awaiting sentencing phase

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What I don't understand is why investigators didn't follow it up when they realised Carl Pistorius had deliberately perverted the course of justice, in what was an obvious attempt to delete incriminating evidence from his brother's phone. That's a crime in itself, yet it's been brushed under the carpet? I bet the Pistorius family are fuming that this has got out. Will it matter? I doubt it. They seem to be able to do as they please. One brother interferes with evidence in a murder case and it's just ignored? Is there anything that's beyond the law to these people?

To pervert the course of justice:

The offence is committed where a person:

does an act (a positive act or series of acts is required; mere inaction is insufficient)
which has a tendency to pervert and
which is intended to pervert
the course of public justice.
I think today's news serves, for me, to confirm the Pistorius family knows OP really is guilty. I expect they think he lost his temper (which they must have witnessed many times) and shot RS whilst in a rage. I think that is what most of us think too. They are prepared to assist him getting away with murder. There is an old idiom that says "tarred with the same brush" and I think this could be appropriately applied to the P family. I am disappointed that the NPA did not prosecute CP. I wonder exactly what stopped them. I don't think anyone will understand until the NPA gives a believable reason why they didn't go ahead with it.
I think today's news serves, for me, to confirm the Pistorius family know OP really is guilty. I expect they think he lost his temper (which they must have witnessed many times) and shot RS whilst in a rage. I think that is what most of us think too. They are prepared to assist him getting away with murder. There is an old idiom that says "tarred with the same brush" and I think this could be appropriately applied to the P family. I am disappointed that the NPA did not prosecute CP. I wonder exactly what stopped them. I don't think anyone will understand until the NPA gives a believable reason why they didn't go ahead with it.

I wonder if the NPA will issue a statement today?
Will this change anything, imo, nope. :sigh:

My crystal ball says :p

The book sales will increase for Wiener and Bateman,

Oscar Pistorius will bring a book out which will have even bigger sales.

He'll be richer and wear his infamy with pride, have the real deal 'bad boy' image and

his brother Carl will continue to bask in his shadow.

In acquitting OP of murder, Judge Masipa seems to be saying that brutality is part and parcel of ordinary life.

OP and RS’s relationship was far from ‘normal’.

What is a “normal relationship”?

“Normal relationships are dynamic and unpredictable most of the time, and human beings are fickle,” Judge Masipa said explaining why she was not convicting OP of the murder of RS.

"This dynamism, according to Masipa, is why RS professed herself in messages to Pistorius to be “scared of you sometimes and how u snap at me and of how you will react to me”. (This message was prescient, seeing as, on 14 February 2013, OP was to pump her full of bullets.)

RS felt “attacked”, she wrote, by the person she “deserved protection from.” This, according to the judge, is a "normal relationship". And thus, even though OP killed RS, he did not murder her, according to the judge. Instead, she convicted him of culpable homicide."

This made me wonder whether Judge Masipa was in a relationship herself and what her life history is for her to be so naive about relationships as if she thinks that brutality is normal.

Masipa was one of ten children – five of whom died in childhood, and one of whom was stabbed to death in his 20s – Judge Masipa’s early years were spent in a two-bedroom house where she was put on lookout duty to watch for police as her grandparents brewed homemade beer. She was a studious young girl who “wasn’t a great socialiser”.“I would be buried in my books.” Inspired by her mother, a teacher, she went into social work. To fund her further education she took on additional work as a clerk, a messenger and a tea girl until, finally, she could attend university and study social work – graduating in 1974. Aged 29 she marched in support of press freedom and found herself in prison, sleeping for one night on the concrete floor and disobeying orders to clean the filthy, overflowing lavatories which had been left for them inside their cell. It was an experience which many say helped to cement her passion for human rights, and her hatred of injustice. She married to a tax consultant and with two small children, she began to study law – a course which would take her 10 years, funded by her full-time job as a journalist. With her heavy caseload, it is her husband who cooks food for the family.

So Masipa is married and has two children and one of her brothers was stabbed to death when she was young.

Maybe the nightmare experience of her short stint in prison, made her feel sympathetic to OP and she thinks that it would be too much of a contrast between his living at Uncle Arnie's mansion and the squalor of a prison cell without his prosthetic legs to give him a prison sentence. (I have read that he would not be able to have them in prison.)

After thinking about this, maybe house arrest in Uncle Arnie's mansion will be OP's sentence on October 13. I hope not!

In justice and law, house arrest (also called home confinement, home detention, or electronic monitoring) is a measure by which a person is confined by the authorities to a certain residence. Travel is usually restricted, if allowed at all. House arrest is a lenient alternative to prison time or juvenile-detention time.

While house arrest can be applied to criminal cases when prison does not seem an appropriate measure, the term is often applied to the use of house confinement as a measure of repression by authoritarian governments against political dissidents. In that case, typically, the person under house arrest does not have access to any means of communication. If electronic communication is allowed, conversations will most likely be monitored. With some electronic monitoring units, the conversations of prisoners can be directly monitored via the unit itself.

