awaiting sentencing phase

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I posted this on 26 August, 2013 as I was interested in what led up to events that occurred that night. I am now wondering if "the boys night out" was really going to be a date with Jenna Edkins. IMO OP or his lawyers could have got Divaris, Greyvenstein, Alex and Binge to lie in their statements about OP's movements on 13th February, 2013 and also to give a glowing report of how OP felt about RS to distract the police.

What I wrote last year begins here:

Oscar Pistorius wanted 'boys' night out' prior to shooting RS
25 Aug 2013 00:01

On 13 February, a friend had tried to persuade OP to go for dinner with them but RS asked him to stay home so she could cook a romantic dinner for him

In a statement, OP's best friend, Justin Divaris, said: “I tried to convince OP to stay in Johannesburg that night and come for a boys’ dinner.”

Divaris’s girlfriend Sam Greyvenstein, 29, had asked RS to watch a movie with her, but RS had said no.

Graham Binge, 33, told police OP had said on February 13 that he and RS planned to live together. He said: “OP said he had bought a new house in Johannesburg.”

Comment: Why has it taken the Mirror over six months to report what Justin Divaris and Sam Greyvenstein said at the bail hearing?

Unfortunately what Divaris said has since been found to be untrue after police found evidence of a call between him and OP on the evening of February 13. That is why he and Sam Greyvenstein are now on the Prosecution's witness list.

However, the Telegraph reported that Valerie Berkow-Kaye, a real estate agent, attended a party with OP on the afternoon of February 13 — hours before the shooting.

"OP's cousin, Graham Binge, 33, told police that OP had said on February 13 that he and Reeva planned to live together"

Graham Binge is OP's cousin and yet another family member prepared to say anything they can to try to make it look as if OP was serious about RS. OP had no plans whatsoever to do so, just the same as there is no evidence to back up their claims that OP planned to take RS travelling with him.

Why would he? What evidence there is, is not just that he was seeing other women but that he had planned to finish with RS? OP had not even bought her a Valentine's Day present or even a card. There are people on the State's witness list who could testify that OP had agreed to meet her at his house that evening with the intention of ending it face to face with RS. That is why he had not garaged his car earlier and had left the keys in the ignition as if he was intending to go out again to join the boys.

"Graham Binge said: "OP said he had bought a new house in Johannesburg."

OP had bought a house but that was in the previous December 2012. I doubt very much that he would have waited two months to tell his cousin he had done so. I have no doubt that RS expected to be asked to move in, just the same as she had expected to be taken as his guest to events that he was invited to in Cape Town at the end of January but he did not take her with him as is now known. OP cheated on RS in those days and he kept in touch with another woman.

However, her parents reported
that RS, a law graduate, had planned to return to Port Elizabeth and set up a legal firm to add to her income from modelling.

OP "did tweet a photo in December in which he said he was enjoying the sun and RS company" but at no other time in December (or any other time) did OP tweet such a thing. From 29 November to 14 December, OP was abroad, during which time he tweeted RS only once in response to a tweet from her.

On his return, they did not meet up until 19 December when OP was having lunch with a friend and RS and her friend turned up at the same place. Later that evening, OP got some friends together for a second birthday celebration. However, OP spent hours into the early hours of the morning on the phone talking to someone who had not been able to be there because they had to fly out urgently the day before.

Following that, they didn't see each other until 23 December. They did not even spend Christmas together and on 26 December, OP flew to Cape Town for New Year without RS. RS made (and also paid) her own way there on 1st January although he had not invited her to join him.

The Daily Mail reported:
Reeva’s romantic break with her boyfriend at Christmas, however, did not happen. She called home to say she was spending the festive season with girlfriends and OP had gone to Cape Town with other friends. ‘We didn’t know what to make of it,’ says June. ‘Girls don’t tell their mothers everything. But she sounded all right and seemed to know where Oscar was and what he was doing. It was strange, though, and we missed her so much that day.’

June’s concerns mounted when OP was spotted partying on a friend’s yacht in Cape Town during the holidays. One newspaper headline asked: ‘Where’s Reeva?’

