AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - #16

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I think it's abduction by someone known to the family.

Someone from their church, school, ballpark, grocery store, etc. Someone had Isa in mind and took her. It's a local person who has reason to be in their circle.

2 to 1 odds.

I too think someone may have been watching her. The dogs being loose concerns me. I do think it may be related. I've also had some suspicions about the security store having a camera facing the house. (I think it is the security store, its been a while since I visited this theory...SOMEONE said they had a camera facing the house). It could be easily used to monitor the coming and goings of the Celis family. I also think whoever may have been watching the family walked around inside their house while the family was at the ballgame. I think they focused on the childrens rooms for that reason.
I have been reading this forum for along time now. You all have great ideas on this case. This is my scenario. I have read a lot about this case and watched a lot of news and read in a lot of other forums and trying to put things together, this is my opinion.
#1. I think this has to do with drugs and the cartel, or any other drug ring that is linked to this family, on another forum somebody posted SC criminal background and on that it had "proof of income" so that raised a red flag, I am sure he was some kind of dealer.
#2. On another thread somebody close to the family said SC was talking to somebody at the game the night before and heard him say " he is going to get his", who would he be talking about? Maybe somebody threating him to pay up.
#3. I think his 911 was weird but maybe he didn't want to bring attention to this situation and thought they would bring her back.
#4. I think cps jumped in cause his family was in danger,the drug cartel is not a world to get involved with. And if your father is involved in any drug ring you should have your kids taken away.
#5. Even if he failed a polygraph which we don't know yet, it might be cause he failed to keep his family safe. He is guilty,guilty, guilty.
I really don't think SC just decides one night to rape, molest, and kill his daughter. I have 4 kids 3 boys and 1 girl and my husband said " what would be the worst thing somebody could do to me?" take my daughter!! Not saying that if our boys were abducted he wouldn't be sad, or hurt but " daddy's protect their daughters." The drug cartels are not dumb. You take what's closest to you.
That's my first scenario. My second is UNCLE JUSTIN!! To many red flags with him.
But authorities say taking a child is rare!! Really? Thats all we ever hear about.. It happens all the time. People are getting crazier and crazier all the time. Think about all the stuff we don't hear about state to state, country to country.
I paid no personal mind to the neighbor or her statement for various reasons. My cartel angle is based on other information totally separate from her statement, pre-dates her statement, and it's certainly a case of connect-the-dots. I promise anyone who cares that I will gladly provide that information when/if an arrest it made. Until then I simply cannot do so. So it remains a "Local Rumor" and should be treated as just that.

I have no issues with the cartel angle, it just happened to be one of the comments she made. I think it's a perfectly reasonable theory, and I don't even have a local point-of-view.

- It just bothers me that so many are treating the statements about the dogs and male voices as gospel. It may ABSOLUTELY be true, but with a healthy dose of skepticism, I'd like to hear from someone else too. It just seems unlikely that she'd be the only one to hear the dogs if they were putting up the fuss she said they were. I have 2 dogs that live next to me that are barkers, but I can tell their different types of barking and know when to check on them. :) I haven't seen where LE said anything about the voices or the barking, but I definitely could have missed - I need a race car to keep up with these threads - lol.
Since you are an "unverified" local, I'll ask you:
Do you know when LE announced that they are looking into the family's finances? Sometimes we hear about this in the cases of a murdered spouse, but I can't think of when I've heard this mentioned during this course of a missing child investigation. TIA

ETA: as I was posting this, I believe Lark2 was answering.

I heard the finance checking on our local news yesterday evening. I posted also about what I heard. I can't give you anymore than that as proof. I heard it while watching the news about Isa. You could check my posts from then (not many btw) with the station I watched. Contact them if you want. Hope that helps.

(reminder to me, don't post unless you have a link)
It's been hugely unpopular to post this, and I have received a smackdown for even suggesting it, but to me, it is far more likely that this was an inside job engineered as some sort of way to make money rather than an outside cartel abduction.

I'll repeat what was reported weeks ago: LE was interviewing the kids' friends to see what they might have been discussing in the week before Isa went missing. I thought that was interesting and potentially significant.

I was wondering if the kids friends were possibly team mates of theirs. I wondered if they were checking out the 'coach'----to see if he had been inappropriate with any of them or their little sisters. ?
Well, LE has had 3 more days to investigate since we last heard from them; hope they let some clue drop tomorrow...this is really going on too long...JMO
I was trying to think thru the cartel angle earlier and thought... maybe but I doubt it that there is some sort of setup that would give just cause to get feds into searching in Mexico on a non related issue and they refuse to let local pd in on the plot BUT idk it kinda sounds JFK to say the least.

I'm not sure about the cartel theory either, but I'm willing to consider it and I want to be open-minded to all reasonable possibilities. When it was suggested that cartels weren't worth discussing, I jumped in just because...(there are cartels in the southwest and they are responsible for a lot of violence) :truce:

I do think Sergio knows what happened to Isabel.
It's been hugely unpopular to post this, and I have received a smackdown for even suggesting it, but to me, it is far more likely that this was an inside job engineered as some sort of way to make money rather than an outside cartel abduction.

I'll repeat what was reported weeks ago: LE was interviewing the kids' friends to see what they might have been discussing in the week before Isa went missing. I thought that was interesting and potentially significant.

