awaiting sentencing phase

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Ohh Estelle... if only we knew what she was doing all night... OP is never going to tell us. He had them going to bed at abt 10 PM in order NOT to have to come up with "good/normal" things they could have been doing all those l-o-n-g hours they were really awake. moo

Like you, I've considered that perhaps RS didn't see jeans drying after dark. However, I pretty much discounted that theory because I don't think a woman would go all night without wanting to touchup her make-up, retrieve something from her handbag, Etc. Do any of you have any thoughts on that?

Btw, OP definitely owned a dryer. Was it out-of-order at the time?? Personally, if it was out-of-order, I doubt RS would have chosen to do laundry there.

Do we know for sure that the jeans belonged to Reeva? Maybe, they belonged to another of OP's women and Reeva found them neatly folded in a drawer and chucked them out of the window.
Narcissists are also extremely sensitive, not to other people's feelings, but to their own. An innocent off-the-cuff remark can be perceived as a personal insult, and then you're on their 'hit' list. Very hard work, people like that. Very very hard work. Reeva had her work cut out with all those tantrums OP threw. You just can't ever do enough for a narcissist, or adore them enough.
Maybe OP did not have a clothes dryer so she had no choice. All her other washing dried (maybe on a rack) but her jeans had not properly dried and as it was a hot day, she put them there earlier in the day to dry off a bit more and she forgot about them.

Ok, so in your theory we have Reeva, an intelligent educated and apparently sophisticated woman, one whose mother and father always look impeccably turned out and who are the epitome of discretion, in OP's 580 square metre (floor area) house on a luxury estate, not thinking of anywhere more appropriate (no chair back or back balcony) to hang her jeans to dry than over a bathroom window sill just above the minimalist designer entrance to the house for all the neighbours and/or visitors to see and where touching the wall they pick up whitewash and/or brick dust.

You can if you want to but I don't buy it more especially since iirc it's not even confirmed they were indeed Reeva's jeans.
Ok, so in your theory we have Reeva, an intelligent educated and apparently sophisticated woman, one whose mother and father always look impeccably turned out and who are the epitome of discretion, in OP's 580 square metre (floor area) house on a luxury estate, not thinking of anywhere more appropriate (no chair back or back balcony) to hang her jeans to dry than over a bathroom window sill just above the minimalist designer entrance to the house for all the neighbours and/or visitors to see and where touching the wall they pick up whitewash and/or brick dust.

You can if you want to but I don't buy it more especially since iirc it's not even confirmed they were indeed Reeva's jeans.

bbm, i am guessing that you haven't been following the case as closely as some on here. :)
Barry Bateman and Mandy Wiener first interview with 702 Radio Station now uploaded as video files:

Today they had another interview (official launch) and Gina Myers and Darren Fresco were there as well. Apparently Barry and Mandy were already approached to adapt the book into a movie.
A few days ago, one of you made a list of possible people who might give testimony at the sentencing. One of OP's friends is Chris Menelaou (maybe the only one he has left) who gave this interview:

He heard three thunderclaps on the night RS was killed.

More on Chris here:

BBM - Yes, CM might very well be one who would speak up for OP. Even though I believe it would have been CM and/or his employees who failed to put those pesky ladders away...

I'm also wondering if the lady who ?owns or manages the Farm Inn might speak on OP's behalf.

Now, back to CM. I was so surprised to learn that he would be renting OP's house while doing repairs for the new owner. Sounds so odd to me given that he lives right there in Silverwoods... in sight of OP's house. I don't even know if CM is married, but it crossed my mind that perhaps he's got marital problems.

At any rate, I came across a new for sale listing in Silverwoods whereby the location (address) is being withheld by listing agent. The map location makes it appear to be the house that is directly across the street from Kenny and Ria Motshuane's corner house. I'm wondering if it belongs to CM? I don't think we ever figured which house was his.
Those jeans on the ground are truly puzzling because of the way the lie there.

I've always wondered whether she might not have dried those jeans hanging from the window - or partially dried them, folded over the long way, doing one side first then the other.

When I dry jeans in a dryer they often dry out except for the thicker parts -- the waist band, the belt loops, the seams, the cuffs, the button or zipper fly, never get dry. I hang them up and let the rest of them dry on their own.

Why would she have folded them over and later turned them to dry on the other side(s) (back left, back right, front left, front right.) Maybe the window wasn't wide enough to spread them out all the way.

