AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #10

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If they did track Isobel's scent, or tried to, I don't think we heard about anything found. We only know that two types of dogs were used and something was acknowledged, but not what or by which type of dog.

I keep thinking that soon we will know everything and then I remember, we might never know more than we do now. Kyron was one of my first intense cases here and I feel as thought I know nothing more than I did the end of the first week. And now it is two years. And Haleigh C., with the seemingly most likely bunch of suspects ever to break and rat each other out-it is more than three years and even prison did not do it for them. I think there is something different about copping to knowing about a child's death and/or abduction from any other crime that keeps mouths shut. The stigma is just too great, if one could have done something and didn't. I don't know, just rambling, and worrying about (the chance of) one more unsolved child disappearance, where we will never know if Isobel knew who harmed her or if a true "boogie man" materialized.

What I see via facebook about the cousin/uncle. He has a facebook page, two pics with women in his photos. One looks to be a model from a site or something? His info page has him looking for women The other a staged photo with 2 pro cheerleaders at a game. The rest are of dogs, him, trips etc..He likes to travel (going to Mt. Lemmon is a short trip out here, maybe 30 miles to the top? Rocky Point 3 hours?), he lived in Fl, moved to Tucson last year. He claimed on his facebook he loved being an uncle on a picture he posted with what appears to be Isabel, maybe a brother, not sure about who the woman is. He has criminal arrests in Fl & AZ. Anywhere else? TX? He's 33 years old? Maybe he's been burned in a relationship as I see no real close women in his life. I remember 33...

That's as fair as I can be without posting rumors from NG or the internet.
Do we know if they brought in tracking dogs to track her scent, I know its probably a dumb question but I didn't read were they had..Only were they brought a dog in that made a hit, to me that was a cadavor dog or something...

The criminal record for the cousin/uncle doesn't show any crimes of assult or anything like that really just misdeemenor crimes, so thats not a red flag to me, but his interview does raise a red flag.

I dont think that the family would be cooperating with LE (letting them search without a warrant, letting the son go alone with LE, ect) if they were involved, theres no way they could think that they could fool LE if they were involved. I would think a guilt person/persons would have a lawyer by now and refuse to cooperate such as Terri Horman.

I do wonder why they are asking for footage from the ball game, if they know they were there, unless they beleive they were followed home and are wanting to see if someone looks suspisious. Another thing that bothers me is if this IS a stranger abduction and the 3 girl who were assulted are even remotely connected why is LE NOT making a plea to parents to keep a closer eye on thier children and put out a warning.

One more thing then I will shut up. I wonder if there are any traffic cameras near their home because from what my imagination can picture of this neighborhood there would be traffic lights and possably they could run liscences plates of the vehicals that were in the area that night. Does anyone know or is there a way to find out if there are traffic camera's?

One of our members is going out there and will be taking pictures, tomorrow I think; cameras was one thing I asked him/her to check out...
Hi all, first time posting, long time lurker (super long!). Never really had a need to guys cover everything! But I did want say is that my first thought on LE bringing something that seemed covered or hidden into the house was that it was a tool of some sort or equipment. Like a black light, camera, drill?

Also, do we know if the uncle/cousin has a criminal record in another state? From his fb, looks like he travels around quite a bit. tia

Good question Butterfly.

I wondered about scent dogs too. Especially after seeing that 6th man hiding in the shadows in that video they released. [ might be a moot point now.]

But still, it made me wonder, did the perp carry her somewhere ? I mean he couldn't pull his car up too close--- for fear of being seen or heard.

Unless of course someone left in a car from the garage...
(Sorry for so many posts in a row :blushing:)
I am watching the re-run of JVM on HLN right now ...

HLN is showing the video Isabel's mother walking into the house with detectives ... then they show the video Isabel's father, then brother, going into the house with the detectives as well.

Now, this may or may NOT mean anything, but what caught my attention was the number of detectives that escorted each family in and out of the home ...

I counted 4 detectives walking out of the home with Isabel's mother .

So 4 LE detectives were there today -- almost 2 weeks since Isabel disappeared from the home ...

I know they had swarms of LE there when the home was being processed, etc. ... but 2 weeks later to bring in 4 detectives as LE is "continuing its investigation" -- AND -- these detectives escorted and interviewed EACH family member SEPARATELY in the home ?

