AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #15

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My post was in reply to oceanblueeyes where she stated that she would agree to anything if it meant keeping the boys safe (paraphrasing) so my question is if there is speculation that SC is a target of some cartel who is out to harm him or the boys, wouldn't Becky be relieved?

I don't understand the outrage comment as it relates to this drug cartel theory. If indeed that was the reason he was told not to have contact with the boys then her reaction makes no sense, imo

Sorry, I'm not buying the cartel theory. It is what it is.

I dont either!
I do not think anyone is in danger here!

I think Dad has a problem and it needs to be addressed and fixed before they let him back with his kids.

Speaking of "outrage", I came very close to throwing a heavy object at the TV screen during NG's over-the-top interrogation of Sergio's friend :furious:
I know some here are not into conspiracy theories...I am and many CTs are very real (while yes, some are silly and ridiculous)....

However, I'm sure everyone has heard the common phrase:

The best way to hide something is out in the open.
So just because these family members are public does not mean they are innocent. And if there is some connection than sure, they could be sending a message or giving the illusion of innocence by being so public. Who the heck knows. lol sure you get what im saying (not fully awake right now lol)

While I have no proof that F&F factors into little Isa missing; I do believe it is a valid angle to research. When dealing with a child, it would be plain stooopid to rule anything out.

....just my lil' ol' opinion...

It's a theory and one I believe LE would have explored and my common sense tells me that the way this investigation is being handled has nothing to do with cartels.

Releasing 911 tapes and getting CPS involved in having no contact with the boys as a result of an interview during the course of the investigation leads me to believe this is not one of those cases.

They're looking for evidence in the immediate area. Washes/sewers and rocky terrains.||||

Where would they hide a little 6 year old girl?
click on the second picture (the 911 call from junior/rebecca). at 0:22 the man calls out that he needs his address. how far did junior go before the cops got there? it obviously wasn't a neighbor. it then took 6 minutes for the man to drive junior back at which point rebecca took the phone.

ok is it me or is junior slurring. badly.
click on the second picture (the 911 call from junior/rebecca). at 0:22 the man calls out that he needs his address. how far did junior go before the cops got there? it obviously wasn't a neighbor. it then took 6 minutes for the man to drive junior back at which point rebecca took the phone.

ok is it me or is junior slurring. badly.

I'm glad some of us are starting to think "outside the box".
So Sergio's life was threatened and that is why he cannot talk to his children? That is what I am getting, from just tuning in here...
click on the second picture (the 911 call from junior/rebecca). at 0:22 the man calls out that he needs his address. how far did junior go before the cops got there? it obviously wasn't a neighbor. it then took 6 minutes for the man to drive junior back at which point rebecca took the phone.

ok is it me or is junior slurring. badly.

I read somewhere that it was the manager or a clerk at a neighborhood convenience store. I'm sure the link is on threads where the 9-1-1 call is discussed.
"Everybody is pointing the finger at SC but what about the 14 yr old? could he have done something to IC? A fight maybe why didnt she sleep with them as usual?"

I found the 14 year old to be 100% credible on that 911 tape. He seemed very scared and was trying (unsuccessfully) not to cry. His response when asked what Isabel was wearing was, "Probably green" -- exactly what most big brothers would say. My point is that nothing about his call seemed contrived or gaurded. He was a scared kid whose little sister was missing.

I would bet a million bucks it will turn out that Isabel's brothers adored her and had nothing to do with whatever has happened to her.
Speaking of "outrage", I came very close to throwing a heavy object at the TV screen during NG's over-the-top interrogation of Sergio's friend :furious:

I totally know what you mean....LOL I have to keep all small heavy objects off the coffee table in front of me when I watch NG. LMAO She gets under my skin like nobody else does. I watch her show almost every night because of the subject matter and guests only. She has a little too much tunnell vision for me, as when she gets an opinion on something, she is not very open to other thoughts or opinions. JMO - LOL
sc coached at least one of his kids' baseball teams. I agree that there could be a number of explanations for the no-contact order, but early in the previous thread there was a lot of discussion about the possibility that he had been sexually abusing his sons. I don't think there is any evidence to support that, but the complete severing of contact does raise eyebrows, and i am assuming the good people of tucson are going down that road first as well. Cps will not reveal what the reason for the enforced separation was, and if i had a young boy on his team, i'd probably err on the side of caution until i knew for sure, and (assuming sergio returns to coaching) would not leave my children alone under his supervision. So far as i know, however, there have been no charges filed against him alleging this behavior, at the same time there has been no official statement about his suitability to be around the children of others. I'd like to know whether that was addressed. Is sergio a danger to children, or merely to his own children?

