Australia Australia - William Tyrrell Disappeared While Playing in Yard - Kendall (NSW) - #74

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JMO - Another Media Article (Below) link that states William’s foster father had left the home at 9.30am. The drive: to Lakewood takes 10 mins / from Lakewood takes 10 mins.

William Tyrrell: how new evidence revived the case and triggered a fresh search effort
“William’s foster father had left the home at 9.30am to drive out of the town to find better mobile reception for a Skype call and to fill a script at a chemist – actions which have been verified by police.”

I recall looking last night and saw a couple of articles say the same thing. I'm not sure how journalism (publishing) works but it would appear that several agencies have simply copied (used) the same article under different outlets.

Again, it's very strange for this to be published like it was gospel.
It’s further alleged that a phone tap picked up the foster mother talking with her partner about the wooden spoon incident.

Police prosecutor Amin Assaad told the court that during her phone conversations with her partner, the woman said she hit the child “really hard with that wooden spoon” and that it was going to leave a “welt”
Police told William’s foster mother ‘we know where, we know how, we know why’. (behind a paywall)
BBM – JMO – Wondering what the FFC meant by “….while we were waiting….”

IN THEIR WORDS: William Tyrrell's parents talk of the day their boy went missing and the 'living nightmare' they endure

“M: It was in my head and even Mum, while I was talking with Mum while we were waiting and I was doing the frantic thing and running through the house and opening up cupboards and all sorts of stuff, I just kept going through my head, somebody’s taken him, I can’t, in my mind it was the only logical explanation for what could have happened.

D: A child in that situation, in that circumstance, in those surrounds would not just disappear into thin air. I mean I had my doubts, I did not know what to believe at the time, especially the first hour or two I didn’t know what to believe but I guess my mind was wondering as to what could have happened to him. I just had to keep on going and have the support of the community around us that were also looking for him. The police were on the scene within minutes, which was absolutely fantastic, but I didn’t know what to believe.”
BBM – JMO – Wondering what the FFC meant by “….while we were waiting….”

IN THEIR WORDS: William Tyrrell's parents talk of the day their boy went missing and the 'living nightmare' they endure

“M: It was in my head and even Mum, while I was talking with Mum while we were waiting and I was doing the frantic thing and running through the house and opening up cupboards and all sorts of stuff, I just kept going through my head, somebody’s taken him, I can’t, in my mind it was the only logical explanation for what could have happened.

D: A child in that situation, in that circumstance, in those surrounds would not just disappear into thin air. I mean I had my doubts, I did not know what to believe at the time, especially the first hour or two I didn’t know what to believe but I guess my mind was wondering as to what could have happened to him. I just had to keep on going and have the support of the community around us that were also looking for him. The police were on the scene within minutes, which was absolutely fantastic, but I didn’t know what to believe.”

Considering she's a POI, that's a strange turn of phrase. She isn't describing how she felt (one would feel frantic), she isn't really describing her actions (which would be something more like searched frantically), this articulate woman who could freely choose  any words, picked doing the frantic thing. Which sounds like acting. Playing the part of....

And in that, I think she told a truth. Accidentally.

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BBM – JMO – Wondering what the FFC meant by “….while we were waiting….”

IN THEIR WORDS: William Tyrrell's parents talk of the day their boy went missing and the 'living nightmare' they endure

“M: It was in my head and even Mum, while I was talking with Mum while we were waiting and I was doing the frantic thing and running through the house and opening up cupboards and all sorts of stuff, I just kept going through my head, somebody’s taken him, I can’t, in my mind it was the only logical explanation for what could have happened.

D: A child in that situation, in that circumstance, in those surrounds would not just disappear into thin air. I mean I had my doubts, I did not know what to believe at the time, especially the first hour or two I didn’t know what to believe but I guess my mind was wondering as to what could have happened to him. I just had to keep on going and have the support of the community around us that were also looking for him. The police were on the scene within minutes, which was absolutely fantastic, but I didn’t know what to believe.”
Waiting for the police to arrive?

It appears that the FP's were using the "Where's William" website as a platform to air their gripes with the NSW Police when FM was first identified as a POI.

“Imagine waking up to an unsubstantiated article published by a large media outlet claiming a ‘senior officer’ within NSW Police shared that they have a NEW person of interest, whilst inferring that this case is on the brink of being solved,” the couple wrote on the ‘Where’s William’ website.

“Once again we are forced to watch others objectify William for personal gain … fake news causes more heartache for William’s loved ones.”

I really don't understand this statement.

Did the PR company assist them to write this stuff or was this "their own words?"

