Deceased/Not Found AZ - Jhessye Shockley, 5, Glendale, 11 Oct 2011 - #2 *J. Hunter guilty*

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Thank you! copy and paste of my post from thread #1......
Grandma saying children are split up. 13 yr old on hunger strike....she is sick to death.
Who better than grandma to get info from these kids? who better than grandma to console them?
Mom saying a CPS social worker contacted her and asked how to get her 13 yr old to eat. She told them how and now the 13 yr old is eating. She told them her children's personalities and how to get them more comfortable. How can they claim she is disconnected from her kids if they have to call her to find this stuff out?

I am sure she "knew" her kids. Knew how to manipulate them, knew their fears, their weaknesses.This is a very smart woman, she's no dummy. Someone like Jerice terrifies me. I feel so much for all those children, I hope they will be okay.
Thank you! copy and paste of my post from thread #1......
Grandma saying children are split up. 13 yr old on hunger strike....she is sick to death.
Who better than grandma to get info from these kids? who better than grandma to console them?
Mom saying a CPS social worker contacted her and asked how to get her 13 yr old to eat. She told them how and now the 13 yr old is eating. She told them her children's personalities and how to get them more comfortable. How can they claim she is disconnected from her kids if they have to call her to find this stuff out?

I would luv to hear what she said. How do u get a 13 year old to eat who doesn't want too? I can guess how Jerice would do it. Cant help but think she is lying and trying to look good. Just bouncing off your post.
I am beginning to wonder if the guy seen with Jerice (younger, white, male) during MSM coverage during the early days of searching was a red herring. There was some speculation that he may be the baby daddy but it never felt true to me based off of the brief images of his walking beside and briefly holding hands with Jerice.

I think Jerice's newest baby's father is not and has not been for a while - in the picture.

Yeah, but for some reason I get the feeling JH couldn't last a week without a man.
I would like to think that a cousin took Jahessye to safeguard her from JH, but I seriously have my doubts. I think the cousins would go about gaining custody of J legally, since JH is a convicted child abuser. Surely, they documented the wounds they've noticed on the children? The older children are old enough to testify against their mother.

Anyway, what would the cousins gain by abducting J if they go to jail? I think they would have admitted taking Jahessye by now and noted to LE that JH came and took J from them without their consent after she was released from prison. And what about the other children? They are also victims of JH's abuse and I'm sure the cousins are equally concerned for their well-being. Why take only Jahessye?

At this point, I'm afraid something much more sinister than a family squabble over custody rights is at play. :(

I agree with you. As much as i would LOVE to believe that this angel is being protected by a loving cousin, i have to be realistic. Grandma needs to shut her trap. All she is interested in is putting blame elsewhere. Moo- she knows her role in all of this...even if it is only the fact that she created this monster of an egg donor! (Although, MOO...there is much more to her part in it!)
If JH did not completely destroy beautiful J herself, the only other possibilities i will (maybe) entertain are 1: she paid someone to carry out the deed, knowing J was already too lifeless/damaged to save (death smell, zombie appearance, etc.) Or 2. She sold her (which i think is the least likely). Maybe that is why "team JH" is so adamant about her not being guilty of murder. Maybe in their twisted mind if someone to else did it (per their request ), then they are innocent. Moo moo moo!:maddening:

In any case, im sick of grandma trying to intimidate and manipulate LE
..someone needs to to put that in her place!
Ok, typing this has left me in tears, once again. I am so angry with perps acting like they are the victim. Lock them all up already (since my preferred choice of punishment will be considered unjust)!!!! I want justice for these innocent angels, and i want it ANY cost!!!!!!
It truly is frightening to think that some people will raise enough money to get Jerice out of jail. She is wily like a fox. She has lived by conning people most of her life, and most likely learned how to manipulate others from Shirley.
Jerice, a tyrannical soul-less incubator, had a new life growing in her belly while she "eliminated one of her problems" that could put her back in jail. She simply did what came naturally to her - get rid of the evidence. Maybe Jhessye will get justice from trace evidence found in her closet coffin.

Jerice is a danger to society. Cold, heartless, and conniving.....she should never be allowed to be free to reproduce again. She is going to use all of her acting skills to portray her innocence, but I hope enough evidence will be recovered to wipe that well-practiced look of surprise off her face, permanently. Her capacity for evil needs to be exposed to show the entity behind the public mask she wears. Also, wonder if those glasses perched on her nose are part of her act, a deliberate curtain to keep her eyes out of intense scrutiny from others.

There are no words that I can write about this woman without the entire post looking like this: :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:
At about the 3 minute mark. Johnson last physically saw Jhessye in July, at her last (usual every two month visit). I do talk to the kids on a weekly basis. Not a weekend goes by that I don't call ... Video Player
County Attorney: The System Failed Jhessye
He says CPS in California gave the custody of the children to their grandmother, but as soon as Jerice got out of prison -- the grandmother gave the children back to her.

"We can certainly ask the rhetorical question, why in the hell would you do that, but from a legal standpoint, there's nothing to prevent her from doing it," he said.
County Attorney: The System Failed Jhessye
He says CPS in California gave the custody of the children to their grandmother, but as soon as Jerice got out of prison -- the grandmother gave the children back to her.

"We can certainly ask the rhetorical question, why in the hell would you do that, but from a legal standpoint, there's nothing to prevent her from doing it," he said.
bbm: even if her rights were revoked??? really????
Working on new thread, will be closing this one in a few...

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