Spring cleaning is obviously being undertaken by someone. None of these pages exist any more.
I'm looking forward to seeing who the DT call as mitigation witnesses other than family. Possibly his personal trainer Jannie Brooks, his horse trainer Mike Azzi, and ... oh, of course, his pastor who visits him at home. It will be more than interesting to see what friends, if any, are prepared to come forward. Jenna? Any suggestions?

I imagine any friends will be very few and far between. LOL

Who would want to publicly associate themselves with a guy who’s clearly an off-the-rails killer, whether DE or CH - especially in light of the extremely unpopular verdict? Call it ‘social suicide’.

His only supporters in the courtroom, day after day, were his family. That none of his friends supported him during his trial - not even one appearance - says a helluva lot. Even ex-bud Darren Fresco sat with the Steenkamps!

While the total absence of friends during trial doesn’t prove murder obviously, we might infer that even his silent friends agree that DT’s “truth” - Oscar’s “version” - is utter bullsh#t. I can’t imagine any other reason good friends would stay away if they believed he was 100% innocent.

I suspect Ampie Louw and Peet van Zyl will show up, as well as Derman and Versfeld.

Oh, and no doubt Super-Ozzie-Fan-Girl Yvette van Schalkwyk! :lol:

I seriously doubt Jenna will show up (she’s already made her pro-OP position known). Her presence would simply add fuel to the raging fire ... although I hope she does - seeing OP’s reaction to her in the courtroom could be extremely telling. Which is another good reason that Jenna will stay away!

We know for sure Frank will be a no-show! :lol:

Man, that’s gotta be another bitter loss for OP - he can now count his remaining “friend(s)” on one hand and still not use all fingers.

No, business associates and doctors do not count. LOL
So why kill her? It doesn't really fit with what happened that night.

He killed her that night...not because he loved her...but because.. IMO.. she made it clear to him that it was over..what that meant to him --> "Reeva is no longer under my control"
I'm looking forward to seeing who the DT call as mitigation witnesses other than family. Possibly his personal trainer Jannie Brooks, his horse trainer Mike Azzi, and ... oh, of course, his pastor who visits him at home. It will be more than interesting to see what friends, if any, are prepared to come forward. Jenna? Any suggestions?
Judge Masipa. The disabled athlete who sent in an email as 'evidence'. The lady who was compelled to come in at short notice to confirm OP must be innocent, because he seemed sad, and Wayne '3-startle' Derman.
So why kill her? It doesn't really fit with what happened that night.

He's a control freak.
And.... Reeva looked for the good in people. She obviously thought the good outweighed the bad until that night imo.

Yes, I picked up on that, too .. that is such a lie when he said about how embarrassed he was about his prosthesis .. it's lie after lie after lie isn't it with him, yet somehow JM has not picked up on this at all (either through stupidity or deliberately, through pressure from above) and believes him when he sobbed he thought Reeva was an intruder. Does she believe it too that he was embarrassed about his prothesis (and all the other things he so clearly lied about)? Was she actually listening to any of this stuff at all?[/QUOTE]

No..................not one of the three IMO

She (Masipa) interpreted his sobbing for remorse, imo. She figures he can be rehabilitated.
If he knew his client was guilty he still needed to represent him.
He was seemingly only there to make sure his client was given a fair trial in that instance !

I agree with the sentiment but after watching the trial he's as bent as a nine bob note...............he knows his client is guilty and tried everything in the book to muddy the waters and get a murderer released.
Totally mercenary IMO

The questions I'd like answered, amongst the many:

Who handed the phone over to the DT?
What did that person say at the time?
What questions did the DT ask about that person's possession?
Why didn't the PT ask any of these questions?
Would it have made a difference to Masipa and the assessors ........ absolutely not.
So why kill her? It doesn't really fit with what happened that night.