It appears that the FP's were using the "Where's William" website as a platform to air their gripes with the NSW Police when FM was first identified as a POI.

“Imagine waking up to an unsubstantiated article published by a large media outlet claiming a ‘senior officer’ within NSW Police shared that they have a NEW person of interest, whilst inferring that this case is on the brink of being solved,” the couple wrote on the ‘Where’s William’ website.

“Once again we are forced to watch others objectify William for personal gain … fake news causes more heartache for William’s loved ones.”

I really don't understand this statement.

Did the PR company assist them to write this stuff or was this "their own words?"
Probably a combination of both. Does it matter?
BBM – JMO – Wondering what the FFC meant by “….while we were waiting….”

IN THEIR WORDS: William Tyrrell's parents talk of the day their boy went missing and the 'living nightmare' they endure

“M: It was in my head and even Mum, while I was talking with Mum while we were waiting and I was doing the frantic thing and running through the house and opening up cupboards and all sorts of stuff, I just kept going through my head, somebody’s taken him, I can’t, in my mind it was the only logical explanation for what could have happened.

D: A child in that situation, in that circumstance, in those surrounds would not just disappear into thin air. I mean I had my doubts, I did not know what to believe at the time, especially the first hour or two I didn’t know what to believe but I guess my mind was wondering as to what could have happened to him. I just had to keep on going and have the support of the community around us that were also looking for him. The police were on the scene within minutes, which was absolutely fantastic, but I didn’t know what to believe.”

I think we need to remember that this was an interview by Police, for Media release.

Questions were written/directed by Police and I imagine that they were only permitted to say certain things, due to Williams foster status and the ongoing investigaton. It was only about 6 months into the investigation.
In thinking back over the years following this case, I just wanted us to remember the bio family in this too. They were exposed but I personally, JMOO, thought that it showed their love. They aren't popular or the socially accepted side of this case and I just cant imagine the pressure they too would be/are under, however, we wont discuss that here atm. I am just remembering instances that came up when that exposure happened that irked me about the FFC vs the BM and interviews that the BGM did at that time. When looking back over almost all of the interviews given by the bio families (even bio families on two sides), they always seemed to me (and again JMOO) to be pointing back at the FFC. I remember the bio mums account of the park visit to see William and the FFC jumping out of the bushes during the BIO families time. The Bio family have always been on the defence and were trying to be heard JMOO but they stood in their truths over William under scrutiny (IMOO) . Sometimes the perfect ones have more popularity, social standing, larger resources available and the biggest secrets to hide. The guilty ones always seem to find it hard to maintain that perfection over years and cracks begin. Some call this Karma.

BBM - In regard to the FFC jumping out of the bushes - do you have a link to this? I've only ever seen this on SM as a rumor. I've never seen it in MSM.
If you are a foster parent with an allegation of abuse and have had a child in your care “disappear” are you still deemed an appropriate care giver? Are children still in care, or potentially being placed in the care of such a foster parent?
Sadly, there is a shortage of foster carers. Caseworkers are often new graduates from university with strict guidelines to adhere to and little supervision. Yes the system is far from perfect. Vulnerable children are sometimes placed with carers who should never have access to children IMO. Instead of attempting to address the problems facing many biological parents like housing, drugs/alcolhol and domestic violence many social workers simply remove the kids and place them with foster parents. There needs to be an overhaul of the system IMO.
If you are a foster parent with an allegation of abuse and have had a child in your care “disappear” are you still deemed an appropriate care giver? Are children still in care, or potentially being placed in the care of such a foster parent?
From all that I have read about the biological parents of William, he was much loved and was not neglected Or abused. He was foster placed with a much older woman who had major issues regarding coping with Williams behaviour. He ultimately disappeared under her care. One asks was is a necessary/appropriate removal of William from his mother? Would he have been better off under his biological mothers care? IMO.
From all that I have read about the biological parents of William, he was much loved and was not neglected Or abused. He was foster placed with a much older woman who had major issues regarding coping with Williams behaviour. He ultimately disappeared under her care. One asks was is a necessary/appropriate removal of William from his mother? Would he have been better off under his biological mothers care? IMO.

And what would the reason be for one child to be removed prior to William and 2 after?

I have feeling for the Bio's but this cannot be used as a reason for him not to go to foster care, there was a reason. IMO
And what would the reason be for one child to be removed prior to William and 2 after?