But, if they fell out, how could they have landed so perfectly folded over the way they did? First of all, perhaps because they were already folded like that hanging from the window plus the fact that air dried jeans are often as stiff as boards.[/QUOTE]

[foxbluff's reply]
BBM - That's an interesting new theory you've got there. But I'm with you that if the jeans had been folded in half (lengthwise) draped over the bathroom window to dry, I simply can't imagine them freefalling through the air without opening up.

Also, if RS had them draped across the windowsill for drying, wouldn't she have removed them at nightfall... to keep them from evening mist/dew?

The only way I can possibly conceive of them landing the way they did, if they fell from window height, is if they were folded all the way up (as you would fold jeans to put in a dresser drawer or suitcase) to begin with.

I think OP grabbed them up and threw them out the window when he was screaming "Get the *advertiser censored** out of my house!". Maybe she was taking them to the bathroom to change into from the shorts so she could leave, he snatches them away from her, she locks herself in the toilet because now he's not just arguing and shouting but getting physical. Maybe that's why the bathroom window was opened in the first place.
Do we know for sure that the jeans belonged to Reeva? Maybe, they belonged to another of OP's women and Reeva found them neatly folded in a drawer and chucked them out of the window.

Sher, that was exactly my first theory, but it got shot down. If I were on the State's team I would have gone to the Meyer girls to get confirmation. If they weren't RS's then imo that would have helped prove the State's case that OP and RS had a bad argument, which leave me to think they did belong to RS.

O/T.... yikes... just realized thunderstorm rapidly approaching my area... have to logoff...grrrh
Thanks for that. I just glanced at the first few pages and found this:

"The paramedic asked me for identification, if there was some form of ID. So I went and I got Reeva’s handbag in my.. it was in my bedroom. I did not go through her handbag I just simply picked it up, walked into the room and got her handbag and brought it out. Ms Stander was waiting there on the first floor outside my room and I gave her.. I gave the handbag to her."

Someone mentioned a few pages back that it was Carice who took the bag, and I posted that I thought it was Aimee. I can understand OP's sister taking the bag from the house (make sure nothing incriminating was in it) but I can't understand why Carice would do that. Isn't she a lawyer? Wouldn't she have known that was interfering with evidence? I still don't know who actually took it from the house.
Thanks for that. I just glanced at the first few pages and found this:

"The paramedic asked me for identification, if there was some form of ID. So I went and I got Reeva’s handbag in my.. it was in my bedroom. I did not go through her handbag I just simply picked it up, walked into the room and got her handbag and brought it out. Ms Stander was waiting there on the first floor outside my room and I gave her.. I gave the handbag to her."

Someone mentioned a few pages back that it was Carice who took the bag, and I posted that I thought it was Aimee. I can understand OP's sister taking the bag from the house (make sure nothing incriminating was in it) but I can't understand why Carice would do that. Isn't she a lawyer? Wouldn't she have known that was interfering with evidence? I still don't know who actually took it from the house.

It's confusing..I have a feeling both decided to take it. The report I posted few pages back was talking about Carice's testimony.. that she "Carice" decided to take the bag.
I read somewhere that Aimee said that she asked Carice if they should take the bag and Carice told her that they should...I will try to find it..

ETA ..I found it :
Viljoen explained the incident with Steenkamp’s handbag which was removed from the crime scene.
She said she helped Pistorius’s sister Aimee pack clothes for him.

“We were in the car when Aimee asked me whether they should take the bag. She walked back into the house and passed the policeman and grabbed Reeva’s handbag from the kitchen counter.”
She said the reason for this was to keep the bag safe for Steenkamp’s mother.
It's confusing..I have a feeling both decided to take it. The report I posted few pages back was talking about Carice's testimony.. that she "Carice" decided to take the bag.
I read somewhere that Aimee said that she asked Carice if they should take the bag and Carice told her that they should...I will try to find it..

ETA ..I found it :

amazing isn't it... why didn't anyone stop them... watch, phone, bag, ammo and memory stick from the safe [gawd knows what else]... it was like some weird kind of raffle - everyone got to take something home.
Eye Witness News now has a site up with transcript, documents, reports and some really great photographs, many not seen before. (Don't forget to click on all the tabs at the top of the Gallery: SAPS Crime Scene, SAPS Evidence etc).

Thank you William for these brilliant photos. I noticed in the bedroom the testis compositum.