I always win - remember that saying that apparently OP told a police officer in the garage at his house that night
Even if not true, OP liked things done HIS way, he was a spoilt brat surrounded by YES men, a man/boy - Reeva could have found out something that he didn't want getting out, the source of the argument , or rather instigator could have been on that phone of OP's that Carl removed all the data from ! and in a red mist rage and Reeva not playing ball, he took the cowards way out and got his gun and shot her, why does any partner kill their other half in a case of DV, it doesn't take a lot to trigger someone with a predisposition of flying off the handle, like OP - not the first sign of OP being aggressive and losing it is it, this time it was someone very close to him, who may have known too much !
James Grant ?@CriminalLawZA
Judge Masipa may have made mistakes - in a very complex area of law. But she is not corrupt and still deserves respect.

The law may be complex - this case was not.

With all due respect to the highly intelligent, very gracious and informative Prof. Grant, how could he possibly know what goes on behind the scenes - especially in such a high profile, ultra-high stakes trial? On what basis can he prove that no outside influence, no corruption is in play? He can’t. Corruption cannot be ruled out simply because the thought is uncomfortable.

Bad case law does not deserve respect.
Bad verdicts do not deserve respect.
Bad sentencing does not deserve respect.
Bad precedent does not deserve respect.
Bad logic does not deserve respect.

If a judge is guilty of one or all of the above, they are undeserving of respect.

Legal complexity does not excuse any of the above. It is a judge’s job to cut through complexity.

Judicial naivety does not excuse any of the above. Judges should be the least naive among us, as judging the vast scope of human behavior is their stock in trade. A naive judge is a dangerous judge, as s/he does not deal in reality; such a judge should not be sitting in a court.

Judges, rightfully, are held to the highest standards.
Masipa has massively failed to live up to those standards.

She did not make genuine ‘mistakes’ - she appeared to be profoundly, inexcusably, willfully ignorant in the service of blatant bias. Honest mistake explicitly implies a result one did not consciously intend. Sure, one or two small, honest mistakes here and there are excusable but her multiple, catastrophic “mistakes” are alarming; worse, they’re downright suspicious, as they all point to a directed, predetermined outcome.

She copied-and-pasted highly selective bits of testimony and evidence (and ignored the rest) to create certain “facts” favorable to the accused, without offering sound, detailed rationale for doing so, or in some instances, no rationale whatsoever.

A judge in not entitled to create an alternate reality.

Judicial bias, incompetence, corruption, naivety, willful ignorance, whatever.

Whether one kills with a hammer or a 2x4 is irrelevant - the result (verdict) is the same.

In light of Masipa’s previous harsh judicial rulings in rape and murder cases, the collective outrage and shock at her verdict from so many quarters (most especially the legal community) sends up a red flag that something is very wrong.

Masipa flagrantly ignored / misapplied the law.
She utterly failed in her duty to apply common horse sense to the most basic facts.
Logical inference of OP’s subjective intent to murder via plain facts seemed beyond her grasp.

She declared Oscar to be a “poor” witness - evasive, lying, argumentative, negligent, unreasonable.
She essentially trashed the State’s case wholesale, along with highly credible ear witnesses (all essentially telling the same story) and strong forensic experts.

Yet she had NO problem with Defense’s dismal parade of generally amateurish, unprofessional, unqualified, unprepared, clearly biased, impromptu, thoroughly discredited witnesses ... and she swallowed OP's endless "untruths", contradictions and bizarre, irrational actions like sweet gummy bears with her break time tea.

She was willfully blind to everything that didn’t further her mission:

Dr. Stipp - that “mistaken”, “unreliable” State ear witness - suddenly became her favorite witness of all! His highly credible eye-witness observation that Oscar cried, howled, puked and pleaded with God was hard “proof” he had no intent to murder Reeva. The fact that humans cry, howl, puke and plead to God for a plethora of other reasons amazingly never crossed her mind. Lying, pathological killers come to mind. (Remember Susan Smith* who murdered her own children, blaming a phantom "carjacker/kidnapper", weeping and wailing at every press statement and interview? Oscar could have taken lessons from her. While there are obvious factual differences in the two cases, the similarities in certain crucial aspects are stunning.)

