awaiting sentencing phase

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The blurb reads :
At first glance, it appeared to be a heart-wrenching, tragic accident. The athlete had mistaken beautiful Reeva Steenkamp for an intruder. But as the morning unfolded, a second version of events began to reveal itself, indicating that the country’s celebrated icon, its "Golden Boy," may have murdered his model girlfriend in a fit of rage.

I disagree with the above, this is incorrect ! The events unfolded the other way round - Initially it was reported that Oscar had shot and killed his girlfriend in act of DV , and later that morning, after Oscar's arrest, a second 'version' had been released that he'd mistaken Reeva for a burglar.

because in the FIRST Police press conference to the media outside Silverwoods a policewoman said Oscar had been arrested and a woman had been killed and that it was a Domestic Violence situation where police were called to Oscar's house. The SECOND press conference outside Silverwoods was an 'update' by the same policewoman , and in that , she asked by a Journo if she was aware of rumours that had come out on the radio that Oscar had shot his girlfriend mistaking her for a burglar. The policewoman said she was NOT aware of that information ,and that it hadn't come from the police -

Interesting too that I can't find that FIRST media conference on youtube anymore, I can only find the SECOND !!! -hmm perhaps Lawyers stepped in !

My guess is after Oscar's arrest and a chat with ol Oldwadge the Lawyer damage limitation kicked into gear from OP's camp and they got that Intruder story out pretty darn quickly to counteract the first media press conference reporting that Oscar had shot and killed his girlfriend in act of DV !- and then they appointed a top PR guy to manage Oscar's website !

I agree with you. I can still remember that first interview given by Brigadier Denise Beukes. I never saw this second one. Has this second one been substituted for the first one since?

I also cannot find that first interview online which led to my following this case since the beginning.

This is a link to the updated version of the video.
Whatever they pray at night would certainly have to include "deliver us from evil". :puke:
Who'd want to be involved with that lot ?
We've now heard that Oscar's phone was taken for 2 weeks , a phone that should have been handed in to police, has had messages deleted from it by his brother ........which COULD have the evidence that triggered the ARGUMENT between Oscar and Reeva that night , -- the argument was the basis of the State's case, as was Oscar's temper. Why would Oscar still have his EX listed on his phone still under the pet name he had for her anyway? babyshoes? - if Reeva saw that, she'd have hit the roof - he's so disrespectful, it sickens me.

As for the brother's involvement, it comes as no surprise (I always thought ONE person KNOWS what happened, it had to be him) -- I saw the winks to Oscar in Court from Carl, yes, I saw that going on, I watched him perched on the edge of his seat nervous that Oscar wasn't going to hold it together and stick to the STORY during his Cross-exam with Nel , I saw him and the sister mumbling away hoping Oscar didn't crack and reveal the true story of what happened that night and what he did to Reeva

and as for the others - the Uncle's insensitive statements to the media while the seats in the Courtroom are still warm from Reeva's parents having sat listening to the bile that came out of that Courtroom - no wonder they've decided they'll not be televising the Dewani Trial, SA Justice System is a complete farce and this Case has shown that a Judge based an obvious Case of Murder with Intent on fact that the Defendant cried a lot and showed remorse after he shot his girlfriend and that was good enough for the Judge - I thought she was going to get off her swivel chair and hug him ! - please,,,,,,,,,,,,,, puts me of SA for life, scary

- I hope for the sake of those who work in Criminal Law who try and get dangerous manipulative lying murderers away and off their streets bringing Justice to those they've killed and their grieving families , that Masipa retires and before she does she gives OP a decent term incarcerated taking away his freedom , not allowing him to return to his mansion life of luxury pool and going off on holiday to drink and celebrate after the 13th October, - and shows the World that SA has some guts to punish even white rich reckless arrogant tw*ts who think they're above the law because they have a name . PFT !
But many people lie on these intimate encounter dating profiles and many people pretend they did get the degree when they did not. I would guess it is him as he calls himself "OZ" too. Otherwise, someone is pretending to be him.

