AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #13

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Thats what Im thinking.

It seems to me she would have to be at a stop long enough to do that. If that is the case hopefully someone on the bus would have noticed the big backpack was gone. I haven't ridden a bus in a long time, but would she know when she got on with a dead body where she could leave it so it wouldn't be found?
It seems to me she would have to be at a stop long enough to do that. If that is the case hopefully someone on the bus would have noticed the big backpack was gone. I haven't ridden a bus in a long time, but would she know when she got on with a dead body where she could leave it so it wouldn't be found?

What about a large diaper bag IN the backpack? Then, when she re-boarded the bus, she'd still appear to be carrying exactly what she had when she got off. No suspicions raised...
It seems to me she would have to be at a stop long enough to do that. If that is the case hopefully someone on the bus would have noticed the big backpack was gone. I haven't ridden a bus in a long time, but would she know when she got on with a dead body where she could leave it so it wouldn't be found?

I have only taken a long bus ride once. It was from Salt Lake to Phoenix, about 10 years ago and it was Greyhound. The bus makes stops every two hours or so IIRC. So people can use the restroom, buy snacks, stretch their legs, have a cigarette, etc. They usually make the stops at convenience stores that have food places in them (I think one of the one's we stopped at had a Subway Sandwich shop inside). Some of the stops are only 5 minutes or so, but I think at least one stop was a half hour. Also, she could have changed buses along the way (We changed in Las Vegas on my trip).
If she had a bus change, that would have been an opportunity for her to dispose of Gabe. The new driver probably wouldn't notice or care about the bag being gone, or just emptier. And she probably didn't ride on with all of the same passengers. EJ would have known about a bus change before hand to plan this.

ETA: The more I think about it. I hope LE has looked into this.
Yes, they are/were friends per one article I read. Also, one of the episodes where she flipped out and caused damage was said to have started after she got upset talking to her brother on the phone. I'm wondering if her brother tried to step in with some of the problems she was having with Logan, and she didn't like it much. I don't know that it would be at all relevant to this case, but it's a curiousity I have.

Very interesting. Can you give a source for this information? I hadn't seen it before.
Yes, that was me. I was talking about how I have 3 different size diaper bags for different things. And I have a large bag that easily would fit my own 8 month old son. As a matter of fact, he played in it for a few minutes after our Christmas trip to Utah.

Not to mention, that if Gabe was already dead, she could have folded him up any way she needed to, to get the bag closed. I hate typing this, I really do. But I feel the need to explore all possible scenario's.

I agree, I was looking at my granddaughters diaper bag when I was keeping her the other night. She has several, from small to large, as you prolly do too. It would not have been diifficult at all to fit an 8-9 month old in that bag.

I hate typing much of what I think happened too and really have not because I know so many get upset when it gets brought up. I truly understand that, but LE has even said that "there is a very real possibility that EJ killed Gabriel", so in my mind, to ignore that likely possibility is doing an injustice to baby Gabriel. Just because none of us want to believe that he is no longer with us unfortunatly doesn't make it so.

I tell you though, if I am wrong..and I would love to be...I will be one of the happiest people in the world.
I think she knew what a kidnapper would face. But does she consider herself a kidnapper? That I don't know. Even with all these people telling her that she will face 20 years, she may think they just aren't getting it. Her silence is an insult, and a way of keeping control.
She likely has more control, right now in that cell, than she's ever had in her life. If Gabe stays gone, she will still have that control in 20 years. I don't believe there's any fear in her. I saw none in the court tapes, I heard none. Even if she says nothing and they convict her of murder, she has control. If she tells them and they convict her, she loses it.