All Masipa could see or wanted to see was “remorse”.

In fact, "remorse" was the ONLY thing that could set him free ... because the law sure as hell wouldn't do it.

Seriously, what are the chances of getting it ALL wrong at every level (except Tasha’s)? The perfect storm of judicial fail.

What is the reasonable person (whether professional or layperson) to believe other than undue influence from higher powers and/or outright corruption most likely controlled her verdict?

Judicial bias, incompetence, corruption, naivety, willful ignorance, etc. should never be excused, tolerated, justified, disguised or glossed over as “respect”.

Such gross judicial offenses fly in the face of justice, make a mockery of the rule of law; they condemn the innocent and set the guilty free - they should be aggressively rooted out and set ablaze.

While I respect the position of judge, each individual judge must EARN respect.

Masipa has FAILED.


Here's two clips of the "broken", "grieving", "weeping" killer mom, in front of news cameras, right after the incident and one week after. Notice her closed eyes and dry “tears” (I'm lying) ... exactly like OP refused to look Nel in the eye (I'm lying).

The full documentary (43 min) is well worth watching.
American Justice : The Susan Smith Story - A Mothers Confession
I have always wondered if Gerrie Nel and his justice league of crime fighters has anything to do with these further incriminating leaks.

Gerrie Nel headed a team of specialist corruption crime fighters, i'm sure he has powerful resources himself.
The law may be complex - this case was not.

With all due respect to the highly intelligent, very gracious and informative Prof. Grant, how could he possibly know what goes on behind the scenes - especially in such a high profile, ultra-high stakes trial? On what basis can he prove that no outside influence, no corruption is in play? He can’t. Corruption cannot be ruled out simply because the thought is uncomfortable.

Bad case law does not deserve respect.
Bad verdicts do not deserve respect.
Bad sentencing does not deserve respect.
Bad precedent does not deserve respect.
Bad logic does not deserve respect.

If a judge is guilty of one or all of the above, they are undeserving of respect.

Legal complexity does not excuse any of the above. It is a judge’s job to cut through complexity.

Judicial naivety does not excuse any of the above. Judges should be the least naive among us, as judging the vast scope of human behavior is their stock in trade. A naive judge is a dangerous judge, as s/he does not deal in reality; such a judge should not be sitting in a court.

Judges, rightfully, are held to the highest standards.
Masipa has massively failed to live up to those standards.

She did not make genuine ‘mistakes’ - she appeared to be profoundly, inexcusably, willfully ignorant in the service of blatant bias. Honest mistake explicitly implies a result one did not consciously intend. Sure, one or two small, honest mistakes here and there are excusable but her multiple, catastrophic “mistakes” are alarming; worse, they’re downright suspicious, as they all point to a directed, predetermined outcome.

She copied-and-pasted highly selective bits of testimony and evidence (and ignored the rest) to create certain “facts” favorable to the accused, without offering sound, detailed rationale for doing so, or in some instances, no rationale whatsoever.

A judge in not entitled to create an alternate reality.

Judicial bias, incompetence, corruption, naivety, willful ignorance, whatever.

Whether one kills with a hammer or a 2x4 is irrelevant - the result (verdict) is the same.

In light of Masipa’s previous harsh judicial rulings in rape and murder cases, the collective outrage and shock at her verdict from so many quarters (most especially the legal community) sends up a red flag that something is very wrong.

Masipa flagrantly ignored / misapplied the law.
She utterly failed in her duty to apply common horse sense to the most basic facts.
Logical inference of OP’s subjective intent to murder via plain facts seemed beyond her grasp.

She declared Oscar to be a “poor” witness - evasive, lying, argumentative, negligent, unreasonable.
She essentially trashed the State’s case wholesale, along with highly credible ear witnesses (all essentially telling the same story) and strong forensic experts.

Yet she had NO problem with Defense’s dismal parade of generally amateurish, unprofessional, unqualified, unprepared, clearly biased, impromptu, thoroughly discredited witnesses ... and she swallowed OP's endless "untruths", contradictions and bizarre, irrational actions like sweet gummy bears with her break time tea.

