AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #14

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Anyone can walk into say.. Best Buy or even a Grocery Store.. and buy a "No Contract (Prepaid) Mobile Phones" with a number that gets activated at the store. You do not need credit. All you need is some money to pay for minutes to be used in advance.

Like these....

This could be the reason for needing and using the computer in the activate the phone..:waitasec:
I sent my daughter an IM to ask her if an iPod charger could be used to charge an iPhone. (Her hubby is a Mac expert.) She said yes, but only if the iPod is an iPod Touch. She said an iPod Touch can also access the internet (provided the motel had internet, which it did).

I then proceeded to search the IM screen for the "Thumbs Up" sign to thank her for her post....

BBM-- I find myself doing that on other sites now... glad noone can witness that, lol
OMG I just had a thought from looking at that picture of the Tylenol, there is a recall on tylenol products including childrens tylenol. What if the tylenol did make Gabriel sick, and EJ thought that she did it.. Just thinking probly unlikely but maybe??????
I hope no one has posted this, I usually try not to post a thing until I've read everything I missed, so if this is old news, please forgive me.

I just called the 480 number posted on Tammi Smith/Gabriel page, and got a voice mail for someone with the same last name as posted with the number. I didn't leave a message or anything, but at least to me, the name and the phone number seem to match.

I am puzzled that TS misspelled that last name, it's quite common here in AZ.
I don't think LE has found any evidence on phone or computer that EJ had a plan to turn Gabriel over in TX and that is why they are saying now that the evidence that she might have done that is fading.
It would seem strange to me, given her age & inexperience, that she didn't leave some breadcrumbs for LE to follow in finding out where Gabriel is. It would also seem normal, if she didn't harm him, that she'd want to try to get these charges reduced or make a deal by telling LE where he is. But who knows what her mind is. Maybe it's more important to her to get revenge on Logan. Or maybe he's gone... :cry: MOO
I am all for digging for info but NG is so drama all the time. so over the top

I dont use bottles but I have read when they start putting things in their mouth on their own thats when yoou stop sterilizing because really whats the point then.
Gabriel was 8 months old and obviously could put things in his mouth on his own. I really dont think its absurd she didnt have a sterilizer there

Very few people that I know of sterilize bottles anymore. I guess that I should be embarrassed to say that I never did and never have seen my grown children sterilize the grandkiddos either. :eek:
I hope no one has posted this, I usually try not to post a thing until I've read everything I missed, so if this is old news, please forgive me.

I just called the 480 number posted on Tammi Smith/Gabriel page, and got a voice mail for someone with the same last name as posted with the number. I didn't leave a message or anything, but at least to me, the name and the phone number seem to match.

I am puzzled that TS misspelled that last name, it's quite common here in AZ.
She misspelled Satan, nothing surprises me.
And thank you for that. It's one of the detectives on Gabe's case, so don't surprised if they call you back.
Analisa just said 3 jars of baby food and 1 formula in the room. I wish NG had asked her if EJ came back to the hotel with any bags, such as more food or whatnot. MOO

That's not enough baby food to make it to the 26th is it ?

OK still wondering how good LE is on checking for video footage at the stores and traffic cams hmmmmmm
It doesn't take very long to retrieve deleted files. The data is either there or it isn't. Deleted files aren't really deleted, the space is freed up so that the card can be written on again. LE has some pretty no-brainer tools to get deleted photos off of memory cards.

If your curious, delete the memory card on your camera, then go here and download this software and see what kind of images you can get off of your own card.

I believe she was referring to the PC's (computers), not a memory card from a camera.
Very few people that I know of sterilize bottles anymore. I guess that I should be embarrassed to say that I never did and never have seen my grown children sterilize the grandkiddos either. :eek:

I think they call them "dishwashers" now.
I don't know the stats on that, but I'm willing to bet there are many more bodies in landfills than have ever been recovered.

Just because Eliz said she put sweet Gabriel in a dumpster, doesn't mean she did. And if she did, it doesn't mean she didn't take him out again after talking to Logan and maybe getting a rush of fear of getting caught.

If Eliz indeed used the word 'park', well, I have this thing about being convinced that people mention things for a reason. Often subconscious. It's on their mind for a reason and it just comes out.

