AZ - Isabel Mercedes Celis, 6, Tucson, 20 April 2012 - # 7

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There are 2 males & 3 females walking. Many of us also see a 6th unidentified person on the other side of the wall.

OK. I see 3 people walking who have long pants on, possibly one person with shorts on staying close with the 3, and 1 person in shorts walking ahead of the others. I was counting legs and couldn't see the one with shorts in the close group. I also see someone seeming to watch the group leave the area from the other side of the wall.
I must need my eyes examined because I watched the video but only saw 4 people walking. However, I did see the person on the other side of the wall which would make 5 people. Am I wrong?

Wow, I missed a lot yesterday with the release of the tape! It is really hard to tell there is 5 because at the start of the clip, the one is completely obscured by the other one. Then as it goes on, you can see how there are 5.

The 'lurker' definitely does not seem to be with that group. I guess it could be someone relieving himself but he better come forward and fess up because it's important to do so. To me though, it looks like he was bend down very far, not like someone relieving himself.

Where are all the other surveillance videos???

Something tells me this kidnapping was helped along by someone inside the house, and I don't think it was mom or dad.
Looks like the call in the scanner thread did not pan out.

I had a thought. Someone was asking why some posters were concerned about the uncle/cousin JM. I made a list of reasons but I forgot a huge one. Wasn't her talking about Isabel in the past tense just days after she went missing? Off to find the link.

Re: call. They all switched to another channel. But it sounds like they got whoever it was. Probably with a dog bite involved.

Re: JM. Yes, he spoke somewhat in the past tense. I don't remember the exact phrases, though.
The uncle/cousin JM, I'm honed in on him at the moment & have been like others since he spoke to the media. Why? His fb is odd for one, past tense about Isa, where's the women in his life beside a staged cheerleader pics? He loves being an uncle in another. just saying is all...I hope someone close to him speaks up to make him not on the high alert hinky meter of mine.
The uncle/cousin JM, I'm honed in on him at the moment & have been like others since he spoke to the media. Why? His fb is odd for one, past tense about Isa, where's the women in his life beside a staged cheerleader pics? He loves being an uncle in another. just saying is all...I hope someone close to him speaks up to make him not on the high alert hinky meter of mine.

So here's a link to the article indicating he was talking about Isabel in the past tense:
Mastromarino said her family is a loving one.
“They’re very upset right now, mother is beside herself we’re just trying to let police do their thing and get as much info as possible,” said Mastromarino.
Mastromarino described his niece as “just a sweet little girl.”
“All the ambition in the world. She could do whatever she wanted. Didn’t really like strangers or anything like that so very close knitted and just very wise,” said Mastromarino.

He made that statement two days after she disappeared. Weird. Startin' to get a hink.
For the sake of the family, I really hope the uncle has nothing to do with it...but something just seems weird here. That's a big wall and a lot of dogs for a stranger to get past. JMO

*sent from my hates me*
It's later here, and this may be a stupid idea, but does anyone think it's possible that someone broke into the house while the family was at the game, pried the screen for easier access back in later, and moved the shade so that they could see in to tell when Isa was put to bed? THen they could have just let themselves back out, however they got in, and waited, peeking through the window until she was in bed and gone back in.

I know the dogs make this unlikely, but the dog I had before this one was so intimidated by the guys that robbed us blind that the only sign he left that anyone had been in the house were the huge piles of poop spread throughout the house. The robbers really scared him. If they hadn't taken anything, we would have just thought he was a really bad dog while we were gone. It wouldn't have been too hard for one of the neighbors to figure out their schedule, I guess it wouldn't have been too hard for anyone...if they saw the whole family leaving, and at least one of them was wearing a sports uniform, that seems like a pretty safe bet that the house will be empty of people for the next couple hours.
I'm somewhat confused about this 'uncle'....was he staying with the family? Because he was with the Dad at a neighbors at 8:05 AM looking for Isabel, and her father discovered her missing at 8AM. So either he was there or he lives a few seconds away?
I'm somewhat confused about this 'uncle'....was he staying with the family? Because he was with the Dad at a neighbors at 8:05 AM looking for Isabel, and her father discovered her missing at 8AM. So either he was there or he lives a few seconds away?

Nobody seems to have an answer for that question yet, it seems he may have been staying with them given the circumstances you cite, i.e. he was there right at 8 am when she was discovered missing, so either he had planned to be there for some reason maybe he was helping coach the team and they had a ballgame or something that morning and he was there that early for that reason or he was already there because he was staying there as it seems unlikely that he called to come over when she went missing because he got there too fast for that it seems to me, unless he lives very closely, like around the block or something but as I recall he has no known address in Tucson.

Do we know if the Uncle has a job here in Tucson or is he just visiting Tucson and is from elsewhere?

Some think the Uncle was involved, I havent gotten to that point myself yet as I see no reason to assume he would do that to his niece and without some sort of evidence to suggest that I just cant bring myself to stat accusing him at this point.

