AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #15

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Can we run wild with the neighbor isn't at all interested in her own safety? Seriously, who would make these statements to media about rumors of cartels? Is it that "fun" to be on tv in such a scary case ?

Well, here is a rumor.

JM's mom lives in FL and is the president of an Equestrian club. The neighbor has her FB cover photo as her doing equestrian. JM's mom has a connection with a Swanson last name. On youtube, the neighbor is videotaped with someone with the last name Swanson.

What does that mean? Hell if I know. :)
1. There was a possible cadaver hit inside the home.

2. There was LE directly saying the perp adequately covered (cleaned?) all the areas LE would normally look in a crime scene.

3. There is Becky saying LE concentrated on Isa and the boys' room.

4. LE not confirming any exit plan by the perp. I don't think they confirmed the window as an entrance either.

5. There was bedding removed from a car and the color was a feminine color (mint green). IMO, there is possibility the bedding was Isa's.

6. ......and now, the father is removed from seeing his sons. Within hours of LE telling us they decide to release the 911 tape which is not favorable to Sergio.

I would like to know why the boys' room is significant and why LE was focused there. What has transpired between father and son/s?

BBM: Item no. 2 makes me think that things were too clean and LE thinks someone "cleaned up" to destroy evidence.
So the first 911 call on Isabel's behalf was made by a stranger ? Someone in a store that SC Jr. went in ? I wonder if that 911 call will also be released ?

Once again in catch up mode(my apologies Liz as I know earlier my post replying to a post of yours I was attempting to get caught up.. seems I cannot work in RL and keep up at WS these days). Is there knowledge of yet ANOTHER STRANGER that called 911 and this call was made ACTUALLY BEFORE DADS CALL TO 911?

I'm aware of the one stranger that apparently initiated the 911 call on behalf of the oldest brother that we hear the adult male quickly hand over the call to the brother to speak with dispatch.. I know earlier on there were some who mistakenly believed this particular stranger had actually contacted 911 BEFORE DAD HAD CALLED(IMO the confusion came from media having released the calls NOT IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER) ..factually speaking it was Sergio who called 911 first with very soon there after the stranger/oldest brother placing a 911 call from somewhere else entirely due to the fact the eldest son was at that time searching the neighborhood for Isa..

So there is now info that yet another, second stranger via one of the brothers searching is also to have made a call to 911 and this call was to have preceded the dads call and the other strangers call? to me if so...

TiA to anyone who can clarify:)
Here's an interesting question I have yet to see answered either... Are any of Isa's personal effect's or Clothing missing or all accounted for... That would be something key to find out.

Good question.

One of our esteemed posters on another thread asked if all Isa's shoes were accounted for.

Unfortunately, none of these types of details are known.
:floorlaugh: I remember that! There is always some unusual info that catches my sleuther mind's attention.
If that was a legitimate theory, then anything should be!:floorlaugh:
I enjoy hearing all the various theories and I try to remain open-minded about them all. At the end of the day, we are all here for the same reason - seeking justice and, in this case, finding Isabel.
I posted an article a couple of days ago with Alicia the neighbor addressing rumors about the Celis' and the cartel.

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - AZ AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #14

"I've heard speculations that the family is involved in drugs, the cartel," Stardevant says. "But that's just what people are saying. Who really knows?"

Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I swear I thought I was que roto! I kept seeing drug stuff come up and thought it was F&F posts being misread or that I had missed some info about that!

And I haven't heard anything to make me think that neighbor is unreliable. In fact I've heard very little from her but it interesting she would choose to mention local rumor as though it were common knowledge. JMO

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Unless it was bagged and labeled and then wrapped in a towel :wink:

This is what I think, they wrapped an evidence bag with something inside of it, in the towel, so the MEDIA wouldnt see what is in there.
Thank you thank you thank you!!!

I swear I thought I was que roto! I kept seeing drug stuff come up and thought it was F&F posts being misread or that I had missed some info about that!

And I haven't heard anything to make me think that neighbor is unreliable. In fact I've heard very little from her but it interesting she would choose to mention local rumor as though it were common knowledge. JMO

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I get the feeling she was speaking as if their involvement with Cartels was indeed common knowledge everyone knew about. Very strange indeed.
I seriously think the articles such as the towel item and the blanket/comfortor that was taken in and out by LE on the day they escorted each family member in and out were merely Mock Items used for re-enactment efforts. Having each family member put things back were they perceived them to be the morning Isa went missing. I only say this because you wouldn't be handling evidence without gloves or out in the elements because the items would become comprimised and things such as hair fibers may fall off just walking around.