She was willfully blind to everything that didn’t further her mission:

Dr. Stipp - that “mistaken”, “unreliable” State ear witness - suddenly became her favorite witness of all! His highly credible eye-witness observation that Oscar cried, howled, puked and pleaded with God was hard “proof” he had no intent to murder Reeva. The fact that humans cry, howl, puke and plead to God for a plethora of other reasons amazingly never crossed her mind. Lying, pathological killers come to mind. (Remember Susan Smith* who murdered her own children, blaming a phantom "carjacker/kidnapper", weeping and wailing at every press statement and interview? Oscar could have taken lessons from her. While there are obvious factual differences in the two cases, the similarities in certain crucial aspects are stunning.)

All Masipa could see or wanted to see was “remorse”.

In fact, "remorse" was the ONLY thing that could set him free ... because the law sure as hell wouldn't do it.

Seriously, what are the chances of getting it ALL wrong at every level (except Tasha’s)? The perfect storm of judicial fail.

What is the reasonable person (whether professional or layperson) to believe other than undue influence from higher powers and/or outright corruption most likely controlled her verdict?

Judicial bias, incompetence, corruption, naivety, willful ignorance, etc. should never be excused, tolerated, justified, disguised or glossed over as “respect”.

Such gross judicial offenses fly in the face of justice, make a mockery of the rule of law; they condemn the innocent and set the guilty free - they should be aggressively rooted out and set ablaze.

While I respect the position of judge, each individual judge must EARN respect.

Masipa has FAILED.


Here's two clips of the "broken", "grieving", "weeping" killer mom, in front of news cameras, right after the incident and one week after. Notice her closed eyes and dry “tears” (I'm lying) ... exactly like OP refused to look Nel in the eye (I'm lying).

The full documentary (43 min) is well worth watching.
American Justice : The Susan Smith Story - A Mothers Confession

I can understand what you say about JM. I'm baffled. But state's HoA very weak, defence HoA sleek. If lazy judge looking for easy answer, she didn't find it in Nel. imo anyway. It's not that complicated a case, for god's sake. The biggest complication is the identity of the accused.
Jenna's been keeping totally silent ever since her initial twitter comments. I have no idea at all whether she'd come forward, however she would be one of the best character witnesses he could have IMO. She is/was an intimate partner. She can repeat that he's amazing and inspirational, she's been “dating him on and off for 5 years and he's not once ever lifted a finger to her or made her fear for her life”. It would take a lot of guts to speak up now but who knows?

Possible witnesses

Uncle Arnold ………………yes
Aimee …………………………yes
Lois …………………………….no – she’ll leave all that up to Arnie
Carl …………………………….no – I don’t think he’d be game to say anything now
OP himself ………………….? – he’s already convinced Masipa and assessors. Anything else might be an overkill. Nah, probably not.

Justin Divaris ……………
Sam Greyvenstein ……….no
Darren Fresco ……………
Kevin Lerena ……………
Vicky Miles …………………
Martyn Rooney …………….no
Darren Daniel ………………no **
Jenna Edkins ……………….probably not
Sam Taylor …………………. :floorlaugh:

Johan Stander ………………..............yes
Carice Viljoen ……………………...........yes
Jannie Brooks (personal trainer)....yes
Ampie Louw (coach) …………...........yes
Mike Azzie (horse trainer) ………......yes
Pastor ……………………………...............yes

** Pistorius also had a house-mate, a friend from high school, an engineer who moonlights as a mixed-martial-arts fighter.

As Lux said, business associates and doctors don’t count, and nor do social workers, or ex-social workers if you get my drift. :floorlaugh:

For a young man, once the next famous person in SA after Mandela, once wealthy, who loved to go out drinking, partying and mixing with people all the time, I find it simply amazing that I can’t think of one friend who would want to help him. That’s exactly what happened with Jodi Arias – not one mitigation witness.
Aged nine, he had his first fist-fight - over a girl - and more followed. The family's response? His father and grandfather taught him how to box. This was the time when he first learned to defend himself, he says, and he later proved on several occasions that he was never slow in lashing out, usually verbally, at people who annoyed him.

