AZ AZ - Adrienne Salinas, 19, Tempe , 15 June 2013 - #6

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I say 'Be there in a minute' when I have to finish something. Maybe she was on another call.
well, I just left the Tempe Police Dept. Now we wait for UP TO 30 DAYS. Just shoot me. :banghead:
Thanks, Sage. I sort of thought that might happen...........LE doesn't want to share the goods..........hopefully because only the perp would know something that's in the report....maybe



We don't discuss one another on threads. Period. Please discuss the case. Mind the YOUS and YOURS, etc in your posts please.
so sad for Adrienne. Hope she is found soon.

Me too and it is more than sad. If only we had more information. I asked politely for more information countless times over the weekend, yet was either turned down or ignored entirely. As a matter of fact, myself and many of us asked for more information, and most of us weren't 'arguing' with anyone.

Therefore, my opinion for why I and others were turned down is because of childishness and pure spite.
maybe someone is hoping to cash in on a reward. Which would mean that Adrienne has been found, or that information leading to her recovery has been gleaned. So that is good. All the other stuff is just hurting folks who need help here. Plenty of other people can use our sleuthing energy and genuine compassion!
I say 'Be there in a minute' when I have to finish something. Maybe she was on another call.

The cell phone records don't indicate her taking another call at that time. However the idea that she said "be there in a minute" indicating she was busy finishing something up is an interesting take. :)

That is why I wrote my psychological theory on what was going on with AS. Something isn't right with her friends and bf....the way they are reacting so it lends me to question a lot of things.....see my previous post.
I'm not blaming her bf and friends....just suggesting that AS may have "changed" due to her serious illness.

Once again I ask----> who did AS confide in??

I completely agree.

For example, my best friend disappeared one night when we were out at a bar. I had went to the bathroom and when I came back she was gone. Her cell was off. No one saw where she went.

I immediately told the men in the bar (management) to go in the bathroom and check for her. No sign. I went outside the bar and started looking in cars driving or parked in the parking deck for a sign. Nothing.

I called 911 and told them my friend had disappeared and i knew that something was wrong. I told the person on 911 dispatch to please send an officer to check out the scene and send out an apb. I also told them what my friend looked like down to what kind of earrings she had on. I called my brother and his fiancee to immediately come and help me look for her while we were waiting for police to arrive.

Within 5 minutes of the police showing up, my friend stumbled out of the building (I'm convinced a person drug her back to a staff area or dropped her back off at the building after trying to abduct her and seeing the scene!). She was dazed. Had been drugged and was walking, but could not remember the last hour of her life. We checked her legs for bruising and her body for trauma. She was absolutely confused and scared. I'm convinced if I wouldn't have had those cops show up and insisted that she be searched for and the building locked down/searched ASAP - she would be in the exact position as AS now - disappeared without a trace.

So yes, the fact her "friends" kept partying the next night after she disappeared, much the less didn't call to see if she were ok the next day, Makes me furious and question their character!
I am not getting the impression that LE is any further along in this case, than weeks ago or whenever they took the focus off of the BF and driver.

If any of her friends or companions were involved...there are several cases where this is believed to be true (Kortne, Lauren, for two) and the people LE have been questioning are not giving anything up, if in fact they have knowledge. Same with Haleigh Cummings, for that matter, and maybe that baby in Ohio. People are not willing to confess these days, IMO, unless perhaps when presented with DNA or other solid evidence. I don't think a guilty conscious does the trick. LE will have to have some thing solid before they can get anyone to talk, or this case will stay in limbo. Of course, if she was taken by a stranger, that only makes it more difficult.

I hope LE has obtained lots and lots of video from the area from that night and are still going through it all. Otherwise, I am not sure how they can advance this case.
Me too and it is more than sad. If only we had more information. I asked politely for more information countless times over the weekend, yet was either turned down or ignored entirely. As a matter of fact, myself and many of us asked for more information, and most of us weren't 'arguing' with anyone.

Therefore, my opinion for why I and others were turned down is because of childishness and pure spite.

Spent the afternoon and evening in the area (and it is large) of the crash site, the apartment, the alleged walk down Hardy (which I am still not certain ever occurred), the back ways, the side streets, Jaycee Park, the AM/PM and O'Reilly's and a lot of space in between. Met up with a fellow "Websleuther" (who shall remain anonymous) and we re-hashed the theories together, in person at my old favorite, Otto's....near my even more old favorite, Casey Moore's.

I will say that 20 years has changed what was my home. A lot. It is much cleaner, better lit, modernized (not sure that's a good thing... the old mom and pop businesses were very cool) and I see William Wonderful is alive and well... while Elvis the Cat has gone to the other side...

