AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #4

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I wonder if Elizabeth had an ATM card that she used on this trip. I know it sounds stupid, for someone on the run to use an ATM, but we are not dealing with a real experienced criminal here. LE would have tracked that in a minute. She was caught how long after Logan called LE ?
LOL Thanks. OK pls people enough with the definitions of youth and youth hostels. I already feel like an idiot.
Please don't feel that way - you've brought a lot of good info here :blowkiss:
Bear with me, I'm thinking out loud. Trying to think like a spoiled selfish 23 year old instead of a mother.

Why would I take a child I don't want half way across the country? Why would I not just sign off my rights and disappear? Why would I fight for the right to choose who takes my child, when I won't fight for the child himself?

1. Spite. To get back at the baby's father. Because I'm 23 and he ruined my life. Stretch marks and a little less perk in the chest area. Because I am shallow and I know it, and my looks are really all I have going for me, and that baby and that man took some of that away from me.

2. Ego. I don't want the baby, but I don't want the stigma of that man being able to tell people that he's a single father because the baby's mother walked out. He ruined my life, he will not get to look like a hero.

3. Money. This baby has to be worth something. He cost me so much, I might as well get back enough for a boob lift.

Take a whole lot anger, toss in some ego, and mix well with greed. And you get...Elizabeth Johnson.
TS says she does not want the child now because her family is getting messed up.
Maybe it was a "let me say where we met so you can just agree" thing - I don't know about that story.

What I am wondering is who are all the folks Tammi says commended her for turning over Gabriel to Tammi and so she can't under stand why everyone is having a problem with it now? I do think in this case, she is telling the truth. I wish the reporter had asked her and had quit inflicting "Tammi said, Tammi did" on her as that was just promoting Tammi as the authority figure and allowing Tammi a certain voice that should not be constantly promoted. Since Elizabeth can't see it as wrong to have taken Gabriel away from Logan, I think that makes it less likely she can see Tammi might have manipulated her. It sounds like the two of them were together in the hate Logan crowd. But, again, the reporter doesn't ever ask how can yopou give the baby away to two stranger who want him and justify not giving him to his father - at least when Elizabeth is answering him repeatedly about how she could give Gabriel away to strangers and how does she know he is not dead. Or ask Tammi that question as someone would have to lie and it might give the public or LE some insight on the two of them.

I'm going to listen to the second half closely, but I think about midway through that tape Elizabeth is caught in a lie - when she talks about "when you give your kid up for adoption". I don't think she would have abruptly gone to that as a reason for giving Gabriel to strangers in the park unless what she actually thought was those people were adopting the kid - which means they were set-up to adopt him. Just my hunches, could be wrong.

Just to keep this together. I know many already know what's on this tape and some has been transcribed, esp the Jack convo - if the whole thing has been transcribed somewhere please bring it over!

Actually Tammi ask EJ why she didn't want to give Gabriel to Logan, but nothing she answers is really confronted with facts.

notice in the tape that EJ says she didn't go to the police in SA because she was afraid she would get arrested for kidnapping - Tammi immediately jumps in and say "And, who told you that?" EJ says, "Logan" at ~ 5:20

ARG!! SO then Tammi says "So, basically you were on the ledge and Logan pushed you off!"

EJ "Yes!'

Tammi, "So, did it sound like he wanted his child back or ..."

EJ "No, he....(something about seeing him the whole time .... court, etc - kind of long maybe someone can figure it out and transcribe)

Journalist "Why are you still pulling Tammi and Jack into this is you already gave away your child - and more

Tammi "Now let me ask you why you want to give your child up for adoption, why wouldn't you want the dad to have the baby?"

EJ (again, I didn't get it all - ends with Logan would make her life miserable)

Jack (the weird convo with Jack saying you will be charged for this if no one ever finds Gabriel and he is filtered back into the system and EJ says "Charged with what?" Tammi for "for murder" and a bit later that she might be in jail the rest of her life)
I'll go get the transcription of the jail call and bring it over...

(I take requests too, if there's anything anyone wants.)
because the car connected her to her past and her grandfather and she was trying to run away?

maybe she thought the car would get returned to her gg somehow without her involvement

or more likely she just didn't care

she was done with that old life

done with Logan
done with Gabriel
done with family

single-minded focus on getting wherever she wanted to go without regard to anyone or anything (including gramps' car)

or she was told to ditch it
either way she didn't give a rat's behind about anyone but herself IMO

BOLO was on THAT car and the license plate. Elizabeth isn't a dumb girl, according to her grandfather. She knew she had to ditch the car before the hearing on the 28th, that she was a no-show for. She couldn't risk being in that car. The Tornado bus was her best bet to get the heck outta Texas on the 27th.
That's the part I've missed out on. I didn't think she still had the cell phone because last I remember the pings stopped somewhere around Victoria TX. I'm thinking she must have called someone and they called LE, since I don't think there was anything about her being wanted or Gabriel being abducted on the national news then. :waitasec:

She updated her MS on Dec 29. It was probably at the youth hostel. I'm thinking Logan was watching her MS and told LE, and LE traced her IP.

TS says she does not want the child now because her family is getting messed up.
I think it already was messed up but she may mean she's brought a lot of unwanted attention to her family and they don't like it.
She updated her MS on Dec 29. It was probably at the youth hostel. I'm thinking Logan was watching her MS and told LE, and LE traced her IP.

Thank you :) I didn't know she'd done that and yes, that's probably how LE found her.
I wonder if Elizabeth had an ATM card that she used on this trip. I know it sounds stupid, for someone on the run to use an ATM, but we are not dealing with a real experienced criminal here. LE would have tracked that in a minute. She was caught how long after Logan called LE ?

She used cash I believe according to the AZ couple she sold her 2 yorkies for $500 (IDK if it was total or each) she had $400 cash from a room she rented out, and she just got her last Un-employment check. She had at least $1000 on her when she left.
I think it already was messed up but she may mean she's brought a lot of unwanted attention to her family and they don't like it.

if I could triple thank that, I would
She used cash I believe according to the AZ couple she sold her 2 yorkies for $500 (IDK if it was total or each) she had $400 cash from a room she rented out, and she just got her last Un-employment check. She had at least $1000 on her when she left.

possible more motive?

cash source ending = no job & having to depend on Logan completely

Gabe is just a burden & costing her $$ she doesn't have
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