But once their scheme is uncovered, they'll have to give back any money they made. So do you think the family isn't aware of that and thinks they can keep the money and just go about their day...?
Thank you, and I agree. That theory best fits some of unusual aspects of this case, and would also explain why Sergio seems so unconcerned on the 911 call. I can get a person trying to stay calm and focused during an emergency, but Sergio reports her "abduction" in such a casual manner. I show more emotion than that when I call to report that my cable has gone out!

My first post, bear with me.
In keeping with theories related to criminal associations (cartels and/or F&F), could SC's 911 call demeanor be attributed to the possibility that Isabel's "abduction" was arranged with the knowledge of SC to provide protection for Isabel and not for financial gain? RC's initial distress heard in her 911 conversation on 4/21/12 was significantly tempered when she appeared publicly during the couple's first (and subsequent) press conferences. IMO, information revealing greater details about Isabel's disappearance may have been shared with RC.
Simply, my opinion.
Here is the thing; this case presented as a true, rare, stranger abduction at first. The only reason I am backing away from that theory is because of the actions and words from LE. And they know a lot more than I do. They have said nothing that leads me to believe that whatever evidence they have is pointing to someone outside of the family. JMO
I heard the finance checking on our local news yesterday evening. I posted also about what I heard. I can't give you anymore than that as proof. I heard it while watching the news about Isa. You could check my posts from then (not many btw) with the station I watched. Contact them if you want. Hope that helps.

(reminder to me, don't post unless you have a link)

I am glad you posted that - even without a link. The reason I asked was, I wondered if this was a new tidbit that LE leaked to the press after the CPS action and release of the 911 calls. It just seems that it might be another way to put pressure on the family.
I too think someone may have been watching her. The dogs being loose concerns me. I do think it may be related. I've also had some suspicions about the security store having a camera facing the house. (I think it is the security store, its been a while since I visited this theory...SOMEONE said they had a camera facing the house). It could be easily used to monitor the coming and goings of the Celis family. I also think whoever may have been watching the family walked around inside their house while the family was at the ballgame. I think they focused on the childrens rooms for that reason.

Is this Security Store the same as / or near Blue Chip computer ??
My first post, bear with me.
In keeping with theories related to criminal associations (cartels and/or F&F), could SC's 911 call demeanor be attributed to the possibility that Isabel's "abduction" was arranged with the knowledge of SC to provide protection for Isabel and not for financial gain? RC's initial distress heard in her 911 conversation on 4/21/12 was significantly tempered when she appeared publicly during the couple's first (and subsequent) press conferences. IMO, information revealing greater details about Isabel's disappearance may have been shared with RC.
Simply, my opinion.

I thought of that possibility, as well. I also wondered if RC didn't know about it beforehand, learned the details afterwards from SC, and was putting on a public show of support for him. If he arranged for Isabel's disappearance in order to protect her, though, I don't know why he would involve LE in the first place.
I am glad you posted that - even without a link. The reason I asked was, I wondered if this was a new tidbit that LE leaked to the press after the CPS action and release of the 911 calls. It just seems that it might be another way to put pressure on the family.

I haven't heard anymore & that was the first I heard they were checking the C's finances.

There was an ATF search warrant served at 7am this morning, they arrested 4 last I heard, talking with 3 more there. ATF found 3 stolen motorcycles. TPD was called in due to something else found. I don't consider this connected unless more comes out. It was on the SE side, I-10/Wilmot area.

If I hear anything or should say have a link to an update, I'll post it!
I thought of that possibility, as well. I also wondered if RC didn't know about it beforehand, learned the details afterwards from SC, and was putting on a public show of support for him. If he arranged for Isabel's disappearance in order to protect her, though, I don't know why he would involve LE in the first place.

Yeah, it seems they could have just sent her away to relatives or something, if she was in danger for some reason...not make this huge, national event out of it. Or at least, once it became so huge, confess to LE about it.
It maybe another drug ring, it don't have to be the cartels, there are a lot of drug groupies that get ugly. Drugs are ugly and make people ugly and do crazy things.
Did anybody else follow the "hinky meter forum" all I know is the main person doing it told one of the posters to email them before they keep going on with the investigation, then it got shut down. I wonder if the girl poster was on to something. Very interesting!
In order to proceed with thinking about gun/drug cartels, one would have to dismiss the dog hit inside the house. I am going with cadaver (I know we were not told, but that seems logical). If you learned a cadaver dog hit inside the home, would you change your theory about the financial situataions and motives associated with that?
There is "hinky" written all over this case w/o bringing in drug/gun theories.
Wouldn't there be an arrest if a cadaver dog hit in the house? Just wondering. LE keeps saying they have no reason to think Isabel is not alive. I don't think they would say that if the dogs smelt death. Idk this case is so crazy!!!
In order to proceed with thinking about gun/drug cartels, one would have to dismiss the dog hit inside the house. I am going with cadaver (I know we were not told, but that seems logical). If you learned a cadaver dog hit inside the home, would you change your theory about the financial situataions and motives associated with that?


I also am going with cadaver dog hit inside the house. IMO that is the reason LE went directly to checking the landfill - thank goodness she wasn't there!
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