I'm pretty sure it is his dating profile. Why? Well...

The Pistorius boys both made the same mistake with user names. Carl uses "Titanium Hulk" both in his email address and as the name of his computer. Oscar here in this profile uses OZ8000 as his user name, which is also part of his personal email address.
This worked for me:

I turned to the last page in the kindle sample, where it says Botha called June at 5am ... correct me if I'm wrong but didn't you transcribe a Carte Blance programme Estelle, way back, where June was interviewed and said she was called at 07:30?

ETA: Thought so, found your post here. Not good to see BB/MW have taken at least one piece of their info from the tabloids

ETA2: Botha doesn't even take the phones until the last photos have been taken of them in the bathroom at 06:18-06:19 (photos #106-108). From the book we learn that Samantha G provides Reeva's passcode to allow Botha access to her Contacts and from that June's phone number sometime before 07:30, when he makes the call.

Yes it was 7.30am which seemed quite late to me to advise the parents.

”I had a phone call at 7.30am that morning. And the man said to me, 'Is your... what's your name?' And I said, 'It's June.' And he said: 'Do you have a daughter?' And I said, 'Yes.' And he said: 'Reeva?' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'There's been an accident and she's been shot.' And I said, 'All I want to know now is if she's alive or is she dead.' And the man said he was with the police, and he said, 'I'm sorry I have to tell you, but I don't want you to go out and read in the papers... she's dead.'“

I'm pretty sure it is his dating profile. Why? Well...

The Pistorius boys both made the same mistake with user names. Carl uses "Titanium Hulk" both in his email address and as the name of his computer. Oscar here in this profile uses OZ8000 as his user name, which is also part of his personal email address.

Ooops I did not know he used oz8000 as a user name in his email address. How did we find that out or is it common knowledge? It makes more sense now that you have pointed that out. I can only say that historically he doesn't seem to have had a gap in girlfriends so if it is him he is attempting to burn the candle at both ends.
I agree with you. I can still remember that first interview given by Brigadier Denise Beukes. I never saw this second one. Has this second one been substituted for the first one since?

I also cannot find that first interview online which led to my following this case since the beginning.

This is a link to the updated version of the video.
you won't find the first one, it disappeared in about April - the only one that's still available is the second one - but i've not seen it for a long time, the second one starts with the policewoman saying 'this is an update' ....Oscar's people had started putting out the Burglar story by then.......but the wording became INTRUDER(it's so much more impactful using INTRUDER than burglar-probably recommended by Oldwadge !)

, the whole thing stinks - it did from the start with reports in the press that when police attending the scene Oscar's trophies were found strewn over his front room indicating they'd been an argument in that house ---- all of that quickly disappeared didn't it, the police either saw that or they didn't , my guess is , it's like the lesser spotted disappearing expensive watch that the police were supposed to have stolen and the extension cord going missing all went walkies.

First thing to do after a murder is frame the police, so OP somehow removed that expensive watch (the case had blood on it as did the watches in it, Oscar was only person with blood on him!) (or the sister took 2 away) , and blame it on police corruption- then open window to make it look like you had reason to think there was a intruder in your house to bolster your story, call your lawyer, and pick up evidence in the house that looked like you had a row and things got nasty with your girlfriend before you shot and killed her. AND remove evidence the prosecution presents that could harm your story ie lose the extension cord that shows you were lying about plugging in the fans.'s going to be a great movie (sarcasm) -

Masipa should also tell Oscar he is not to make any profits from any media organisation, interviews, in any shape or form out of this Trial or those connected to it- and then I hope to god after this case is done, the Steenkamps rinse the guy dry , take the shirt off his back - he has ol Uncle Arnie to fund him , the Steenkamps have nothing, not even Justice for someone murdering their daughter in cold blood by someone she loved and where she thought she was safe, having been shot and killed , suffering and in pain, scared and alone , lying helpless on a toilet floor. It saddens me to see Oscar's relief getting off a Murder Charge- and witnesses who came forward to do the right thing in the name of Justice...... telling how they heard Reeva scream for her life and they were all ignored by that Court.

