Australian couple abandon surrogate twin with Down's syndrome in Thailand

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Farnell's victims were very young girls ages 7 and 10 years of age, there were multiple offences, he is a repeat ofender. His wife does not seem to care, it looks like the same old story, he is keeping his wife in a comfortable lifestyle, so she is only looking after her own selfish needs. She is providing him with a captive victim, his own daughter to groom and abuse. It would seem that perhaps boys were not his choice, or they are not admitting abuse. Either way Gammy is the lucky one.
A son has vowed to stand by his father, despite allegations the convicted paedophile abandoned critically-ill baby Gammy in Thailand.

"I can tell you how good of a father my dad was towards us. He's amazing. He's brought the best out of all of us kids," the son, who did not wish to be named, told Fairfax Media.

"The statement will cover everything, it will clear everything up," he said. "You aren't going to get any information whatsoever out of any family members until dad and Wendy have made their statement."

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Yeah, stand by his long as he can be anonymous while doing it! Lmao!

Reading between the lines..."I can't comment until my dad and his wife get their latest story straight"

Baby Gammy's WA parents make contact with Department for Child Protection

WA Minister for Child Protection Helen Morton told Fairfax Radio this morning that child protection officers had spoken to Bunbury couple David and Wendy Farnell by phone.

Ms Morton did not give any details about the nature the discussion between the Farnells and the Department, or the location of the parents and their child.

She said the department was conducting an assessment to ensure the Farnells' daughter was safe.

Ms Morton said the department did not have "major" concerns at the moment, but would consider a full range of measures to ensure the child's safety.

"Options would include everything from putting a really well-developed safety plan around the child, if necessary, in the home situation," she said.

"Or it could range up to anything to do with the child living away from the home.

"So there's everything and all of the potential options in between those things that would be considered."
The revelations came as the Thai surrogacy agent also cast doubt on Gammy’s birth mother’s version of events, claiming the Australian parents did not want to leave him behind in Thailand.

Kamonthip “Joy” Musikawong told the Herald Sun that Gammy’s surrogate mother Pattaramon Chanbua refused to give baby Gammy to his biological parents.

“Before the parents flew back home,” she said, “They told you [Pattaramon] that they wanted to take both babies, why didn’t you give the boy back to the biological parents?”

Yet Musikawong told the ABC that the surrogate mother saved them from a difficult decision.
An electrician who works in the South Bunbury area on house renovations, recently lost his own father, Keith, who is believed to have been in his eighties.

His widowed mother, Theresa, lives in a house not far from Farnell, his wife and their baby girl.

An electrician who also works in South Bunbury said most people working locally in the trade had not associated with Farnell since they learned he had been convicted of child sex charges and served a jail sentence.

'I saw him a year ago. He does renovations and bits and pieces around the place,' Trev of Bricknell Electrics told Daily Mail Australia.

'He's a bloody idiot for staying in town. Bunbury is a very small place and too small for someone like that [a convicted sex offender].

'He should have got out of town years ago.'

Trev said it would be hard on Theresa Farnell 'with this on top' of husband Keith's recent death.

Keith Farnell was described as a good man, who was a long time employee of SCM Chemicals, now Millennium International Chemicals.

His funeral notice said of him, 'A better bloke, you would never find'.

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These offenders leave a long selfish path of devastation behind them and I doubt they care.
Hopefully, someone has sat the son down and explained to him that there is no way that his father was a 'wonderful father'.

A wonderful father cannot be judged by how many times he took his son to football .. or how many times he cooked him dinner .. or tousled his hair.

A wonderful father is one who is protective and kind to ALL children, is considerate of other people, who sets a great example of how a person should live - not one who has one persona at home with his family, and another when he is disgustingly and devastatingly abusing young children and robbing them of their childhood - while also putting his own children through hell when he is caught, his despicable crimes are revealed, and he is sent to jail (for not long enough).

Baby Gammy's WA parents make contact with Department for Child Protection

WA Minister for Child Protection Helen Morton told Fairfax Radio this morning that child protection officers had spoken to Bunbury couple David and Wendy Farnell by phone.

Ms Morton did not give any details about the nature the discussion between the Farnells and the Department, or the location of the parents and their child.

She said the department was conducting an assessment to ensure the Farnells' daughter was safe.

Ms Morton said the department did not have "major" concerns at the moment, but would consider a full range of measures to ensure the child's safety.

"Options would include everything from putting a really well-developed safety plan around the child, if necessary, in the home situation," she said.

"Or it could range up to anything to do with the child living away from the home.