JMO ... but "something" is just not adding up for LE ...

snipped :)
Do we know if they brought in tracking dogs to track her scent, I know its probably a dumb question but I didn't read were they had..Only were they brought a dog in that made a hit, to me that was a cadavor dog or something...

Yes to bloodhounds: "We're all really surprised and shocked that anything like this could even happen to our family," said Isabel's uncle Justin Mastomarino.

Police were called at 8:14 a.m.

"We have bloodhounds that are checking the area as well to pick up the scent of the little girl," said Sgt. Maria Hawke with Tucson police.

That was on a story dated 04/27/2012 06:06 PM
I read somewhere it might have been a DNA kit the LE brought in from the car? Not saying it is though just thought it was worth mentioning. I'd think that would have been done at the start, DNA that is. Were they cooperating as everything seems molasses slow if they were collecting DNA today. IDK, jmo
Just got back from a trip to SAFEWAY on Broadway and Camino Seco and about a block East in the BERKSHIRE VILLAGE shopping center parking lot which is EMPTY at this hour and all the businesses closed, and there is a literal SWARM of TPD cars and officers there, at least 30 squad cars and a SWAT mobile, something very big happening in that parking lot I wonder if they caught the Perv, just a guess but that isnt too far from the area where the 3 girls were harmed, its about 4 miles away from there, but yea at least 30 squad cars there and a swat team I couldnt get close enough, I told them I was media and they said to this wasnt the time for that and to move along. WOW anyone see any scanner activity about this, its happening NOW I just drove by there 5 minutes ago tops. Fill me in if you scanners here anything.
Just got back from a trip to SAFEWAY on Broadway and Camino Seco and about a block East in the BERKSHIRE VILLAGE shopping center parking lot which is EMPTY at this hour and all the businesses closed, and there is a literal SWARM of TPD cars and officers there, at least 30 squad cars and a SWAT mobile, something very big happening in that parking lot I wonder if they caught the Perv, just a guess but that isnt too far from the area where the 3 girls were harmed, its about 4 miles away from there, but yea at least 30 squad cars there and a swat team I couldnt get close enough, I told them I was media and they said to this wasnt the time for that and to move along. WOW anyone see any scanner activity about this, its happening NOW I just drove by there 5 minutes ago tops. Fill me in if you scanners here anything.

Wow keep us posted if you hear anything on the local news! I pray this is a break in the case. :please:
Isabel Celis' mom talks with NBC

We've just obtained an interview Isabel's parents did Wednesday with NBC news.

Isabel's mother Rebecca talked about the daily strain of being without Isabel. She said they're losing sleep, worried about her.

"I think the hardest thing are days gone by," said Rebecca Celis.

You can watch the full interview with Isabel's parents Thursday morning on the Today Show beginning at 7.!prettyPhoto/0/
I am watching the re-run of JVM on HLN right now ...

HLN is showing the video Isabel's mother walking into the house with detectives ... then they show the video Isabel's father, then brother, going into the house with the detectives as well.

Now, this may or may NOT mean anything, but what caught my attention was the number of detectives that escorted each family in and out of the home ...

I counted 4 detectives walking out of the home with Isabel's mother .

So 4 LE detectives were there today -- almost 2 weeks since Isabel disappeared from the home ...

I know they had swarms of LE there when the home was being processed, etc. ... but 2 weeks later to bring in 4 detectives as LE is "continuing its investigation" -- AND -- these detectives escorted and interviewed EACH family member SEPARATELY in the home ?

JMO ... but "something" is just not adding up for LE ...


To me that sounds as if they are checking the family stories to see if they match, or asking them about household details to see what they say away from everyone else. Interesting!

For instance, if they see something broken, they might ask each member what they know about it. If they get three different stories or three identical stories it really makes a difference.
I understand abuse. And I certainly am familiar with molestation by priests. That is not what I am addressing. I am speaking to the fact that from early on the 'uncle/cousin' was being profiled here on this site because he was an 'uncle'. With no other proof or incidents, but only because he was an uncle. And he was the only one who came forward and spoke so he was really the only other person we knew about except the parents. Or the brothers. And surely no one is suggesting one of the brothers did something. I am sorry for your experiences, I really am. But, I think we as responsible people need to hear all the facts. And I don't or haven't seen that happening. jmo

Not just because he was an uncle-also because he *may* have been staying at the house. That, put together with the statistics which state that the offender is most often someone close to the family or a relative.
What I find interesting is yesterday we had the cleaners at the house (let in by an extended family member), the parents had the Today Show interview and the family members returning to the house with detectives. One at a time, separately.