I'm pretty sure it is his dating profile. Why? Well...

The Pistorius boys both made the same mistake with user names. Carl uses "Titanium Hulk" both in his email address and as the name of his computer. Oscar here in this profile uses OZ8000 as his user name, which is also part of his personal email address.

how do you know it's his ?
just wondering, sorry if i'm being bit thick, but how can you tell ?
as for that name Carl surprises there (he's such a tw*t)

someone on another site said this :

Carl P = Incredible Hulk
Oldwadge = Incredible Bulk
Aimee P = Incredible Sulk
Ooops I did not know he used oz8000 as a user name in his email address. How did we find that out or is it common knowledge? It makes more sense now that you have pointed that out. I can only say that historically he doesn't seem to have had a gap in girlfriends so if it is him he is attempting to burn the candle at both ends.

That is what I thought. He seems to go from one blonde girlfriend to another pretending he is committed to them and without any breaks and also apparently goes on this site at least to find intimate encounters as well to top up his sex life and watches *advertiser censored* on the eve of Valentine's Day when he could be making love with a woman who apparently loved him.

Could OP be a sex addict if this is true?
That is what I thought. He seems to go from one blonde girlfriend to another pretending he is committed to them and without any breaks and also apparently goes on this site at least to find intimate encounters as well to top up his sex life and watches *advertiser censored* on the eve of Valentine's Day when he could be making love with a woman who apparently loved him.

Could OP be a sex addict if this is true?

no idea what any woman would see in the guy, .........I think he strikes me as more of a sex-pest- he was already chatting a woman up at a party about month after he'd killed Reeva, there was an article she'd given details that she spurned his advances ! how disrespectful is that ? not mourning at all was he, he was already out looking for a replacement Reeva.

Perhaps that phone of his that had messages deleted had lots of messages from admirers from his dating site -and having so many phones, he had one for that purpose only , another for business, another phone for the current steady girlfriend to join him on red carpet - as his IMAGE was everything, he needed a 'steady' girlfriend to give appearance that he's in a healthy relationship, all round nice guy stuff
how do you know it's his ?
just wondering, sorry if i'm being bit thick, but how can you tell ?
as for that name Carl surprises there (he's such a tw*t)

someone on another site said this :

Carl P = Incredible Hulk
Oldwadge = Incredible Bulk
Aimee P = Incredible Sulk

Does this help?

Carl uses this exact same comic book character's name in his email address and often refers to himself as "the Hulk" on social media.
I read somewhere that OP would not be allowed to have his prosthetic legs in prison as they could be used as weapons to hit someone. I just found it:

"In prison, Pistorius's prosthetic legs would be deemed potentially dangerous weapons and his celebrity could make him the target of attacks, threats or extortion."

Then I found this:

"As a disabled prisoner, Pistorius would likely be able to keep his prosthetic legs most of the time but may have to hand them in to prison staff at night as they might be deemed a security risk."

"But the question is, what could a prisoner do with that aid? “Crutches, for example, are hollow,” Clack says. “Can prisoners hide stuff in them? If so the authorities have to decide how to deal with the issue.”

I found the video estelle,

That is what I thought. He seems to go from one blonde girlfriend to another pretending he is committed to them and without any breaks and also apparently goes on this site at least to find intimate encounters as well to top up his sex life and watches *advertiser censored* on the eve of Valentine's Day when he could be making love with a woman who apparently loved him.

Could OP be a sex addict if this is true?

I see him more as a person who views life and relationships like a series of races. You're only as good as your last race. Females (of which he definitely has a preferred 'type') are like a series of conquests to him. He doesn't do commitment and is easily distracted by the next 'challenge'. He loves the adoration, to be seen with a beautiful woman, because it makes a statement about him. But serious relationships make him feel trapped. He wants the best of all worlds: to always have someone but to be playing the field at the same time. It gives him a buzz. JMO
That is what I thought. He seems to go from one blonde girlfriend to another pretending he is committed to them and without any breaks and also apparently goes on this site at least to find intimate encounters as well to top up his sex life and watches *advertiser censored* on the eve of Valentine's Day when he could be making love with a woman who apparently loved him.

