GUILTY AZ - Ame Deal, 10, suffocated in footlocker, Phoenix, 12 July 2011

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Authorities arrested the Ame's elder cousin Samantha and her husband John Allen, both 23, on Wednesday night on suspicion of first-degree murder after they confessed to locking the child in the storage container, police said.

Cynthia Stoltzmann, 44, the girl's aunt and legal guardian and Samantha's mother, along with Judith Deal, 62, Stoltzmann's mother was nailed on Wednesday on suspicion of child abuse and kidnapping.

At their initial court appearances Thursday, the Allens were ordered held on $1 million cash bond each, while both Deal's and Stoltzmann's cash bail was set at $500,000.

A judge set all their preliminary hearings for Aug. 8.
"When they'd put her in the footlocker, they would pick it up and spin it around and then roll it across the floor," Crump said.

According to court documents, one backyard resident, Travis Naylor, said that about six months ago, he had returned home and heard screaming from inside the footlocker.

"He said Cynthia Stoltzmann was sitting on the box and playing on a laptop computer," court records say.

One witness told police that Ame was "the only child punished in the home," court records say.

The reason Ame was often in trouble: She so often was hungry. Ame, who was 4 feet 2 inches tall and weighed 59 pounds, was most often in trouble for taking food from the refrigerator, court records say.
I just heard about this a few minutes ago. It is mind boggling.
We really need to keep a close out for kids who may be enduring this kind of abuse, and call it in to social services when we have suspicions, so it can be checked out, and the child rescued if something is going on.
I know I said after Caylee's case that I wouldn't get emotionally involved again, but sweet little Ame is tugging at my heartstrings....

Poor, sweet girl....
We really need to keep a close out for kids who may be enduring this kind of abuse, and call it in to social services when we have suspicions, so it can be checked out, and the child rescued if something is going on.

Yes, and report it every time you hear or see anything, as the caretakers/family will deny abuse and the child will deny b/c they have been threatened with even worse abuse if they tell. :(

Call the police, call social services, call anyone you can. Call a child abuse hotline and find out what they may suggest, there may be even more steps that can be taken.

O/T My mother locked the fridge too, have no idea why. Yes, she was abusive. I just can't say anymore about it right now.
Absolutely sickened by this... So terribly sad and cruel. Oh how I wish that little girl could have been saved - and comforted and loved.

Child Dies in Box: 4 Family Members Arrested


Detectives say they determined the child had been placed in the box as a form of punishment for stealing a popsicle from the freezer. Other children lived in the home and allegedly were told to go along with the lie that Ame died while playing hide and seek.


Detectives say they forced Ame to eat hot sauce and dog feces as punishment and sleep on the shower floor every night with no pillow or blanket.

Police say when Ame was in the box, family members would kick the box and sit on it.
I am so thoroughly disgusted. To think FOUR adults, including Ame's grandmother are responsible for Ame's death and abuse. To think that NO ONE felt even the tiniest bit of guilt, knowing the abuse she was suffering, never thought to come forward. Rest in Peace sweet child, no one can hurt you any longer.

May the outrage of FCA's acquittal, run rampant in the jurors selected in these four adults trials.
Oh my this poor girl! How could no one have reported what was going on? If they knew she was being put in this box as a form of punishment they should have said something.
This is just heartbreaking.

RIP Ame...
Daily Mail's tabloid take on the matter, with mug shots, much more:

The horrific torture suffered by girl, 10, who died in boiling
heat at home padlocked inside small box for eating a popsicle

Ame Deal had been shut in the plastic container many times before by her supposed guardians, who would throw the box around with her inside, records show.

She was made to walk barefoot outside in the searing heat, had to eat dog faeces and was often was forced to sleep in the shower as punishment for wetting the bed.
How terribly sad this case is!!!! Why, why, why!!!!! I would love to have held Ame and shared a popsickle with her. My heart is just broken.....
OMG! Wow what a sad sad story. If only someone had said something. This makes me SO angry. How could anyone treat a child like this.
OMG, everyday there is another child abused and murdered. This is just so overwhelming. Will this ever end?

Unfortunately it won't end as long as we keep giving these creeps a mere slap on the wrist. Prosecution and sentencing reflects just how seriously we take child abuse in this country and it reflects poorly - just look at the recent acquittal of Casey child-killer Anthony. That about says it all IMO.
My heart is already a shattered mess, I can't take more cases like this. It never ends!! They just keep getting more heinous.

(((AME))) I'm so sorry that you were failed by so many, sweetie. You deserved to have a happy life :( :( :(

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