Does this all mean anything? I'm wondring if something was said in the interview that made LE go back to the home with the family? I find it interesting that LE kept begging the parents to do an interview and now that they have, they went back into the home with each of the family members except the little brother.

Not sure what to make of it, if anything.....
What if you were a single mother and there were only two rooms for your 5 children to sleep in. Would it matter if brothers and sisters slept in the same room. I don't think so. Children are not having sexual thoughts at that age. It is obvious the adults are though. jmo

Where I live, if you have 3 kids under 8, and you apply for subsidized/low income housing, you will get a 2 bedroom apartment regardless of gender. If there are both boys and girls, and one child is 8 or older, they give you a 3 bedroom unit. If you have 4 kids under 8, you will also get a 3 bedroom, due to space issues. I am peripherally acquainted with a mom of twelve year old boy twins. She applied for subsidized housing and got a 2 bedroom, since both kids are boys.

I guess it is not so much about incest as PRIVACY, to change clothing, etc.
1. NG says she has a source who says the cousin/uncle is of interest to LE.
2. We have no evidence that this uncle was the first to search.
3. I have not seen any evidence to suggest he slept at the Celis home that night. I have seen LE state that only immediate family were there.
4. His interview when Isa first went missing mostly used second person, as my students do to mean humanity in general. Aside from that, all media interviews are cut and much is taken out of context. IN the context I heard he was answering direct questions about how the parents were doing. He was explaining how they were doing.
5. We have heard many posters come forward to say that sometimes young children are told to call their older adult cousins "uncle" out of respect. We also do not have confirmation that he is not an uncle.
6. The court records show many charges that were completely dismissed by the court. The only charges that stood were a DUI in Pima, and a DUI in Cochese. There are no criminal charges, and certainly not charges related to violence or sexual assault.


BBM- LE stated only immediate family was there that night? I have not seen that-I have seen them specifically not comment on that.
I think despite the little disagreements here, everyone's heart is in the right place. Nobody WANTS to think badly of anyone, certainly none of us enjoy it. Unfortunately all the possibilities have to be looked at, no matter how horrible they are.
We all just want her back home..
There is some confusion here. I am having problems with WS today, and am only at the bottom of Page 2, but it seems like 2 separate issues are being muddled up together.
1. Do uncles molest and/or kill nieces?
2. Should little girls share a bed with teenaged brothers?
Nobody has suggested that Isabel's abduction had anything to do with her sleeping with her brothers on most nights, unless she was doing so to make a room for a live-in uncle. In this case, it seems that she would have been SAFER in bed with her brothers on this night, but she wasn't. It was the fact that she WAS alone in her own room (IMO) that allowed the perp (uncle, cousin, or anyone else) access to her.
HOWEVER, as a "policy" I would not have boys and girls share a bed on a regular basis. I might not have an issue with separate beds in a shared room, but sharing a bed? Not past puberty.
What I find interesting is yesterday we had the cleaners at the house (let in by an extended family member), the parents had the Today Show interview and the family members returning to the house with detectives. One at a time, separately.

Does this all mean anything? I'm wondring if something was said in the interview that made LE go back to the home with the family? I find it interesting that LE kept begging the parents to do an interview and now that they have, they went back into the home with each of the family members except the little brother.

Not sure what to make of it, if anything.....

Was there no need to question the little brother or did parents not let LE speak with him?
DH and I discussed this evening, while watching Nancy Grace, a very sophisticated-looking photo of 6-year-old Isabel that has been shown repeatedly on HLN. The little girl is wearing purple lipstick, appears to be wearing eye makeup, and has a purple flower in her hair. I don't want to repeat what we said about the picture of the missing little girl; suffice it to say that she doesn't look like "innocence personified".

In his somewhat rambling statement to the media, the "uncle" suggested that Isabel was "wise". Very unusual to use "wise" in reference to a 6-year-old, and I couldn't help wondering what he meant by that word choice. Wise beyond her years? Precocious? Prodigiously gifted? Or, perhaps, knowing about things that were "adult" activities and not intended for children... :moo:

Is English his native language?
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