Could OP be a sex addict if this is true?

Wasn't the drug found at his house meant to increase one's libido, if only in the mind? There is something odd about the whole family. There is Carl who is still playing at being 18 years old with his propensity to use comic book references in his adult life. Oz who behaves like a spoilt brat. Not sure about Amie. She seems to attempt to be the mother they have lost yet she is so young. I haven't heard of Amie or Carl having a steady partner and we know OP was overly interested in women but, on the whole, seemed singularly unsuccessful in keeping them.
Ooops I did not know he used oz8000 as a user name in his email address. How did we find that out or is it common knowledge? It makes more sense now that you have pointed that out. I can only say that historically he doesn't seem to have had a gap in girlfriends so if it is him he is attempting to burn the candle at both ends.

Maybe he has the 'booty call' thing going on.
Wasn't the drug found at his house meant to increase one's libido, if only in the mind? There is something odd about the whole family. There is Carl who is still playing at being 18 years old with his propensity to use comic book references in his adult life. Oz who behaves like a spoilt brat. Not sure about Amie. She seems to attempt to be the mother they have lost yet she is so young. I haven't heard of Amie or Carl having a steady partner and we know OP was overly interested in women but, on the whole, seemed singularly unsuccessful in keeping them.
not much hope for them now is there, they didn't pull the trigger, but Carl certainly is a criminal, he just wasn't charged for perverting course of justice, destroying evidence, .........he got away with that, interesting that Carl already got away with a possible CH charge though,, and now his brother's been convicted of it.
That is what I thought. He seems to go from one blonde girlfriend to another pretending he is committed to them and without any breaks and also apparently goes on this site at least to find intimate encounters as well to top up his sex life and watches *advertiser censored* on the eve of Valentine's Day when he could be making love with a woman who apparently loved him.

Could OP be a sex addict if this is true?

If it were true, but, on balance, I think it must be someone impersonating him. Why would he risk using his own nickname? And what if one of his encounters went to the press?
Wow, a lot going on!

Are the questions from this trial ever going to be answered?

I am beyond disappointed in the prosecution team, making the terrible deal to ignore evidence tampering by Carl Pistorius just to make Botha disappear.

It's an awful prosecution strategy. That's why the court do not hear about Pistorius refusal to give police his whatsapp passcode. Reportedly the police to fly to Apple to learn...not very much. Evidence tampering and cover-up, a very serious deal. This is a an ideal area to rip apart the defense claim that Pistorius' Valentine evening was calm and loving. If the accused is in contact with a love rival and brother of a murder accused is tampering and getting rid of evidence these are perfect holes for the prosecution to nail into the Pistorius version/s.

Shocked that Shane was right. Remember his early posts. If the prosecution and defence could come up with that phone/Botha deal from early in the trial, perhaps there were more things happening in back room deals that we can never be sure about.

Also, how incompetent not to see that Jenna was communicating with Pistorius on the killing night. WTH police experts?!

Remember, Jenna Adkins was seemingly the only girlfriend Dr Scholtz interviewed for his ingratiating and sycophantic Weskoppies psychological report. It as from HER statements that showed the pyschologist Pistorius had 'no' abusive tendencies in his relationships. Ridiculous. No we can confirm Jenna was cheating/having a long term relationship with Pistorius through his other girlfriends. Oh, plus now SHE'S implicated in the events of the alleged murder night.