"Testis Compositum is used by athletes and life extentonist, either looking for a competitive edge or just trying to enhance their quality of life as they age. Many athletes have resorted to some strange performance enhancing supplements and drugs, from steroids, blood doping, and stimulants like cocaine. Oscar Pistorius, known as the Blade Runner was using a supplement known as testis compositum. This supplement know joins a ever growing list of natural products that professional and amateur athletes alike are using. Deer Antler Velet was in the spot light just a few weeks ago when Ray Lewis and Vijay Singh admitted to using it but had no clue it was banned in their sports".

"JOHANNESBURG — The substance found in Oscar Pistorius' bedroom after the shooting death of his girlfriend was identified by his representatives Wednesday as Testis compositum – an herbal remedy they said is used for "muscle recovery." A product by that name also is sold as a sexual enhancer.

Testis compositum is marketed by some online retailers in both oral and injectable forms as a testosterone booster and sexual performance aid that contains the testicles, heart and embryo of pigs, among other ingredients. Some online retailers also say it can be used to treat fatigue".

The fact that it was found in the bedroom rather suggests what he uses it for. If it was other uses, IMO it would probably be kept elsewhere in the house????
So how come that is banned in sports such as cricket, etc, but is not banned in athletics?

I personally think he used it specifically for his running, seems like he will try anything to be the best/fastest including injecting all sorts of crap into his bloodstream. I also think it may have been a contributory factor in his out of control aggressiveness .. it may not have been alcohol to blame for that, although it may well have been a combination of the two, hence the severity of it.
Narcissists are also extremely sensitive, not to other people's feelings, but to their own. An innocent off-the-cuff remark can be perceived as a personal insult, and then you're on their 'hit' list. Very hard work, people like that. Very very hard work. Reeva had her work cut out with all those tantrums OP threw. You just can't ever do enough for a narcissist, or adore them enough.

Quoted for truth.
Bit provincial and not very elegant drying clothes in the window of a luxury estate. Sounds more like something you'd see in Asia or Morrocco, etc!

Well I think its pretty obvious, to me anyway, that OP fabricated his whole story after seeing the evidence against him.
Lots of the things he said he shouted/screamed probably did happen and he had to fit them in with his story of events.
He said...........and its just his version.........that he told the intruders to get the f XZX out of my bollZX IMO.
He was telling Reeva to get out of his house as he threw her jeans out of the window ...again IMO.
She was trying to get dressed and leave............hence the other pair of jeans in the bedroom.
Lux et Veritas #1039

Excellent chance that Reeva did not properly conform. In fact, I suspect OP suddenly realized during that vicious fight that Reeva would NEVER conform - she was her own person, not just an extension of him.

Whatever the argument that night, she was such a threat to his ego on so many levels (i.e. independence, intelligence, etc.), such a threat to the carefully-constructed status quo of his perfectly stage-managed life, such a threat to his deep, dark secret(s)?, that the only way he could “control” her (and “save” himself) was to kill her.

RS very possibly was the first woman to ever seriously challenge OP, to stand up to his sh#t. Her messages/tweets clearly show not only her warm spirit, generosity and compassion, but her feisty, independent, no-nonsense side. Had she not been killed, I have no doubt that (despite her VD card) she was on the fast track to eventually telling him to f##k off and dumping him. Indeed, she may well have been trying to do exactly that on Feb 14.

I could imagine, in that last night OP wanted to preventing Reeva from designing her speech on the subject of "violence against women". It isn't his topic at all (as a macho and narcissist). Maybe he didn't mean her to excel as a pretty and tough speaker, who would have caused many positive headlines. He HAD to disturb her with all forces, so she was not in a position to do something just for herself instead of doing something for Mr. Important Golden Boyfriend. Maybe Reeva recognized, this special problem (a great one for an intelligent independent woman) would always remain in their partnership, in addition to any other problems she had already realized. That perhaps made her wanting to finally separate from him.
Thanks for that. I just glanced at the first few pages and found this:

"The paramedic asked me for identification, if there was some form of ID. So I went and I got Reeva’s handbag in my.. it was in my bedroom. I did not go through her handbag I just simply picked it up, walked into the room and got her handbag and brought it out. Ms Stander was waiting there on the first floor outside my room and I gave her.. I gave the handbag to her."

Someone mentioned a few pages back that it was Carice who took the bag, and I posted that I thought it was Aimee. I can understand OP's sister taking the bag from the house (make sure nothing incriminating was in it) but I can't understand why Carice would do that. Isn't she a lawyer? Wouldn't she have known that was interfering with evidence? I still don't know who actually took it from the house.

A very stuttered statement to a small ridiculous action (fetch handbag), too many words - something is not right here ................
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