AZ AZ - Grand Canyon, 'Little Miss X' UP9859, Wht/Hisp Fem, 11-17, nail file case "P" & "R", Oct'58

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Should we contact Asis's family and aske very briefly about her height? If this isn't her, a question about height wouldn't be an innecessary shock or disturbance and could succesfully rule out one possibility. If the height matches well, though, this sounds like a real possibility. With a family member (or members) looking for her could also be a great chance to get a DNA sample, dental info etc. if the match looks good enough. Age of 16 or so at the time, with the mention of Avis's slim build, could very well fit the desciption of this girl. a
That post is from 1999. I found a post from 2015 that appears to be on behalf of another relative: (another post from the same man)

The person who compiled this list apparently checked SSDI before including Avis. Blog post from 2014:

If somebody knows how to do it properly, it would probably be a good idea to contact this relative to help him get Avis into Namus, and get DNA samples. That would be important whether she's alive or not.
There's a lot of information on Donnis' WS thread about the possible match between she and this Jane Doe.
One of the posters was going to head out to AZ a few years ago to dig up some more records on LMX but never posted any follow up. They also claimed investigators were close to locating the body (I believe in 2010? I'm going from memory) to get a DNA sample, but, again, no follow up.
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Hi! I am a novelist researching Little Miss X for a book. Is that photo of Ida Mae Lee or Mary Begay? From what I have read Mary Begay was a possible match (but later ruled out) for the bones of Little Miss X, but I can find almost no information about her other than that she worked at the Grand Canyon in 1958 when she disappeared. Does this mean there were two Native American women who disappeared from the Grand Canyon in two years?!
That post is from 1999. I found a post from 2015 that appears to be on behalf of another relative: (another post from the same man)

The person who compiled this list apparently checked SSDI before including Avis. Blog post from 2014:

If somebody knows how to do it properly, it would probably be a good idea to contact this relative to help him get Avis into Namus, and get DNA samples. That would be important whether she's alive or not.

If he is Avis' son, and she went missing when she was 16, that would mean she had her son at 16 or younger. I know having children very young was common then, so it's not strange, but can you tell if someone's had kids from looking at their bones?
If he is Avis' son, and she went missing when she was 16, that would mean she had her son at 16 or younger. I know having children very young was common then, so it's not strange, but can you tell if someone's had kids from looking at their bones?

Forensic specialists can tell if a woman gave birth by the presence of a series of shotgun pellet-sized pockmarks along the inside of the pelvic bone caused by the tearing of ligaments during childbirth. The bone impressions are a permanent record of the trauma, but they do not reveal how many children were borne.
I don't think JDH is Avis son, he doesn't mention that in the post, only about his grandparents. I'm assuming that She could be his aunt.
I'd contact him to find out more info. (He is on FB)
But I'm not that brave unfortunately
I'm a firm believer in this Jane Doe being Donnis Redman along with several others in this thread. She easily could have dyed her hair (there's one site that mentions the brown is artificial and original color is suspected to be red, Donnis had strawberry hair apparently). Donnis also had wavy hair. She had run off (potentially) with her older boyfriend, and it's very possible she had physically matured to the fit a 34C.

I wish there was more we could do. Is there more we can do?

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I'm a firm believer in this Jane Doe being Donnis Redman along with several others in this thread. She easily could have dyed her hair (there's one site that mentions the brown is artificial and original color is suspected to be red, Donnis had strawberry hair apparently). Donnis also had wavy hair. She had run off (potentially) with her older boyfriend, and it's very possible she had physically matured to the fit a 34C.
I wish there was more we could do. Is there more we can do?
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Without DNA from the remains, there's probably not much more we can do at this point.
A former poster from several years ago was supposed to make a trip out to AZ in hopes of digging up more info and locating the remains (their whereabouts were unknown last I knew), but that WS member never followed up and hasn't responded to my PM.
I haven't seen any updates on this jane doe but I sent a tip in for Avis Hardman.
I found her relative on Facebook - Jim Duval Hardman, But I don't have the guts to contact him to see if she's still missing or if there's photos of her.
Since it seems nobody has mustered the courage to contact Avis' relatives, should I do it? In case something useful like photos or more specific identification data (dental info? More detailed height or medical info?) come up, though, it would probably be more useful to have an American contact to communicate with the police if needed. I am an European myself. Of course I can also try and send mail to US officials too, but it would probably be useful if it was someone with an address/phone number in the US.

My plan would (still) be to send a very sensitive and brief message to the relatives. Something like "Hello! I am sorry to bother you. I'm contacting you on behalf of volunteers who are trying to return people their names and faces and put older disappearance cases to rest. The name of Avis Hardman, who we believe may be related to you, has come up in our search. If her disappearance (in 1956) has since been solved and the data in our archives is dated, I won't bother you any longer. If she remains missing, though, there are a couple of things you could perhaps help answering. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear of you soon."

And if the answer is that Avis is still missing and indeed related to this person, I could ask for photo/height/dental data for identification purposes. How does it sound?

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