This wasn't just about fame going to his head, says Joffe, there were other incidents over the years that suggested an aggressive side and a recklessness that the public didn't see - at least not until the trial.

By his own admission, Pistorius's relationships with women over the years have been turbulent. In his book, he referred to a "particularly nasty argument" here, a "very fiery" relationship there.

"He could get very furious suddenly," says his biographer Merlo. "He spoke of a fire inside. He had tough arguments with girls and afterwards sweet reconciliation. He has always had very beautiful girlfriends. I never saw the temper but sometimes there were situations where it was [apparent]. Sometimes he can explode but I have always seen the bright part of the moon, I've never seen the dark part."

Another friend from the modelling circuit, who had known Pistorius from the party scene for a number of years, told Cosmo how shocked she had been to hear Reeva was seeing him.

"Reeva had already escaped one controlling boyfriend and then hooked up with Oscar – I was shocked. He is a great-looking guy, exciting to be around and lots of fun, but he definitely has a sinister side to him. He could really lose it, and you never wanted to be on the receiving end of his temper."

He was a major star and nobody seemed willing to even try to rein him in," Reeva's modelling friend, who didn't want to be named, told Cosmo. "I had seen him showing his guns off at parties and picking arguments, but people were either scared of him or in awe. By the time he got back from the Olympics, he was so much worse than before, especially when he found out that his then-girlfriend Sam had started seeing another man."

So at age 9, years before his mother passed away, the aggressive side was already showing itself, and he got worse as the years passed. Fame and fortune just nourished what was already there.
Jenna's been keeping totally silent ever since her initial twitter comments. I have no idea at all whether she'd come forward, however she would be one of the best character witnesses he could have IMO. She is/was an intimate partner. She can repeat that he's amazing and inspirational, she's been “dating him on and off for 5 years and he's not once ever lifted a finger to her or made her fear for her life”. It would take a lot of guts to speak up now but who knows?

Possible witnesses

Uncle Arnold ………………yes
Aimee …………………………yes
Lois …………………………….no – she’ll leave all that up to Arnie
Carl …………………………….no – I don’t think he’d be game to say anything now
OP himself ………………….? – he’s already convinced Masipa and assessors. Anything else might be an overkill. Nah, probably not.

Justin Divaris ……………
Sam Greyvenstein ……….no
Darren Fresco ……………
Kevin Lerena ……………
Vicky Miles …………………
Martyn Rooney …………….no
Darren Daniel ………………no **
Jenna Edkins ……………….probably not
Sam Taylor …………………. :floorlaugh:

Johan Stander ………………..............yes
Carice Viljoen ……………………...........yes
Jannie Brooks (personal trainer)....yes
Ampie Louw (coach) …………...........yes

Mike Azzie (horse trainer) ………......yes
Pastor ……………………………...............yes

** Pistorius also had a house-mate, a friend from high school, an engineer who moonlights as a mixed-martial-arts fighter.

As Lux said, business associates and doctors don’t count, and nor do social workers, or ex-social workers if you get my drift. :floorlaugh:

For a young man, once the next famous person in SA after Mandela, once wealthy, who loved to go out drinking, partying and mixing with people all the time, I find it simply amazing that I can’t think of one friend who would want to help him. That’s exactly what happened with Jodi Arias – not one mitigation witness.

I am just wondering whether a coach and personal trainer could be classed as "business associates" as OP's job was professional athlete.
Like father, like son.

"Beeld, the South African newspaper that broke the news of the shooting, now claims that Oscar Pistorius' father had an accident involving a gun and a glamorous woman in the mid-1970s.

As his girlfriend at the time, Anneline Kriel, a former Miss World, looked on, Henke Pistorius allegedly shot himself in the groin while cleaning his pistol.

