged 14 months ago, I know delays happen but sheesh.

Greg Lynn was charged in the same month, Nov 2021, for the alleged murder of two people and the investigation run by Vicpol has already made it to the Committal hearing this week. A complex investigation with multiple crime scenes, extensive forensic testing, involvement of specialised units and external agencies. The brief would be huge. It's mind boggling to me that a common assault case is seemingly dragging out longer than a double murder case.

The foster parents were charged with common assault on Nov 17 2021, almost two years would have passed if the Sept 4 hearing goes ahead. Talk about long and drawn out!
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So late service of the police brief of evidence on the defence is one of the reasons given for the delay. The foster parents were charged 14 months ago, I know delays happen but sheesh.

Greg Lynn was charged in the same month, Nov 2021, for the alleged murder of two people and the investigation run by Vicpol has already made it to the Committal hearing this week. A complex investigation with multiple crime scenes, extensive forensic testing, involvement of specialised units and external agencies. The brief would be huge. It's mind boggling to me that a common assault case is seemingly dragging out longer than a double murder case.

The foster parents were charged with common assault on Nov 17 2021, almost two years would have passed if the Sept 4 hearing goes ahead. Talk about long and drawn out!

And wasn't the assault they are being charged for many months prior to them being charged? Jan of 21 if memory serves me correct. IMO MOO
So late service of the police brief of evidence on the defence is one of the reasons given for the delay. The foster parents were charged 14 months ago, I know delays happen but sheesh.

Greg Lynn was charged in the same month, Nov 2021, for the alleged murder of two people and the investigation run by Vicpol has already made it to the Committal hearing this week. A complex investigation with multiple crime scenes, extensive forensic testing, involvement of specialised units and external agencies. The brief would be huge. It's mind boggling to me that a common assault case is seemingly dragging out longer than a double murder case.

The foster parents were charged with common assault on Nov 17 2021, almost two years would have passed if the Sept 4 hearing goes ahead. Talk about long and drawn out!
So late service of the police brief of evidence on the defence is one of the reasons given for the delay. The foster parents were charged 14 months ago, I know delays happen but sheesh.

Greg Lynn was charged in the same month, Nov 2021, for the alleged murder of two people and the investigation run by Vicpol has already made it to the Committal hearing this week. A complex investigation with multiple crime scenes, extensive forensic testing, involvement of specialised units and external agencies. The brief would be huge. It's mind boggling to me that a common assault case is seemingly dragging out longer than a double murder case.

The foster parents were charged with common assault on Nov 17 2021, almost two years would have passed if the Sept 4 hearing goes ahead. Talk about long and drawn out!
Hopefully W is found and LE arrest the person(s) responsible before September 2023. Fingers AND toes crossed.
Yes, Jan 2021.

Then the child was left in the home for months afterwards, removed in Nov 2021 from memory.
I can't find a link to confirm what you have said in your post Lemony, but this link also mentions the alleged stalking charges by the Foster Parents following an AVO taken out by the Police:

And wasn't the assault they are being charged for many months prior to them being charged? Jan of 21 if memory serves me correct. IMO MOO

Pretty close. SMH states the alleged assault was in March 2021. Then the assault charges were laid 7 months later, in October 2021, and the child was then removed.

So, the hearing into the matters is now anticipated to be held 2½ YEARS after the alleged assault.

I can't find a link to confirm what you have said in your post Lemony, but this link also mentions the alleged stalking charges by the Foster Parents following an AVO taken out by the Police:

From your linked article dated April 2022

Police prosecutors today were criticised for not having a brief ready yet on a 'serious' charge of child assault which detectives laid against both the foster mother and father last November.

Seems that they still haven't got their "brief" ready, another 8-9 months later?

I wouldn't be surprised if all / some charges are eventually withdrawn IMO
From your linked article dated April 2022

Police prosecutors today were criticised for not having a brief ready yet on a 'serious' charge of child assault which detectives laid against both the foster mother and father last November.

Seems that they still haven't got their "brief" ready, another 8-9 months later?

I wouldn't be surprised if all / some charges are eventually withdrawn IMO

Magistrate Peter Feather called parts of the prosecution's case "not particularly strong".

June 2022
Pretty close. SMH states the alleged assault was in March 2021. Then the assault charges were laid 7 months later, in October 2021, and the child was then removed.

So, the hearing into the matters is now anticipated to be held 2½ YEARS after the alleged assault.

Here's another that states January 21 - again the reporting is great isn't it? :rolleyes:

Dramatic audio was played of audio of a ten-year-old child - who is not William - crying and yelling out 'no, no, nooooo' as she was allegedly disciplined with a wooden spoon in January 2021.
In relation to the charges of alleged stalking by the Fosters the stalking of the child, in my opinion, could have a serious effect and be worrying for that child.

William Tyrrell foster parents in court on child stalk assault charges
“The foster couple were facing court for the first time on charges of stalking the same child who police allege they assaulted last year, along with Apprehended Violence Orders taken out by police for the child against the parents.

The foster father is accused of one count of stalking and intimidation intending fear of physical harm against a child, while the foster mother faces two charges.”
What legal grounds did they have to remove the other child?

Non-Compliance with the Code of Conduct

The Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Regulation 2012 (the Regulation) provides for the Minister to issue this Code of Conduct and requires authorised carers to comply with this Code of Conduct as a condition of their authorisation. This ensures carers understand their rights and responsibilities. Non-compliance with this Code of Conduct could lead a designated agency to commence an investigation into the suitability of an authorised carer to provide out-of-home care.

Under the Regulation, a designated agency may cancel or suspend the authorisation of an authorised carer if the agency is of the opinion that the authorised carer has failed to comply with any obligation or restriction imposed on the authorised carer by the Act or Regulation. Any decision to cancel of suspend the authorisation of an authorised carer is reviewable by the Administrative Decisions Tribunal.

An authorised carer means a person who, in accordance with the regulations, is authorised as an authorised carer by a designated agency, or a person who, in accordance with the regulations, is otherwise authorised as an authorised carer.

Designated agencies are agencies accredited by the Children’s Guardian to arrange and supervise the provision of out-of-home care services.

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