No doubt there is something the cops dont want SC to say to those boys...wonder what it is?

Everybody is pointing the finger at SC but what about the 14 yr old? could he have done something to IC? A fight maybe why didnt she sleep with them as usual?

MY sons wouldnt want their sister in the room. I dont think the statement that she didnt sleep in her own room was correct!

I can see if they are all under 8 sleeping together but heck the one is 14!

Or i can see her wandering in at night cause she is afraid of the dark or something but why not go to mom?

Speaking of "outrage", I came very close to throwing a heavy object at the TV screen during NG's over-the-top interrogation of Sergio's friend :furious:

I couldn't listen to her anymore and changed channels. I should have known better than to have her on in the first place!
"Everybody is pointing the finger at SC but what about the 14 yr old? could he have done something to IC? A fight maybe why didnt she sleep with them as usual?"

I found the 14 year old to be 100% credible on that 911 tape. He seemed very scared and was trying (unsuccessfully) not to cry. His response when asked what Isabel was wearing was, "Probably green" -- exactly what most big brothers would say. My point is that nothing about his call seemed contrived or gaurded. He was a scared kid whose little sister was missing.

I would bet a million bucks it will turn out that Isabel's brothers adored her and had nothing to do with whatever has happened to her.

i respectfully disagree. he wasn't trying at all IMO. he was slobbering and slurring. so i'll take that bet...without enthusiasm...:(
Did dad watch the game alone or with his son (s)? Were the boys asleep in their beds or did they go out with friends after their baseball game?

It was a Friday night.
So why is Becky outraged if it's being done to protect the boys?

If she thought the "evidence" or whatever LE informed CPS about was trumped up, fabricated, untrue, or misconstrued. Or even if she knew it was true, but that LE and CPS were using it to apply heat to the family - and she truly believes that SC had nothing to do with it, whatever his flaws may be.

If I were in her position, I may be outraged as well. We don't know why the no contact order was put into place, but depending on why and how it was done, it could easily make her angry at the attempts to split up the family.
"Everybody is pointing the finger at SC but what about the 14 yr old? could he have done something to IC? A fight maybe why didnt she sleep with them as usual?"

I found the 14 year old to be 100% credible on that 911 tape. He seemed very scared and was trying (unsuccessfully) not to cry. His response when asked what Isabel was wearing was, "Probably green" -- exactly what most big brothers would say. My point is that nothing about his call seemed contrived or gaurded. He was a scared kid whose little sister was missing.

I would bet a million bucks it will turn out that Isabel's brothers adored her and had nothing to do with whatever has happened to her.

I was a bit suspicious of the brother originally, but after looking at some of the photos with them and Isabel on FB they do appear to care a lot about her. On the 911 call, the brother seemed genuinely upset.
But appearances can be deceiving, so who knows. (except Sergio IMO)
Our daughters were adopted and were right brain/left brain too!! They were mirror identical twins. One had a cowlick that went to the right, the other's went to the left. One had a dimple on the left side, the other was on the right side. One was left handed and the other was right handed. We all loved them dearly. They died from SMA type 3. We all (my DH and their brothers) were soooo grateful to have had them almost 9 years. Longer than was expected.

I am sorry to hear that, Ransom.
Another day has passed and I'm still fence sitting. :fence: I don't find anything "obvious" at this point about what happened.

I still can't quite decide about LE yet. What's their game? They had the search, clearly prepared to find something, and yet didn't. They're speaking out of both sides of their mouth, saying that they are considering all angles, yet releasing other statements that point to SC. Right now, I'm waffling between thinking they have something but are trying to find Isabel's body or that they're completely in the dark still and are throwing everything at the wall, hoping something will stick. Today I'm leaning towards completely in the dark, but that could easily change.
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