AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #12

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Yeah, interesting, it sheds a little more light on it all. I'm having a difficult time thinking Elizabeth just went off on her own at this point for parent shopping though. But, there is a lot we still don't know. I'm also till having a difficult time believing she went to meet new parents in what the babysitter described she was wearing though and still wonder if that wasn't a job interview - makes sense to me she found a job connection on the internet as and/or getting false documents. Tammi seems to be in the falsifying document business up to her eyeballs also?

According to NG taping, the date was stated by the babysitter as the 19th or 20th. She was only gone a couple of hours. My best guess is, (1) meet with the prospective persons to pass GH off to (2) to gain some extra bucks on the side (3) or possibly, to get a fake ID. It has to be one of the three. Nothing else is a reasonable accounting for the short amount of time it took.
Just a thought ... the Mexican border is only about 4 hrs away from SA. Provided EJ's one story wasn't actually untrue regarding the couple she allegedly gave him to, I could actually see this scenario truly happening. Couple illegally acquires the baby in the park or however it happened, then immediately take off for Mexico crossing the border before the case even really started making major news around the country and no one is none the wiser. LM didn't officially call the police til the text on the 27th of December ... if EJ gave the baby up to the couple right before she texted LM (to get him off her back since she originally stated to LE that she told him she'd killed GJ to get back at him and to have LM stop calling her), they would've had a major head-start getting out of the country completely unnoticed.

As an aside to this theory, TPS commented on one of her business pages last year that they had a timeshare in Mexico ... anyone know if LE has followed up on this? I haven't heard anything about Mexico even mentioned by NG or LE but if I were them, I would definitely check up on that ... maybe the couple was in on the deal with TPS and she his them there? I mean ... who would even THINK to look in Mexico, right? It's much easier to hide out in the US but I bet in Mexico, no one even knows about this case. Easy way to hide, but this is just my opinion.
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