Electronic monitoring is considered a highly economical alternative to the cost of imprisoning offenders, especially considering that the convict is often required to pay for the monitoring as part of his or her sentence.
My theory has always been that whoever tampered with the phone didn't delete all the data but overwrote it with something that made sense. They would need to be an IT expert (or know one). I don't believe the phone was encrypted when it was taken (e.g. it had a simple passcode). WhatsApp messages are easy to read in the phone data (I looked).

OP has 3 GPRS connections post 22:30 of about 5 minutes each. That's around 15 minutes.

So, say your last few WhatsApp messages needed removing. You'd 'simply' overwrite the date/time to an earlier date/time (keeping the inter-message time gaps the same as these will be realistic for the message length), the addressee to whoever you'd previously messaged (it's basically a variation of your phone number) and the message content to something innocuous. Like a car conversation. Then I'd set the passcode to a complex code to completely screw things up on the phone (and OP to quite rightly think he's forgotten it - he didn't know it!)

Then we have the mysterious (for me) WhatsApp message exchange with cousin Binge at 20:10 without any GPRS connectivity. This period is about 15 minutes prior to OP's call to him.

Suspicious but all just a theory ...
I take it this means the whole family, including Uncle Arnold, knew that CP had interfered with the evidence, and yet still they stood there insisting the killing was all just a terrible mistake. If it was just a 'mistake' why did CP need to delete so much evidence from the phone? And wouldn't this make the rest of the family guilty of aiding and abetting CP? Shouldn't there now be a re-trial based on the fact the evidence was tampered with - not by police - but by Carl Pistorius?
Will this change anything, imo, nope. :sigh:

My crystal ball says :p

The book sales will increase for Wiener and Bateman,

Oscar Pistorius will bring a book out which will have even bigger sales.

He'll be richer and wear his infamy with pride, have the real deal 'bad boy' image and

his brother Carl will continue to bask in his shadow.


BIB Except he sort of negated that by his snotty, whining, vomiting performance in court.

It's pretty clear that the next planned step from a PR perspective is to re enter athletics and therefore win back the hearts of the SA (and world) public. It really does need to be soon though in order to try to nullify or at least neutralise the memories of this murder and trial.

I don't think it's going to happen. In acting like a whiny little boy he won the heart of Masipa but not the public watching the trial and he's too old and likely too unfit to be a serious athletic contender again. His sporting career is over, IMO, and without a positive public presence his reputation is over. His family will still be filthy rich but his own income and source of self esteem will be minimal.

Even if he escapes this with a suspended sentence, as I'm afraid he might, I'm sure he'll eventually end up behind bars. Either after appeal or later in life.
Regardless of whether there’s any truth to Mr. Pistorius’s defense against the charges — that he feared someone had broken into his home and fired shots in self-defense — his argument exposed the violent masculinity that cost Ms. Steenkamp her life. The person from whom he was supposedly protecting himself and Ms. Steenkamp was a figment of the white middle-class imagination: a member of the dreaded hordes of poor, black men who each night ostensibly scale the electrified fences of gated communities to rape and pillage.
While OP was dating Sam they apparently bought a puppy together. Sam saw a photo on Jenna's Facebook page of Jenna sitting on Oscar's bed with the puppy. That's how Sam knew about Jenna! This was in the book published by Sam Taylor's mum, Patricia Taylor.
Independent criminal lawyer Cliff Alexander said it was unlikely these revelations would have any impact on the trial or potential appeal in the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA).

He said the SCA would ask three questions: why was this evidence not led during the trial, what was its truthfulness and relevance?

“Is it (the new allegations) materially relevant to the outcome of the trial? I don’t think so,” he said.
Well how is anyone going to know whether what Carl Pistorius deleted off that phone was relevant to the trial or not? It's not there any more, so we shall never know .. and the fact that it's gone, tells me just how crucial it was in incriminating OP, else Carl wouldn't have bothered. He should be prosecuted and imprisoned too, imo.
It is very disappointing, if this information is true, that it wasn't brought up in court and prosecutors felt unable to bring charges against others.

Reeva's killing just reeks of a cover up now.

and not even a very sophisticated cover up... phone taken by brother [easily traced]. phone synched to brothers pc [name of which is the same as one of his social media accounts ffs]

assuming all this bateman stuff is correct of course.

what is the ruling on publishing... is it any time after the verdict, but presumably ok before the sentencing phase?
what effect will this have on the sentencing phase?
will edkins be in the witness box answering questions about that call - under the guise of character evidence?
does anyone think one or more disgruntled pt members have been feeding info?
This is reminding me of Camilla in the whole P Charles and P Diana fiasco. Look what happened there, and Camilla ended up marrying P Charles, is the same in store for JE, so she stays tight lipped about his dark side

Really, there is nothing remotely comparable. Back when they were young, Camilla knew that Charles would not be permitted to marry her, so she married someone else. If Pistorius wished to marry Ms Edkins, there was never anything to prevent him doing so if she agreed.
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