Yes! Makes sense. All I could come up with was recording equipment but there is no need to hide that. Thanks for the thought! :)

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Can we run wild with the neighbor isn't at all interested in her own safety? Seriously, who would make these statements to media about rumors of cartels? Is it that "fun" to be on tv in such a scary case ?

Those caught in the moment. They get nervous in front of a camera, start to relax for just a moment and the mouth runs lol ime
So the first 911 call on Isabel's behalf was made by a stranger ? Someone in a store that SC Jr. went in ? I wonder if that 911 call will also be released ?


It was. He hands the phone to the older brother almost immediately since he does not even know what address to send LE to.
So the first 911 call on Isabel's behalf was made by a stranger ? Someone in a store that SC Jr. went in ? I wonder if that 911 call will also be released ?


If you mean the first 911 call on the tape released, yes that was made by a stranger. That was released.
If you mean the first call at all, no. Sergio called first.
The second call on that same tape is Sergio's call.
Two calls were released on the same tape, but out of order, in reverse chronological order. At the end of Sergio's call you can hear the Operator say that they have his son on the line.
I'm having an issue with how Isa was removed from the yard. The only way out onto the street would be throuh the garage door, over the fence, or the gate door. RC tells 911 that the door was locked. I am in agreement with an earlier post that RC likely meant the gate door when referring to "the door". If that was locked it's unlikely that was the exit point. According to the floor plan I saw posted, the garage is an unlikely exit point because the perp would have had to carry Isa across the family room where Sergio was sleeping. I assume he was watching TV there because he mentioned that there was a wall between him and Isa's room...unless he was watching TV in the Den (?). Finally, there is the possibility of exiting through the window and scaling the fence with a 40lb child. Is there video of the yard after her disappearance? Were there items stacked against the fence that would allow someone to climb on them to get over the wall?
Well, here is a rumor.

JM's mom lives in FL and is the president of an Equestrian club. The neighbor has her FB cover photo as her doing equestrian. JM's mom has a connection with a Swanson last name. On youtube, the neighbor is videotaped with someone with the last name Swanson.

What does that mean? Hell if I know. :)

LOL. great post. because that's exactly what i'd be doing right now, googling the crap out of floridian equus societies. i'm not kidding.

but i have never thought that JM is even a factor here. he strolled into town, got three dee-wee's in two months, cousin becky got it erased, and mr. couch-surfer showed up that morning to help out and become the unwanted spokesjeep.

IMO. i'm moving on to sleuthing the unsleuth-able. kwim?
I get the feeling she was speaking as if their involvement with Cartels was indeed common knowledge everyone knew about. Very strange indeed.

Maybe...but if you had cartel activity you thought was common knowledge in your neighborhood would you talk about it on TV? She must be very naive if she thinks it is just something you talk about. You know if there are burglaries in your neighborhood you don't get on the news and say, "I am afraid because I am all alone at night and I sleep really soundly".....would you announce you are alone and think you know about a Cartel or gang connection with the neighbors?
Well, here is a rumor.

JM's mom lives in FL and is the president of an Equestrian club. The neighbor has her FB cover photo as her doing equestrian. JM's mom has a connection with a Swanson last name. On youtube, the neighbor is videotaped with someone with the last name Swanson.

What does that mean? Hell if I know. :)

Nice catch! I assume you were picking your jaw up off the ground as these coincidences piled up. I know I would have been. Wow. I don't know if it means anything, but it IS odd.
Those caught in the moment. They get nervous in front of a camera, start to relax for just a moment and the mouth runs lol ime

My late father who had a doctorate and was so smart was involved once in an "incident" , nothing criminal but witnessed a huge thing in our area. He called to tell me he was ok and first thing I said was don't go on T.V.
In a tense situation they make you look silly. My father the "dr" when at home was in a tshirt and jeans and had never been on tv..
You can look silly.
But I just would not be willingly filmed. I'd contact the police if he didn't come to me and be plenty afraid.


What I am referring to is not crime related at all but a really tragic, huge event where a lot of people died and my father witnessed it.
I know it is different but I still thought of how the news makes people look "low rent" etc.....I think the surprise effect can be hard on people and make them talk without thinking.
Maybe the neighbor was just nervous. I just don't think I'd go to news interviews if my neighbors kid went missing......ALL MOO
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