Found Deceased AZ - Isabella Grogan-Cannella, 8, Bullhead City, 2 September 2014 - #3

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Same fb link, right under one of the mother's comments, a RM posted, interesting.
Same fb link, right under one of the mother's comments, a RM posted, interesting.

That's what I found interesting because it seems as if they were friends at some point ... And she sees through TG's bull ...
What ?
Ok did anything come of the latest search of the home ? tia
Oh lawdy, this is jaw dropping and mind boggling and all kinds of UGH. :facepalm:
Oh, from all I'm seeing she's likely online reading right now. Either FB or here, looking for more ways to play the martyr and get more attention. I believe this to be one, very serious, wicked woman.

I am sure she is reading everything she can about herself and finding some kind of warped pleasure in it......

I am so hesitant to write this because it is not my story. It is my son, my dil and my granddaughter's story but i really want to share a few thoughts. In spring of 2013, my son, dil and granddaughter were visiting some friends with a pool. My dil and her friend went to the grocery store and left my granddaughter with the friends mom. A very responsible adult. My granddaughter got away from her (long story) and when my dil came back in the back gate she found her daughter, my granddaughter floating on the top of the pool. My dil was in nursing school.and thank God was calm enough to perform CPR and she is a perfect 3 year old, beautiful, happy smart amazing....etc.....little girl. BUT to this moment my dil cannot talk about it without becoming almost hysterical. She has had horrid nightmares, we could not get her to eat hardly at all for a year. It was horrible. Of course LE did a thorough investigation and it was almost immediately deemed an accident but nothing will ever replace the horror of her holding her lifeless child in her arms. My dil reacted and has continued to react exactly how I think a mother would react to losing or almost losing a child. TG's actions speak volumes of the character of person she is. Perhaps drugs or other substances have numbed her but I truly believe she is just an extremely narcissistic individual that has little feelings for anyone but herself......
1) JJR confirmed he was at Isabella's house that evening. He also confirmed he had been staying (assumed at least slept overnight) at the house for the "past few days" before and at least up to the day Isabella went missing. During the time of his stay JJR would likely have had continued exposure to Isabella in and around the house. A pedophile's dream scenario?

2) JJR claimed to have gone to a friend’s house immediately after leaving Isabella’s house. This is a KEY POINT that clearly JJR was in defense mode as he attempted to create an alibi hoping his long-time friend would play along. Seemingly, the long-time friend did the right thing. Also note this indicates JJR wants LE to believe he had left the house only once that evening.

3) "Wrong place at the wrong time." I interpret that as JJR indirectly admitting he was in a state in which he was exposed to Isabella (wrong place) at the 'wrong time' .. a depravity, no need to extrapolate further.

There is nothing in the news report that indicates police documents contain statements from JJR having claimed a conspiracy with TG and / or RF, that they attempted to hire him as a "hit man" (as had been rumored in social media).

That leads to the following question: how many times and when did JJR leave Isabella's house that evening? Based on comments from TG and RF, JJR left either sometime before or when they had left for Wal-Mart .. a confirmation they saw him leave / assumed he left the house .. and Isabella was still home, getting ready for bed.


And this article:

Isabella's sister reported that she and Isabella were playing "hide and seek" and that after she had returned from a bathroom break "Isabella and Rector were gone." This could be misconstrued reporting. It is not clear how JJR played in to that scenario but I believe by the time LE interviewed the sister they knew JJR had been at the house that evening (it is assumed LE would have first interviewed TG, RF and the grandmother) and when the sister stated that Isabella was gone LE probably followed up by asking the sister if she had seen JJR either before or when she returned from the bathroom break and she might simply have replied, "No. He was gone, too." or "No. I did not see him there."

As I had noted previously: Occam's Razor: the simplest explanation is most likely the truth.

Section in blue:

Wrong place wrong time. "He was in a state in which he was exposed" ? "Depravity"? What exactly do you mean here specifically? That....what? He was caught 'in a state' and then acted in a depraved way because he was 'in a state'? This theory sounds vaguely familiar to one I've heard on another thread. Please extrapolate further.

Section in red:

That JJR ever left is an assumption that can only be made if you cherry pick TG's quotes. In other MSM quotes, TG herself said her daughter called and said she couldn't find Justin or Bella. TG also said she never saw Justin......and he was on the other side of the glass door when she left. Never seeing him on 9/1 is demonstrably false if she saw him anywhere near her sliding door. TG is an extremely unreliable witness. That's about all we can assume from any of her statements.

Section in green:

Occam's Razor: the principle (attributed to William of Occam) that in explaining a thing, no more assumptions should be made than are necessary. The principle is often invoked to defend reductionism or nominalism.