While snooping about in an area we were asked to look around by another Websleuther, we did find a phone. A very badly damaged phone. I called the Tempe Police Dept. and was told to take it from the area we were in and meet an officer in the parking lot of Tempe Beach park. So we did. We very carefully picked it up and took it to the parking lot and waited. And waited. And waited... Took photos of the front and back of the phone (it was not a Samy or an iPhone), it was a Motorola CDMA / Verizon and was missing the SD and the sim card (and the battery and back plate). After an hour and a half we decided not to wait any longer. LE has my name and my phone number. :)

Driving through the neighborhood at 10:30 p.m.... it was very quiet, most lights were out... it was a typical weekday night in anytown, USA.

Never felt unsafe for one minute. In fact, I was more at ease there than in my own neighborhood. The field trip left me a little nostalgic and a little melancholy. I'm not really sure what I expected but it was not what I came away with.

I'm going back tomorrow, as promised, for the police report and my husband is busy working some other angles that arose during our in-person dialog with our sooper seekrit friend. ;) Should be very interesting and very telling.

There are so many bad people in this world that sometimes you wonder what the point of life is. Its people like you sandsage , and all others on WS, that restore my faith in human kind. People that even though they had never even heard AS name before she disappeared will take time out of their lives to help get answers to get this girl home to her family. God bless you all and praying AS is found soon.
That is why I wrote my psychological theory on what was going on with AS. Something isn't right with her friends and bf....the way they are reacting so it lends me to question a lot of things.....see my previous post.
I'm not blaming her bf and friends....just suggesting that AS may have "changed" due to her serious illness.

Once again I ask----> who did AS confide in??

This is a great question and one I think we very briefly touched on early in Adrienne's disappearance. It seems like we might be able to safely say that she did NOTconfide in her mother or father IF SHE WERE FEELING DEPRESSED. We got no indication from either of them in their televised "interviews" (and at the vigils IMO) that she had confided anything like being upset or depressed. So if neither of them were saying that, is that because there is someone else she was confiding in, or was she actually fine?

I do not think she is away voluntarily, but am open to any logical explanation and ideas. Was she depressed? WHO WOULD KNOW?
Because this case has slowed down so much and no new info is to be had, not even the police reports for 30 days (thank you Sand Sage) I actually had to do laundry and cleaning today. Seajay<-------------not happy! LOL

That police report and what's in it can sure help us out. It can eliminate things we've had going round and round on, it can give us information we previously didn't have that might make more sense out of some of the events of that night/morning. Or maybe it won't help at all. Who knows?? Until we get our hands on that report, we have very little to go on.

OTOH, we do have more information since Cab Guy got verified then we did before he helped us out. We are lucky to have that additional information. Now, we just have to wait for that police report. <sigh>
No one has said anything about A being depressed, as far as people who know her. All we know is that she and the BF had on-going issues and what may have been a fairly usual type of argument or disagreement that night. My guess would be she wanted a solid, committed relationship and he did not, but that is just a guess. Otherwise, why get so upset, which she clearly was?
mHybe someone is hoping to cash in on a reward. Which would mean that Adrienne has been found, or that information leading to her recovery has been gleaned. So that is good. All the other stuff is just hurting folks who need help here. Plenty of other people can use our sleuthing energy and genuine compassion!

Hi Az, your post is confusing me. :seeya: Where does this idea that someone might want to claim a reward or she might be found come from? Did I miss something?

Me too and it is more than sad. If only we had more information. I asked politely for more information countless times over the weekend, yet was either turned down or ignored entirely. As a matter of fact, myself and many of us asked for more information, and most of us weren't 'arguing' with anyone.

Therefore, my opinion for why I and others were turned down is because of childishness and pure spite.

Who did you ask Tonto? LE? Is this about the police report? I'm confused (again!).

Just coming on trying to catch up and make sense of the latest posts. Forgive me if those are stupid questions! :blushing:
This elusive police report - didn't LE release it to media outlets? Or did they only give a few snippets to them?
No one has said anything about A being depressed, as far as people who know her. All we know is that she and the BF had on-going issues and what may have been a fairly usual type of argument or disagreement that night. My guess would be she wanted a solid, committed relationship and he did not, but that is just a guess. Otherwise, why get so upset, which she clearly was?

No, they haven't but who was her best friend? Was she feeling better after her long illness---not what her father says but what were the words out of her own mouth? Did she have a secret crush, or a stalker-type?
Where was she planning on living once the lease was up (which is this month, no?)......what did she think of experimenting with drugs/alcohol during parties?
What were her future goals?
Did these goals mesh with bf and fellow roomies?
Did she speak of someone who was jealous of her?
Did she refuse the attention of a male who was coming on to her?
Did she live her life in a predictable pattern or random?

So, yes there are so many psychological questions that come into play. ALL questions are relevant, imho.

Did AS really have a best friend or confidante? Where are you?
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