I have feeling for the Bio's but this cannot be used as a reason for him not to go to foster care, there was a reason. IMO
We will never know. But we can all form our own opinions. For some who know the system and how it works, we may form one opinion, for those who know the circumstances surrounding the biological mothers problems they may form another and for those who are more privileged and who have no inkling as to how the other half live and survive they may form another. IMO
Could you expand on your feelings?
Hey TGY. I went down the rabbit hole, a little, watching a lot of videos and information on the Madeline McCann case starting from when she went missing. It was such a unique case of a Missing Child from a location close by to the parents who told their accounts of what happened whilst other children were around. Initially the investigation begins and an immediate search begins for a missing child and mostly away or surrounding the immediate area. People flood to help with media and panic following. The area is not initially deemed a crime scene as the child is determined not to be in the location. The movements of the parents are supported by others and investigators whilst needing to move around with the other children and members that have gathered. People come and go through the immediate areas as they search for a missing child. When William went missing, it lead me down the same little rabbit hole (not knowing about Websleuths until I found a reading someone had done and a comment lead me here to this forum back in the beginning. I did try to go to the Madeline forum on here but I found it very hard to read through the pages to get informed. Unlike this forum. I come here and receive correct links and information to keep me up to date. I don't watch the news much and don't see much current affairs on Social Media unless something pops up of interest that I just happen to catch. That is why I love this forum. I can see all the latest articles that have come out recently and catch up on the latest. I have always felt that in both cases it was either an abduction or the parent/s had something to do with it. I just cannot help feeling as though it would be really easy to hide a little body, until able to be moved in those early/first hours/days. Another thing that irks me is the grandfathers gravesite. The foster mother mentions they were going to visit the gravesite and the children were drawing pictures to take there. Did police ever search that area?
I just cannot help feeling as though it would be really easy to hide a little body, until able to be moved in those early/first hours/days. Another thing that irks me is the grandfathers gravesite. The foster mother mentions they were going to visit the gravesite and the children were drawing pictures to take there. Did police ever search that area?
In the early threads, in the 1st 6 months, the cemetery and gravesite were discuseed and at one stage a local was posting that a helicopter was hovering over the cemetery and that it was being searched. Although, the FFC's father had died in the February that year, I think they were visiting to see the headstone for the 1st time. They can take a while to install.
For anyone interested, respected investigative journalist Hedley Thomas is a guest on the latest episode of Gary Jubelin’s I Catch Killers podcast. It’s a long listen split into two episodes. WT case is mentioned very briefly, most of the discussion is around the media’s role, Hedley’s career and his work on The Teacher’s Pet and Shandee’s Story podcasts.

At the end of the podcast Hedley says to GJ something along the lines of "I’d like us to talk off mic and we should perhaps team up on a yarn, on a case, on an investigation". Jubelin responding with "I would love to work with you".

There are probably plenty of cases they could team up on but It would be fantastic if someone of Hedleys high calibre took on William’s case, if nothing comes of the current investigation. IMO

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Just a quick update on retired police commissioner Mick Fuller's conflict of interest allegations. Seeing that we discussed it due to Mick Fuller sitting on the Crime Commission board and promoting (in the media) the last search for William and the investigation into 'one person of interest' - as well as the derogatory statement he made about the previous investigations.

The LECC have reversed their previous decision, and now find that Fuller did breach police conflict of interest policy.

NSW police watchdog reverses decision to clear Mick Fuller of wrongdoing over racehorse shares
Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) outlined how Mr Fuller breached conflict of interest rules, and reversed its earlier decision to clear him of any wrongdoing.
It also called on the new commissioner Karen Webb to clamp down on officer involvement in the corruption-plagued racing industry.

"It is a matter of record that corrupt practices, including race fixing and betting offences, have occurred in the horse racing industry. Criminal activities of various types have been associated with the horse racing industry."

It states the ownership of racehorses exposes the NSW Police Force (NSWPF) to a risk of "reputational damage" at the very least.
"The risk … is elevated when senior officers of the NSWPF are involved in ownership of racehorses," it said.
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This post lands at random. Please do not respond to it or address it further on the thread.

Websleuths does not normally allow the social media drama to enter into our discussions here, but this is for the benefit of those guests (and possibly some members here?) who are reading here and posting out there in drama-land. For those who think they know who our long term members are in real life and if they are somehow directly involved in or connected to William's September 2014 disappearance, try basic Sleuthing 101.

Take a quick peek at a member's profile and you will see their Websleuths join date. The WSers that you posit as someone directly involved in William's case have a Websleuths join date from between 2012 and 2014. Do you actually believe these Websleuths members (not to mention Gary Jubelin and the foster parents) are all somehow connected and have been sitting on Websleuths since 2012 or whenever, long before William ever went missing in September of 2014 ? End of story.

Seriously, please don't embarrass yourself out there on the world-wide web.
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