AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #15

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Well, we have all speculated as to how she could find adoptive parents so quickly and this could be the answer..from your link NMK

Keep your eyes open for Adoption Angels billboards all over San Antonio.

You did see the third listing under it's a boy right ?
There's the baby Gabriel that LE was checking on.

Oops sorry, didn't see that this was already mentioned in the previous post.
Wow, look at all the adoption agencies near that HomeGate Hotel. 9 within a 10 mile distance.,0.154324&ie=UTF8&z=11

Didn't another poster, Mum? perhaps, mention very early on that she knew that both of those hotels were known to house pregnant women for some of those adoption agencies? I think she mentioned a couple didn't she? Is this common in large cities to have so many adoption agencies and so many concentrated in one area or does SA seem to have more than the average large city?
Uh, oh ... not sure f I should say this, but maybe most of you remember that someone who knows Tammi very well also said it was a Garmin and that Tammi is the one who gave it to Elizabeth. However, I don't know if using the term "Garmin" might mean gps to a lot of people.

Not sure that Tammi ever stated anywhere that she gave the Garmin to Elizabeth. This however was said by her oldest daughter.

If the Garmin was glowing in the dark (lit up) on the could she have known it was a Garmin and not some other brandname? That makes me believe that Tammi actually did give it to Elizabeth, perhaps pre-programmed for Elizabeth to find her way.
Oh no you're right...the Tylenol infant drops are clearish/chalky. That's not infant Tylenol in his cup. It looks like Children's Tylenol.

Thanks, I've only used the infant's Tylenol and not the Cold/Flu kind, so I can only go off that. From what I know, I'd RATHER have it be Tylenol out of the two. Antihistamines can be extremely dangerous to infants, especially in large doses. Not that an overdose of the Tylenol couldn't have severely harmed or killed a baby. I'm praying for Fruit Punch like BeanE suggested. I don't think fruit punch is really recommended for infants either, but it's better than most alternatives.
Not sure that Tammi ever stated anywhere that she gave the Garmin to Elizabeth. This however was said by her oldest daughter.

If the Garmin was glowing in the dark (lit up) on the could she have known it was a Garmin and not some other brandname? That makes me believe that Tammi actually did give it to Elizabeth, perhaps pre-programmed for Elizabeth to find her way.

I'm not sure Tammi ever said that either. I just remember that the whole GPS seemed to be one of those things that Tammi successively remembered (cough cough) with the little comment about seeing the light being used to act like she JUST now remembered that Elizabeth could have had a GPS
I just got an email thanking me for my tip on the Benadryl. Here's hoping my tip is completely useless since it could only be a VERY BAD thing for Gabe.
It's a total toss up!! One minute I'm so sure he's alive and then next minute I see the dosage in that cup and get scared he may not be. The information LE has that has not been released gives me hope that he is still alive. Numerous times LE has stated that information that has not been released leads them to believe that Gabriel is alive.

I am the same way....I go back and forth constantly as to what I think...I'll read someone's post and be convinced he is alive, then the very next post I am convinced the opposite. This case is SO strange. One thing I am clinging to though in hopes he is that they apparently haven't searched the landfills. SURELY unless they really believed he is alive somewhere, that would have been started by now!!! So...somewhere, between all these computer trails (TPS, library, possibly her laptop if they recovered it from whoever she sold it to, etc) and cellphone pings and possible info from the GPS, they MUST have REAL REASON to believe Gabriel is alive.
Didn't another poster, Mum? perhaps, mention very early on that she knew that both of those hotels were known to house pregnant women for some of those adoption agencies? I think she mentioned a couple didn't she? Is this common in large cities to have so many adoption agencies and so many concentrated in one area or does SA seem to have more than the average large city?

Yes! it was Mum in an early thread
Yes according to Mum the hotels were ones used by the adoption agencies to put the bio mothers up in

IDK about your last question
If I am not mistaken TPS did say she gave EJ the GPS on NG....early on. I think she said that, that was how she knew what kind it was. I could be wrong but for some reason that comes to mind. If I am wrong please correct me but somehow I remember TPS saying they had given her one.

I just did a search of all the NG transcripts and I'm not finding her saying she gave it to Eliz.

There was a rumor at one point that Tammi gave Eliz the gps but I haven't seen it confirmed.
One of the closest agencies on Mom's list evidently holds events at the Raymond Russell park

But where is the starting point on MomT's list? I thought she was in Fiesta Park --still confused by that one lol
I have a question. I'm sure many of you ran across this add by Elizabeth for a nanny as well as the craigslist ads. We know she placed one of those on Dec 8th. This one

has a date of Dec 12 on it ... is that just an artifact of this site?

I don't know the answer to your question. But if this IS EJ's ad, it would be helpful for sleuthing purposes for people to note the way she wrote the ad (i.e. no caps, the way she words things). It may help single out other online postings by her. JMO.
I agree and I hope the FBI has been all over that adoption place considering the Beth and Baby Gabriel post on that blog. I still don't understand how a couple in WI ends up finding an agency and adopting a baby in SA when you think they'd have gone to a local agency but I'm sure that LE has gotten all the particulars and the records so they should be well aware of at least that agency and it's policies.

Is somebody sending that in? That would be two tips from WSers today!

Go Sleuthers!!!

That is pretty amazing IMO! But....if these places are legitimate (and being this easily found, and not 'underground', I'm assuming they are?), they'd be SURE things were done legal (father's signature as well as mother's for relinquishment) right?
Unless one of the agencies has a side business placing "at risk" children without a fathers/mothers permission IMO
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