Is this Uncle on Mom's side and he must be a HALF BROTHER to mom if so as his name (its in the ABCNEWS article from early on) is JUSTIN MASTROMARINO and Mom's maiden name is SNYDER, so maybe he is a HALF BROTHER they have same mother for example but different fathers which explains the different last names.
So here's a link to the article indicating he was talking about Isabel in the past tense:

He made that statement two days after she disappeared. Weird. Startin' to get a hink.

I'll tell you why my 'hinky' was up from him from day one is that I felt he was talking way too much the first day. I thought that odd. Kind of like the over helpful volunteer in some missing persons cases who turns up to be the perp.
I'll tell you why my 'hinky' was up from him from day one is that I felt he was talking way too much the first day. I thought that odd. Kind of like the over helpful volunteer in some missing persons cases who turns up to be the perp.

Well it is very common for an extended family member to step up to the plate in a situation like this and speak for the grieving parents who cant deal with the media at that time so I am not sure that makes him "hinky" ( I dont even know what hinky means) it may in fact make him quite helpful and concerned for the mom and dad who he knows cant talk at that time so he steps up and does it for them.

I know he looks a little different but I am trying hard not to let his clothing, jewelry and hat choices cloud my judgement because it is just ridiculous and irrational to do so, that said is there any real legitimate reason to suspect Mr Mastromarino other than the fact that he spoke in past tense (common mistake under pressure of lights and cameras with a microphone shoved in your face.)? Whats the story with the criminal record and drugs someone mentioned him being involved with?
I may have missed this, but does anyone know the ages of Isa's brothers. txs
I want to say thanks for all the great sleuthing on this thread, with the maps, videos, and fact checking! I'm way behind on this case and now I feel well-informed. You rock!


And welcome to our Newbies! :wagon:
Have there been any cases where a biological parent murdered a child and the other parent covered up for them? This would exclude the horrific child abuse cases where both parents are involved and exclude the mother's boyfriend cases where the mother covers up for the bf. I'm talking about cases where there was no abuse but for whatever reason one parent snapped and the other one stood by them and covered up the crime.

The reason I ask is I don't see how a spouse regardless of how many years they've been married murders the child and then they stand beside him or her and protect them from prosecution. I would be the first to call the cops if my husband murdered my child.

I don't get that. I'm not saying that is at all the case here but just wondering if there have been any PROVEN cases where this has happened. I can't think of any.
I'm somewhat confused about this 'uncle'....was he staying with the family? Because he was with the Dad at a neighbors at 8:05 AM looking for Isabel, and her father discovered her missing at 8AM. So either he was there or he lives a few seconds away?

According to his fb page he went to Tucson University so I don't know why people assume he's not from Tucson. Maybe I'm missing something. I'm also missing his alleged criminal record.
Well it is very common for an extended family member to step up to the plate in a situation like this and speak for the grieving parents who cant deal with the media at that time so I am not sure that makes him "hinky" ( I dont even know what hinky means) it may in fact make him quite helpful and concerned for the mom and dad who he knows cant talk at that time so he steps up and does it for them.

I know he looks a little different but I am trying hard not to let his clothing, jewelry and hat choices cloud my judgement because it is just ridiculous and irrational to do so, that said is there any real legitimate reason to suspect Mr Mastromarino other than the fact that he spoke in past tense (common mistake under pressure of lights and cameras with a microphone shoved in your face.)? Whats the story with the criminal record and drugs someone mentioned him being involved with?

I don't mean to think that this is where my opinion lies in what happened or who is suspect. Urban dictionary defines 'hinky' as: "1. Strange, wrong weird 2. Something that is wrong or out of place. " I simply found it a bit out of place. Again, only my opinion based on him being right there from the beginning. And I haven't even seen what he looks like, have no idea and only read his statements. Is he guilty? How would I know. If we all knew who was guilty, we wouldn't be here.
I am 100% behind the parents, there is nothing but nothing to make me think anything is hinky about either one of them. They seem a loving normal couple with kids they adore.

The creeps who do this sort of thing are completely brazen, look at Kienan Heberts kidnapper who not only took him but returned him to his living room right under LE's nose. (thank god he did too). John Couey walked into a house with a dog and two sleeping adults and quietly took Jessica Lunsford while Elizabeth Smart and Polly Klaas's kidnappers had a house full and in one case left a live witness. These guys fixate on someone, it isn't just to get a kid but to get the kid they want they are willing to do whatever it takes and they believe they are invincible..which in a way they are bc their chutzpah allows them to get in and out with a child. Joeseph Duncan took Shasta into a gas station store with full video/security cameras after her kidnapping and then to a Dennys.

This mystery figure could easily be the kidnapper.. Even with a wall there, you are talking a six year old frightened out of her wits by a man in her bedroom probably with a knife or weapon who imo is telling her if she makes a sound or doesn't cooperate he will kill her parents and brothers. As an adult I might go with him quietly to keep my family safe, as a six year old there is no question about it. Scale a wall or climb out the window, she would do as she is told. He could push her up over the wall in a minute and she would wait til he climbed over himself, terrified to do anything but what she is told.

Plus the coincidence of a lurking man avoiding being seen the night a girl goes missing just a short walk from her house is to high for me.

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