In the theory you put forth, we have to believe:

1) TG simultaneously never saw JR on 9/1, saw him just leaving, and also knew he was there all along (she has reported all three)
2) RF completely forgot JR's existence, when he was befuddled on his 911 call, and the entire time LE was questioning him
3) TG completely forgot JR's existence the entire time they were questioning her.
4) That LE only asked the 10 year old about JJR's existence. (and how could they do that, they didn't know he existed until she told them)
5) TG is a reliable witness who never saw JJR, saw him leave, and knew he was there the whole time AND the reporters have misconstrued this.
6) Though the grandmother and the daughter both say TG was communicating with JJR, and Mods and posters on this thread have seen things to corroborate this, TG is the truthful one, with three versions, and the grandmother, daughter, a mod, and several posters are all the ones lying. It's a conspiracy of lies, and TG is the one person telling three truths.
7) 10 year old has nearly photographic memory of Bella's clothing and is exactly right about who Bella was with, but was in a fog about what her mother was doing during the time before 911 was called.

The theory that is most widely held, TG and RF knowingly left two little girls with a high risk felon. The home was a flop house for felons, drug addicts, and possibly stolen weapons fencing, as evidenced by recent arrests and police reports. 10 year old called in a panic because BOTH Bella and JJR were missing. TG did not immediately call 911. TG never called 911. TG likely exchanged words with JJR is some way. TG came home. 40 more minutes were wasted not calling 911. 911 finally placed by step father sounding non-urgent. No idea where she could be. Except maybe here and here. Her sister says she can't find HER. Not them. It's odd because she usually doesn't leave BY HERSELF. LE come and TG and RF still do not mention JJR. In any way. It is up to the 10 year old. Who according to TG is not to be believed, unless she's accurately describing clothes last seen wearing or, you know, who was here today and tonight. The not calling 911 immediately and with urgency for their beloved daughter was to buy time for themselves for some reason. This 'amnesia' and 'befuddlement' is because they felt compelled to not out JJR's involvement to police.

For this theory to be true one must assume:

1) TG and RF would lie to LE. Have they ever lied to LE? Have they had reason to hide anything from LE ever?
2) TG and RF had something to hide from LE that they felt was more important than helping Bella. See above two questions.

Two assumptions have to be made. No rationalizations for befuddled parents, three versions, multiple discombobulated reporters, parental amnesia, lying mothers, lying ten year olds.

Occam's razor: No more assumptions should be made than are necessary.
I just occurred to me how dumb it was to leave the body at a construction site. Duh. It would've been found soon even if the LE didn't find it soquickly!! It's not a remote place, covered over with brush, but an active working site with digging machinery. He REALLY is dumb or didn't care if the body was found.

I also see that TG posted that the funeral was changed from public to private. I'm glad for that! But....I'll believe it when I see it.
I was more answering @taysmommy who has an issue with the father of her child and her long-term fiance being shirtless on the bed with their child. What sort of society do we live in where we are so fearful even of the men closest to us? My dad bathed me until I was 7 (and later on my adopted sister as well), and I slept with him many nights as a child, and obviously, nothing bad happened. He was also the one that had to dress me up every morning, including helping me put on fresh underwear for kindergarten. Granted, I am European, and therefore, less impressed and horrified by nudity or obsessed with pedophiles, but still ... not trusting the father of your child to sit on a bed with it just because he is a guy is so wrong to me. Women can be molesters too, but I bet most mothers would be horrified if their partners suspected them of being one and restricted the circumstances of interaction with their kids.

I have never once restricted his access to our daughter, he has the same feelings as I do as to what is acceptable and what is not. He did bathe her as a younger child and changed her diapers and such. We just personally feel that him spending time with her without a shirt on is not appropriate. Nor would I ever suspect him of doing anything inappropriate with her, or even having those thoughts. I was simply answering another post who felt that photo was as strange as I did.
I wish these moms would quit naming their daughters "heaven" spelled backwards. Just seems to pop up to often in these type cases. Just my opinion.
bella's middle name is neveah, then there is neveah buchanan and I read of another little murder girl who had a sister named neveah.
Jmo this mother comes close to winning top prize for strange behavior following murder of her child and we have seen some doozies...
I believe she will be arrested following the funeral . JMO


I'm sitting at work and all of a sudden it hit me! You beat me to the punch! LOL

I think they are waiting for the funeral to be done because it certainly would look terrible if they arrested a "grieving mother" before she was able to lay her child to rest.

ALSO.....LE is going to be watching this funeral like no other. I can only imagine the characters that will be in attendance and what may transpire. be a fly on the wall.
I don't know if she is going to be arrested after the funeral, but you can be sure LE is looking at her carefully. There's a reason she is so touchy about her reputation as being a good mother. There is, IMHO, a lot more behind the abduction and murder of sweet Bella.

