AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #14

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I know all the girls wear the tight lower cut jeans and some high heels with the straight leg tight pants, but it was really cold in Texas around that time. It's not in style to dress with half the belly showing and really low cut pants in Winter unless maybe at a club as Analisa says, and that's how she described the outfit. She's 18 and should be able to describe something that is too revealing for day wear really well. Elizabeth must have been going to an important appointment where skimpy clothes are good, meeting with baby smugglers, to meet a man or could possibly be all 3 combined in one meeting for all anyone knows. She did want the baby and Analisa out of the motel room for some reason and I can't believe that she didn't have a longer blouse at all.

It could be that she didn't buy any new clothes for her trip, she just packed what she had? I just checked the weather records for Tempe vs. SA at and they look comparable (50s and 60s for the daily highs). Maybe she was just dressed like she always does?
I think her record coming out is the reason that TPS has officially left the online building. It doesn't matter what she does now, her image is gone.

I had to laugh there for a minute. Tammi is releasing a record - wow! Then I remembered the crimininal record. LOL. Thought maybe we had our next Heidi Pratt on our hands ;)

That's not even a days worth of food for a growing 8 month old baby boy. I'm not sure how much formula is in the can, but my son could gobble a bottle no problem (we used dry and mixed it ourselves). As far as jars? I remember doing a protein and a dessert, along with formula. I'm sure they were the single serving pots, which a hungry baby would have gobbled up. So what did Gabriel have to eat the next day :(


the formula can was full... which could last from 3-5 days depending on the bottle size/baby

plus when my daughter was a baby she would eat my foods too... but I wasn't eating jack in the box.
They also said somewhere she bought milk.
I don't think he was old enough for cows milk... but she may have given it to him? idk
the babysitter claimed that when elizabeth called (or emailed..I'm not sure)
that she wanted the sitter to watch him in her home and not the apartment

Thanks I missed that.
Add in another player and it messes me all up.
I wish Tammi would come post here. I'd love for her to clear stuff up and maybe clear her name.
I wish Logan would post here. I feel so bad for him and his family.
Well, maybe it's beddy bye time - night everyone!

Blessings to baby Gabriel, keep him safe.
I wish Tammi would come post here. I'd love for her to clear stuff up and maybe clear her name.

I agree. I think she would find us inquisitive, but more compassionate than some of the people posting on her FB. It might also be a big relief to her, to get some things off her chest and clear the air. I wonder if, as she's going to bed, she remembers some of the posts here and thinks of how she would answer them?
I don't think it's a coincidence that TPS was not on NG tonight and not posting to her FB. Someone (like a lawyer) must have spelled out that she is in real trouble and has no one to blame but herself. I hope it's true that they do charge her soon. Maybe we can get to the truth of why EJ went to San Antonio.

Maybe LE is close to arresting both TS and JS and taking their "daughter" away? Turning the tables on them huh? That might get them both to start talking.
Maybe LE is close to arresting both TS and JS and taking their "daughter" away? Turning the tables on them huh? That might get them both to start talking.

I hope they are smart enough to have a friend/family member with their daughter the next few days, So if they are arrested she is with someone.
I wish Logan would post here. I feel so bad for him and his family.

I can totally understand why Logan isn't posting here. Although the vast majority of WSers seem to be kind and sympathetic, I've seen one or two post things that could be very painful to a parent in his situation.
I hope they are smart enough to have a friend/family member with their daughter the next few days, So if they are arrested she is with someone.

I don't think they have any friends that could or would watch their daughter. I remember Jack, in a video on, saying that the LE search of their house kept his daughter up past her bedtime. While I was listening to that, I thought, "Why didn't he call a friend to pick her up?"

Tempe LE aren't heartless. I am sure they would have allowed a little girl to leave the premises while it was being searched.
In the previous page, the reporter on the video said police want to know who gave Elizabeth a SA cell phone. How would they know someone gave it to her or she bought it herself?

Ack! I knew I saw this somewhere, I mentioned this earlier today when I was on and have been looking for this --where is the article/reporter?

ETA I found it on this thread's previous page just like vjlaw stated duh! I am puzzled by this -- I could not find any print stories on this and I wonder since this came from a video on Logan, if he gave this info to the reporter/station? Vjlaw noted the wording 'gave' above -- LE needs this cell phone information -- this SA cell holds a lot of missing links IMO -- I am not certain they could know if it was purchased or given, and why that would matter?
I can totally understand why Logan isn't posting here. Although the vast majority of WSers seem to be kind and sympathetic, I've seen one or two post things that could be very painful to a parent in his situation.

I totally agree. If I were involved in such a situation I would stay far away. The investigation into these things is necessarily harsh.
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