You have made some very insightful posts, but I doubt Elizabeth is seeing her silence as an insult or that others aren't getting it. That's just my feeling about it. I think Elizabeth has been very careful in all the attorney, keeping quiet business - I don't know if that is because she is trying to maintain control, is just being smart about it, or if she was coached before being arrested or since. My bet is on one of the last two though. And, I don't think s he is going to tell Grandpa a whole lot anyway and I think she knows he is not going to push her. I'm not sure she has no fear .... it's really difficult to read emotions into someone else's affect, some here even want to claim she's psychotic, etc., etc. I thought Elizabeth had a day of reckoning in that one long interview with the Smiths' on tape, near the end. Maybe that is when she knew she was in this alone. Although she did agree to talk to Tammi again, that could just indicate the power of a dysfunctional relationship.
Very interesting. Can you give a source for this information? I hadn't seen it before.
Yeah, I think I remember where I can find it. I'll look for it now.

Pretty sure the article was titled something like "Missing baby born into troubled life".
What about a large diaper bag IN the backpack? Then, when she re-boarded the bus, she'd still appear to be carrying exactly what she had when she got off. No suspicions raised...

Sure that is possible. In that case, she disposed of the backpack somewhere else or it was with her stuff when she was caught. In that case there may forensics in the backpack. I just don't see that she would be able to keep that from the backpack even if his body was in another bag. And she would still have to know when the bus stopped long enough to get rid of the bag with a body in it. She would have to assume there was going to be one along the way where she could throw a diaper bag in a dumpster without being seen. jmo
I still believe what Gabriel has in his hand is infant Tylenol, looks like they have changed the label since I have used it, see the yellow on this label.


The one thing that convinces me that the medicine bottle is not your standard infant Tylenol is the drowsy eye symbol on the label. Nothing could convince me more that the medicine bottle is indeed a prescription and not standard over the counter. My first though is it's Tylenol with Codeine.
Many thanks. I'm still not seeing BJ, tho. Could it be CL?

BJ has copy/pasted the same comment underneath virtually every post someone else has made. Don't look at the actual wall posts - look at the comments below them.
Very interesting. Can you give a source for this information? I hadn't seen it before.

Here's the article link.

Her path would cross McQueary's again after he became friends with Johnson's twin brother, Richard.
End Snip

In custody documents filed in December in Maricopa County Superior Court, McQueary said he ended the relationship. In July, he alleged, she became enraged when he didn't return home from work on time and took a knife to his clothing, the couch and the baby crib. She broke dishes and took a cooking pan and smashed the TV while the baby was in the Tempe apartment.

They were forced to move into another apartment.

McQueary said Johnson got out of control again in September when she got mad at her brother on the phone. She cut up the baby's clothes and the crib and broke every window in the apartment. Johnson spent the evening in jail and went through a diversion program on the criminal-damage charges, according to Tempe Municipal Court records.
End snip

If you go back to the very beginning the initial reports all said that she said she put him in a "baby bag" and threw him in a dumpster.
Are there any regional differences between a baby bag and a diaper bag? I'm only asking because it struck me odd there. Did they have one diaper bag for day trips and another larger bag of his things for overnights?
I would still like to know what precipitated the split between EJ and LM mid December. I wonder what kind of threats against Gabriel were made. I also would like to know what she has done to Gabriel in the past as Logan hinted that this was not an isolated incident. It may give us some insight into what kinds of things EJ is actually capable of..or at least what kinds of abuse/threatened abuse transpired before Gabriel disappeared.
The one thing that convinces me that the medicine bottle is not your standard infant Tylenol is the drowsy eye symbol on the label. Nothing could convince me more that the medicine bottle is indeed a prescription and not standard over the counter. My first though is it's Tylenol with Codeine.

Do they make tylenol infant cold meds?

I know when my girls got sick they got droopy sleepy eyes like that. Maybe it looks even worse because of the fair skin.(like my girls)

I know I can usually tell my girls don't feel well just by their eyes. The start looking so sleepy and worn out. Watery/glassy and just droopy.
The one thing that convinces me that the medicine bottle is not your standard infant Tylenol is the drowsy eye symbol on the label. Nothing could convince me more that the medicine bottle is indeed a prescription and not standard over the counter. My first though is it's Tylenol with Codeine.

ITA!!! I posted this a little while ago myself. It looks EXACTLY like a infant Tylenol bottle in size, shape, and squeeze dropper lid. But the label is NOT the same as any Tylenol (name brand or not) that I've used recently for my son.
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