I would not want her arrested unless LE has all the information it needs.
Maybe it's time to rethink the motivation for this murder. With no sexual assault charges being filed, and the autopsy completed, then one would have to think that the motivation was not sexual. No question JR is demented, a drug addict and all around sick individual but he's not a rapist as far as we know based on the charges.

So now, we go back to the drugs, money, extortion perhaps, and whatever else was going on in that house.

No matter what, I can't imagine kidnapping a child, and killing them over something that had nothing to do with the child. It was all about getting back at the mother for something? The family? The step dad?

What's the motive?

I believe that everyone living in that house, friends and family know the motive.

We're not done yet.

Wasn't the baby found without pants? I gave not followed this case closely but I think theories of a sacrificial lamb for drug payment retribution is quite far fetched. It just looks like a fox was left guarding the hen house. Purposefully.

But why did these folks fail to let 911 know that the guy had been there and went missing as well? That's baffling and unforgivable to me. And the slight pause when he states they were left with his mother in the call indicates, IMO, he was hiding this fact. Why? Is it due to conditions of parole or something? Known felons not being allowed to hang with known felons?
I've read it mentioned in a few places that poor TG had nothing to do with this and/or is not responsible in any way because she had NO idea JR would ever do something like this. On the surface, that almost sounds reasonable but in reality, it's completely false and here's why:

Drug users and/or drug addicts sit around having conversations just like anyone else. Fondly remembering past parties, who was there, who did what, etc. Funny stuff, weird stuff and completely off the wall stuff. One will say something like "oh yeah, remember that time so-and-so was so baked and he did such-and-such?!" To which, everyone nods and mumbles things like "yeah, that was completely nuts" and another will say something like "I would have never expected him to do something like that" and yet another will chime in with "we had some seriously killer (insert drug of choice) that night!"

How do I know this? Well, from first hand experience in another lifetime, being around people just like this. From recreational users to full on addicts - THEY know this happens. Almost every single user can tell you about someone they know, or heard of, that did something SO out of character while on whatever kind of drug, that normally they'd have never done (and had never done prior, or since, assuming they're still alive). Point is, they know it's possible, they know it's a risk and they know it's a higher risk the more drugs you do.

So for anyone to say "well TG had no idea JR would ever do anything like that" is purely a statement from either the uninformed or those in denial. I can almost guarantee TG and her crowd of friends have had these exact same conversations, so YES, they do know it's entirely possible for either the meth or the heroin or whatever it is they're doing, can cause someone to melt a head-gasket and do something heinous. Yes, they KNOW it happens. They just don't think it's ever going to happen to them, or to someone they care about. Until it does.
Wasn't the baby found without pants? I gave not followed this case closely but I think theories of a sacrificial lamb for drug payment retribution is quite far fetched. It just looks like a fox was left guarding the hen house. Purposefully.

But why did these folks fail to let 911 know that the guy had been there and went missing as well? That's baffling and unforgivable to me. And the slight pause when he states they were left with his mother in the call indicates, IMO, he was hiding this fact. Why? Is it due to conditions of parole or something? Known felons not being allowed to hang with known felons?

Some possibilities that have been discussed as to why the mom and stepdad misled LE:

1. An attempt to steer LE's focus away from the house because illegal items (drugs, weapons) were present.
2. Fear/mistrust of LE due to past dealings with them (everyone involved had criminal records).
3. Fear of CPS, which has been involved in the past.
4. Stepdad who made the 911 call was "befuddled" and didn't think JR was in the house and therefore not worth mentioning.
5. Afraid to mention JR because he was holding Bella hostage due to a drug dispute.

And so on. No sexual assault charges have been filed so far but IMO I find it hard to believe nothing happened since Bella was discovered half-clothed. I won't be surprised if they are added as the case progresses.

The only thing that's glaringly clear about this case (IMO) is that no one in that house considered Bella's safety to be their top priority and based on interviews with the mom and stepdad it seems that she continues to fall behind their concerns for themselves.
Gosh, can you imagine a week after your child was found murdered, sitting on Facebook arguing with some of the folk who were searching for her?
If there's any truth to the Facebook rumours,she has been eating out, visiting casinos and just generally out in the community.
It is the day before her daughters memorial, that it sounds like the grandma who has the girls now, has been organising, and she's sitting on Facebook telling people they can't attend the public memorial!
And seriously, she wonders why she is seen in a negative light!

She reminds me of Jenna Farrey. Jackson Farrey's "mother" and "mother" to his living older brother (whom she left unattended constantly to go out and party).
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