And if she used the word 'park' only *after* texting Logan, in the context of finding a couple there, it may have been alibi building for her having left Gabriel's body there. "Omg I gave my baby to a couple in that park and I left and they must have killed him then and left him there. Nope I didn't do it. The imagicouple did it."
I believe there's a good possibility that she did harm Gabriel, but not as she texted Logan, and would've disposed of him some other way so as not to be traced directly back to her ~ like your scenario about the park. MOO
I'm kind of in the middle on the latest pics. I don't think the photos show anything bad as far as his dress, but on the review his hair does look a little oily. My daughter is the same age as Gabe(actually one day difference) and his hair does look like hers does sometimes right before a bath. On the other hand sweat looks like that too, and if he really did have a fever for some reason, that could explain it. I don't know, but it certainly was not as bad as I feared. I was afraid any photos would show a dead or severely beaten baby.

What really disturbs me is that he's not smiling in any of the 6 pics taken at different times. You'd think EJ might play and try to get him to smile in at least one or take the pacifier out of the mouth, or that he'd smile at his mom without coaxing in at least one.
I hope no one has posted this, I usually try not to post a thing until I've read everything I missed, so if this is old news, please forgive me.

I just called the 480 number posted on Tammi Smith/Gabriel page, and got a voice mail for someone with the same last name as posted with the number. I didn't leave a message or anything, but at least to me, the name and the phone number seem to match.

I am puzzled that TS misspelled that last name, it's quite common here in AZ.

It is for the detective she named, but it is NOT the LE-given number to use for tips about Gabriel.
OMG I just had a thought from looking at that picture of the Tylenol, there is a recall on tylenol products including childrens tylenol. What if the tylenol did make Gabriel sick, and EJ thought that she did it.. Just thinking probly unlikely but maybe??????

You are so right about the recall. It was very recently, wasn't it?
Discussing now the difficulty of doing a search in a dump (landfill). NG reminding guest Andrew Scott that Lori Hacking was found months later. Guest saying search of landfill now more difficult than if search had been done immediately after he went missing.

Lori was a full grown woman and they only found 15 pounds of her. IIRC, it took four months and that's knowing exactly where to search. There would be nothing left of a baby in a landfill. Nancy has no clue what a landfill search is about.
I agree. Based on how TPS is, how hard she worked on this, how involved she is, criminally as well ...... this was ALL about TPS getting Gabriel.

I think EJ was funded to go to San Antonio as a neutral place to get her away from Logan and AZ and into another jurisdiction with a new ID, etc.

EJ acted on that per TPS but then things started to unravel as TPS discovered both that another jurisdiction and SS# doesn't work and Logan had the court ruling on custody.

EJ was fired up and expecting to hand Gabriel off to TPS and TPS wanted Gabriel badly given the time she spent with him .... however now TPS was telling EJ to come back and they'd try something else (to cover her crimes).

EJ was desperate and having started this and thumbed her nose at Logan, the outrage both that Logan had custody as well as TPS telling her to come back ..... she progressively went off the deep end and, if she did not suffocate Gabriel she at least overdosed or neglected him to his demise.

San Antonio was the plan from TPS, to hang out there and the Underground was the cover story for Logan ..... until it all went south literally.

Wow, it does make sense!
Very few people that I know of sterilize bottles anymore. I guess that I should be embarrassed to say that I never did and never have seen my grown children sterilize the grandkiddos either. :eek:

Sorry, just checking in having not read through this thread...yet. But..

Dear Pondering Mind, you probably at least washed/rinsed the bottles with HOT water, dishsoap and a bottle brush put on a clean towel or rack, right? Just wondering the condition of that motel room and the temp of the water and what she used to clean out the one bottle she had.
That's not enough baby food to make it to the 26th is it ?

OK still wondering how good LE is on checking for video footage at the stores and traffic cams hmmmmmm
I'm sorry I have no idea ~ my babies eat cat food. ;)

Good question though!
Sorry, just checking in having not read through this thread...yet. But..

Dear Pondering Mind, you probably at least washed/rinsed the bottles with HOT water, dishsoap and a bottle brush put on a clean towel or rack, right? Just wondering the condition of that motel room and the temp of the water and what she used to clean out the one bottle she had.
That was my question too and what I believe NG should've asked Analisa instead of ranting on about the sterilizer.
You are so right about the recall. It was very recently, wasn't it?

Yes. And as of several nights ago (when I last checked) it was still in effect. The recall info was forwarded to authorities along with the blown-up pic of the medicine cup.
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