AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #14

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You would think if he was involved in any manner in Isa's disappearance he would have made the 911 call very dramatic. After all many have said he is an actor yet he is very calm raising red flags for some. I have hard time rectifying those two things and it pointing to guilt.

For me, it isn't that that he is dramatic or he isn't dramatic that's the problem. It's the WHEN aspect that's off. He's calm when you'd expect him to be freaking out. He's dramatic and evasive when being direct is in order (answering questions). Etc etc.
Excellent and thank you.

You would think if he was involved in any manner in Isa's disappearance he would have made the 911 call very dramatic. After all many have said he is an actor yet he is very calm raising red flags for some. I have hard time rectifying those two things and it pointing to guilt.

I remember in Guy Heniz Jr's 911 call my hinky meter shot off the charts immediately because he was overly dramatic and way over the top in his call at times yet when he wasnt doing his wailing and screaming he was able to maintain very calmly on the phone for 15-20 minutes inside of the home where his whole family lay gruesomely slaughtered and stayed there until police arrived. I wasnt shocked at all when they arrested him for murdering his entire family 8 days later. I am looking forward to keeping up with that trial that I hope happens this year.

Most of the time in 911 calls I have heard where the caller turned out to be the murderer they were way way over the top with the dramatics.

Now the calm 911 call doesnt raise any flags for me and maybe that is because I have had to make them in the past and outwardly people would think I am very calm if they listened to my calls.. even in life and death situations. But on the inside it was a much different story going on. lol

I really think Sergio was trying to convince himself that Isa would be found quickly and be ok.


I wonder if the events of that night momemtarily scared the drama right out of SC ? JMO
Didn't LE mention early on something about the "entry point" of the house not making sense?

Maybe this discrepency is what they were referring to.

These are the two things that bothered me about the "crime scene".

1) Why was the screen pushed out and not in if the intruder broke INTO the house? (the screen was found outside of the window).

2) Why did the father mention kidnappers in his speech to the media with his wife? This was very strange to me to hear that.

I know that Arizona has a rash of kidnappings by cartel members seeking retribution for non payment of drugs etc. I wonder if the father has been investigated for non payment to drug dealers or anything of that matter. It just seemed very strange to me that he would specifically mention that he would "pay" for the release of his daughter.

3) The dogs and the voices the neighbor heard sounded (as she described it) orderly. She described the voices as though they were having a normal conversation. Either this was planned or someone knew this was going to happen.
But SC could still know more than he is saying...just thinking about the 'no-contact' thing...

And yet LE does not say it was a stranger abduction.Just that she was taken from her home... JMO
wow, sc answers all questions of 911 operator and I agree with lawyer on JVM, never does he franically say "When are LE officers coming?"
That seals my hinky meter right there.
I called 1 time for an emergency and I was frantic when they asked all the questions like age etc.
(and in the past I Was a 911 0perator myself)
I'm willing to wait and see before jumping to the immediate conclusion that the cartels are haunting our high schools just waiting to snatch our kids...

When this thing first happened, someone here had Sergio been arrested 'within 24 hours' and all it turned out to be was his appearance in court for the dog scuse me if I take the cartel scare with a huge grain o salt...

I'm not saying they are haunting our high schools, but Homeland Security thinks it's a problem. It's certainly more of a problem than I realized...

A disturbing new trend of smuggling has been on the rise since 2009, the Department of Homeland Security said.
Teenagers and young adults, some as young as 10 years old, are being recruited by Mexican drug cartels to carry illegal drugs across the border.
I'm willing to wait and see before jumping to the immediate conclusion that the cartels are haunting our high schools just waiting to snatch our kids...

When this thing first happened, someone here had Sergio been arrested 'within 24 hours' and all it turned out to be was his appearance in court for the dog scuse me if I take the cartel scare with a huge grain o salt...

That sounds a little dramatic dont you think, has anyone here suggested that there are crazy cartels running around snatching kids in Tucson? No. But is it possible THIS IS A UNIQUE SITUATION and something like that may have happened? Sure. Should we look at that and discuss it and see if there is any truth to it? WHY NOT? What does it hurt? If we are not willing to discuss things lets close up the thread and go find something else better to do with our time.

This IS happening and at an increasing and alarming rate in southwestern cities so it is indeed a credible angle to CONSIDER.
Chief Roberto Villaseñor — confirming for the first time that the case is an abduction.

"Someone played a part in her disappearance," Villaseñor said in an interview with the Star. "Some person is responsible for Isabel's disappearance. Isabel did not just wander off."

For weeks, police have labeled the case a "suspicious disappearance" and "possible" abduction.

The chief also said the 6-year-old's parents, Sergio and Becky Celis, have still not been ruled out as suspects.

Read more:
Just kidding around, it is a running joke that we live in the wild west and still ride horses out here.


Yes, I get it. A cousin once came to visit us from PA and wanted to know where all the cowboys were hiding
But SC could still know more than he is saying...just thinking about the 'no-contact' thing...

I don't know any more than you. :) Only that TPD says she was abducted. I still want to know why he can't have contact.
And... someone played a part in her abduction

Isabel Mercedes Celis was taken from her midtown home by someone three weeks ago, said Police Chief Roberto Villaseñor — confirming for the first time that the case is an abduction.
"Someone played a part in her disappearance," Villaseñor said in an interview with the Star. "Some person is responsible for Isabel's disappearance. Isabel did not just wander off."
For weeks, police have labeled the case a "suspicious disappearance" and "possible" abduction.
So we can finally put to rest any ideas that Sergio is guilty. That makes it easier to concentrate on what really happened to Isa:

Tucson PD: Isabel was abducted

"For the first time, Tucson police said that a 6-year-old girl who vanished from her home last month was abducted."

"Police spokeswoman Maria Hawke said it was an abduction after investigators determined the girl didn't leave her home alone and they reviewed the evidence. She declined to comment further.

Police Tuesday morning searched a wash north of Davis-Monthan Air Force Base for evidence related to Isabel's disappearance, KOLD-TV reported. Thirty officers equipped with shovels and picks combed through the area left empty-handed at about 1 p.m."

Okay! Isabel Celis was abducted. As much as some posters have favored the idea that Sergio had a part in disappearing Isa, Tucson PD disagrees. One does not abduct their own child from their home.

Sorry, but I still subscribe to the theory that her dad is behind this. This headline is keyed off the comment that "investigators determined the girl didn't leave her home alone and they reviewed the evidence."

It's been understood from I think the first day that she didn't walk away.
Also during the 911 call (one of them) you can hear Becky say to Sergio

"she's my daughter, she's not gonna leave!"

Was Sergio suggesting that she left on her own???
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