"So there's everything and all of the potential options in between those things that would be considered."

What?! They don't have major concerns?

I would really like to hear from Farnell's first wife.
I pray to God this man hasn't already done something to the baby girl- hence running from Australia's version of CPS.

For some levity and understanding here is an article about a beloved friend of ours- Rafe Day.

I was his job coach at STEP- fell in love with Rafe ( my son had been born with Down syndrome a couple of years prior) and his mother (she became a sort of mentor to me)- his father abandoned them both when he was a baby.

My husband was in graduate school at UCI- Atmospheric Chemistry- Don Blake was his graduate school advisor.

The job Rafe was supposed to be hired at fell through and he was being offered a day program- which didn't suit his abilities- or a job quite far, no offer of transportation, loading appliances at a SEARS facility- Rafe has a prosthetic leg and it wasn't a good fit either. It broke my heart.

I went to Don hoping he knew someone in the community- a business or owner- that might hire Rafe- what happened next was nothing short of a miracle- Don agreed to hire Rafe!

The STEP program (which is an adult transition program) was off for the summer so I offered to train Rafe on my own time- for free.

I wouldn't change a moment of it.

He works at UCI to this day- in Don's research lab!

He is in a Nobel prize winning chemistry lab- with graduate students whose mental capabilities far exceed his own- and he teaches them lessons! He goes to White Mountain and takes air samples, participates in NSF missions, attends Don's freshman chemistry class and puts on a presentation once a year- on or near his birthday- of the work that he does on these missions. The students love him and he is their friend. I am never quite sure who gets more out of the relationship- but I am quite certain it isn't Rafe!

The students have taught Rafe to drive, he plays baseball for the chemistry team, attends graduations, wedding and baby showers for the people he comes to love and know. He lives in a group home, takes the bus to work and makes $16 an hour at his job!
Doesn't make sense to me either. The infants were 2 months premature, so they were born at 7 months. How could anyone ask her to have an abortion in seventh's month of pregnancy. Also, apparently abortions are illegal in Thailand, so how could she have one at all?

Most "reductions" are done in the late first trimester. They inject potassium chloride (incidentally also used for lethal injections for the death penalty) directly into the foetal heart. At that stage the unlucky embryo will be reabsorbed but in theory this can and is done at any point in gestation. It may well be that if he was diagnosed with Down's Syndrome "in the fourth month" as reported (which would be about the time an amniocentesis is usually done) it was felt that it was to late to do this "safely" for the other twin, in which case the procedure would be performed just before delivery, which would tally in with what we've been told. I'm guessing the clinic they were involved with wasn't very ethical, and I've read it said elsewhere that the law in Thailand is often whatever you can pay for it to be.

I wasn't aware you could abort a child at 7 months SAFELY. Wouldn't that be murder?

Legally, depending on the jurisdiction, not necessarily, morally well... I increasingly sympathise with FedFan4Life from upthread.
Mr Farnell’s daughter flew into Perth yesterday and told Nine News Perth that the family, at some stage, intended to publically explain why baby Gammy way left behind.

“The only thing that we are going to say right now is that my father is a wonderful father,” she said. “We are talking, just not right now.”

He said his friend was known in South Bunbury and for years had organised Christmas parties for families and children at a local park, rigging up festive lights with his electrical skills.

The retired butcher also said Mr Farnell has personally doorknocked the street following his indecent dealing convictions to assure worried parents he had not touched their children.

“My daughter used to go over there and play with his son and nothing ever happened. When he got convicted he knocked on the door and said, ‘I’ve been charged but I never touched your daughter’,” he said.
It is very sad and upsetting for his children .... I guess they cannot align the fact that their good father gets his name in MSM for very bad actions.
Mr Farnell’s daughter flew into Perth yesterday and told Nine News Perth that the family, at some stage, intended to publically explain why baby Gammy way left behind.

“The only thing that we are going to say right now is that my father is a wonderful father,” she said. “We are talking, just not right now.”

He said his friend was known in South Bunbury and for years had organised Christmas parties for families and children at a local park, rigging up festive lights with his electrical skills.

The retired butcher also said Mr Farnell has personally doorknocked the street following his indecent dealing convictions to assure worried parents he had not touched their children.

“My daughter used to go over there and play with his son and nothing ever happened. When he got convicted he knocked on the door and said, ‘I’ve been charged but I never touched your daughter’,” he said.