The newspaper's source, an unnamed university friend, says Mr Pistorius senior was only lightly injured. However, the incident did raise questions: "Who puts their gun between their legs as they clean it?" he asked."
This is a brief summary of this article:

The triad of Zinn principles require that a judge consider three things:
1. the gravity of the offense
2. the personal circumstances of the offender
3. public interest

These factors must be considered equally and one should not be heavily relied upon over the others.

If the offense involves violence, the aggravating factors may be
1. the degree and extent of the violence used
2. the nature of any weapon
3. the brutality and cruelness of the attack
4. the nature and character of the victim, including whether the victim was unarmed, or helpless, and so on.

There are a number of mitigating factors which include instances in which
1. the offender was convicted on an attempt charge (as opposed to a charge under a completed offense)
2. the offense was merely technical
3. the offender’s involvement in the commission of the offense was limited
4. there is no direct intent on the part of the offender
5. as well as cases of entrapment in which the offender was induced to commit the offense.

Considering the personal circumstance of the offender (also known as individualization), requires that the sentence fit the offender. The sentence would be aggravated by a number of factors, including

1. if the person is a repeat offender
2. had a morally unacceptable motive such as greed
3. lacks remorse
4. committed the offense by abusing a position of trust
5. is a professional criminal.

In the category of mitigating factors, although the most effective one is
1. diminished capacity
2. factors such as age (both young and old age)
3. the fact that it is the offender’s first offense may also result in a reduced sentence.

Other factors that may extenuate a sentence include
1. conditioning
2. bad health
3. having dependents
4. gainful employment
5. intoxication
6. positive motive (for example, mercy killing)
7. diminished intelligence
8. lack of planning
9. remorse
10. a guilty plea
11. a belief in witchcraft and religion.

A sentence must serve the public interest. This incorporates the traditional purposes of punishment (deterrence, rehabilitation, protection, and retribution) into the sentencing considerations. However, it could also be interpreted more widely to include additional considerations, such as restitution or payment of compensation that can help reestablish peace and security to society. Public interest considerations can aggravate or mitigate a sentence.

For instance, aggravating factors may include that
1. the offender is dangerous and a long period of incarceration will protect the community
2. the offense is so prevalent that a greater-than-usual punishment is appropriate as a deterrent.
3. public interest may also result in an aggravated sentence if the victim was defenselessness (including children and adults with diminished capacity) or a law enforcement agent.

However, public interest considerations may mitigate a sentence if the economic and social cost of a long incarceration is not beneficial to the community.

A general principle dictates that custodial sentences should not be imposed routinely, “especially if the objects of punishment can be met by another form of punishment, e.g. a fine with or without suspended imprisonment."

The doctrine of stare decisis (the principle of judicial precedents) requires that South African courts, in addition to other sources of law indicated, follow previous court decisions issued on cases with “materially similar facts.” Specifically, a South African court is bound by its own previous rulings on similar cases and rulings issued by higher courts unless the facts of the case before it are materially different or the previous decisions are “manifestly incorrect.”

So if you were the Judge, what mitigating and aggravating factors would you consider?

Here's a lovely photo of OP's mother I haven't seen before. How could this woman produce two sons each of whom has been responsible for killing a woman. I'm glad she's not in this world to see how life has unfolded for her sons.


  • Sheila.jpg
    36 KB · Views: 145
Mr Fossil, many thanks for replying to my queries. I feel that your theory is very plausible, but I still feel that OP locked Reeva in somewhere or out of somewhere, so that she didn't have access to her phone and other belongings, including car keys.

I also feel that the row was brewing before she returned to OP's house and that, if she'd had her phone, she'd have called one of her friends or even her mother to let them know what was happening, as she did when OP was driving recklessly.

I read somewhere that she cancelled her planned attendance at an event with her jewelry sponsor, Sivana Diamonds, scheduled for the evening of 13 Feb, but that report could be misleading.

Please see the relevant line in my Timeline for the jewellery point. It was Sarah who was the brand ambassador for Bohemme.
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