South African psychology, South African justice disappoint me.
I see him more as a person who views life and relationships like a series of races. You're only as good as your last race. Females (of which he definitely has a preferred 'type') are like a series of conquests to him. He doesn't do commitment and it easily distracted by the next 'challenge'. He loves the adoration, to be seen with a beautiful woman, because it makes a statement about him. But serious relationships make him feel trapped. He wants the best of all worlds: to always have someone but to be playing the field at the same time. It gives him a buzz. JMO

Reeva looks exactly like the ex Jenna, wonder if he had a candle for this Jenna, and wonder who ended the relationship -they were trophy girlfriends weren't they , he's a young 27 year old, boys toys, bachelor pad, I think he was at different stage in life relationship wise to Reeva, I think at 29 she was ready to settle down and looking for a 'keeper' to have a family, she knew EARLY on that Oscar wasn't fitting that mould and it was clearly frustrating for her to be let down and so disappointed in him when he turned on her, she knew he wasn't right for her, and think the whole thing was going sour - and after 12 weeks, Reeva knew probably in her heart he wasn't the one for her-

I agree with you, I think Oscar viewed girlfriends as accessories, and i'm wondering if SA men are rather chauvanistic?,- surf , gun ranges, fast cars...and leave the girlfriends at home, I may be wrong, and shouldn't generalise, but seems it's a country where men are men, and the woman are rather delicate and precious and have their place....... and arn't allowed out late at night or drive home late at night on their own.
I would love to read more about this phase, to know where you received this information and to know what witnesses others think will be called and why.

Sentencing phase (aka mitigation/aggravation hearing)

If an accused is found guilty, is there a separate part of the trial for sentencing?

Yes. The main part of the trial is to decide whether the accused is guilty. The shorter, second phase, if the accused is convicted, is to decide the appropriate sentence.

Usually the sentence and conviction stages are part of the same continuous trial. Even then, the sentencing stage is noticeably different: it is relatively informal, with less rigid court processes, easier rules of evidence, and a generally more open-ended, discretionary enquiry by the court. Both the accused and the prosecution are entitled to make representations to the court on what sentence is fair and appropriate.

Can an accused be called back to the stand during the sentencing part of the trial?

The prosecution cannot compel the accused to testify at any stage of the trial. But the accused may elect to testify again, for example if she wants to express remorse, which is an important consideration in sentencing.

Mitigation is advanced by the defence to put forward mitigating or positive circumstances that would shorten the length or decrease the terms of a defendant's sentence.  

Aggravation is advanced by the state to put forward aggravating or negative circumstances that would extend the length or increase the terms of a defendant's sentence.
Wow, a lot going on!

Are the questions from this trial ever going to be answered?

I am beyond disappointed in the prosecution team, making the terrible deal to ignore evidence tampering by Carl Pistorius just to make Botha disappear.

It's an awful prosecution strategy. That's why the court do not hear about Pistorius refusal to give police his whatsapp passcode. Reportedly the police to fly to Apple to learn...not very much. Evidence tampering and cover-up, a very serious deal. This is a an ideal area to rip apart the defense claim that Pistorius' Valentine evening was calm and loving. If the accused is in contact with a love rival and brother of a murder accused is tampering and getting rid of evidence these are perfect holes for the prosecution to nail into the Pistorius version/s.

Shocked that Shane was right. Remember his early posts. If the prosecution and defence could come up with that phone/Botha deal from early in the trial, perhaps there were more things happening in back room deals that we can never be sure about.

Also how incompetent not to see that Jenna was communicating with Pistorius on the killing night. WTH police experts?!

Remember Jenna Edkins was the seemingly the only girlfriend Dr Scholtz interviewed of his ingratiating and sycophantic Weskoppies psychological report. It as from HER statements that showed the pyschologist Pistorius had no abusive tendencies I'm his relationships. Ridiculous. No we can confirm Jenna was cheating/having a long term relationship with Pistorius through his other girlfriends. Oh, and now she's implicated in the events of the alleged murder night.

South African psychology, South African justice disappoint me.

Imo, that is why people are just throwing their hands up, OJ all over again. I remember the poster S, before I signed up, he always asked the big questions to which there were no answers, and really could a trial continue with so many things amiss, I used to believe no.

JE seems to be one of those silly young women that will be loyal at all costs, she probably believes she will survive them all and become the 'one', Mrs P. :gaah:
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