Wow can this getting any more disturbing? He organises xmas parties? How many more people associated with this paedo will come out and say and what a great guy he is? How many more are going to completely minimize child abuse as a "mistake" and how he has "paid for what he did"??
Why is no-one thinking about the little girls he abused? Did they just think oh it was a mistake and get over it? They are the ones that are paying for what he did everyday. How horrible for them to see his pics everywhere and have to hear these heartless comments. I cant imagine how they feel seeing that he now has a daughter.
Mr Farnell’s daughter flew into Perth yesterday and told Nine News Perth that the family, at some stage, intended to publically explain why baby Gammy way left behind.

“The only thing that we are going to say right now is that my father is a wonderful father,” she said. “We are talking, just not right now.”

He said his friend was known in South Bunbury and for years had organised Christmas parties for families and children at a local park, rigging up festive lights with his electrical skills.

The retired butcher also said Mr Farnell has personally doorknocked the street following his indecent dealing convictions to assure worried parents he had not touched their children.

“My daughter used to go over there and play with his son and nothing ever happened. When he got convicted he knocked on the door and said, ‘I’ve been charged but I never touched your daughter’,” he said.


And of course we should believe him.

Are they kidding? Like he's going to admit to it?

People are so naive about things they don't want to know.

And of course we should believe him.

Are they kidding? Like he's going to admit to it?

People are so naive about things they don't want to know.

Yep ... just like the good scout leaders, good baseball coaches, good priests, good swim coaches .... the list goes on. :facepalm:
Wow can this getting any more disturbing? He organises xmas parties? How many more people associated with this paedo will come out and say and what a great guy he is? How many more are going to completely minimize child abuse as a "mistake" and how he has "paid for what he did"??
Why is no-one thinking about the little girls he abused? Did they just think oh it was a mistake and get over it? They are the ones that are paying for what he did everyday. How horrible for them to see his pics everywhere and have to hear these heartless comments. I cant imagine how they feel seeing that he now has a daughter.

I agree so, so much. I feel for his victims with seeing his face and name plastered everywhere.
As for pedos being "up front" with people re their convictions... it reminds me of this ( inexplicably locked!!) thread regarding one, who was actually not remorseful at all when you read between the lines:

In this guy's case, it was all about CYA. He *knew* people would find out, so set about minimising it all in public. Doesn't mean he wasn't still a pedo, though - and the minimising reeked to me of lulling a false sense of security....

Anyway. I'm laying bets Farnell has done his share of minimising and victim-blaming, whitewashing himself.

It pays to never forget that John Wayne Gacy was once a pillar of his community.

Once a pedo, always a pedo.
I was here from day one Katydid. Just didn't really feel I had anything helpful to offer.
I know better than to argue with people on the internet about my daughter's worth. They don't listen. :twocents:

I think it's probably a sad commentary on our world... that this thread doesn't make my head explode.
It doesn't even raise my blood pressure. (Though it did confirm that my use of the ignore list is a good thing.)
I've heard it all, much of it has been said directly to my face. It just simply doesn't even phase me anymore.

There was a twin abandoned at birth right here in the USA because she had Down syndrome.
This is simply not the first time it has happened and it will not be the last. :twocents:

For those unaware... I am the extremely proud and blessed Mom of an 11 year old girl with Down syndrome.
I have not regretted for one second my decision to let her live and raise her. She is absolutely amazing. :loveyou:

I believe when I have children that I take what I get. I love them and care for them to the best of my ability.
I was 18 when my daughter was born. In no way "capable" of caring for a child with special needs.
However, she was my baby girl. I vowed that day to protect her and care for her. I have done that.
I learn what I need to know, do what I need to do and it's been an amazing and successful journey.

Gammy's surrogate mother is in for an amazing journey with this precious little boy.
She is a very lucky young lady who will never regret her choice.
I can't say the same thing about others. :twocents:

I no longer get angry at people who believe I should have aborted my daughter.
I have nothing but pity for them. They just have absolutely no idea what they are missing out on.
It makes me sad that there are so many people in the world who don't have an Ali in their lives. :twocents:

I know there are people that think my daughter is defective, I can tell by the way they look at her.
I have learned to distinguish between "She is so cute" stares and "Doesn't she know how to prevent that" stares.
My daughter? Ali would love them both equally. So I try my best to follow her example. :seeya:

This is without a doubt the most beautiful post I have ever read.

You have truly touched my heart and my soul.
You make me happy to know human compassion still thrives in some.

Thank you.

God bless you, Ali, and all who love y'all.

Now to try to locate my travel Kleenex pack.
I'm amazed right now.
Uplifted!!! Feels great.

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